A normal day then.. Bam! Into...

By SM2J96

71.9K 1.6K 888

A 16 year old named Elena was playing Pokemon Gold Version on her Gameboy Advance SP when she looked out the... More

A normal day then.. Bam! Into the world of Pokemon! (Pokemon Gold Fanfiction)
Heading to Violet Town!
Random Scary People In Violet Town!
To Bellsprout Tower!
Hearing Voices
Wait if this is.... then how did it.... I'm lost.
That glance... It's Intriguing
Wait, are you calling me fat?
This is not a chapter
We're going to Candy Mountain

A Series of Unexpected Events and The Gym Battle!

5.1K 146 104
By SM2J96

Chapter 6

Lena P.O.V

 As we walked out the Bellsprout tower I noticed how late it was, which is weird since we had been there for what it felt like about half an hour, when in reality it was hours that we were in there. The sky was a deep dark blue, and there were some streaks out bright orange to the color pink in the sky, meaning the sun was setting. I sighed confused about everything that had happened.

First off, why am I sixteen again, I rather be twelve. Then Gold well, he looks completely lost and confused, then Aldo just looks serious, but I’m one hundred percent sure he’s just as confused as Gold. Oddly I feel like a secret has been discovered, or that something went completely wrong, I really don’t know why though.

‘Hello again Chosen one, it seems that you have run into a problem, a problem that can be solved. Of course there will be a certain price.’ I hear the light but musical voice that spoke to me in the tower say.

‘No, not again’ I said in mind, annoyed.

‘Yes, yes again! I am here to help. I mean, either way even if you don’t want the help, you’re going to get it, hurry, hurry! Close your eyes!’ I spoke cheerfully, but in a strangely commanding way.

‘Wait you can read my mind! Who the heck are you!?’ I question, but without my free will I did what the voice said.

Suddenly I hear a rustling of bushes or trees, and I hear the footsteps of Gold and Aldo stop.

“Hey, why did you stop walking?” Aldo questioned, I hadn’t realized I had stopped walking.

“And why are you eyes closed?” Gold asked.

“Hey over here!” I hear a male voice shout out, I had the urge to open my eye, but strangely I couldn’t.

‘Nuh uh! No peeking chosen one!” The voice teased me happily.

I assumed that Aldo and Gold had turned towards the guy,

“Hypnosis!” the male voice yelled out, as I heard a sudden thump to the floor, as if someone jumped from above.

“Okay, you can now open your eyes Chosen one.” Both the voice and the male spoke at the same time, and I automatic opened my eyes, blinking to see Aldo and Gold standing, with a blank look.

“W-what did you do to them?!” I yelled freaked out as I tried to shaking Aldo then Gold out of it, and even gave them both a good slap to the face, but they still had a blank look in their eyes, but now had a bright red hand mark on the side of their face.

The male, who looked about seventeen, laughed. “Nothing just hypnotized them both, making sure they forget how you look like, well how you look like now at least. Chosen one, you can’t let anyone know how you look like, as in your true age. If you do, well lets say it’s not going to end up very good for you.” He replied as he looked in both Gold and Aldo in the eyes, and then whispered something in their ears.

I examined him; he seemed like a handsome guy, if only I could see his face. He had blue hair, he was lightly tanned, from what I could tell; he wore black with blue designs.  From his nose to his forehead was covered with a black mask that also had blue designs on it, but somehow it covered his eyes or at least didn’t show what color they were.

“See something you like?” he asked, with a smirk showing his bright white teeth.

“No I see some random dude dressed like some weirdo!” I told him off. “Why can’t anyone know how I really look like, or my real age? And how exactly do I hide my true age when I am at my true age?” I asked.

He looked in his pants pocket for something then started walking towards me. “How you ask Chosen one? Well with this.” He replied as he stood in front of me, he was a least half a foot taller than me and grabbed my chin, and made me look up at him, then opened my mouth forcibly  swallowing whatever he put in my mouth, then let go of me.

“Bleh! Eww! What was that?” I said spitting nothing out.

“Let’s say it’s a special medicine. Now you can control it. Turn back to the twelve year old you now chosen one.” He replied as he smiled, with his arms crossed over his chest. 

“Are you crazy? How the hell do I do that? Want me to spin around like this really fast or something?!” I asked him, thinking he was some crazy lunatic as I started to spin in a circle quickly, then I felt a sudden change. For one I felt shorter, and I felt a lot lighter, and there was less of me?

