Bounded Love. (Daryl Dixon Lo...

Da Katdixon6

128K 2.5K 269

Natalia Patrova isn't your ordinary woman. She is a Military weapon, made by the Russian Government. Her DN... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 37

994 16 2
Da Katdixon6

Natalie's POV

"W-Why aren't they back yet? They should be back by now!" I tell Lydia as I pace the floor in worry.

"Natalie calm down please. I'm sure they are fine." Lydia reassures me.

"No, don't patronize me Lydia. To many strong members of our group are gone. These people? They don't know what the hell they're doing." I reply rather bitterly. She sighs heavily.

"You know Daryl leaves because he needs closure for things. Remember that time you left to find Joe and his men? That night I begged you not to go. You did it for you. Daryl is doing this for him Natalie." She tells me and I nod.

"I know, I just worry about him. And Rick, and Glenn. All of them.. I don't know what I'd do if I lost any of them." I reply, feeling my eyes water.

I don't know what I would do if I lost Glenn. He is my bestfriend, the good angel on my shoulder. I know I can always count on him. Rick, he has made a huge impact in my life. I love them, they are my family. And Daryl... well you know whats up with that. The thought of loosing any of them breaks my heart.

I look over to the clock seeing that its getting later. "We should go out there, be back when they get here." I add as she nods, us both walking out. A car pulls through the gate, revealing a worried Rick.

"Morgan's still out there looking. Is Michonne here?" He asks Abraham as he closes the gate.

"She's still out there too." Abraham replies sadly. Rick turns to me and I walk up, embracing him in a hug in which he returns tightly.

"They'll be okay." I whisper to him as I kiss his cheek, pulling away. He squeezes my hand making me give him a weak smile.

"Were you afraid? To get back to it.. Let somebody close?" Abraham asks us.

"I used to be. Terrified even. But now, I have people I call family. You are part of my family Abraham." I respond making him give me a ghost of a smile. I turn to Rick. "I'm going to go check on Maggie." I tell him before waving bye. Lydia follows me as we walk to the house.

"You think there will be a fight?" Lydia asks me breaking the heavy silence. I look to her, zipping up my jacket as the cold breeze flows through my hair.

"If there is, we'll win it. No matter how long it takes, or what we have to go through, we'll win." I tell her and she nods with a small smile. We are broken out of our conversation by the young girl, Enid aka Carl's girlfriend, running out of Maggie and Glenn's house.

"Natalie! Lydia! Its Maggie! Something is wrong!" She yells, making fear corse through my veins as we rush into the house.


I grab two extra clips, putting them on my belt while Lydia hands me my arrows as we both rush out the house.

"I'll stay here, hold it down while you all are gone. Hilltop is far, there is no telling what can happen. These people are trained, but not nearly ready enough on their own. You be safe." She tells me as I pull her into a hug.

"Okay, if Daryl comes back, tell him I'll be back for him." I respond as her grip tightens on my jacket. She pulls away and gives me a small smile. I nod to her before climbing into the RV, making my way to the back where Maggie is.

"Natalie." She whispers hoarsely. I wring out the wet cloth before dabbing it on her sweat glistened forehead, grabbing her hand with my other.

"You're going to be okay." I tell her as she smiles weakly. "All okay." I whisper the last part, feeling my eyes tear up.


We've been on the road for a bit, Maggie seems to be getting worse and worse, and Hilltop seems to be taking longer to get to.

"What the bitch." Abraham says as we slow to a stop, catching my attention and making me move to the front.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask to Abraham just who shakes his head.

"What?" Rick asks moving to the front also.

"Enemy close." Abe warns us urgently, his grip tightening on the wheel.

"Tell Aaron to stay with Maggie." He orders me, I relay the message and look to Rick again.

"Are we doing this?" I ask and he nods slightly, grabbing his gun and opening the door to the RV. I step out behind him, staring at the group of men blocking our way. He walks out with his hands up as we form around him, in a group.

"He's someone who was with a lot of someones, who didn't listen." A guy with grayish hair and a mustache says, breaking the heavy silence.

"We can make a deal. Right here, right now." Rick responds, making me shift my gun, my eyes never leaving the man who I am guessing is a leader of some sort.

