
By KumaKuma0911

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Adam and Eve. The sole Devil and the sole Angel. Without the other, the world's balance shall collapse. Or... More

The Protocol
Red Falcons


612 22 7
By KumaKuma0911

Title: Gray

Anime/Manga: Katekyo Hitman Reborn

Summary: Adam and Eve. The sole Devil and the sole Angel. Without the other, the world's balance shall collapse.

Or, in which Tsuna-hime calls the fact that the Devil is her soulmate for eternity bullshit.

Reborn? He's a sadist like the Devil he is. What do you think?

(They can't deny, though, they love each other dearly.)

Genre(s): Romance, Humor

Warning(s): Fem!Tsuna, Angel!Tsuna, Devil!Reborn

Note(s): MultiChap

Pairing(s): Reborn x Tsuna (R27)

Chapter: 1 - Reunion


The doorbell of the Sawada household rang, gleefully calling the residents of the house.

"Tsu-chan, can you get it for me?" the matriarch asked as she stirred the scrambled eggs on a non-stick pan. Her daughter who stood next to her nodded and gently placed the bowls on the table before walking out of the kitchen and into the hallway.

"Coming!" Sawada Tsuna-hime grabbed the doorknob.


A rush of power surged through her body. She came to a sudden halt and dropped to her knees with her hand still on the knob. As she covered her face with her free hand, her breathing quickened. She knew her chocolate-brown eyes were flickering sunset-orange.

"Ha... ha ha...," she breathlessly laughed. Tsuna groaned. I should have known the flier was sent by him of all people.

The individual on the other side of the door knocked. "I know it's you," said a clear baby voice, "Eve."

Tsuna sighed after a moment of silence. "My name is Sawada Tsuna-hime, Adam." A small, sweet smile appeared on her face. "I'm pleased to meet you again after all this time." She finally stood up and opened the door. Sunset-orange eyes met golden-yellow. "Come in."

"Pardon my intrusion," the infant smiled back.

"Mama, the tutor is here!" Tsuna called as she closed the door. Her eyes resided back to their normal brown color; the same goes for the infant as his eyes resided back to midnight black.

Her mother came out of the kitchen. "Ara?" she wiped her hands on her apron. "A baby?"

"He's a man with stunted growth, he told me. A dwarth more or less," Tsuna lied.

"Oh dear. Excuse my rudeness, Tutor-san. My name is Sawada Nana, but please call me Mama or Maman," her mother said with a bright smile.

"Adam" stared blankly at the floating flowers that magically produced near her head. He turned to Tsuna, who also was smiling like her mother with floating flowers. Huh, he mentally huffed. And I thought "Eve" was the only one capable of doing that. Guess it's not an Angel thing considering the fact that Nana is human. He had the chance to touch them one time, and they were real. Real.

"No harm done, Maman," he nodded. "The name is Reborn. Thank you for having me."

"My, how polite!" Nana exclaimed.

A giggle escaped from Tsuna's mouth. Reborn glared at her. It took centuries for her little Devil to be polite. And if anything, he learned how to be polite when he learned how to seduce and allure the humans, much to her chagrin.

Oblivious to their reactions, Nana asked, "Will you be taking the guest room or...?"

The infant turned back to the wife. "To understand Tsuna-hime better and to tor-tutor her into the greatest leader in her generation, with her interests and habits in mind, I'll be occupying her room with her. A futon will not be necessary. I have a hammock fit for my size." Though, that might not be necessary either since Eve is here, and I might as well sleep with her. A smirk slowly formed.

"Alright then!"

Reborn smoothly raised an eyebrow. Baka-Iemitsu's report on the mother was fairly accurate.

Name: Sawada Nana

Occupation: Wife of Sawada Iemitsu, Mother of Sawada Tsuna-hime, Former Waitress

Age: 33

Date of Birth: 31 March 1971

Appearance: Brown mid-neck length hair; Brown eyes; Petite and thin build

Personality: A kind and caring women with a deep love for children. However, she is known to be an oblivious, air-headed woman to the neighborhood. HER FOODS ARE THE BEST!