I stopped a bit dizzy. Then I looked at my hands, they weren’t the hands of a twelve year young old girl and not of a mature sixteen year old.

“Well I guess that works then Chosen one, you’re a bit odd, but cute. Here,” he said giving me a black mask like the one he wore, expect it had a jade green designs instead of the blue like his, “You’ll need it since I’m sure you’ll have to be sixteen for some things, in order to hide who you are.” He said as he hit both Gold and Aldo hard enough to make them fall to the floor.

“Hey! What are you doing?!” I asked worried about how hard he hit them, while putting away the mask given to me in my bag.

“They’re fine. They just won’t remember some things. Just stay away from them for now on. Move on, go to gyms, battle, win badges, save the Pokemon, stop team rocket, yada yada. Got it memorized?”  He said with a wink as he used his index finger to lightly tap his head a few times with a smile.

“That was so a Kingdom Hearts II moment wait, no an Axel moment.” I just stated looking at him blankly.

“Whatever. You get what I mean Chosen one. Well Len, gotta go! Oh, by the way try not to sing, they’ll find you faster if you do.”  He said as he picked up both Gold and Aldo easily, and started to walk away.

“It’s Elena! Or Lena! Wait!? Who are ‘they’?” I asked confused.

“I know you’re name Elena. I rather call you Len. Easier you know. And that’s a secret.” He said as he suddenly disappeared.

‘Chosen one, this will all be revealed to you in time. Now, time to go to your room, and sleep, sleep, sleep!’ The sing-song voice started to speak again since it had stopped a while ago.

‘Back already? Great.’ I told it in my mind as I started to head for the hotel room, as I rolled my eyes.

‘Rest, rest Chosen one. Be prepared for the next day, things have changed the cards are turned, then you’ll need to roll the dice soon, and make your move.’ It spoke happily.

“Oh shut up! Stop talking like that it’s annoying!” I yelled out loud, and then I realized I was in front of the hotel.

‘You’re going to make yourself look insane chosen one.’ The voice giggled.

“Whatever.” I muttered annoyed under my breath as I walked into the hotel, luckily no one was at the desk, so I walked towards my room and stood in front on my door. I looked over at the neighboring room door and wondered about Aldo and Gold. What exactly happened to them?

‘Go in you, need to rest.’ The voice spoke, for one serious and no in a peppy tune.

I didn’t reply back to the voice, and opened the door to my room, walking in putting all my things down on the floor. The room itself was dark, the sun had finally completely set, the pink streaks in the sky gone, and all that was left was the darkness of the night, only being lit up by the stars in the sky or some bright street lights that were a bit far away since in front of my window were the woods, it looked dark but oddly welcoming.

I looked out the widow admiring the sight of the woods, letting its surrounds set in my mind, and listened to the quiet night, only hearing hooting of a Hoothoot. I walked away from the window and went to the bathroom, look off my shirt and put on some shorts I left in the bathroom, so I wore only a undershirt I had worn under my shirt, the shorts in the bathroom, and I tied up my hair in a ponytail.

I walked out of the restroom and laid on the bed, and closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.


3rd Person p.o.v


“Should we really attempt this? This is too inhumane! We can’t attempt this experiment.” A handsome man about in his late twenties, with deep black hair, lightly tanned skin, with bright green eyes that were at the moment darkened with anger as he reasoned with a group of scientists in a lavatory that was not known to other people. The lavatory itself was like any other lavatory, except at this moment the machines or at least most of them were not in used, and the group of scientist were at a large table having a debate. The subject of this debate was unknown at the moment.

“I agree with Hikaru. We had gone too far with Mewtwo, what makes you all think attempting to create this will actually a success! ” another scientist reasoned calling the other scientist by his last name like they all usually did to each other, it was a beautiful female in her mid-twenties who had dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes with fair skin, that showed her frustration.

“This time we would be prepared! We know what happened with Mew and Mewtwo, and we can prevent that this time. This could be one of the greatest discoveries, and we would doing this for all of mankind!” another man spoke in his early thirties, he had golden blond hair that was styled in a messy way, his hair barely reached his chin, and had short bangs.

“With what Tanaka said,” The man said mentioning the blond man, “With this creation we can actually control it unlike those two, it’ll have emotions and be powerful, Anrui, Hikaru, you two are the only ones opposing this. We are going to continue with this experiment, whether it is with or without you two, but if it’s without you two then we’ll have to make sure you keep quiet.” One scientist with flaming red hair spoke, he looked at the two opposing scientist with a sinister smirk, his eyes were a hazel brown color that showed a hidden glint of power and control.

