Nct One shots

By kookiejin24

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Nct one shots So far Done by other only Requests will be taken so please dm because I have no proper ideas I... More


Mark pt.2

235 12 4
By kookiejin24

*2 weeks after*
"Okay Y/n, this is the last question for today. Find the other factor. 2x^3 + 7x^2 + 2x + 9 / 2x + 3." I look at the problem very carefully and then say "Mark, there are too many numbers" Mark chuckles at what I say and says "Y/n, if you don't solve this problem today we will be here all night, I am telling you, do it."

"I mean I wouldn't mind being ALL ALONE WITH MARK AT NIGHT TIME EXPECIALLY IN THIS TINY ROOM IN WHICH ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN" I mentally slap myself for thinking that and tell myself to focus.

As I focus on my problem I look to my right to see Mark chatting on his phone. "It has been 2 weeks Y/n, you did nothing productive, I mean yeah you did maths but your relationship with Mark stayed the same. No touchyness, no nothing. You are really an idiot. I mean you have met up with him on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the past 2 weeks in a tiny room in the library and you still haven't got to subtly hint that you like him. He probably has a Girlfriend and he probably doesn't even like you. I MEAN HE IS TUTORING YOU FOR EXTRA CREDITS. You have that maths test on Monday and you still haven't properly understood anything. You are going to die alone and jobless. GREAT." My inner self tells me. I pout at the thought of me dying alone while with a failed maths test in my hand.

Mark looks up at me and asks "Did you finish the problem yet?" "UMMM...almost" Mark sighs before asking me if I really get the problem. I nod saying yes. I mean I am really good at maths but long division is just not my thing. And Mrs.Kim hates me for God knows what, and I bet you she is failing me on purpose. I really want to get over this tbh. Both Maths and Mark.

"Finished" I say

Mark looks over with a satisfied smile  " good job y/n. Now im going to give you one more question and maybe this time you can get it right." Mark says with an undertone of annoyance in his voice.

" Great now hes annoyed with me and probably never wants to see me again after our tutoring session"

"OK FINE I UNDERSTAND NOTHING IM PROBABLY GONNA DIE ALONE AND END UP AS A HOBO" I scream unaware of my childish behaviour covering my face with my hands.

Mark puts an amused look on his face as he watches me break down. "wow i never knew a girl like you could throw tantrums" he laughs

"Shit did i just break down in front of Mark?!"

"Um sorry bout that haha" I try to make my self seem as sane as possible when i say that.

"Nah its alright im used to it , you're just like my sister" He says while looking off into space smiling. Hmp he must really like his sister. I wish I was his sister. Oh my gosh what am I saying if I was his sister I wouldnt be able to date him. What the hell am I thinking. "But did I just get sister zoned?"

"Um can you explain it a little slower " I say softly still emmbarassed about the breakdown I had infront of my future husband. I mean my the future husband of my dreams. Ugh im gonna be single forever.

"Haha sure and don't worry i'll make sure you don't end up as a hobo" he chuckles with the cutest smile on his face. Ugh I'm so whipped.

After another hour of him trying to explain all the work we did for 2 weeks in the most easiest way possible I think I can finnaly understand this shit.

"Mark I finnaly understand everything! I finally understand life! Thank you sooo much" I say as i close my books and pack up.

"No prob-" Mark gets out of the library before being interrupted by my phone ringing.

"Oh, WASSSUUPPPPP, Ayyy MY thai boiii" I answer the phone, excited to hear his voice. I look over at Mark to see him looking down at me with an amused looking confused face. "Whos is it" Mark whisper/signals me. "Ten" I reply not even sparing him a glance.

Mark pov

'Ten? Who the Phac is Ten? And why is she talking to another guy? What relationship do they both have? Are they dating? Not like I care but ???' I ask my self.

"agghh" I say trying to get Y/n's attention. I look at her trying to see if it worked but no this idiot continues talking to this blobfish lookin ten.

