Pure Innocence (Lauren/You)

By h_g_13

142K 6K 1.1K

A mother searches desperately for a new doctor for her autistic daughter whom doesn't get along with new peop... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
HUGE Announcement

Chapter 8

6.9K 309 47
By h_g_13

The next day at work, it was as busy as it always was on Friday's. The office was bustling with sick children and the not so sick. There were families here strictly for blood work or family practice on the other side of the building, the receptionists' desk, and the nurses' lounge area behind the reception desk. There were patients that were regulars, and some that weren't. There were some here for nothing, and even patients here that should have been on their way to the hospital by now. Friday's were probably the most stressful days of the week, but it was ultimately what I signed up for when I wanted to become a doctor. I was just waiting for this day to be over since all I wanted to do was see Lauren tomorrow.

So far I hadn't received a call from Clara saying they needed me, which was good in a way yet I also just really wanted to see the younger girl. She always managed to brighten up my day without even trying or knowing what she was doing. In addition to wanting to see her, I also just wanted to get out of here because it seemed like this week, I was being worked to the bone. I needed some relaxation time with my crush, even if she could be so energetic at times. To me it was just relaxing to spend time with her without worrying about anything else. I shook my head to rid of my thoughts so that I could finish these last patient record folders before I was able to leave for the day.

I shrugged myself out of my doctor's coat and placed it on the back of my chair, leaving me in my black scrubs. I stood up from my spot, almost done with every folder except one. I went to head out of my office so that I could ask Camila for some help, but before I could even get a word out of my mouth, I heard my name being called by an unfamiliar voice. "Dr. Y/LN?" I heard just as I reached Camila. I looked up to see a tall blonde girl with a wide smile on her face. She walked up to me before placing her hand on my arm. "Hi, I'm Dinah. I just finished with my interview to be your new nurse and I start on Monday."

"Um, hello." I awkwardly nodded my head, not wanting to engage in a conversation right now. Dinah was stroking her hand up and down my arm slowly, making me feel really uncomfortable. I tried to take a subtle step backwards but the light-skinned girl only followed me. I sighed to myself and turned to Camila so I could just get out of here already. "I need you to call this patient's family and verify a couple of things with them. Their file is incomplete and I need it done as soon as possible. If you can't get ahold of them tonight, it's perfectly okay to just try again tomorrow. Thank you Camila." I smiled at the brunette before turning to head back to my office. I heard Dinah call out my name but I didn't turn back around. "Bye Dinah." I bid over my shoulder before making it into my office safely.

I grabbed my doctor's coat and slipped it on my shoulders again before gathering the rest of my things so that I could head home. A knock on my office door made me release a quiet groan as I threw my head backwards. "Yes?" I answered anyways. I was glad to see that it was just Normani who popped her head in. I motioned for her to enter to which she gladly accepted and sat down in one of the chairs in front of my desk. I made sure I had everything before sitting down on my desk across from her so that I could give her my full attention. "What's up?" I asked.

"Oh nothing." She replied nonchalantly, but there was a hidden smirk on her face. "I just saw that you met your new nurse." I rolled my eyes at her words and she clearly failed at trying to hold in her laugh. I snorted to myself and looked down at my hands in my lap after checking my watch. I was about to speak up but Normani only continued. "I think I see the reason why she wanted to be your nurse so badly though. She really wasn't trying to hide anything. Even Camila saw it; I think everyone saw it actually. No one said anything though." Normani continued to laugh at my misfortune. I wanted to roll my eyes again at her but I just couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah yeah yeah, get it all out." I playfully grumbled which only caused the darker skinned girl to laugh even harder. "Honestly though, Mani, you have no idea how uncomfortable I was. I was just trying to get out of here and she jumps on me like that in front of everyone? I can't imagine what it's going to be like when she actually starts working here." I scoffed to myself and looked back down at my shoes for a split second before looking back up to Normani. She was clearly still having the time of her life trying to tease me for this. Her laughing wasn't slowing down any time soon but I was just glad to see one of my best friends able to have fun.

"Oh lord, Monday is going to be such a train wreck. I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing anymore now that you have someone else." Normani faked being sad and hurt while I laughed. I shook my head and reached down to grip the edge of the desk so that I could lean backwards. I rocked back and forth slowly while giving my best friend a pointed look until she stopped playing around. I didn't mind her doing that but it was just funny to mess around back with her. It was almost too easy.