"That's right. We can. Give us all you're stuff. We will probably have to kill one of you, but then we can start moving forward on business. All you have to do is listen." The man replies with a menacing smile that makes my stomach churn.

"Yeah. That deal's not gonna work  for us. The fact is, I was going to ask you for all of your stuff, but I wouldn't have to kill any of you." Rick says, shifting his gun in hand. "Anymore of you." He adds with a smirk. One of the men takes a spray can and starts to shake it. He sprays an X over the man at his feet.

"Sorry. My deal is the only deal. We don't negotiate." The gray haired man says, breaking the thick tension. Rick moves his fingers in the air, telling us to round up and go back into the RV.

"Me and my people are leaving now." He says, walking backwards, me ready if anything goes down. The guy puts his hand in the air as a farewell.

"Ok friend, plenty of ways to get to where you're going." The man tells us as he turns around. Rick  lingers at the door, me by his side. He looks down then back at the man.

"Do you want today to be you're last day on earth?" Rick asks, cocking his head to the side.

"No. But that's a good question to bring up. Ever thought that it could be the last day for you? Or someone you love? That girl beside you. She is loyal. Is she special to you?" He asks and Rick gives a slight nod, pushing me into the RV protectively at the mention of me.

"Maybe you should be extra nice to those people in that RV, because you never know... it could be just like that.." The man says, snapping his fingers.. "So be kind to each other... like you said. If it was your last day on Earth." He adds as Rick's eyes glaze over in anger.

"You do the same." Rick growls, slamming the door to the RV shut.


"The Saviors , they are bad news. We don't have the numbers or the weapons to take on as many men as they have. Rick, Maggie is our priority. I've dealt with people like them. They are dangerous, smart." I explain and Rick nods looking up from the map after we decided which way we are going to head to Hilltop.

"We're even more dangerous. Even smarter. We will get Maggie to Hilltop and take out anyone who gets in out way between here and there." He responds sternly and I nod stiffly.

"You got it." I reply, heading back to Maggie.

I look out the window at the passing trees as my mind wonders back to Daryl.

"Bitch nuts." Abraham mutters, catching my attention as we slow to a stop once again. . There, like before, stands more men blocking our way.

"We're making our stand?" Sasha asks and Carl nods.

"Yes, we need too." He says, adjusting his grip on his gun. Rick shakes his head.

"No. They have been waiting. They're ready. With one of us behind the wheel that makes six against sixteen. We're going to play it our way, how we want it." He tells us, examining the group blocking our way. He turns to me. "Right?" He asks me and I nod.

"Right." I respond as he looks back.

"Alright go slow." He says to Abraham as he puts the RV in reverse and backs up slowly. The leader of this small group fires off his gun three times as we turn around.

"Thats a signal. There is no way they could get from the last road, to here so quickly. Plus they are different people. If they are signaling some people, that means they have way more numbers than we thought. Could be blocking every road from point A to point B. These bastards are persistent, and will stop at nothing until they get what they want." I tell the group who all look at me intently.

"Natalie's right. So what now?" Sasha asks as we all exchange worried looks.

"Keep driving we need to get her there." Rick says referring to Maggie.

"We will." Sasha says just as we slow to another stop. There, are a chain of walkers, kind of like red rover, blocking our way.

"We can't drive through it and risk the RV. Stay behind the wheel." He tells Abraham while loading his gun. "We'll clear it."

Rick lowers his gun and stares at one of the walkers. I look at all of them and see one with two of Daryl's arrows in it.

"Oh my god... Those are Daryl's." I mumble. My heart drops knowing that these people have him. I rip them out, killing the walker. Suddenly gun fire erupts in the area. We quickly clear the walkers out of the way and rush back into the RV, driving away quickly. "They-They have Daryl. They have Daryl!" I repeat as Rick tries to console me.

"Hey, Hey. Nati. We will get him back. Okay?" He says pulling me into a hug. My eyes blur with tears as he smooths down my hair. "It'll be okay." He whispers, more trying to convince himself.

God, I hope Daryl's okay.....


After no other road to go that the Saviors didn't have blocked off. We decided the best way to go was through the woods while Eugene takes the RV.

