Desert Wings

By spiteful_hope

330 55 2

In Kara's village at the age if fifteen your wings are freed from the chains that have bound them. Once you c... More

Today, we fly
The Desert
A Favor
The Longest Day
Shadows, Souls and Spirits
Not Aquarius
Moving Forward
Attacked With Magic, Saved From Death
Don't Die
The Wolf
The Gargoyle
Roll The Dice
Going, Not Yet Gone
The Banquet
For Fate
What's In A Name?
Take No Prisoners
Hide And Seek
Simon Says
I Can Run
And Try To Hide
Because Even If You Find Me
I Will Fight
With Tooth And Nail
Until Our Very End


4 1 0
By spiteful_hope

"Yes, we have established that you are a queen." Death sighs
"So what does that mean?"
"Do I have to make laws and stuff or do I just let people do their own thing?"
"That depends," Death states at me,"What kind of ruler do you want to be?"
"I," I pause,"I don't know." I whisper.
Death frowns slightly,"I guess you will just have to figure that out as things go along."
"Where is she?!" Chance screams, finally having reached the ground from his perch.
"Fate? Where are you?!"
I cringe slightly and glance at Death before walking over to Chance,"Chance..."
"Where is my sister?" His voice is dangerously soft.
"She is..." I trail of,"Dead."
"NO!!!" Chance screams,"You are lying! She can't be dead! She is immortal! Unless you..." Chance stops his tyraid,"Oh you. Kara you will pay for this!" Chance shrieks, launching himself at me,"You didn't have to kill her! You could have spared one casualty in your war! But no! Because of you she is dead! My sister is dead..." I wait, fearing the next swing in Chance's emotions. A soft sob drifts to my ears, the words following it unclear, except for Chance whispering,"What have you done?"
"I have advanced myself, I have become Queen if the White Desert."
"Why would you do this to me?" Chance trembled at my feet.
I stand over him,"It needed to be done, her time had long ago expired, be glad I made her end quick." Kill him, he is weak. No, you may need him later, wait. The intrusive voices hissed, I'll deal with you later.
"She wasn't meant to fall at your hand Kara." Chance begged.
"I did not deal the final blow, you can thank Life for that."
"But she..." Chance stuttered.
"She wrote the stories of people's lives, she likely knew someone would revolt one day, place the pen into the hands of the people."
"Why won't you let me grieve?" Chance sobbed.
"I will, when you understand why she was removed from the Desert."
"You cruel monster, the Desert shall never prosper under you."
"It will Chance don't worry, I'll make sure if it."
He gives a cruel grin,"So you think, just remember where the variables are."
"I will." I reply confidently despite the shiver that ran down my spine. Something about this side of Chance sent alarms blaring through my mind, this wasn't my version of Chance. To be honest, I was far more fearful of this version, he would kill me without hesitation, that was bad.
"Good." His voice no longer held any charm, joy or compassion, this was the cold, unfeeling Variable. He should be the one who fears you, you technically govern him. Mutiny can start anywhere. True. The voices agree, their arguments, however intended did nothing to sooth my nerves.
"You also have a thing you must remember. I not only govern you, but I also have defeated Fate."
Chance did not seem to like my reply and started to speak several times before giving up,"So long as you do your remembering."
"How could I not?"
Chance ignores my comment,"So you have yet to make an attempt on my life. Why?"
"Until recently I did not feel I needed to, I can change that though if you want me to."
"No, I don't think that starting your reign with an execution is a good idea."
"Then leave."
"What? I don't get to live on the palace grounds?"

My reign instead started with an imprisonment, I slide the lock into place in a cell of a dungeon I had discovered a few weeks ago.
"What? No trial?"
"Maybe later Chance, if I feel generous."
"Oh Queen Kara I beseech you, free me!"
"No." I turn to climb the stairs back to the rest of my fortress.
"Please, my sister is dead, let me bury her."
"Once I trust you to not attack me."
"Please let me go." It was the crack in Chance's voice that made me turn around.
"What is the real reason you want out?" I call over my shoulder.
"Why do you want out? Why should I let you out?"
"I am... afraid."
"Why? What of?"
"Every one us leaving me, I am always alone and I hate it."
"Don't worry, you'll have company soon enough."
"We'll see."

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