Birthday ☆Chloenette → Miracu...

By -NixxNixx-

7.4K 347 79

It's my birthday... The day momma disappeared. I can't believe I remembered this day. Diary tell me, when... More

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By -NixxNixx-

Chloe came into class with her head low and late. Ms Bustier looked sympathetically at the girl who walked towards her table and dropped a note. She then took the worksheet the class was working on and dragged herself to the back of the class.

Ms Bustier then read the note she was given by the girl in the hoddie.

Sorry, I'm late. Personal reasons is the reason I'm late. Sorry, I'll try for it not to happen again.

-Chloe Bourgeois

Chloe on the other hand sitting in the back had no motivation at all to work today. She just in all honestly wanted to sleep, she was so tired from crying all night and looking for the diary.

The blonde had to admit it was good that she wasn't getting any heated stares from anyone and that was great. However she could hear Sabrina 's bubble gum pink acrylic nails as she typed away onto her phone under her desk, gosh it was annoying as hell.

Even after all these years Chloe couldn't get used to the goddamn' fake nails that made a click clack noise every second. Ever since third grade when Sabrina got her first pair of fake bubble gum pink nails the typing has always been loud and bothering as hell.

What could Chloe do about it? She was just one girl against a whole class that was licking the ginger haired girls ass, well that's what Chloe liked to think of it as.

The blonde also didn't like Sabrina at all, she was so bossy, picky, annoying, selfish. On the top of that it was her father who lost all faith in finding Chloe's mother.

She hated that day, yet she could remember it so clearly...

~ flashback ~

Chloe sat expressionless on a cold hard white plastic chair in the police stations waiting room. All the talking in the room was going on between her father and Marianne, the secretary for the police station.

Marianne was actually a friend of Chloe's mother and was also devastated by the news of the disappearance. She was two months pregnant at the time of Chloe's mom's disappearance, and the news also effected her emotionally just as much as it did to Chloe since they both grew up together. They could've practically been sisters.

The blonde haired girl never really liked to listen into conversations, but she knew in the deepest depths of her heart that Marianne was feeling the same way.

"I honestly don't know what Roger has scheduled the meeting for, but I overheard him the other day talking to a few of the investigators telling them to stop looking for Audrey. " Marianne told Chloe's father, being very cautious if any of the officers were around.

Chloe's eyes widened at what she had just said, and she trusted with her life that what Marianne said was true. She wasn't a lady to lie.

Andre sighed, "he's so lazy. " He commented.

"Well your the mayor, you have the power to fire him!" Marianne whisper-shouted, poking him in the side of the chest gently.

The sky blue eyed girl hadn't agreed with something more in her life... But her father knew about the consequences if he would've done that.

"There could be so many major consequences of that, who could we have instead of Roger?" He questioned.

Marianne frowned, Andre had a valid point. No, there was not much police force anymore since Ladybug and Chat Noir came in. They were the ones who dealed a lot of the messy side of Paris, sure they dealed with supervillians, but they also dealed with robberies, break enters, missing pets... They have dealt with a lot and don't really need anymore.

Because of this, less police officers were needed and a lot of extra jobs were put on the superhero 's. However, they were very effient and played it cool that it was all good, when in fact it's a lot of work.

The secretary then got an incredible idea, "How about you ask Ladybug and Chat Noir to help out?" She asked.

Chloe's father shook his head, "They are both highschool students and I know that for a fact. They don't need extra pressure on themselves." He replied.

Chloe couldn't help but think getting Ladybug and Chat Noir in would be a great idea, even though they didn't have a degree in anything to do with forensic science but the blonde trusted them more than all the investigators looking for her mother.

"Andre!" Roger called out opening the staff only door, completely cutting the conversation between Marianne and Andre.

"Oh Hey Roger, how are you?" Andre greeted. Chloe took this as her cue to stand up and stand beside him walking into the staff only area to the desired destination of the cops office.

"Not bad, Andre. I'm glad you could make it today. Please take a seat. " Roger offered then walking over to take a seat in his own chair.

Chloe was literally shaking with fear, she was internally praying and hoping that what he was going to say wasn't what her father and Marianne were previously talking about.

"Andre, I hate to break this news to you. Your a great guy and I know you can move on from Audrey. Uh we're calling off the search. It's been five years and we've found no evidence and even the public has found nothing, we also doubt that Ladybug and Chat Noir could help. I'm sorry. " Roger apologized.

The blonde haired girls fingers clenched into her palms causing her nails to cut into the thin layer of skin there, she was so angry. Actually, angry was an understatement. She wanted to scream and cry, even punch the police officer in the face.

Andre sighed "very well, but we'll never loose hope. Right, Chloe?" He turned towards his daughter, who stared at Roger angrily. If looks could kill he would've been dead by now.

The blue eyed girl nodded, looking towards her father.

"I'm also sorry, Chloe. " Roger apologized looking into her direction.

She was just about to say something in reply, but decided not to. She didn't want to make any drama and on the top of that Sabrina would be a complete asshole to her.

"Thank you for taking your time to look for her, by the way. Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to get back to. " The mayor said standing up and walking out, Chloe trailed behind him. She knew that her father was just as upset as she was.

They walked out of the staff only area of the police station and back to the front where Marianne was except she was the one crying.

"What happened? " Andre asked.

"The b-bank called, they want to sell our house " she replied choking on tears.

Chloe frowned even more, today was the shittiest day in the world.


There the blonde haired girl in the hoddie in the back of the class was crying, it was so alive and vivid like she was back where she was five years ago.

Her whole body trembled and she didn't dare put her head up, she heard the familiar rattle of Ms Bustier's bangles that sat on her arms.

"Chloe? " She gently whispered rubbing the girls back, she could feel the vibrations that she gave off as she did that.

The blue eyed girl sniffled and brought her head up to see all her classmates gone and the only other human in the classroom was the teacher.

Ms Bustier then gave Chloe a handful of tissues, which the girl took to wipe her eyes and blow her nose.

"Would you like me to send you home? "


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