12:51 » dahmo

By msmaee

5.2K 110 31

"I thought my feelings were gone." "In which, Momo can't move on with her first love, Dahyun." [Completed] [... More

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new story.


2.5K 51 27
By msmaee

Momo is staring at her cellphone while sobbing. She can't move on with her first love and her first heartbreak, Dahyun. She was staring with their old conversations and old pictures together. But then, She remembered the scene, The scene that breaks her heart into pieces. She always tried to erase and not to remember that scene, But it always flash in her mind.


Momo was eating an ice cream while sitting on a bench. But, Someone caught her attention, It was a girl wearing a black rip jeans and white long sleeves. She find it out cute and giggled. She can't stop staring at the girl. But then, She remembered her ice cream, She ate it and wiped her mouth.

Meanwhile, At Dahyun's side, She was staring at Momo, Her heart beats really fast. She asked her self, "Is this what people called love at first sight?" Since she was holding a camera, She took a picture of Momo. But she was so surprised, When Momo caught her. She turned her head away and she was blushing really hard. Her face is like a tomato, It's so red.

"Excuse me unnie! Can you take a picture of me?" A cute little girl asked her, She didn't hesitated since its a kid. She took a picture of the little girl and showed it to her.

"Is this okay?" She calmly asked her and smiled, The little girl nodded cutely. She didn't know that Momo is behind her. Dahyun turned her head and she was surprised that her face and Momo's face is so close. Its like they're going to kiss. Dahyun moved back and just smiled at Momo.

"Mianhae!" She apologized and lowered her head. Momo can't help but laugh at Dahyun's action. Dahyun was surprised when Momo laughed and the little girl hugged Momo. "Are they sisters?" She thought. "They look so cute." She thought again and giggled.

"You don't need to apologize." Momo said and she smiled widely. Dahyun smiled back. "I should be the one apologizing by my little sister's actions." Momo added.

"No, No its okay!" Dahyun said. Momo just smiled, Dahyun didnt know that Momo was also staring at her earlier. And Momo also blushed when she caught that Dahyun's was staring at her back.

"Hmmm. By the way, Im Dahyun. Kim Dahyun." Dahyun smiled as she introduced her self to Momo. And Dahyun offered her hand for a handshake. Momo accepts it and introduced her self too. "Im Momo. Hirai Momo and this is my little sister, Tzuyu."

"Hmmm. Momo, Are you new here?" Dahyun asked her since its her first time seeing such a beautiful girl like her and it's a new face for Dahyun. Momo answered it with a nod.

"Were having our vacation here. Since it's summer." She added. Dahyun felt sad but she didnt show it.

"Oh. Where are you from then?" Dahyun asked, Faking a smile. She don't want to show that she's sad.

"From Japan." Tzuyu and Momo answered in unison. Dahyun felt happy for what she heard. "She's from Japan, Huh." She thought.

"How long are you going to stay here?" Dahyun asked again with a smile on her face.

"For 3 weeks." Momo answered. "Hmmm. Sorry to interrupt unnies but Dahyun unnie, Can you tour us around?" Tzuyu happily asked Dahyun. Dahyun answered "Sure!"

The three of them are walking around the park, Then a two couple appeared in front of them, It was Dahyun's friends, Jeongyeon and Nayeon. Jeongyeon and Nayeon waved their hands and greeted them. Dahyun decided that the three of them will join the date of the 2yeon couple, They promised that they will not interrupt any moments of the both of them. (Hahahaha.)

"Dahyun is she your new girl?" Jeongyeon asked Dahyun. Dahyun is just in silence, She didn't answer since she know that her friend is just joking her around. "Jeongyeon unnie, You look so cool!" Tzuyu said to Jeongyeon, Jeongyeon just smiled at the little girl. "Hey Chewy, Do you want to play with our daughter next time?" Jeongyeon asked while smiling widely. "Nayeon, You have a daughter?" Momo asked. "We just adopted her." Nayeon answered. "Momo unnie can I play with their daughter next time?" Tzuyu asked her sister with her cute puppy eyes.

