a million years and a thousan...

By iminxyou

3.4K 178 124

Geno is supposed to steal something from the vampire kingdom for ink.. bad idea.. More

And you would of thought i was crazy part: 1
And you would of thought i was crazy part: 2
And you would of thought i was crazy part: 3
And you would of thought i was crazy part:4
And you would of thought i was crazy part: 5
discontinued/new story

tagged+updates on whats going on

259 8 4
By iminxyou



I enjoy

Being so flipping busy

VE ry MucH



So I hear your wondering where the hell I've been!

Well good and bad news

Good news is I've finished 2 chapter redos (1st and 2nd chapter) I just didn't post it for a couple reasons that will be listed below

Bad news
Um more waiting?

Here's my shitty list of excuses and other stuff i guess

1.) Im unsure if I should just make a new story so there is no risk for those who happen to skip through update/author note pages to get confused and whatnot
(like how i do sometimes -w-'')

2.) I want to finish redoing the other pages before posting anything at all so you guys don't have to wait very long for the next redo page. So basically all redo pages will be posted at once

3.) Testing and projects slowing me down

4.) Occasional procrastinations

5.) I need to stop doing ART TRADEs!!

6.) I still need to finish making some other stuff-

I also need to stop trying to advertise my t- *slapped*

Onwards to answering the questions-

Tagged by cappuccino_the_cup
1) yes I like a lot of people pfh

2) yes .... I think?

3) shi- I mean simone

4) taken

5) uhhh... I don't remember lmao

6) actually listening to this now but seasons (Wun two)

7) 65%

8) i have a lot cant say who but i refer to one of them as my mom so
Y e a

9) angle.... Its a nickname since he's acute guy
See what I did there?

10) i simply can't have oNe favorite

#Errorink thou

11) i actually had another wattpad previously but its old and there's just too much cringe on it, I made this one to start on a new leaf i guess, and of course to write fanfics~

12) sorry can't show since it was specially made for me and.. Yea
I will show my home screen though

everything is themed red on here

13) jan 13th


I dont know a lot of these people lmao

I just typed in random names boom!

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