zugswang - the maze runner

By horriblyvoid-

4.9K 215 15

zug·zwang a situation in which the obligation to make a move in one's turn is a serious, often decisive, disa... More

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482 22 1
By horriblyvoid-

Eliza had woken up early and was helping Frypan with the Runner's food. She carefully wrapped up their lunches and lined them up on the wooden counter. She wiped her hands on a dishtowel before handing it back to Fry. Shortly after, the Runners had come to collect their food.

Eliza held a lunch out for Minho, who took it gracefully.

''I had hoped you made this, Liz.'' Minho smirked, ''You know how to take care of me.''

Minho was the only person in the Glade who called her Liz, sometimes Newt would call her that too but that was rarely. Eliza had a nickname for Minho too.

''Minnie, you would be dead without me.'' Eliza said.

''Stop flirting you two.'' A new voice said. Eliza turned towards the door to see Newt standing there with his arms crossed, his jaw tight.

Eliza shrugged her shoulders, ''Be safe, Minnie.''

''Always, Liz.'' With that, Minho took off with the other Runners and Eliza stepped out of the kitchen and tried walking past Newt.

''What happened to us talkin'?" Newt questioned, his grip on Eliza's arm soft.

"I was waiting for your slinthead ego to deflate.'' Eliza sassed, looking at the boy who towered over her.

Newt let out a laugh, ''My ego?"

Eliza tilted her head, ''Did I stutter, shank?"

Eliza managed to push past Newt and began walking through the Glade. The air was cool because the sun had not risen yet. It was only sunrise, and beautiful golden rays covered the sky.

''I'm sorry for acting the way I did. You're right, I am a slinthead.'' Newt apologized, stopping her again.

Eliza paused for a moment, her eyes looking down to the ground. ''If I always bug ya with that stuff, you could tell me. I feel like I'm annoying.''

Newt reached his hand out to softly grab Eliza's cheek. Her skin was smooth and soft, the sun was dancing off her pale skin. He could see how her brown eyes had specks of gold hidden in them, how her eyelashes were long.

''You could never annoy me, ever.'' Newt said, his voice was quiet, as if he was scared of awakening the whole Glade.

Eliza could feel the roughness of his hands, and the way his eyes still had that sparkle in them when she first met him.

Newt could feel himself leaning in, and so could Eliza. Before their lips could touch, the sound of the maze walls boomed throughout the Glade, making the pair jump apart. They both looked at eachother, the color of their cheeks mimicking.

* * *

One month had passed since Chuck had gotten here, meaning a Greenie is going to pop up soon.  Chuck had become the little brother Eliza never knew she needed. The small boy brought optimism and comfort into a stressful situation.

Eliza was bandaging Winston's hand, which he sliced during his job. Winston smelled of blood, and sweat. ''I swear, Winston, you're never careful. I'm tired of bandaging you ever other day.''

''If I didn't get hurt, you'll be bored at work.'' Winston said, laughing.

Eliza rolled her brown eyes, pushing her blonde hair from her face. ''I don't care. Be more careful. You're free to go.''

Winston stood up, nodding his head. ''Thanks Eliza.''

Once Winston has left, Eliza took a deep breath and sat down on a chair. She put her head into her hands and let out a sigh. She was starting to lose hope of ever leaving this place. She could feel her eyes beginning to water. Her small hands were trembling slightly, and a few tears escaped and fell onto the dirty floor.

Eliza never cried, and that's what made her cry even harder. She bit her lip to hold in the sobs, but her chest was starting to ache and she felt like she couldn't breathe.


Eliza peered up through her lashes to see Alby standing in the doorway. His face held concern, for he had never seen her this distraught. Eliza's pale cheeks were red and tears fell down them, while her eyes were red and starting to puff.

She stood up quickly and wiped her eyes, "I'm fine. Are you hurt? Do you need medicine or something?"

It amazed Alby how in this situation, she could only think of other people instead of her well-being.

Eliza could still feel her bottom lip quiver, and her eyes become wet again.

Alby strutted forward and pulled the small girl into a hug. "It's okay, Eliza. It's okay to cry."

Eliza felt her legs give out from under her, and she collapsed into Alby's arms. He was basically the only thing holding her up from falling. Her small hands gripped the front of his shirt, and her body was trembling.

"There's no hope." Eliza whispered. "There's no hope in this place. We're stuck here."

Alby was rubbing her back softly and let her speak. "There is hope. That hope is you."

Eliza looked up at him, confusion layering her face. What does he mean? What hope?


Alby let out a chuckle before continuing. "You provide the hope the Glade needs because of your heart. You bring happiness to all of us and you make this shuck place more livable. You give us comfort and love, and it gives us hope."

Eliza let out a laugh and nodded. Alby's words always made an impression on Eliza, and she always kept them to heart.

"Wipe your eyes, shank. We've got a Greenie coming today," Alby said, heading out the door. Before he left, he turned towards Eliza. "Also, you're going to give the tour. They feel less frightened with you."

Eliza grabbed a towel from a cabinet and began wiping her eyes gently. She looked out the window to see all the Gladers doing their jobs, and she thought back to what Ably said.

You're their hope.

* * *

The Greenie alarm was going off, alarming the whole Glade of the new arrival. Eliza stepped out of the Med-jack hit to see all of the Gladers crowded along the box, waiting anxiously. Newt and Alby were up front when the box arrived. She could hear the excited whispers of the boys.

She began walking forward and she watched as Alby and Newt placed the boy onto the ground. Suddenly, he took off in a fast sprint down the Glade. Eliza could hear the deafening sounds of the hooting and hollaring from the Gladers.

She jogged down to where the boy was laying, and saw him stand up quickly, twisting his neck every chance he got to see where exactly he was. "Woah, shank, calm down." She insisted, holding her hands up.

His brown eyes were set on her, and for some reason, she stared right back at him.

"I've seen you before," she whispered quickly, not knowing why she said that.

The boy stood there stunned. His eyes were wide as saucers. He had black messy hair, and moles coated his face gently.

"I don't know you." He answered, his voice shaky.

Before Eliza could continue, some of the Glader's grabbed the Greenie and had taken him to the Slammer. Eliza watched the boy try to thrash in their arms, but he could never overpower them. Eliza stood in the Glade for a few moments, pondering on why she said she knew him.

How does she know him? Most importantly, how does she remember him?

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