"Its okay for me Tzuyu." Momo answered her little sister and smiled. The image of Momo's smile flashed again in Dahyun eyes, Her heart is really beating fast. Dahyun didn't know what to do, So she just kicked the butt of Jeongyeon. All of them laughed, While Jeongyeon is giving Dahyun a what-did-i-do look. Since, Tzuyu is already admiring Jeongyeon, She kicked the butt of Dahyun. "Oww. It hurts." Dahyun reacted. Jeongyeon laughed at Dahyun very hard, Since Jeongyeon is bullying her friend again, Her fiancé, Nayeon slapped her shoulders. "Why babe? I didn't do anything." Jeongyeon complained. "Your bullying again." Nayeon said, "I was just laughing at Dahyun's reaction." Jeongyeon defend her self. "Is that it Ms. Yoo?!" Nayeon said to Jeongyeon with an angry tone.

Dahyun and Momo covered Tzuyu's ears, "Oh Yeah Mrs. Yoo?! How dare you shout at your husband?!" Jeongyeon asked Nayeon. Jeongyeon is not angry at her fiancè, She is just practicing her. "Im sorry babe." Nayeon lowered her head, Jeongyeon just laughed at her. (Hilig ni Jeong tumawa eh noh?) "You should not be sorry babe, After all, It's just a small thing." Jeongyeon hugged her fiancé and smiled at her.

"Ehem." Dahyun faked a cough. "Are they always like that?" Momo suddenly asked Dahyun. "Oh yeah, They are the famous Tom and Jerry couple." Dahyun answered, Momo laughed. "Wae?" Dahyun asked, "It suits them." Momo answered. Dahyun just smiled at her. "Hello guys!" They were all suprised when Sana appeared in-front of them. "Oh sh—" Before Jeongyeon could finish what she was saying her fiancé slapped again her shoulders, Jeongyeon didn't complained at all.

"Jeong, Can't you see? We have an innocent kid here." Sana told Jeongyeon, Jeongyeon was just suprised though. "Sorry." Jeongyeon said sarcastically. "Oh Sana, I would like you to meet this girl beside me." Dahyun said. "Im Hirai Momo." Momo introduced and she offered her hand. "Im Minatozaki Sana." Sana gently accepts it and smiled. "Is she your little sister?" Sana asked Momo by pointing at Tzuyu. "Yeah. Im her pretty and cute little sister." Tzuyu answered. "What's your name?" Sana asked her again. "Tzuyu." Tzuyu answered. "My name is not pronounced as TIU-YOU or CHU-YOU." Tzuyu said. "I know, Its Chewy right?" Sana asked. "You pronounced it right, Unnie. Because, I already pronounced it earlier." Tzuyu answered. What a savage kid.

"Jeongyeon and Nayeon!" Someone shouted from nowhere. They all look around but they didn't see the person who called for Jeongyeon and Nayeon. "Im here, Unnies." They turn their head back and saw Mina with the daughter of 2yeon. "Why did you brought baby Chaeng here?" Nayeon asked. "Mommy, I don't want to be alone!" Chaeyoung said and pouted. "Stop pouting Chae, You look ugly." Jeongyeon said to her daughter. "I look like you mommy Jeongyeon!" Chaeyoung said and laughed.

"Is she your daughter, Jeongyeon unnie?" Tzuyu asked while smiling. "Oh yeah, Cute isn't it? It really looks like me." Jeongyeon said while smiling. "She's beautiful, Like me." Nayeon added. "Your not cute, Jeongyeon unnie." Tzuyu said. Jeongyeon was acting like she was hurt from what she heard. "Because your handsome, Jeongyeon oppa." Tzuyu said and blushed. "So what is going on here? Who are they?" Mina asked. "They are Momo and Tzuyu." Dahyun answered. "Momo? Its kinda familiar to me." Mina said.

"Mommy! I want to play!" Chaeyoung said cheerfully. "Let's play later baby Chae." Nayeon said to her daughter, "But I want to play!" Chaeyoung complained. "Tzuyu, Do you remember what I said earlier?" Jeongyeon asked Tzuyu and smiled. "I will play with your daughter next time." Tzuyu answered and smiled back. "Exactly!" Jeongyeon said. "But that next time is not today." Tzuyu said sarcastically. "Your little sister is really savage, Momo." Sana whispered to Momo. "I heard that Sana unnie." Tzuyu said.

"Chewy let's play!" Chaeyoung said happily. "Next time." Tzuyu said that makes Chaeyoung feel angry. "Let's play!" Chaeyoung said again but now, Angrily. "The angry cub and the savage yoda is now fighting." Mina said. "Tzuyu, Just play with her." Momo said to her little sister. "But I don't wanna." Tzuyu said to her with a teary eyes. "Don't cry girls!" Dahyun said. "Tzuyu, Please play with my daughter." Jeongyeon pleased Tzuyu with her aegyo. "Okay unnie." Tzuyu gave up and just played with Chaeyoung. The angry Chaeyoung turned into a happy Chaeyoung. "Mina please go after them." Nayeon said and Mina followed it.

