Darks Back // Jason McCann

By overboardrauhl

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❝Things are going to start changing around here.❞ -jm. // second book to dark. // written by overboardrauhl © More



4K 272 161
By overboardrauhl

[[ i'm so so sorry about how late this is. summer just started and i've been so busy. i also apologize if this chapter isn't the best, i was rushed. the next one will be better, i promise. thank you so much, i love you all :) xoxo ]]




As I continued slamming my fists into the wall, Ralph grabbed both of them and glared down at me.
“Knock it off, Jason,” he hissed, “Slamming your fists into walls won’t do shit for you.”

I pulled my fists away from his grip and looked up at him. I shrugged. “And you think that standing around, crying, will do me shit either?”

Ralph shook his head and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, “You fucked up, but she’ll come around.”
I tried to move around, but I couldn’t. All I could do was sink to the ground, with my head in my hands.



I sighed and stood up carefully, ignoring the pain shooting through my body.

“Lucas..” I spoke quietly, kneeling down to my brother’s body, on the hospital room floor. He grabbed my hand and sat up, wiping the blood off of his face with his arm. He looked at me.

“I didn’t mean to hurt his sister, Kylie,” Lucas spoke, looking down, “I really didn’t.”

“Hey..” I spoke softly, tilting his chin up with my index finger, “His sister is fine, isn’t she?”

Lucas shook his head slowly and inhaled, moving my finger away from his face before speaking, “I killed her.”

I frowned, and looked towards the hospital window, where Ralph was still standing. Jason, most likely was with him.

I shouldn’t feel bad that my brother killed his sister. He caused me pain, but he doesn’t deserve pain for that. I still shouldn’t care, because I have nothing to do with Jason any longer. But, all I could feel was sadness, regret, and empathy.

I stood up, helping Lucas to his feet also. I walked over to the bag of clothes that Jason had brought for me earlier, pulling out some clothing.

“Where are you going?” Lucas asked. I turned my head to face him.
“Leaving, I don’t need to be in here anymore.”

Lucas frowned and I shrugged, walking into the bathroom.

I changed out of the hospital gown, and lifted up the clothing that i had grabbed from my bag. It was a white tank top, black jeans, and one of Jason’s flannel shirts. I exhaled and ran my fingertips along the fabric, deciding if I should wear it or not.

I shrugged and changed into the clothing I grabbed, tossing the hospital gown aside.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Lucas sitting on the hospital bed, scanning my body.

I walked over to my bag and lifted it up, swinging it over my shoulder. I walked over to Lucas, and said, “I’ll talk to you later, I guess. I’ll be at the house.”

Lucas nodded and stood up, kissing my forehead. I shot a small smile towards him, and walked out of the hospital room.

Ralph was standing there, his arms crossed along his chest. He grinned slightly and opened one of his arms.

I walked into his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist tightly. He wrapped his arms back around me tight, and pulled back after a moment.

“I got a call, a few minutes ago,” Ralph spoke, becoming serious, “They’re after you both again. Jason’s at the house, gathering everything together for you both. You’ve gotta leave.”

I tilted my head to the side, and shook my head. “Why do we both need to leave? And where would we be going?”

“You both need to leave, because if you don’t, they’ll kill you. Jason needs to go, just to make sure you don’t get killed. You’re both not leaving the state, we’re just moving you to a house away from here. Just until we can come up with a plan.” Ralph said, exhaling. I frowned.

I don’t want to be in the same house, or same area, breathing the same air as Jason at the moment. I looked at Ralph, and he instantly understood why I wasn’t too happy about this.

“Kylie,” he started, “Don’t worry about you and Jason. He made a mistake, and he understands that. Especially, now that he knows it was his child. He’s most likely going through a lot, too. He killed his kid, in a way, and lost the love of his life. That’s a lot to take in, especially for him.”

The words, and lost the love of his life echoed throughout my mind, over and over. I inhaled, and nodded.

“I’ll go.”



I stand in the middle of my room, packing my backpack, along with Kylie’s.

Seeing her, hearing her speak, watching her every move, will be one of the hardest things for me to do, as of right now. The Jason McCann, shouldn’t be acting like some pussy, worrying about his feelings. That’s just what it comes down to with her.

I heard the house door open and close, and I quickly grabbed both of our backpacks. I swung mine over my shoulder, and carried Kylie’s downstairs.

I stopped mid-way on the stairs, seeing who was downstairs. It was MacAvoy and Michale, talking to Connor.

My hands balled into tight fists, as I slowly backed up the stairs.

The one that switched the fucking paternity tests, between MacAvoy and I.

I growled quiet enough for only me to hear, and I walked over to the window in my room. I saw a maroon van pull up in the driveway, and I mentally cursed myself out. Ralph.

I pulled my window open, and looked down to the ground. It wasn’t that far of a jump, so I held onto Kylie’s backpack, with mine over my shoulder, and jumped down onto the grass.

Ralph looked towards me, his eyebrows furrowing. “Who’s car is that?” Ralph asked, pointing to the other car in the driveway.

“That’s MacAvoy’s.” I said, “Connor is in there with him.”
Ralph clenched his jaw, and nodded, “I’ll deal with it. Kylie’s in the car, both of you get out of here.”

I looked towards the van, seeing Kylie in the front seat, with her eyes dead locked on her hands. I frown, and look at Ralph.

“You’ll be alright, kid.” Ralph said, as he patted my back, instantly knowing what was wrong. I nodded, and walked towards the van. I climbed into the front, taking my backpack off and shutting the door. I tossed both of our backpacks into the back of the van, and looked at Kylie.

Her hair was wavy and straight, her eyes a beautiful hazel brown. She was wearing a white tank top, black jeans, and my flannel that I snuck into her bag. Seeing her in my clothing, shot a small grin to my lips. As soon as she looked at me, my grin turned into an immediate frown.

I cleared my throat, and sat back in my seat, starting the van.

As soon as I started the van, another car smashed into the back of the van. I clenched my jaw as Kylie let out a scream, and turned my head back to look at the car that had made a small crash into ours. My jaw dropped, at who I saw.

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