Keep breathing || BTS

By chibbuingxo

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The life Charlie was thrown in felt like she was drowning. Like if the cold water was flooding her mouth as s... More

A hurting past
Keep breathing
Saving a loyal friend
Meeting BTS in a zombie apocalypse
Find shelter from the light
Bad morning
Be in peace
Welcome in town
Blocked streets
Not trusted
Let's get our hands dirty
Just a little break...hopefully
Tired and tires
Let's go to the beach! Bitch?
SeokJin is changing
0 star hotel
More than just a motorcycle
Red arrow
Au clair de la lune
A new Bowser version
The brightness will come; then the dark clouds
The trees keep the secret
She dared to lie to their eyes
Ready or not
Jack! Come back!
Can I get a glass of water please?
Looking for a goodbye
I'm not dead yet
Opened eyes
Want to hear a rabbit joke?
One lucky moment
Ten to nine
Doctor's appointment
Street fight
A new home
Playing with my mind
Dear readers
Cold meal
One zuccini
I need you, brother
It's a hard life

My heart exploded

291 16 27
By chibbuingxo

(This chapter will be longer than the previous one.)

It had been about 40 minutes that the group was following the road. They were all tired, dehydrated and hungry. Charlie was still looking out of the window without really observing. After she lost her best friend, her dog named Jack, the girl was like disconnected from the world.

Suddenly, an explosion happened close by. The ground shook under the tires as a big mushroom of fire and black smoke rose from behind some abandoned buildings. Everyone got surprised except for the young girl, that didn't even flinch.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea?" Jimin sounded worried and for a good reason. "I mean, what are the possibilities that somebody placed bombs in that area and survivors are exploding one by one. We should not go towards explosions!"

The group stayed quiet for a moment. They didn't considered this possibility before, but it actually could be it.

"Let's just go" Jin continued to drive with care.

"Let's all die together! Yay!!!" Suga expressed sarcastically with a smile on his face. The others weren't too enthusiastic about it so they looked outside to spot anything interesting.

On a long road with tall trees along it, the group was slowly going forward as everyone was observing the many zombies that were once people that had all been hang in the trees. They were all in white, blood dripping from their feet as they were slightly shaking from trying to get the new visitors of this area.

"Guys, I don't feel this" Jimin said as his face turned pale from the sight of all the deads. It was going along the road until the group had to stop the car.

"Oh my god." Hoseok's eyes were shaking as he looked in the front to see almost 10 people standing in their way with a motorcycle for each. They didn't seem sympathetic at all with their weapons pointed towards the group. Also, their outfits weren't showing their friendly side. The bunch of strangers were wearing armories, like helmets and vests, which looked handmade with metals and trash. It was scary and intimidating.

"What do we do?" Seokjin asked, terrified. Then, a guy approached the driver's side to speak to Jin.

"Chop his head off" Charlie said with coldness before Jin started to get scared with the man standing on the other side of the window.

He motioned to get the window down and Jin obeyed. With his trembling fingers, he pushed the button to get the window down. Struggling to focus, it was the window beside Jimin that opened. Since Jimin was sitting right behind him, he started to punch the back of Jin's seat, shouting that he got the wrong window.

"Oops! My bad" Jin expressed and got his window down instead while Jimin was curling tightly onto Hoseok's side.

"Hey" the stranger spoke, with a rough voice that matched his buff body,as he took off his helmet that had different pieces of metal assembled together, two dark glass of goggles to protect the eyes and the mouth was formed like a skull. "Don't worry. We don't want to harm any of you. Where do you guys are coming from" he asked.

"Just a few miles back...we decided to move" Jin answered and you could hear his voice shaking. The man straightened his back to look towards the direction that Jin indicated. With his eyes squinted and eyebrows frowned from the sunlight, they couldn't tell if he was actually nice or not.

"Why are you coming here" the man questioned. Jin turned his head towards Charlie for help, but she was staring a the window beside her.

"We just drove. Look, we don't want to harm anybody either ok?" It was obvious that he was afraid. The man smiled, admiring Jin's courage to speak up though.

"Alright" he said. "Are you guys hungry" the man asked and right after, the expressions on the members face changed to scared, to confused and now excited.

"Yeah" Jin and Hoseok responded at the same time. The man looked back at Jungkook that was staring at the situation with round eyes, clueless about what was going on. Then, he came back to Jin.