"You guys got it?" I ask as they hoist up the stretcher with Maggie on it.

"Yeah, you and Carl go upfront. Keep an eye out." Rick tells us and I nod, putting my bow on my shoulder and putting a new magazine in my AR-15.

Sweat drips from my forehead as we run along the dark woods, weaving through trees. The brisk night air makes the sweat feel like ice to my skin.

"How much farther?" Carl asks but once the words leaves his mouth, loud whistles start to echo throughout the night making us all look around in alert to see wear its coming from. We get to a clearing and I raise my gun, seeing men close in around us. Bright head lights from two cars blind us.

"Go back! Go back!" I yell to them.

We all back up and start to head back when more people come out, trapping us.

We look around and realization hits me.

There is no way out.

"Sorry sweetheart, I don't think thats an option." The man that spoke with us on that first road. I look around in horror, seeing Eugene on his knees, beaten and terrified. Behind him, RV's, cars and a van is parked.

"Well, you made it. Welcome to where you're going." Says the prick to all of us. A low growl forms in my throat and I aim my gun to him.

"You son of a bit-" I try and get out starting to head towards the bastard, only to be stopped in my tracks by every single person cocking their guns at me. I slowly back up.

"Watch it there missy. I wouldn't wanna shoot you before you meet the man." He says coming closer. "All of you, you can give us your weapons." He adds.

"We can talk about this-" Rick tries to get out, but is cut off by him.

"We our done talking, time to listen." He tells Rick as men come up to us and take our weapons. One of the men that takes off my bow and gun, gropes my ass with a smirk. Out of reflex I have him to his knees with my knife to his throat.

"Woah woah, Sweetheart let him go." The man says to me annoyed. I slowly let him go as two men come up and finish taking my weapons.

"Now how about we get all y'all on your knees." He says waving his gun at all of us. It lands on me.

"Lets start with you." He tells me, pointing the gun at my head. I look at Rick who gives me a slight nod, indicating me to do so. I then look away and drop to my knees.

Soon all of us are lined up in a row, all on our knees. I am currently kneeling beside Abraham, on my left. He looks at me and I give him a worried look. I look over and notice a man with long blonde hair who has on Daryl's vest and crossbow.

"You! Hey! Where'd you get that vest and crossbow??." I shout at him rather boldly, but whats new. He looks to me and chuckles along with the gray haired man who gave us orders.

"Doll, I don't think I gave you permission to talk." He tells me walking forward. I look up with a glare.

"I didn't think I asked your permission, sir." I reply mockingly. He laughs dryly before kicking me in my side twice making me fall over and groan. Pain radiates as I lay on the ground.

"Okay now. Dwight! Get the others out of the van!" The guy yells to the blonde man, I'm guessing Dwight, follows his orders, with some other men, walking to the van and opening the doors. They all pull out, Glenn, Rosita, Michonne... and Daryl.

"Daryl!" I scream, looking at his poor state, he looks at me as terror washes over his face, making me try and sit up only for the man to press his boot into my ribs making me yelp in pain.

"Don't ya touch her ye bastard!" Daryl yells at him. Dwight walks over and socks Daryl in the jaw making me wince and look away. I see his whole left arm covered in blood.

"Get off me! What the hell did you do to him??" I shout and he puts more pressure making tears leak out of my eyes, shutting me up.

"None of your concern. Now. I think you're ready to meet the man!" The guy yells, knocking on the door a few times. The RV door opens and out steps, this so called "Negan", with a bat, with barbed wires on it, propped up on the shoulder. He grins.

"Pissing our pants yet? Boy, do I have a feeling we're getting close." He tells us, pausing for a moment. "Yeah, It's gonna be pee-pee pant's city here real soon." He asks walking around, examining us. He stops infront of me. "Simon, why is this pretty little lady on the ground??" Negan asks making me look up to him as he squats down to me.

"Well you see boss, she has a smart mouth on her. A little disrespectful bitch." Simon replies. Negan helps me up and shakes his head.

"Don't let it happen again, but we will discuss this later." He tells Simon, standing to his full height after eyeing me one more time. "Who's the leader?" He adds looking around.

