Shattered & Broken

By frickyeahmgc

16.5K 158 42

Due to a dark secret from her past, Trin is severely depressed and suicidal. And it doesnt help when her fami... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 20

443 4 0
By frickyeahmgc

"TRIN HURRY UP! Jacks gonna be here to pick u up for school!" My mom yells.

I sigh and get out of bed.

He wont be here for another hour so i have time to get ready.

I go in my closet and get out the school uniform.

Since we left the only public school around here, we have to go to a private school.

The give us a black white and red plaided skirt and tie with a button down shirt and a grey cardigan with the school logo on it. Luckily we get to pick the shows so i get some black vans

I fishtail my hair and do my makeup then go downstairs.

"This thing makes me itchhhhh" i complain.

"Stop complaining, i made breakfast" she says and i sit down at the bar in the kitchen and eat the pancakes my mom made.

Then theres a honk.

"Bye" i say grabbing my bag and going outside.

I throw my backpack in the trunk and get in the car.

"Who are u and what have you done to my girlfriend?" He says.

Hearing him call me his girlfriend again makes me so happy.

"Shut up and drive" i say and he laughs and turns the radio on and drives away.

"Whats ur schedule?" I ask.

"We only have lunch" he says.

"Oh" i say dissappointed.

We finally get to the school and walk in.

Everyone looks so preppy. Even the emo kids!

I take my schedule out and look at my locker number. Its one of the last lockers bc it was empty. Next to someone named Jacob.

"Hey im Jacob" he says.

"Trin" i say.

"Your the new girl right?" He asks and i nod.

"Let me see your schedule" he says and i tak it out and show him.

"Everything with me. Maybe i could show you around and stuff? Yanno be your tour guide"

"Sure" i laugh.

"Great. Just let me grab my books" he says and i grab mine and shut my locker.

"So first is Lit and thats right around the corner" he says leading the way.

"Ms.Collins, this is Trin, shes new." Jacob says to the teacher.

"Jones right? Trinity jones?" She asks and i nod.

"Okay well you can just find a seat and hopefully someone can catch you up on the lesson" she says and i nod.

Jacob sits in his normal seat and i find a random seat next to a girl with brown hair in curls.

"Hey im Becca, trin right?" She asks.

"Yeah" i say.

"So, did you find someone to help you around?" She asks.

"Yeah actually, Jacob" i say.

"Jacob?! As in Jacob Whitesides?!" She asks.

"Um yeah i guess" i say.

"How did you even get him to talk to you?!" She asks and i shrug.

"Ohmygod hes staring at you!" She says. I turn around wave and turn back.

"I think he likes you" she says.

"Yeah well i have a boyfriend" i say.

"First day here and you already have a boyfriend?!" She asks.

"Well he transferred here with me" i say.

"Awwww thats so cute! Whats his name" she asks.

"Jack" i say.

"Johnson?" She asks.

"No gilins- wait. How do you know jack johnson?" I ask.

"He transferred here a few weeks ago." She says.

"Well anyways, jack gilinsky, not johnson" i say and she nods.

We go on learning about shit i already knew but i barely payed attention. I just sat drawing in my notebook.

The bell rings and i rush out. I sit through 4 more classes until finally lunch.

I walk in and im welcomed already at 2 different tables. Beccas and Jacobs.

I look for jack whos sitting at Jacobs table. And so is Jack J.

Becca looked kinda alone at her table so i invite her to sit with us.

"Are you sure?" She asks and i nod.

"Sorry i brought a friend" i say sitting in between Jack and Jacob and she sits across from me by Jack J and another boy.

"Thats okay" Jacob says.

"Hey" i say to Jack as i sit down.

"Hi" He says kissing me.

"Oh i forgot to introduce everyone. This is Shawn, Aaron, Jack J, Cam and Jack G but um... You seem to know him already" he says and i laugh as Jack holds my hand under the table.

"Thats Becca and im Trin" i say.

We all talk and i avoid looking at Jack J.

We go on with the rest of the day until its finally over.

I go to my locker to see Jacob there.

"Hey, theres a couple of people going to Shawns later, you and Jack wanna go?" He asks.

"I dont know, ill text you" i say.

"Okay" he says then i shut my locker and walk by Jack.

"Hey babe" he says putting his arm around me.

"Hi" i smile.

"How was it?" He asks.

"Okay, except Jack." I say.

"Itll be fine, just keep ignoring him like you did" he says and i nod then we get in the car.

"So, whatd you wanna do?" He asks.

"Well we got invited to a party at Shawns but Jack Js gonna be there" i say.

"We dont have to go" he says.

"Good" i say.

"Did you wanna come over to my place?" He asks and i nod.

We get to his house and go in his room.

"I missed you, it sucks only seeing you at lunch" he says kissing me.

"Yeah, it does"i say.

Then out of nowhere Jack starts tickling me.

"stopp" i laugh and he keeps tickling me until i fall over and hes on top of me.

I laugh as i try to catch my breath.

We stare at eachother for a moment until he leans down and starts kissing me.

"Jack?" I ask.

"Hmm?" He asks.

"Ive missed you" i say.

"I missed you too babe" he says.

"No not that. Like ive missed you so fucking much. Ive been gone for almost 5 months and it just feels so good to have you back finally" i say.

"I know, baby" he says.

Then he leans down and kisses me. He trails off to my neck.

"Jack," i laugh.

He looks at me.

"Please?" He asks with a puppy dog face.

"Fine, your lucky i love you" i laugh.

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