Note: Don't hit on my wife, Reborn! (*'д'*)

(Reborn rolled his eyes with a scoff at that last part. And was that emoticon necessary?)

Usually, parents would refuse a man from staying in the same room as their daughter, even if he looked like an infant. Nana, however, wasn't the definition of a "normal" parent. Sure, she's a "Yamato Nadeshiko," but she was a little too easy-going. That disturbed Reborn a bit, but at least it made his job somewhat easier. After meeting Tsuna just moments ago and realizing that she was his counterpart, Iemitsu's report on her was trash (Xanxus would have to agree, no?).

Name: Sawada Tsuna-hime (Nickname: Tsuna)

Occupation: Daughter of Sawada Iemitsu and Nana, Student of Namimori Middle School, Candidate to be Vongola Decimo/a

Age: 13

Date of Birth: 14 October 1991

Appearance: Slight short and slim; Mid-back long, light brown hair; Brown eyes

Personality: A cute and kind girl, but she is terrible in education and athletics. Because of this and her weak personality, she is known as "Dame-Tsuna."

It only proved further that the fool didn't know almost anything about his family. Almost.

Famiglia over Family.

Reborn mentally scoffed. That might as well be Baka-Iemitsu's motto.

"Why won't you get your bag while I set the table for breakfast, Tsu-chan?"

Tsuna nodded and walked up the stairs. Reborn wordlessly followed. When Nana was out of earshot, Tsuna whispered, "Cursed?"

He hummed a yes. "Just after you died. My flames have been compressed to feed this pacifier." The yellow pacifier glinted. "Seven others, too, one of them partially with a corrupted pacifier."


"Luce of the Giglio Nero Famiglia, Fon of one of the Chinese Triads, Verde the "Neo Leonardo da Vinci," Skull de Mort (the famous stuntman), Lal Mirch (the former COMBUSIN boss and currently in the CEDEF), and Colonnello, Lal's former subordinate. You were also chosen to become the Sky Arcobaleno at first, but because of your death, Luce replaced you," he said bitterly.

"Where were you?"

Tsuna opened the door to her room, in which he noticed that was wooden name sign carved as a pearl-white claim with her name in cursive. He took a quick glance around her room. It was a simple yet pretty room, benefiting the disguised Angel. The walls were a pale orange with white and red curly designs. A red bed was placed at the far right corner. Next to it was a drawer for clothes. On the other side stood a bookshelf and a study desk.

"We can talk about this later. I'm sure you figured out why I'm here?"

"Tsu-chan!" Tsuna's mother called.

"Hai!" she answered back. Tsuna immediately grabbed her school bag and walked back downstairs. "Vongola?"

"Affirmative." He received a sigh as a reply.

They went into the kitchen and sat down. The pair had smiles on their faces as if their conversation ceased to exist.

"Join us for breakfast, Reborn-kun," Nana gestured to the food on the table.

"Ah, no, thank you," Reborn said. "I've already had breakfast before I arrived. An espresso would be appreciated, though." He glanced at Tsuna. Tsuna caught it and sighed fondly before standing up again.

"Let me do it, Mama. You can eat first and ask more about Reborn while I make it."

"Thank you, Tsu-chan! I hope you don't mind, Reborn-kun," Nana slightly apologized. "I can guarantee, however, that Tsu-chan's coffee is the best!" She grinned widely.

"Then, I will take up your offer." As they talked a little about themselves, Tsuna grabbed a cup from the cupboard and started the drink from scratch, doing it just the way Reborn loved it, in which it is the same since the rise of the "coffee" and when she first started trying to create it herself. (He had Eve bless the human who invented the "coffee.")

After roughly 5 minutes, she gave the espresso to the "infant" and began eating the food, adding in comments here and there in their conversation. She managed to eat it all just before it was time to go. Tsuna got up and grabbed the empty dishes, but Nana stopped her.