"You should be happy that I don't make her go around with you." I spoke and Normani gasped. "As a matter of fact, I could do that." I placed my hand on my chin as if I was thinking. Normani stood up from her spot to immediately start interjecting but once she saw me laughing, she rolled her eyes. She knew I was joking and she finally sat back down in her seat. Mani crossed her arms over her chest stubbornly. "Oh come on, Mani. I was joking." I whined once she continued to ignore me. "I won't force you to work with her unless you want to. I just want to make sure you're comfortable even if I'm not allowed to be."

Finally, Normani laughed at my joke and gave up on trying to stay mad at me. "I just want to know if this is going to affect your chances with the mysterious person you've met all of the sudden. Would they like to know someone's all up in your business at work?" Normani uncrossed her arms and leaned forward in her chair as she awaited my answer. I rose my eyebrow in questioning before shaking my head. I don't even think if Lauren knew what was going on, she wouldn't know how to react. In all honesty neither would I.

"I don't think it would really matter because I only have eyes for one person." I shrugged my shoulders without hesitating. Normani nodded in acknowledgement while she rested her chin on her hand. "I mean I'm going to try to stay away from Dinah as much as I can if she's going to keep acting like this but I only have eyes for one person and nothing is going to change that." I finished. The darker skinned girl hummed before standing up from her spot. She gave me a quick hug and headed towards the door.

"Alright, we'll see what happens. I want to meet this person soon, but until then, your answer satisfies me. You're already goals and I don't even know them yet. I'll let you go though, and I'll see you on Monday." Normani spoke as she walked towards the door with me right on her heels. We walked towards the receptionists' desk where she would have to let me go. I nodded my head towards her and Camila who looked up once she heard the two of us emerge out of my office.

"See you guys on Monday." I gave a short wave and escaped the building while managing to avoid interactions with anyone else. I slipped into my car and started the ignition so that I could head home after such a long day. The short drive to my house allowed me to release a sigh and my body to relax. I let myself into the house and locked the door behind me. I left all my belongings at the door and slipped off my shoes and coat. I shrugged off my shirt and threw it in the general direction of my room before heading into the kitchen to find something to eat. It was almost seven o'clock in the evening and the sun was setting in the sky. I was looking forward to tomorrow so that I could finally see Lauren again.

I know I had just seen her last night but it felt like months had gone by without seeing her. That's just the affect she had on me, and I didn't mind one bit. I eventually found something to eat in my scarcely filled kitchen, making a mental note to go shopping later. I made my way into the living room to watch TV until I felt it was acceptable to go to bed. In all honesty I just wanted to go straight to bed when I arrived home so that I could see Lauren quicker but I'd probably end up too ashamed by the time I woke up. I passed the time with mindless TV so I wouldn't feel as bad but when the time came where I felt it'd be acceptable, I quickly performed my nightly routine and changed into my pajamas before climbing into bed. I closed my eyes and willed myself to sleep, dreaming of my huge crush and her green eyes.


The next morning I woke with a start. I felt myself acting like a little schoolgirl with her crush, getting ready as fast as she can so she can see them quicker. I dressed myself after a quick shower in a plain cream colored shirt, jeans, and my white Jordan's. I grabbed my bomber jacket on the way out of the house, making sure I had everything I needed before locking the front door after I let myself out. I headed towards my car and slid inside so that I could head off towards the Jauregui household.

I drove faster than I would have liked to admit so that I could arrive quicker, and when I did, Lauren was out in the lawn again. As soon as she saw me she jumped up and ran over to me. I couldn't hide the smile on my face as the shorter girl wrapped me up in a tight hug. I leaned my head against hers as I snaked my arms around her small waist. "Y-Y/N!" Lauren squealed loudly as she ran towards me. I couldn't react fast enough to stop her from placing a chaste kiss on my lips but I wasn't going to complain about it. At least no one was around to see what had happened.

"Hi Lauren." I muttered into her hair. I would never get tired of her always being so happy to see me, because I felt the exact same way in all honesty. The younger girl pulled away from the hug so that she could grab my hand to pull me inside. I saw Lauren'a siblings sitting down in the living room while watching TV so I greeted them lightly before I was pulled away. Lauren led me to her mother who seemed to be getting ready for Mike's appointment, the older man nowhere to be found. "Hi Clara." I greeted as soon as Lauren caught her attention. The older woman smiled lightly and pulled me in for a hug even with Lauren still holding onto my hand.