"Follow us." With that said, the buff stranger walked back to his motorcycle and half of their group opened the way. Jin followed them, along with Jungkook that was extremely uncomfortable about this. The rest of their group followed behind the maknae. That felt wrong. Jungkook felt trapped and the others probably felt the same way.

They drove between the odd stranger group to a big metal fence with barbed wires all over it — that's right, not just on the top of the fence, but everywhere on it. Behind those fence, deads were appearing to guard it, stuck with a giant and pointy lance going through them.

The gates opened to them when they approached the entry and faced even more people inside. They all had weapons and their faced covered by helmets or a piece of tissue, stained by blood.

When one of the guy that was following them came to Jin's side, he knocked on the window, scaring the boys inside the car and telling them to get out of the vehicle. Not long after, Jungkook passed by them, stuck between four of the intimate men. He looked at his friends with big round eyes, praying to be somewhere else at that moment.

The group stepped out of the car to be taken hostage. Their weapons were taken away and they were pushed to face one big guy that was wearing a long black leather trench coat, a creepy plague doctor mask with its long beck and dark binoculars, a black and dusty hood and a metallic vest built with many different pieces found. He was holding a big weapon that the end was resting on the ground behind him. It looked like a weird axe looking thing with an ice pic merged with it on the other side of the axe's head. It was handmade, but still seemed strong. The man raised his hand in front of the new arrivals and his men forced them to kneel down, because, from observation, this big guy was the boss.

"You came on our territory and expected us to give you food, isn't it?" The stranger spoke loudly. The group kept silent as their eyes were shaking in every directions to observe the people around them. "Well, I have bad news for you..."

While the man was talking to them, Charlie noticed that one of the strangers standing behind the boss was missing a shoe. His foot was instead wrapped in a white bandage. What caught more Charlie's attention was that the shoe that he still had was extremely similar to the one that Jack brought her the other day. The girl stared at him ferociously, forgetting the one that was giving a speech.

"We observed you for a while now and..." the boss, looking like a crow with his mask, stopped talking as he noticed that Charlie wasn't looking at him. He walked to her and bent over. Charlie instantly pulled herself back as the long beck of his mask was too close to her.

"Something else is on your mind, young girl?" The stranger asked, staring at her with his round dark binoculars. Charlie stayed still while giving him a death glare. A small laugh escaped from the man as he stood up and pointed his massive weapon in front of the girl's nose.

"Listen to me when I speak" he said coldly, like a threat. Charlie gave him the same death glare before he moved to observe the rest of the group.

"As I was saying, your little group was on observation since long time before you entered that little town a few miles that way..." he vaguely pointed the direction where they were coming from.

"What do you want from us" Charlie questioned him with controlled anger. The people around them either laughed or were surprised that the girl would speak up. The crow looking man tilted his head.

"It must have been tough to loose one of your friends" he started, passing slowly in front of every members of the group. "What happened to him again? Oh yeah! He was killed by one of you." Charlie could swear that this guy was smiling under his mask. "And what did you do when you learned the truth? Oh yeah! You killed that woman!" The man stopped in front of Yoongi.

"So what? We didn't killed any of you yet" Charlie responded. The boss seemed to be either impressed by her courage to not be intimidated by him or annoyed by her stupidity to speak up once again.

The man walked promptly towards Charlie before pressing the eye of his axe against her chest until her back hit the ground. "I will kill you right now if you don't shut up immediately" he threatened her, tightening his teeth while speaking. The girl stayed quiet until he removed his weapon. Only when he walked away, Charlie sat up and a small red stain grew on her shirt. Jin, who was beside her, enlarged his eyes when he noticed it. Although he wanted to defend his friend, Jin would not dare to confront the guy right now.

"By the way," the boss continued. "Did you had a dog? Big and black? Extremely attached to you specially?" The strange man pointed at Charlie, whose glare couldn't send death threats more than that. Her silence was amusing him. "You see, I here have my best man, our best spy that happened to be in this condition because of your Jack?" He said when the guy with a bandage around his foot difficultly made his way beside his boss.

"I believe that you still have my shoe, doll." The boys were astounded to see Charlie letting that stranger call her "doll", but in that situation, they understood that she didn't want to die.

One of the men behind the hostages started to search in Charlie bag pack before throwing the missing dirty shoe to its owner.