1 week passed

To Dahyun:

Hey Dahyun, Where are you at?

From: Momo

Dahyun smiled when she received a message from Momo. She can't tell that she's with Sana right now, They're fixing some stuff.
So she decided to reply that she is just home.

To: Momo

At home. Wae?

From: Dahyun

While Momo is packing the noodles she made for Dahyun, She received a text from Dahyun. She thought it would be a great idea if she would surprise Dahyun. So she just replied nothing.

To: Dahyun

Nothing. Huehue

From: Momo

Since Momo is already done packing the noodles, She already went out. But, She was surprised when she saw someone. She asked to herself "Is that her?" She felt broken inside. The girl she fell in love with, Just lied to her. She saw Dahyun with Sana, Momo thought "Are they dating?" she dont even know what the answer is. It was her first time falling in love, Since they were not dating, She decided to give the noodles to her. She came closer to Dahyun and Sana.

"Oh good afternooon Momo." Sana greeted Momo. Dahyun was surprised, She is now full of regrets. She's now regretting for lying, But she thought "Why am I acting like this? Why am I regretting from lying to Momo?" Also Dahyun can't answer it.
"Good afternoon." Momo greeted back and faked a smile. "Are you guys dating?" Momo suddenly asked. "YES." Sana answered.
"When did you start dating?" Momo asked again. "Yesterday." Sana answered again. Dahyun was so shocked.

"Congrats then. Hmm, I made some noodles, Please enjoy it." Momo gave it to them but before they could accept it, She dropped the noodles she made. She started running away and tears were falling down through her beautiful eyes. Before she could pass over the street someone grabbed her arm, And It was Jeongyeon.

"Why are you crying Momo?" Jeongyeon asked with a worried tone. "Jeongyeon, I don't have the right to be jealous right?" She asked back. "Tell me who is it." Jeongyeon said to her, "Let me help you, Momo." She added. "Dahyun." She answered, Jeongyeon is not surprised at all. She was smiling "Why are you smiling pabo?!" Momo asked. "Nothing." Jeongyeon answered and smiled. "You know Momo, We all have rights. Okay? Im not really good at advicing though." Jeongyeon said. "I will just give you hug." Jeongyeon added and hugged her. Momo felt comfortable by her friend's hug.

"Jeong." Momo called for Jeongyeon. "What is it?" Jeongyeon responded. "Thank you." Momo said while smiling. But still, Sadness is still drowning her inside. "Hmm. Is Sana and Dahyun dating?" Momo asked. "Sad to say but yeah." Jeongyeon answered. "By the way, Where is Nayeon unnie?" Momo asked again. "She is in home. Taking care of Chae." Jeongyeon answered and smiled. "Hmm Jeong." Momo said. "Hmm?" Jeongyeon responded again. "How long have you and Nayeon unnie been together?" Momo asked. "6 years." Jeongyeon answered while smiling. "Wow strong relationship." Momo was really surprised.
"I fell in love at first sight too, You know." Jeongyeon said and laughs.

"Our love story is very similiar with yours." Jeongyeon added. "We can't call it love story." Momo said with a sad tone. "Im the only one who's in love and after all we're not destined to be together." Momo added faking a smile. "You only have two weeks." Jeongyeon said. "Two days." Momo said. "Wae?!" Jeongyeon asked. "We need to go back to Japan." Momo answered. "My mom just called me earlier." She added. "Jeongyeon, Please dont tell this to Dahyun." Momo pleased Jeongyeon. "I promised." Jeongyeon promised. "Oh shoot. I gotta go Momo." Jeongyeon said, "I will just buy food for Chae but here I am, Talking to you." Jeongyeon added and bid goodbye. "Pabo." Momo whispered to herself and secretly laughs.