"Hi honey, how are you?" I nodded my head with a smile, muttering out a small 'good' before asking the same question back. "As good as I can be about now. It's good that you're early though because apparently we have to arrive a couple minutes before Mike's appointment to fill out some paperwork. Is that okay? I just want to be sure this isn't too much for you." Clara worriedly furrowed her eyebrows together as she spoke but I kept the smile on my face in hopes that I could reassure her. Lauren whined beside me, not wanting to do anything else except spend time with me.

"You don't have to worry at all, we'll be okay. I don't mind one bit and I'm always happy to help. If you need to go, we can leave as well if you would like." I offered, pointing behind me towards the general direction of the front door with my thumb. Lauren cheered while jumping in her spot, pulling me to leave already but I stayed in my spot to wait for Clara's acceptance. Once we got it, I allowed Lauren to finally drag me towards the car while managing to say goodbye to her siblings and grab her bag of belongings before we were off and gone. I couldn't help the chuckle the left my lips until we reached the car where Lauren excitedly let herself in once I unlocked it. I placed her bag in the back before sliding into the driver's side. "What should we get for dinner?" I asked before taking off from the Jauregui household.

"I-Ice cr-cream!" Lauren shouted while clapping her hands excitedly. I chuckled and shook my head in amusement. I didn't want to get pizza again for the second time in a row, but we did go to Lauren's favorite ice cream parlor. The raven haired beauty picked out her favorite flavor and while it was getting packed, I looked on my phone for places that we could possibly get food from. "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! I got- I got the ice cream!" Lauren shouted as she ran towards me with the quart of ice cream in her hands. I looked up from my phone to see everyone in the store now looking at us. I stood up while smiling sheepishly, trying to subtly push Lauren out of the parlor as I apologized to the people watching the two of us.

"That's great Lauren. Did you figure out where you want to eat yet?" I asked as I helper the smaller girl into the car. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I was never one for public confrontation and when everyone's eyes were on me, I always became extremely anxious. It was completely different than one or two family members of a patient. I slid into the car to rid my head of those thoughts and I started the ignition. I turned to Lauren to see her deep in thought so I left the car in park, allowing her to articulate what she wanted to say. I reached over to grab her hand subconsciously before rubbing my thumb across her knuckles in comfort.

"I want- I want M-McDonald's!" She looked up with a wide smile on her face. I mirrored the expression before nodding my head and turning so that we could head in the direction of the restaurant. Lauren sang along to the radio on the way while looking out of the window, completely in her own world. I smiled to myself until we had eventually arrived at the drive-thru. I asked what Lauren wanted to eat causing her to stop singing so that she could think. "Happy-Happy meal." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Lauren, there's like barely anything to eat in there. Are you sure you don't want something more?" I asked cautiously, not wanting to piss her off or anything. The shorter girl shrugged her shoulders without looking at me. I looked between her and the car in front of us several times since it was almost our turn. I reached over to place my hand on Lauren's arms so that she would look at me. "Do you want anything else?" I asked quietly. Lauren shook her head at my question as her eyebrows furrowed together cutely.

"I want- I want the toy." The younger girl crossed her arms over her chest. My lips hardened in a thin line as I tried to think about what I could do to get her to eat more without angering her any further. It was finally our turn so I rolled down my window only for the attendant to greet me. I looked over at Lauren and made the rash decision to get her an actual meal while ordering a toy as well. I ordered my food and when we were finished, I looked over to the emerald eyed beauty to see her looking out of the window.

"Is that okay Lauren?" I asked once I rolled up my window and pulled forwards a bit. Lauren looked at me in confusion. "I got you a bigger meal but I got you the toy too. Is that okay?" I asked cautiously. The shorter girl shrugged her shoulders with a nod of her head before she went to look back out of the window. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I really didn't want her to angry with me, or have her upset because of me. It would've hurt my heart to see her sad because of me; I only wanted her happy. I wanted to be the one to put the smile on her face every day if she would have let me. So when we got our food and paid, we headed towards my house with Lauren singing and munching on some French fries.

I relaxed knowing that she was taken care of and happy at least in this moment. When we got home, Lauren grabbed her ice cream as I grabbed the food and we went to sit down to eat after Lauren made me build another fort for her. She wouldn't allow either one of us to eat until it was done, and I laughed at the notion, not minding one bit. Anything I could do to make her happy. What I didn't know is that eventually, she would need me more than ever and the two of us would come to rely on each other more than we could have ever expected.


I'm so sorry for the wait

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