Not What He Wanted

By Star_OfTheShow

19.3K 453 143

Adamï had wanted a lot of things since he joined Oropo. Though this wasn't one of them... Also, to be clear... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (Finale)

Chapter 10

1K 25 3
By Star_OfTheShow

"STOP!" Yugo shouted as Qilby threw him into a wall "S-Stop it." He whimpered as he stood up and wiped blood from his nose off his upper lip

"The Shortie can't even defend himself. Why even call him a king?" Qilby laughed as he kicked Yugo back to the ground, "Why would I stop getting my revenge?" He asked as he stepped on Yugo's chest

"S-Stop please!" Yugo wheezed as he tried feebly to get Qilby's foot off his chest

"Aw, is someone scared?" Qilby asked mockingly as he stood on one foot and took Yugo's hat. He stood straight and held the hat with both hands

"Q-Qilby, no please." Yugo pleaded as Qilby began to tear the hat in half "No! S-Stop! Qilby p-please! No!"

Qilby tore the hat in two pieces, and tossed the pieces onto the ground. He smirked at Yugo "To bad for you, people would never see you as a normal person with your wings showing." He said as he blasted the hat with Wakfu, turning it to ashes within seconds. Yugo had stopped struggling against Qilby, and was now staring at the pile of ashes that had once been his hat. Qilby moved his foot from Yugo's chest and stepped on the young king's face. "You should've let me do as I pleased Yugo. You'll never be happy. Not today, not tomorrow," Qilby laughed as he used his foot to force Yugo to look at him "Not ever."

Yugo woke in a cell-like area. He was chained to the floor. His wrists hurting because of the cuffs, they were tight, and cutting into the skin on his wrists. His eyes adjusted, he looked around. It was a small dark room. It was built with stone, and there was a wooden door a few feet away. Yugo looked at his wrists, dried blood crusted on the metal of the cuffs and his wrists. He remembered his wound. He looked at his gut, the blood soaked bandage was still wrapped around his lower torso.

He looked over to the door. 'Adami was right,' he silently admitted 'Oropo was planning to come after me.' Yugo thought, just as the door creaked open, and light leaked in. "So you woke up." Echo's voice echoed through the cell

"Y-Yeah. I wasn't dead." Yugo replied shakily

Echo looked at Yugo's wrists "Are they to tight?" She asked Yugo nodded wearily as Echo walked over to him. "Let me see." She said. Yugo slowly lifted his hands for her to see "I told Oropo that the cuffs were to tight." She sighed as she removed the cuffs. "Not that he listened, but anyway, I came to bring you some food, and loosen the cuffs." She said placing a plate in front of Yugo. "It's just bread. I promise." She said when Yugo looked at the bread suspiciously. Yugo reached out a hand slowly, only for Echo to grab it gently "I knew the cuffs were tight, but I didn't think they'd cut into your skin." She said quietly as she examined the cuts on Yugo's wrists "They aren't that deep though, when I put the cuffs back on, even if they're looser, they'll still hurt."

"I-It's fine. I'll survive." Yugo said as he pulled his hands away

"Of course." Echo said as she watched Yugo grab a small piece of bread and take a small bite. Yugo set the bread back on the plate, and pushed the plate away. Echo picked the cuffs up and locked them onto Yugo's wrists yet again. "I'll leave the bread here, in case you get hungry." She said as she left

Yugo pulled on the chains, only to yelp in pain. Echo poked her head back into the cell and raised an eyebrow. "I-I'm okay. I-I just moved the wrong way and m-my wound started to hurt." Yugo said gesturing to his wound

"Okay." Echo closed the door again

"I should've let Adami stay." Yugo said quietly to himself "If I had listened to him, and let him stay with me, this probably wouldn't have happened." Yugo's eyes began to fill with tears "Oropo's probably going to kill me." Tears dripped to the floor "I've only just begun to have my brother back."


"Okay Dally. When I make Yugo look through my eyes, what are you going to say?" Adami asked Dally as they stood in a quiet place in the Sadidan Castle's garden

"Yugo, We're on our way to come save you. Don't worry. Also Adami says if Oropo hurts you he's going to punch Oropo's lights out."  Dally says

"Good." Adami said as he concentrated on Yugo "Okay Dally."

"Yugo! We're on our way to come save you, Don't worry. Also, If Oropo hurts you, Adami's gonna punch his lights out."


As soon as Adami stopped making Yugo look through his eyes, Yugo's tears dried a bit. "Ad." Yugo said quietly as the door creaked open again

"Yugo." Oropo said as he floated into the cell. Yugo looked over at Oropo, who was floating over to the young king. Oropo forced Yugo to his feet. "You're lucky that I need you alive." He said as he tossed Yugo to the floor. The Eliotrope grabbed Yugo's forearm and examined the cuts in the young king's wrist, lifting Yugo off the ground in the process "You won't die from a small cut. Echo is overreacting." Oropo said dropping Yugo's arm, causing the boy to fall to the ground. Oropo looked at Yugo, who now lay on the ground, next to him, the small plate of bread. "You didn't eat it?" Oropo questioned

"I did eat it. Just not all of it." Yugo said quietly

Oropo rolled his eyes. "Okay, how much?"

"One bite."

"Wow you at so much food."

As Oropo left, Yugo's eyes began to droop. His exhaustion kicked in. He still needed more rest. 'He's probably going to injure me again to keep me from escaping.' Yugo thought as he faught to keep his eyes open

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