"It's this one. He's the guy." Simon says after a moment, pointing to Rick.

"Hi, You're Rick right? I'm Negan. And I do not appreciate you killing my men." He says walking over to him. "Also when I sent my people to kill your people for killing my people, you killed more of my people." He adds, clearly not happy, he glares at Rick. "Not cool. Not cool. You have no idea how not cool that shit is. But you're gonna be up to speed shortly. You are so going to regret crossing me in a few minutes." He tells Rick, who looks up at him, terrified. Negan grins. "Yes you are. You see Rick, no matter what you do, you don't mess with the new world order and the new world order is this. Its very simple, so even if you are stupid, which you very may well be, you can understand it." He rants on nodding. "You ready? Ok here it goes, pay attention," He trails off, taking is bat is hand and swinging it above Ricks shoulder, making him flinch.

"Give me your shit, or I will kill you." He takes a long pause and grins menacingly once more. "Today was career day, we invested a lot so you would know who I am and what I can do." Negan says, walking along our line. He points his bat at Rick. "You work for me now. You have shit, you give it to me. That's your job." I look at Daryl in horror, who looks at me. He nods, letting me know everything will be ok.

"Oh we got two little lovers here, now do we?" Negan says, putting the bat under my chin, it's barbed wire scrapes against my neck. I glare at him.

"Screw you." I growl, only to be responded with him to put more pressure on my neck, causing me to choke a bit but not enough to draw blood. He gives me a menacing smile and goes back to walking around.

"Damn, Simon you were right. She is a smartass. I just might have to keep you for myself." He winks, making my stomach churn.

"Now I know that is one big nasty pill to swallow, but swallow it, you most certainly will." He continues on his rant. I zone out a bit thinking about the group back home.

Are the Saviors there too?

"I don't want to kill you people. I want to make that clear from the get go. I want you to work for me, and you can't work for me if you're dead now can you? I'm not trying to grow a garden, but killing my people. A whole damn lot of them, more than I'm comfortable with. And for that, for that you got to pay." He continues on his speech, looking at me making me shift uncomfortably.

"So now, I'm going to beat the Holy hell out of one of you." Negan finishes making my stomach drop as his eyes skimming over our line. He twirls his bat in his hand. "This. This is Lucille, and she is awesome. All this, just so we can pick out which one of you gets the honor." He walks down the line twirling it in hand once more, making me flinch as a few tears fall down my face. He stops and squats down infront of me again.

"Aw honey. No need to cry, this is a new revolution. And maybe I'll save your ass." He says making me look away. He sighs and walks to Abraham and who sticks his chest out. Negan studies him for a moment and says something barely audible. He walks the line slowly once more and kneels in front of Carl.

"And you have one of our guns. A lot of our guns." He says to him as Carl glares. "Shit kid. Lighten up or at least cry a little." He adds, giving a slight smile and standing back up. He walks back in front of Maggie.

"Jesus, you look shitty. Maybe I should put you out of your misery right now." He says, lifting his bat, I squeeze my eyes shut but open them when Glenn jumps out of line.

"NO!" He yells, as Dwight points the crossbow at him.

"Stop it!" Maggie cries as sobs racking through her body.

"Nope. Nope, get him back in line." Negan says, rubbing his chin and gripping Lucille tightly. Dwight drags Glenn back into line as he lets out a cry of anger. More tears trickle down my face as I bite my quivering lip to keep from sobbing.

"No, no. Please don't hurt her!" Glenn exclaims, as I see a tear fall down his sweat covered face. Negan laughs menacingly and shakes his head.

"Alright listen, don't any of you do that again. I will shut that shit down, no acceptations. First ones free. It's an emotional moment, I get it." He says, pointing to Maggie and Glenn.

My heart races as Negan gives me a smirk, making my stomach churn in disgust. I look away and catch Daryl's gaze. The sickly paleness of his skin seems so washed out from the bright lights. Sweat drips from his long brown hair as it hangs in his eyes. He shivers slightly from the cold weather, only a thin blanket to cover him. His poor state makes my heartbreak.

I couldn't do anything.

I can't help my people.

There is no way out of this...


I hope y'all enjoyed!!

Love y'all!

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