My Birthday & Pops Got Us!

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*Allison's P.O.V*

    I woke up at  6:17. I got up and streched. It was my birthday :) I was turning 18! I walked to my closet. i opened it and got a shirt on it was Lime green and it had a DJ panda on it. I got black shorts. I walked into the bathroom and brushed through my hair. I put it up in a ponytail. I walked down stairs all the curtains were closed. Whatever. I went to get some cereal there was a note on the box 'Allison, ran out of ceral more in garage    Your bro, Trey :) ' I walked out of the house through the front door. "SUPRISE" Trey, Rydel, Riker, Rattliff, Rocky, Ross, and my dad yelled. I walked outside suprised. "Allison this is your suprise party" Ross came up behind shoving me to a table. He Showed me the cake 'Happy Birthday Allison! :)' There was a whole table of presents. He pushed me on. There was a jumpy houe thing. One of the side were off so you could see out. I took m shoes off and went in. Ross came in too. A black ttruck came in when we were not looking. THey got out and hid behind a bush and kept taking pics for lie 5 minutes until we got off the thing. Ok they were creepy but whatever. Ross didn't notice them so I didn't say anything. We went to present and ross got his there we like 12. The first 5 were shirts and suff. I opened the next one it was a new phone: Iphone5! ( the people were STILL taking pics.) I opened the other one they were some shoes and 2 were sunglasses. I got done opening them. "Thanks Ross" I said and hugged him. The people were taking pics like crazy. "THE  POPARAZI" Riker screamed. I stopped hugging Ross and he screamed and grabbed my hand and ran to the back of the house. The people were chasing us with the cameras. We all ran into the house and seperated in the house. "Oh my glob" I said "Who are they?" "The paparazi crazy picture people." Ross said breathing hard. "Allison your gonna have an interview tomorrow from T.V. people" Rydel said. "Why?" I asked. "THey got you they take pics THey don't stopuntil they geet what they want" "Great" I said. "Come to my house at 8:00" "ok"

The Day I fell For My Neighbor: Ross LynchWhere stories live. Discover now