"So, Dex here told me that Jack ran away? You must be really sad and angry right now" the crow man pouted under his mask as his voice imitated badly someone who was being compassionate. Charlie was visibly boiling from rage, but as strong as she was, she contained herself.

Then, the man approached the young girl. "You see...we happened to find your dog" he confessed. Charlie seemed to had put aside a little bit of anger when hope slightly installed in her gaze. "Now, don't worry! Hm! He's fine. He's still alive...barely." His last word sounded worst than a nightmare, with his guttural low voice.

"I'll kill you with my own hands" Charlie looked up at him. Her gaze, so dark, would suck his soul, so much Charlie was keeping her storm inside of her body. "Maybe not today...or tomorrow...but one day... I'll rip your trachea out of your throat with my bare hand" the girl threatened the man with a cold and bitter tone of voice. The crow guy stayed quiet at his turn, but not for so long.

"Let me ask you a question" he said directly to the young girl. "Do you remember where you got the motorcycle that your little shook friend over here is ridding?" The man turned his head towards Jungkook in such a creepy way that Jungkook stopped breathing for a second.

"We got it from the street, why?" Charlie answered honestly, still cold. The masked man approached slowly Jungkook, whose body was trembling. At first, the maknae wouldn't dare to look at him in the eyes — or the dark binoculars— but the boss placed his handmaiden special axe under his chin and lifted it up.

"I won't hurt you, boy, if you tell me the truth" the scary man said to Jungkook to soothe him. A tear slipped on the young man's cheek.

"That's bullshit" Charlie said under her breath, loud enough for Jungkook to hear. The man also heard her, but ignored her as much as he could, despite the amount of disrespect that she was giving.

"Did you found tag?" The question confused Jungkook. When he was about to answer it, the man immediately shushed him, "you don't need to say anything. Just move your head. Yes or no?"

Then, Jungkook gulped as the weapon was still under his chin. He shook his head slightly to not get cut. The man sighed deeply after Jungkook's response.

Jin was staring at the scene with wide opened eyes. He did remember finding the tag that the man was talking about, but Jin made the decision to stay quiet about it.

The sight of the boss leaving the maknae alone was a big relief for the oldest of the group.

"I've heard what happened in that town... the day that you found the motorcycle..." the crow guy began, walking in front of every member of the hostages. "You guys screwed up!" An odd atmosphere came in, like if something bad was near to come. "You bastards disturbed the zombies. A whole bunch of them became aggressive and hungry, chasing you around..."

As more as the man was telling his story, the group remembered pieces by pieces of what happened that day.

"You've all survived that day, right?" The man stared at Taehyung for a few seconds before continuing, "how did you knew about the motorcycle?" The man tilted his head towards Charlie to answer.

Before responding, the young girl looked at her friends, feeling that all of this was her fault. "I saw a bunch of guys leaving on motorcycles, but one stayed behind. Nobody took it so I-" she was cut off right away when her voice started to get louder.

"IT WAS MY SON'S!" The aggrieved tone of voice of the boss scared the hostages. "YOU..." the man brushed his dark gaze from member to member. "KILLED MY SON!" He was full of rage. "AND YOU TAKE HIS MOTORCYCLE?! NOBODY DRIVES HIS MOTORCYCLE EXCEPT HIM!!"

Jungkook was sweating. He didn't know. He didn't know that it was this guy's son's. He didn't know if he was the one to blame. He didn't know what to do.

Although the crow guy seemed to see red right now, boiling from anger, he managed to calm himself and asked casually, "so, who am I killing today?"

The group looked at each other with water in their eyes.

"N-No one sir" Taehyung bravely answered even though he was scared to death. The man just laughed, along with his group of people.

"No one? Ha! How is that fair hm?" The man tilted his horrifying masked head while his grip tightened on his weapon.

"We didn't intended to...kill your son, sir" Taehyung answered as his bottom lip was trembling. He didn't even dared to look the man into his eyes — or his binoculars.

The masked chief started to walk slowly around, passing in front of every members again. "So you're saying that I should let you all live."

Taehyung's eyes uneasily shifted to his left, where Jungkook was trying not to cry. Then he looked to his right to see that Charlie had her dark gaze locked on the man in front of them without showing any sign of fear. "Ye-yes..?" Taehyung responded with hesitation.

The man seemed to think, scratching his elbow while looking towards the ground. After a few seconds, he started to nod in agreement.

