By kristelFanatic

41.8K 1.1K 171

It was written that the Evil Queen is meant to fall in love with a thief, an Outlaw. If the pixie dust is rig... More

Chapter 1 - Nothing is really lost
Chapter 2 - It's all about timing
Chapter 3 - When does one become a villain?
Chapter 4 - Love that is so unlikely
Chapter 6 - The Queen and the Outlaw
Chapter 7 - One just can't get enough of surprises
Chapter 8 - There's no turning back
Chapter 9 - Damsel in distress
Chapter 10 - The first encounter
Chapter 11 - Pixie dust doesn't lie... or does it?
Chapter 12 - Whose life actually was ruined?
Chapter 13 - Wicked is back
Chapter 14 - Say my name
Chapter 15 - Resolution formation
Chapter 16 - Allies
Chapter 17 - Frozen is coming
Chapter 18 - The Evil Queen
Chapter 19 - Extreme temperatures
Chapter 20 - Let her go
Chapter 21 - Villains don't get happy endings

Chapter 5 - Every second counts

1.9K 59 3
By kristelFanatic

                The kisses and the hugs, the warmth of each other’s hands and their exchange of “I love you” made the day so perfect for Robin and Regina. Despite everything that happened, there could still be reasons to be happy. They were still alone at the mayor’s office, feeling glad that each is genuinely in love with the other. They were all smiles on what seemed to be the best day of their lives yet.

“I never really thought I’d have this.” Regina spoke as she brushed her thumb at the corner of Robin’s lips.

“Well, I guess I was right in the first place.” Robin replied as he let a smirk flash across his face. Then he added, “It’s all about timing,” still holding Regina’s hand on his face.

“Maybe that and Tinkerbell was right about us too,” she removed Robin’s hand from her face and rolled the sleeves of his jacket until it reveals the lion tattoo on his arm. “Maybe, just maybe, pixie dust never lies.”

“Yes, maybe. And I tell you milady, the course of true love never runs smooth, but I’m willing to endure anything, anything, just to be with you. I love you so much.”

Regina’s eyes are starting to well up when she replied “I love you too.” She hugged him and he hugged her back. Robin gave her a peck on her soft warm lips. She smiled within that kiss, like every time their lips meet is the happiest thing that could ever happen to her, and to him. “I’d like to invite you for lunch, but clearly, I wasn’t able to cook anything.”

“Not a problem. Not that I’ve prepared anything, but if you like, we could grab a bite at Granny’s.”

“Sure. I bet Henry and Roland are still there at the moment.”

“Yes, let’s go have our lunch with our kids.”

Regina just smiled. Our kids, she thought. Finally, a family of my own that wouldn’t be founded in hate. Her thoughts made her smile again. She grabbed Robin’s arm with her right arm then they walked together outside her office to have lunch with their family.


                They arrived at Granny’s and when Robin opened the door for Regina, the keen eyesight of Roland saw them immediately. He stood up from his seat and ran towards them, “Mama!” he shouted as he reached for Regina’s arms. He pulled her hand and brought her to the table where Henry is already seated while Robin is following them. Little John stood and left the boys with their parents.

“Thanks Little John,” Robin said to which Little John responded with a nod. They sat on their table, Robin beside Henry and Regina beside Roland. There were eyes staring at them, who knows what they’re thinking? But along those stares, there were those with smiles on their faces. Among them was Tinkerbell.

“Fairy dust always works,” she said smiling. She was at the corner observing her match-made by fate. Opposite her was Emma.  She came in few seconds before Robin and Regina went in.

“What fairy dust?” Emma mumbled.

“Oh, that… my complicated history with Regina, you know. Years ago, with the help of pixie dust, we’ve located her soulmate, a guy on a tavern with a lion tattoo on his arm. She didn’t go in and had not met him. But years later, their paths crossed, and look at them now.” Tinkerbell explained as if bragging that she helped them to find each other and be together.

“That fairy dust, does it tell if they’d be together no matter what?” As curious as she was, what’s on her mind was how to tell Robin that Marian died at Regina’s order, without tearing their relationship apart.

“The pixie dust tells that Robin and Regina are soulmates but it’s still up to them if they want to be together. But I tell you, after knowing who the other person is, the attraction is just so strong to be resisted. Look, even Regina wasn’t able to repel that kind of love.”

“They’d still need to work it out,” Emma whispered, mostly to herself.

“Of course they do.” Tinkerbell replied.

Tinkerbell was still saying something else but Emma’s attention was already lost. She was just looking at a family’s lunch date, Robin, Regina, Roland and his son too, Henry. They seem to be so happy. How can I break such bad news to Robin and rip their happiness away from them? I can’t. But I have to. I mean, I need to tell Robin about where I found Marian because Regina also said that I should tell him about it. Only then she noticed that she was staring blankly into space, at the direction of Regina, who was also looking back at her that moment. Regina just smiled at her. What could she be thinking or saying with that smile? Emma thought. What the hell! What am I supposed to do?!

“Emma!” The handless wonder startled her so she just stared at him, surprised. “What? Does my dashing handsome look still stun you?” Hook began.

“Not really, I was just thinking about something important,” Emma explained.

“I bet that’s me?” He confidently said while he smiled his crooked smile, matching his raised right eyebrow.

Emma just smiled. “What brings you here? I thought you were with David, in the woods, looking for Elsa? I mean, the Snow Queen, or whatever her name is.”

“The search is leading nowhere but Belle has found some information that could be useful so dad dismissed us and went to Gold’s to check the news.” He was just so teasing when he said dad, he wasn’t able to hide his grin just thinking about his mate possibly being his father-in-law.

“Yeah, dad huh?” Emma teased back. “Maybe you’re just hungry, let’s order something to eat.”

“Well, I’m sure this is not hunger, but okay. Let’s take the table near Henry’s,” Hook said. He didn’t wait for Emma’s reply and he started walking towards Regina’ table.

“Wait!” Emma squealed, pulling Hook’s arm back at her. “Don’t say anything about Marian. And I mean, anything,” she pleaded.

He was a little confused but he agreed, “Okay, I guess?” Just when he’s about to drag Emma to Henry’s table, Regina stood and so Hook stopped. She seemed to say something inaudible to Robin and walked towards them.

“Hey, Emma.” Regina whispered. “I know that I’ve told you to inform Robin where you’d found Marian,” she said softly, just enough for the two to hear, then she looked at Hook. “But please… not today. Just not today,” she said with tears about to roll out from her eyes.

Emma and Hook looked at each other then Emma replied, “We understand.” She smiled reassuringly.

“Thank you.” Regina replied in satisfaction. “Now, would you like to join us for lunch?”

“Sure.” Hook responded immediately and went to Henry’s followed by Regina.

Great,” Emma muttered to herself. Now I’d be forced to talk to them, like, I don’t have something to hide. If these fairytales are real, I wish my fairy godmother will help me get through this. Shut your mouth Emma, shut your mouth! And hell, shut up Hook! Don’t say anything! She took a deep breath, rolled her eyes and went to join Hook and Regina.

Just not today, Regina thought. Let me have this day, just one more time to spend with Robin and Roland, with Henry, until the night ends, until midnight. That’s all I ask. And maybe, just maybe, I’d be fine if I lose my soulmate again. Her thoughts were endless but she didn’t want the day be ruined, it could possibly be the last she’ll spend with her supposed-to-be family. Who knows? And so she gulped large amount of air, flashed a bright smile and enjoyed every passing moment of their lunch date.

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