"Ah, it's okay, Tsu-chan. I'll do it. You can go ahead, maybe show Reborn-kun around?"

"Okay. Thanks, Mama," she said with a smile. "Let's go, Reborn." He nodded and jumped onto her shoulder. "Bye, Mama!"

"Have fun! Stay safe!" she replied as they walked out of the house.


"So! Going back to the tea. Spill it," Tsuna singsonged.

"Vongola Nono requested me to train and tutor Iemitsu's daughter, in other words, you, to become Vongola Decima," he went straight to the point.

"What about the other candidates?" Tsuna grabbed Reborn off her shoulder and cuddled him as she walked. He was just too adorable to resist in this form!

"The three sons of Nono were murdered." He pulled out four photos. "Enrico was shot and killed in a gunfight, Massimo was drowned, and Federico's bones were only found, so the cause of death is unknown. There is also Xanxus-" she showed a picture of a young man trapped in ice "-but he's adopted, so his blood does not contain any Vongola DNA. Just after you died, he went on a rampage. As a result, Nono had to restrain him."

During Tsuna's previous life, in which she went by the name Imogene Dugal (first-last order), she often took care of Xanxus when Timoteo or his brothers weren't there to accompany or support him. Xanxus grew fond of her, hence his rampage when he learned that Imogene was dead. She was like an older sister to him. It must have hurt Xanxus deeply to have his brothers and sister die, leaving him alone.

Tsuna narrowed her eyes at the photo. "Zero Point Breakthrough: First Edition." Reborn nodded. Tsuna groaned. "Jeez, so much happened after my death!"

"The only solution Vongola has left is you. Due to the fact that you have Vongola blood since you are descended from Primo, Iemitsu and Nono admit witness to your Sky flames at a young age, and Iemitsu is already busy with the role as the CEDEF's boss."

She pouted. "To think that I would be the reincarnation of myself. Now I have to fix my Vongola back into a vigilante group from the mafia. Great. Simply fantastic. When will I ever get my permanent peaceful life?!"

"When has your life ever been peaceful?" The Devil snickered.

"Shush, you," she sulked.

"Tsuna-chan!" A pretty brunette came towards them while waving her hand. Her eyes landed on the "infant" in Tsuna's arms. "Who is this?" she asked curiously.

"Good morning, Kyoko-san. This is-"

"My name's Reborn, the World's Greatest Hitman," he interrupted her. He jumped out of Tsuna's arms and slightly tilted his black fedora in greeting.

Kyoko cooed as she shook his hand. "He's so cute!" She looked at her watch and gasped. "I'm sorry, Tsuna-chan, but I have to catch up with my brother. He forgot his lunch. See you later in class!" She ran off.

"See you!" Tsuna called back. She looked down at Reborn. "Her name is Sasagawa Kyoko. She's known as Namimori Middle School Idol. Kyoko-san is in the same class as me. Her brother she mentioned is Ryohei, the captain of the boxing team. Both are potential Suns."

Reborn looked up. "I sense a 'however.'"

Her eyes narrowed with an orange glint. "However," she stressed, "You will not drag in innocent civilians to the dirty work of the mafia."

"They will be your guardians. You cannot change the fact that they will eventually be caught up in our affiliation, Tsuna. Especially when Vongola has become desperate to fill the tenth position, both Sky and Guardians," Reborn countered.

"Only when the civilians want to be part of the mafia, that is."

"Oh, they will." He looked down the road where Kyoko went. "They will."



-The original story of Adam and Eve is implied, yet it is twisted in this story. Adam is the Devil. Eve is the Angel.

-Reborn, originally born millennials ago as Adam, is the reincarnation of thousands of other reincarnations. The same goes for Tsuna. The moment they die, they will immediately be born as another human being, either male or female.

-This was not directly stated, though it is implied that Primo and Tsuna are the same; they are both Eve, hence, "To think that I would be the reincarnation of myself. Now I have to fix my Vongola back into a vigilante group from the mafia."

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