The Break In

By EmmaWilliams66

432 12 0

Vaughn and James have a dark past but they have decided to put that behind them but when someone enters Vaugh... More

The Break In
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Six Months later

Chapter Five

16 1 0
By EmmaWilliams66

I hear movement coming from my parents bed room. I look at everyone still fast a sleep. It's a Saturday morning and both my parents have to work.

Not like I'm remotely interested in what my parents do at work, I know they both work for the same company and this company is huge. Known all over the world, my parents are joint management of it, something like that.

I never bother asking too much about it. All I do know is, it brings a lot of money in and my parents are always busy and it happens this Saturday they have to work. I rush out of bed avoiding James and Olivia and going over to my bedroom door.

I open the door, closing it right behind myself. My father walks out the bathroom and smiles at me. "What you doing up so early hey sport?" he asks putting his hand on my head.

I glare at him, "Don't touch my hair," I retort back. He'll never learn. My parents don't seem to realize, don't seem to care about that I'm tough, mouthy kid hardly anyone likes to mess with. To them I'm still there "BABY BOY!" It drives me up the wall, sometimes I want to strangle my own parents.

I have to try act nice, but sometimes its not always the case. "Sorry, Vaughn your not my little kid no more, need to remember that but you will always be my only son and you always be our son no matter how old you are. Sorry about work but tomorrow we'll all do something together as a family. What about going to that theme park that you said just opened?"

"No worries at all, and yeah sounds fun," I smile.

"Well have a good day, don't do anything too stupid and tell James he is more then welcome to stay again tonight, maybe he can come tomorrow too," smiles my dad before he heads downstairs.

I lean against my bedroom door, my heart thumping in my chest. I breathe in just as mum comes out the bedroom. "Morning, Vaughn. I hope you had a good sleep over. I can't stop got work, I'll see you this evening love you," she says as she pecks me on the cheek and she rushes down the stairs.

The time I heard the front door slam and my dads car boost into action I had been standing against my bedroom door for twenty minutes. I open the bedroom door to find them still sleeping. I look at my digital clock beside my bed, its nearly nine in the morning.

I go over to the curtains and yank them open sun pouring into the room. "Shit!" shouts James as he covers his eyes the sun shining directly on him. Olivia stirred in her sleep and moved her arm around hitting James on the head as she turned over.

I laugh out loud it ripping through the silent bed room like a gun shot. Theo opened his eyes as Olivia did them both looking between me and James.

"What's funny?" Theo asked as I still had a massive grin on my face.

"Nothing, nothing at all. Right it's morning, I'm going to go make food. You two need to go take a shower, James search my wardrobe for some clothes I never wear anymore. I expect you down stairs by ten no excuses," I said before I left the bedroom wearing nothing but the shorts I had gone to bed in and head downstairs.

I sat on the surface of one of the kitchen tops playing on this Zombie run game, which you get chased by Zombies as Olivia came into the kitchen with James.

I look at Olivia my mouth wide open. Olivia had been wearing torn clothes, her hair looked rough, dirty and she smelled pretty bad but now...Her long blond hair hung loosely on her shoulders, shinning as the sun hit it. Her blue eyes now promoted her features on her face and you could really tell how thin she is by the way even my clothes hung on her.

"Lost your tongue?" Olivia asked.

"No, foods ready. I'll just serve it," I say.

"You can cook," laughs Olivia.

"Surprising right just another talent he hides even from his parents," said James laughing.

I glare at James, "Just tell them everything go on James might as fucking well," I say in my you say one more thing voice or I'm going to kick your ass to kingdom come and back.

I serve the food onto four plates before I chuck James at him it nearly going all over him before handing Olivia's to her and Theo's. She heads back into the front room, I follow close behind to find Theo sitting on the sofa with his leg up.

I place my plate on the table, not feeling so hungry anymore. I head over to the front room window and look out. A few doors down I spot them, two police men with leaflets and concerned looks on there face.

"Guys why the fuck are the police here?" James ask him somehow appearing beside me making me jump.

"What the fuck is it with you people creeping up on me. Next time I will fucking flip out. Looks like they are handing out leaflets nothing to worry about I'm sure they won't be coming to...shit there coming to this house next," I curse quickly.

"Oh shit!" shouts Olivia.

"Are they after you two?" James asks.

"What shit are you in!" I snap.

"Vaughn you promised. Get rid of them now quick, we be on our way straight after," says Olivia pleading.

Oh for fuck sake, I should hand them over right now and forget all this shit but I said I would lie, I said I would never mention her or her brother. Shit!

The door bell goes. "Just stay there, don't move and don't make any sounds," I say as I head towards the hall way to go answer the front door.

I open up the door my heart beating hard in my chest. "Good morning young man are your parents home at all?" they ask.

"No, they are at work. What's the problem?" I ask.

"We are looking for this girl and this boy," he says showing me a leaflet of Theo and Olivia.

"Have they done something wrong?" I ask.

"No, not at all. We are just concerned and worried about them. We want to help. So if you ever spot them at all please give us a ring on that number its on the leaflet. Keep that, so you know what they look like," says the police office.

"I will of course..oh and why do they need help?" I ask.

"That doesn't concern you lad, don't worry about it. Just give us a ring if you see them," they say one last time before heading down the pavement and onto the next house.