"Okay, get up" the crow guy ordered and the hostages obeyed immediately to his command. "You walked in here thinking that you were gonna have food??" The boss stared at his guests after his loud voice echoed in the background. "Then you are going to have food" he added. The boys' faces lit up, meanwhile Charlie was skeptical.

At this moment, the girl could hear some footsteps, brushing their shoes on the rough ground, coming back to the crowd of armed men behind them. She glanced behind her and landed her gaze on her bow, held by one of the men.

"So let's make a deal" the man in front of the group added confidently. "You work for me now...and-" the boss was interrupted when Charlie kicked the guy that was holding her bow and arrows in the sensitive place before grabbing her weapon and pointing it towards the boss.

"DON'T STEP ANY CLOSER OR I KILL YOUR CHIEF" Charlie shouted to all the men surrounding her and her friends. "WE ARE LEAVING. NOW" she added, eyes staring right into the crow guy's. The boys were unsure to move, but when Charlie started to step backwards towards their vehicles, they followed her way.

"We aren't making the deal?" Jungkook questioned the girl with a low voice.

"This guy can go to hell" Charlie responded aggressively, still looking at the boss, staring at them getting away, while holding his people from hurting the group.

A small smile grew on the maknae's face as he felt slightly more secured with the girl.

"IF YOU FOLLOW US OR ANYTHING, I WON'T HESITATE" Charlie added before they approached the vehicles.

Jungkook ran to his motorcycle. The bandmates went after while Charlie lifted her arm and showed her middle finger to the crow guy, still staying calm for some reason.

As soon as Jungkook turned on the engine, everything went black. The motorcycle exploded, forming a giant mushroom of fire. The group was smashed on the ground by the strong force that was created. Hoseok looked up to the black smoke and his eyes blinked as the realization that Jungkook just died in an explosion right beside him. Heart racing, it was becoming torture to even swallow his saliva. One by one, the members opened their eyes in disbelief and shock. Tears sliding over the soot left by the smoke that was burning their eyes, they were all lost.

"JUNGKOOK!!!" Taehyung started to scream. Soon it was all the members. Then, a hand felt on Taehyung's laps and to the ground. In horror, the young man pulled himself back when he noted that it was the maknae's. Small pieces of what was left of Jungkook felt like rain all over them. Chunks splattered on Charlie's head as well, but she was too petrified by the scenario to move an inch.

A loud buzz was ringing in her head, everything was in slow motion, expressing the most horrible pain in silence, Charlie was laying on the ground, watery eyes crying the death of her friend and blaming it all over herself.

Then, she saw a man jumping on Jimin. He was screaming and punching the guy, but soon was pinned to the ground. Same thing with the rest of the group.

The buzz progressively faded and the screams of help from her friends overwhelmed the air. The girl turned her head before she was kicked in the face. Charlie's vision became extremely blurry, but she was still trying to fight when someone pulled her weapon away. She was then pinned down at her turn.

"YOU KILLED JUNGKOOK, YOU FUCKING MONSTER" Yoongi yelled out his guts as the crow guy casually walked towards them.

"Sir" the guy that was on Jin called his boss' attention. The man approached the two of them and laughed oddly.

The masked man bent over and picked up what seemed like the dog tag that he was talking about earlier from Jin's pocket. "Well, well, well..."

The members were confused to see Jin with the necklace, but couldn't do anything about it at the moment.

"Lee Jung Hwa... My son" the man said, observing the tag. In a quick second, he kicked Seokjin's ribs with anger. "YOU WORK FOR ME NOW!" He spoke loudly. "AND I DON'T KILL YOU."

The atmosphere was quiet so he approached the young girl, whose face was smacked on some blood and Jungkook's meat on the ground, since he apparently thought that she was the leader of the group. She coughed before answering with difficultly, "deal." Her eyes weren't even looking at him anymore. They were staring at the nothingness, trembling and wide opened.

The man swung his body up while laughing, "welcome to the family!" A random guy killed a zombie that was approaching the zone. "Call me Lee" the crow guy finally presented himself, before the group was being pulled up and pushed inside the fences into that okay-looking village.


I am sorryyyyyyy!!! Jungkookie rest in peace!!!

Don't be angry at me please!!

Also im sorry that this chapter took so much time to write. I was working a lot and it was taking all of my energy.

I hope you still enjoyed even though its sad.

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