NXT + WWE One-Shots {open}

By KenzieWrestling

46K 1K 178

Want one? Just ask. NO HOLD BARRED (AEW also allowed) More

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FAQ: When can I expect my one-shot?
Madness // WWE
Paralyzed // WWE
Go // WWE
Tonight // WWE
Burn // WWE
Stop // WWE
Bottled Up \\ NXT
In the End // WWE
Friendly Fire // WWE
Take My Heart // WWE
Beautifully Blinding // WWE
Waiting? Please Read
Never Wanted // WWE
Kiss Me \\ NXT
Who's Next?
r. orton
By My Side \\ NXT

Shelter // WWE

1.8K 66 2
By KenzieWrestling

You can take it all. . .

"Are you freakin' serious right now?" I yell shoving the camera out of my face, "He just got out of surgery and you want him to cut a promo? Get the fuck outta here!"

Hunter's blue eyes give my boyfriend a warning glance, clearly wanting him to get me under control. "Babe-"

I quickly cut him off. "No!" The back of my eyes burn but I try to remain stern. "This is bullshit, you're only here because of him."

Hunter's eyebrows shot up with surprise, "Me?" He asks with a laugh, I didn't find it funny one bit.

"Yes, you." I hiss, pointing a finger directly in his face.

His smile falls as he pushes my hand away, replaced with a grim expression. "I'd bite my tongue if I was you, I'm still your boss whether you like my methods or not."  

My jaw clamps shut, anger bubbling inside of me. His cold eyes daring me to challenge him again before I could Seth's hand wraps around my forearm drawing my attention back to what matters--him. "Marissa please . . . Just go wait outside, I'll be done quick."


"Go." He says harshly, my heart crashing into the pit of my stomach. Seth sighs running his fingers through his long hair before adding in a softer voice. "Please." 

Hunter smirks victoriously as I stomp out of the room, "Asshole." I mutter under my breath in a huff.

I can't understand why he isn't as pissed off as me--more than me actually. Wrestling is Seth's life, he put in over 13 years of hard work to get where he is and just like that, poof, it's gone. All because Hunter and Stephanie wouldn't stop pushing him, I told them over and over again it was too much. A lesser man would have broken a year ago.

I can't help but glance into the window on the door, Seth is propped up on the thin mattress, his eyelids drooping from the pain meds coursing through his body. Those glistening brown eyes struggling to focus on the camera that was only a few feet from his face.  

Hunter stands at the foot of the bed, a smile playing at the edge of his mouth as he nods approvingly at Seth's words. It drops back down, my eyes shift back to Seth just in time to see his close completely and his head slide down to his shoulder.

"Wake him up, we need a little more content." Hunter barks out just as I pull the door open, I cross the room in a hurry.

"Leave!" I order, "You got what you wanted, now go."

H takes a threatening step forward and I mimic his motion, knowing nothing would make me back down. He can fire me, he can give me the shit schedule, he can do his worst to me but he's done pushing Seth past his limit. Never had I felt so strong and sure of myself in my life, but then again I've never loved someone as much as I love Seth.

"I think we got what we need, sir." The camera guy says in a hushed tone, the large camera being lowered to his side as he spoke.

My eyes turn back to Hunter who doesn't even blink at the words, knowing him he is probably debating whether it hurts his image to back down to a Diva. I don't know if it was the fact that the only guy who could confirm such a thing happened looked terrified of him or that he deemed me a worthy person to concede to (I highly doubt that was it) but his features soften, he straightens his blazer and with an almost courteous nod he adds. "Tell Seth I said get well soon."

I can't fight the confusion that etches its way onto my face as I watch them make their way to the door. What just happened? Did I win?

He stops suddenly, a chill running down my spine. "Oh, almost forgot." My body stiffens involuntarily. Of course, you didn't win, stupid crosses my mind as I wait to hear those two signature words that McMahon's love to say.

When his blue eyes touch mine a smirk stretches across his face, happy to see me squirm with discomfort as all the things he can do to me race in my mind. 