I close the door and lean against it. Many thoughts wondering around inside my head. I kick the door. Worry, anger and concern. Believe it or not, I didn't like the way they spoke to me. I didn't like there attitude. They are hiding something, more then they would ever let on.

I just know these things, I'm not stupid and I'm not dumb. I know things people could never know. Those police officers...they are lying about something.

I head slowly back into the front room and find Olivia, Theo and James sitting on the sofa. "You didn't say nothing?" Olivia asked.

"I said nothing. I just lied to the police or made out I didn't know nothing. That's offence, if they ever know I'm involved. Ever know I kept information I'm in shit street," I say annoyed.

"Vaughn, thank you so much. You didn't have to do anything. We come into your house, break in you could look at it like and make you help us. You didn't have to do nothing. We owe you for the rest of our lives," says Theo softly.

"Don't get all soft with me, I don't do soft. Now are you going to tell me what the fuck is going on here or are you going to get your asses out my house?" I ask them.

They stare at me, both of them looking lost and concerned almost. "Look the police didn't say much but with both your faces on this leaflet, what do you expect me to believe?" I ask.

"We don't expect you to believe nothing. We expect you to not say nothing and we'll be on our way. Forget this ever happened," says Olivia.

"I can't watch you walk out this house, I'm too involved. My brain is going into over drive as it is. Those police are lying. Don't ask me how I know, I just fucking know. So why would they lie that you need help and they want to help you when I don't think they give a shit about that at all?"

"Vaughn please stop asking questions," says Olivia as she steps towards me.

"Why can't I ask? I let you into my home, I let you wear my clothes and eat my food and open up slightly towards you. I lie for you and protect you from those police, why can't I fucking ask!" I shout at her.

Olivia helps Theo to his feet them both heading towards the back door. "We're going, you don't need to worry no more, just leave us," says Olivia nearly in tears.

"No, I can't. I need to know," I sigh in annoyance.

"You don't want too know," says Theo clinging onto Olivia, "You really don't. It's best if you just forget," says Theo.

"Wait guys come on. Stay a bit longer you haven't even finished eating and I need to change your bandage," I try persuade them.

I can't help but want to know more, I've been in some tight situations myself. I've had to risk things, I've had to lie and cheat to get out of some crazy shit.

I can't stand here and judge them on what those two police offices said whether they broke into my house or not if you even look at it like that, whether they looked bad before. I see something in there eyes, something in the way they asked for my help. Deprivation, fear horrified even.

"You want us to stay?" asked Theo.

"Yeah please for a bit longer?" I ask.

Theo looks at his sister and she sighs, "Alright fine," she finally smiles.

Over the next couple of hours we didn't do much. I don't know what I really expected to be honest but I think they felt welcomed now more then threatened. I can't hate them. Something big is going on here, I have this feeling.

"Vaughn...why is it when it comes to things like this?" James begins.

"You know what I'm like James. They remind me, of me in a way. The shit I got us into before remember? Something dodgy is going on this is big, James. It's our job to find out what. I think they walked through my back door for a reason," I tell him.

"Here you go off on your things happen for a reason shit. Vaughn, I can never totally understand you. Amount of shit you hide from people," he says.

"You know everything you dickhead you understand you just don't want too," I laugh.

A heavy thump on the door made us all jump. I got up off the sofa and rushed towards the front door, I open it to reveal four police officers this time.

"Oh back so soon? Who are these two?" I ask eyeing them all up in there uniforms.

"No more piss arsing about. We have a warrant here to search your property. Whether you like it or not we are coming in," one of them says stepping towards me.

"We have company!" I shout loudly slamming the door on them in quick reaction. Oh shit! I think I'm going to regret that. I rush back into the front room.

"We got to go like right fucking now!" I scream.

"What the fuck did you just do Vaughn?" asks James.

"Slam the door on four police officers with a warrant," I say as we hear the kitchen window being smashed in.

"What we going to do Vaughn. Us two won't get away and you be in shit," says Olivia, "even if we get away."

"James quick go grab the money box in the dinning room. Olivia grab those jackets one for each of us," I say as I rush over to my parents cupboard and take out a ruck sake before chucking in a packet of cigarettes and headache tablets. 

James ran back to my side, I make him chuck in the box before sipping it up. I throw James's shoes at him before I chuck mine in the ruck sake, no time to put them on. 

"Basement now!" I shout as I ram open the door James and Olivia helping Theo as much as we can. 

"What is down here?" asks Olivia. 

"A way out!" I shout as we head down the stairs. I reach bottom first and quickly rush over to the other side of the room opening up a door.

"Through now quick!" I scream. Theo, Olivia and James go through. I slam the door right behind me leaving us all in darkness. 

I take out the torch from my ruck sack and turn it on. "We need to be as quick as possible. If we get to the far end. We can lock it from there, they won't find it easy to get through. That give us enough time to get away," I say. 

"How the fuck do you know all this?" asks Theo. 

"Long fucking story!" I say. 

Let's just hope this works or we will all be taken probably to prison no matter how young we are...with my quick reaction to help Olivia and Theo out, to try figure out what is going on here...I just brought myself into all there shit.

James is right, I have a problem and I think this problem is going to take me on a journey I may just regret for the rest of my life, like so many other things, just great.

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