I rub the nake of nape feeling extremely awkward. I look up to see her smiling and laughing with her phone pressed up against her ear. Wow. Shes so pretty. This isn't the first time I noticed her beauty. But this is the first time I let her features sink in my brain. Her eyes that would turn into crescent moons as she would laugh. Her button nose that would scrunch up when annoyed. Her small lips that not everyone would find attractive but I do. My face started to heat up and I started to feel uncomfortable. Why is she talking to him now if shes going to see him later? She cuts the call with a smile still on her face. Ugh he must be her boyfriend then. "Well um. Thanks Mark" she says packing everything away. She looks up when I don't respond. "Oh ye haha no problem I'm just doing my job. Yes that it what I am doing." I say with an awkward smile as she looks at me very wierded out. "Well okay i'll see you in school  I guess" She says a little shy. How cute. " Ye ill see you in school" I stand up very quickly accidentaly spilling my cup of coffee on the floor causing it to splash all over my trousers and shirt. "Oh shit" I curse out feeling the sticky substance of coffee layering my skin. "Ohmigad" Y/n covers her mouth watching the scene unfold.

Y/n's pov
ohh my ty track this boi got abs.
Very fine and defined ones too.
I watch as his coffee splashes on his white t-shirt sticking to his chest and showing the outline of basically chocolate. I let out a breathy "ohmigad" as my cheeks grow red. I rummage through my bag to get tissues and a towel I carry around for my face for abs yes. We start to clean and I cant help but glance at his perfectly shaped chest every now and then untill i think he catches me staring. I look up to his eyes and our gazes lock. I stare into his he stares into mine. I look away first and hand him the towel. "Here use this to clean your chocolates" I say still shy until i notice my mistake."Um im sorry my what?" He looks at me shocked " YOUR CHEST YOUR CHEST" I shout causing him to be even more shocked. "oh yes thank you.." He takes the towel slowly as we share awkward laughs. We finish cleaning untill out of fucking nowhere. This bitch here decides to take his shirt off. I try to look away until he taps my shoulder. " Heres your towel. Thanks" He sends an awkward wink trying to be cool while I just smile back at him lowkey disturbed. "well I should" We say at the same time "Ill be" We say at the same time again. "Go out with me" we dont say at the same time. He looks at me a little schocked at what he just said. He takes a step foreward. I take one backward. "Actually I know you're my bestfriends cousin and it may be a little wierd but I always thought you were.. pretty cool a guess" he averts his gaze. Oh my God. "um"
"YOU CANT STOP ME LOVING MYSELF OH OH O- " My phone rings again this time startling us both . I send an apologetic look towards mark and awnser the phone. "Oh ye okay ill meet you outside in five" I say to ten again slightly annoyed. " sorry about that" I let out a nervous chuckle
"No its fine haha" he says his gaze on his feet. " About what you said earlier. I mean I guess I like you too maybe a little bit kind of  I mean maybe just the slightests bit" I blurt out avoiding the eye contact mark was trying to make.
"Then I guess ill see you saturday" Marks says with an innocent smile on his face. " huh what do you mean thats tommorow?" " What I mean is tomorrow is our first date at my house" He says with a smirk. " Um ye sure but why your house I mean a lot of things can go very bery wrong there" My heart was racing again. " I thought you liked to play fortnite? I mean thats what haechan told me" Haechan? " Um who the fuck is haechan " mark laughs. Damn he laughs like a pig. Its aight I still love it. " Your cousin donghyuck thats his stage name for our band" "oh ew" . "But anyway I guess we could hang out play some fortnite and eat " I look up to him smiling down at me amusement still plastered on his face. " See you then Y/n" He winks. This time not as ugly as the last . He walks out the door of one of the many study rooms in the library. As soon as he walks out. A bubbly ten walks in. "Heyy bitch" He says coming in for a hug " Heyy chittaphon" I return the hug.
" Ew why you so warm are you sick.?... Or does it have anything to do with that cute boy that just walked out of the room?" He says smirking "I mean maybe..." " Oh really I just winked at him" he says slightly dissapointed "Oh my fuck ten go find another guy this ones mine".

With that Y/n and ten both leave the building. Y/ns heart still beating as fast as marks.

Hello Its I
Anyway the first author of this book wrote the first half like 5 months ago and I finished it like today cus im bored.
Tbh i lost all motivation I really dk what I wrote.
It really isnt up to my standards.
Anyway please dm for nct one shot ideas I will try write your suggestions.
This is unedited because it is dont ask me why.
Please vote and comment because like why tf not

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