2 days passed. Momo and Tzuyu are going back to Japan already but before they could go to the airport, Momo dropped off by Jeongyeon's house. They knocked on the door and It was Mina who opened it. "Momo, Today is your flight right?" Mina asked.
"Oh yeah." Momo answered, "Is Jeongyeon there?" Momo asked. "Oh yeah, They're all here except for Saida." Mina answered.
"Saida?" Momo asked again. "Dahyun and Sana." Mina cleared it. "Oh okay." She said. Momo went inside, And she saw Jeongyeon, Nayeon and their daughter Chaeyoung. "Momo, Im going to miss you!" Jeongyeon runs and hugged Momo. "Hey hubby!" Nayeon shouted at her fiancè. "Just a friendly hug, Wifey." Jeongyeon defended herself. "Chaeyoung, Please take care of yourself." Tzuyu said to Chaeyoung and hugged her. "Im going to miss you Tzuyu." Chaeyoung said. The little girls cried,
"Where's my hug Momo unnie?" Chaeyoung complained.

Momo gave her a hug and kissed her cheeks. "Chewyy your oppa's hug, Where is it?" Jeongyeon asked while smiling. Then, Tzuyu hugs Jeongyeon tight and kissed her cheeks. "Take care guys!" Nayeon said. "Come back here again!" Jeongyeon said. Momo was crying by tears of sorrow. She didn't saw her first love. "Hey Momo, Stop crying. Your ugly." Jeongyeon said to her. "Neomuhae!" Momo said. "We gotta go guys. We're late for our flight." Momo and The Yoo Family bid goodbye.

Meanwhile on Dahyun's side, Dahyun knew that today is Momo's flight. She knew it because of Jeongyeon, Dahyun is asking herself "Let her go or Run after her?" she don't know what to do. She took out a box in her closet and saw a picture of Momo. That was the time when she secretly took a picture of Momo in the park. But there was this thing that caught her attention it was a paper. She remembered that when Momo dropped the noodles there was a letter in the handle. She never opened, But now. This is time she's going to open it.

"Dahyun, I hope you can read this. Sorry I didn't tell you all of my feelings before I go back to Japan. Thank you for touring me around, Thank you for making some memorable moments with me and Tzuyu. Thank you for being sweet. It's just 1 week, But I have this strange feeling already. Those SOME, Makes me fall in love with you Dahyun. Its just a one week of us being together but I've fallen in love already with you. Sorry, I didn't confess this to you. I don't know what to say, Im scared to be rejected and hurt.
Im not asking you to love me back, Im just asking you to accept my confession. My simple confession, I wrote this exactly at 12:40 am. And now its 12:49 am, You see? I wasted many seconds just to write this simple confession. But before I leave, I hope we can meet again. I hope your still the Dahyun that I liked. And I want you to know that, Your my first. I really like you Dahyun. I will now end my letter exactly at 12:51 am. Bye Dahyun."

Dahyun cleared her mind and talked to Sana. "Sana. Let's stop pretending, Okay? I can't let go for Momo." She said. "Okay. Go for her Dahyun! Ill be supporting the both of you." Sana said. But inside, She's hurt. Because she likes Dahyun too. But, She's happy when she let go of her love, Dahyun. "Thank you Sana!" Dahyun hugged Sana. Before Sana can hug back, Dahyun let go of the hug already and run for the love of her life, Momo. Since, The Seoul Airport is just near at their house.
After some minutes of running, Tears were flowing in her eyes already. She already reached the Airport but she was late. Momo and Tzuyu left already, She is now really full of regrets.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Momo stopped sobbing. She cleared her mind. Since Dahyun, Already moved on. She decided, She decided to open her heart again. She will now move on and forget Dahyun, Forget her first heartbreak. She promised herself not to be a pabo again, She was depressed by Dahyun. But, Her little sister, Tzuyu brought her back. She didn't know that her little sister is really good at comforting.

But after she left Korea, She looked back and smiled. Because she saw Dahyun running after her, But that was the past, She thought. It's been a month that she's not moved on with Dahyun. But now, She's now moving on. She will forget all the things that hurt her in the past. She also promised herself not to fall in love easily.

Before she could go to sleep, She remembered her favorite song. As she remembered it, She sang it as she reminded herself that she's already moving on with the past.

"Cause it's 12:51 and I thought my feelings were gone, But Im lying on my bed, Im not thinking of you again. And the moon shines so bright but I gotta dry these tears to night, Cause your moving on and Im not that strong to hold on. Cause I'll prove you wrong that J can move on through this song. So much stronger.."

The End.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sorry guys, Di ako magaling mag-english eh. Sana naenjoy nyo 'to kahit walang happy ending. :)
Lab lab ko kayo. :)

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