I don't budge as he saunters his way forward like he didn't have a care in the world. Which he should have at least one, I mean who else is going to be on the road 6 days a week defending that title without one complaint?

The tips of my fingers are numb, cold and yet somehow beading with sweat as he stops just inches in front of me. My heart thumps in my chest at a pace I didn't know it was capable of. Still, I will myself to keep this stoney expression because in the end there was nothing he could really do to hurt me. My job was replaceable, I'm sure there were plenty of people back at headquarters who would argue differently. They'd say no one pays as good as them which I'm sure is true but no amount of money is more important than Seth's health.

At least not to me.

His face inches closer to mine as he leans in, I could smell the peppermint on his breath causing my skin to crawl. Don't be afraid, I try to remind myself, it wasn't helping though. I'd be lying if I said fear didn't run down my spine.

Maniacal amusement dances in his eyes, the tip of his tongue tracing his top lip as my hands start to tremble. I ball them into fists, hoping he didn't notice. When his eyes shift to something over my shoulder, I can't hold back the sigh of relief that leaves my chest.      

The WWE championship was sitting on the table beside Seth's bed--behind me. I completely forgot it was there, so much was happening. Hunter's fingers snake around it before he pulls it to his shoulder, admiring it there for a moment. "See you Monday, Marissa." The words somehow sound like a threat and I swallow hard. Staring at the door even after it closes, expecting him to return with more bad news.

"Rissa?" My head snaps down to Seth's voice, which isn't quite his own--it's more gravelly, almost like he'd been wandering around the desert for days in search of water. 

My hand finds his under the covers, "I'm here." I say in a low voice squeezing it reassuringly. "How are you feeling, love?"

"Like shit." He groans, his eyelids fluttering open for a moment before clamping back down.

My heart clenches in my chest, "Here, let me get the lights." I go to move my hand from his but he tightens his grip. A small smile yanks it's way onto my face, and I use my free hand to press the dimming switch on his bed. "If it's any consolation, you still look hot," I say hoping to lighten the mood. 

Those long black eyelashes flutter open again, a cheeky smirk lifting up on the right side of his mouth. "You like daddy in a hospital gown?" His eyebrows wiggle and I couldn't help but chuckle.  

Seth laughs too, but it quickly switches to a low groan as he reaches for his knee in pain. "I'll get a nurse-"

"No . . ."

"Seth," I sigh, "You're in pain. They can help."

His head shakes, "I'm fine. It's nothing--well it's not nothing it hurts like hell--but I just want you to stay. Please . . ." He bats those big brown eyes and my heart flutters in my chest. I look back over to the door, knowing I could be back in two minutes tops. "It's just . . ." Seth starts again, drawing my attention back to him. "It seems everytime I close my eyes I wake up and something I love is gone."

A crease forms between my eyebrows as they draw together in confusion, that is until his eyes shift to the nightstand beside his bed. Where the WWE championship sat before he fell asleep. My heart aches when I see his eyes glisten with unshed tears. "Well, I'm not going anywhere," I say matter of fact, "Scootch over."

He flashes that boyish smile that I love so much and happily makes room for me. I climb in careful not to touch his hurt knee and his arms wrap around me instantly, clinging to me like I could disappear at any moment. "I love you." He breathes into my hair and kissing the top of my head.

"I love you too."

Yay, I finally updated! I hope you liked it. Sorry about the wait. 

In case it wasn't obvious this takes place in 2015, so I better not hear anyone bitch about referring to herself as a "Diva" it is the correct term for the time period.

I actually twisted my ankle yesterday chasing after my weenie dog which means I can't participate in gym class; so that opens up a whole hour for me to write in for the rest of the week! Kinda sucks for me 'cause my boo-boo hurts but hopefully I can knock out a few of these one-shots faster. 

(I'm still not sure which ones will take priority, it changes daily, but it will most likely be one of the ones that say: started on the tracker--which is located on the Intro + Rules page in case you didn't know).

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