“Tanaka, Aono,” Mrs.Anrui said to the blonde and red head, “I still don’t agree with this. If we do end up doing this experiment then how will we get the test subject? Can’t go kidnapping-“ Mrs.Anrui had started to reason again, but was cut off.

“That’s easy,” said a scientist who was the farthest away from the table, he had white hair, with silver eyes, “We know you are going to expecting a child soon Amber. If you don’t mind we could use the child. Of course either way we were going to use your kid. So think about it this way. Either go along with us or supervise the experiment to make sure your child is safe or…” he was saying when another scientist finished what he was saying.

“Or we take your kid and do whatever we want with him or her.” A woman with dark purple hair, hair skin spoke, her eyes closed and she smelled a violet rose in her hand, and then opened her eyes to reveal her sparkling blue eyes.

“W-what, how did you find out? Sakane, Shion?” Amber panicked and wide eyed as she automatically wrapped her arm around her stomach, as she mentioned first the white haired man and then the purple haired woman.

“You can’t do that!” Mr.Hikaru stood in front of Amber protectively.

“Oh, but we can,” said Mr.Aono

“So which is it?” Ms.Shion  said looking at both Amber and Mr.Hikaru.

“…..” Amber stayed quiet in shock and couldn’t reply, fear overwhelming her as it would for any mother who knew their unborn child would be in danger.

“If you really want it by force, then by force in all means.” Mr. Tanaka

“I won’t let you-“Mr.Hikaru started to say, but then Amber stepped in front of him.

“You have to let me know everything you do to my child, everything. I have to approve of it.” Amber replied painfully, her eyes started to get watery; Mr. Hikaru looked at Amber in shock.

“You can’t!” Mr. Hikaru spoke, upset for many reasons.

“Enough Damien, there is nothing I can do to prevent this.”Amber looked at Damien Hikaru, her face was serious, as tears started to fall silently.

“Good. Now let’s make sure that baby is a healthy one. It will be the most powerful being ever.”  Mr. Aono said, smirking with satisfaction.

The group of scientist started to walk out of the room, leaving only Amber and Damien alone in the room.

“This can’t happen. We can’t let it, we have to do something.” Damien started.

“I know I have a plan, but it means the child will never see us or know us. The only thing is, she has to be experiment on first. Then she can be saved.”Amber replied, with a determined look on her face.

“Alright, who do you think she’ll look like, you or him, or how will she be after the experiment?” he asked Amber, with some slight fear in his voice when he mentioned the experiment.

“I don’t know, but even so she’s still my daughter, and your niece.” She replied as she hugged her older brother, who was just a year older than her. They were the youngest scientists there.


Lena P.O.V

Lena slowly moved in her warm comfortable bed. She felt so relaxed, so comfortable then, she remembered the previous day events.

She automatic got up quickly; her hair was messed up, tangled in a mess. “That dream….Was so weird. I got a weird imagination.” She muttered as she stretched, “Well can’t think about that now. I need to go to the gym today. After the gym then I’ll go to the Bellsprout Tower!” I told myself as I quickly took a shower and got ready. I took out my bag and went for my Pokeballs and noticed the two new pokeballs I had received. I only knew one was Eevee, but the other one I didn’t.

“I wonder who you are….” I asked silently as I just picked out Chikorita and took him out of his Pokeball.

“Yay, free!” he yelled out happily, and ran a few times around me.

“Hey, hey now! We gotta get ready and hurry to the gym.” I told him and he nodded his head.

“Okay, I got it! Let’s go then.” He said as he ran out the door, I giggled, running after him.

Soon we arrived at the gym and saw the person who would always be in the gym.

“Are you a trainer? You look too young! You should wait until you’re older. “The guy said, I glared at him, but had an idea.

“Well is there a restroom around here?” I asked in my sweetest kid like voice, he sighed and pointed towards a direction. I thanked him and walked in the direction of the restroom, luckily no one else was inside.

“Yesterday better had been a dream, this shouldn’t’ work so..” I started to spin, and then I remembered why I had decided to spin. There was a gym leader who had everyone look like her and they looked like they were spinning in a circle to change their appearance.

“Oh no… it wasn’t a dream.” I said out loud, apparently Chikorita was there and was shocked at my sudden change of age and appearance.

“Woah! You can do that, that’s cool!” he yelled in excitement jumping around.

“I guess… well this is how I really look like.  I’m sixteen years old, not a twelve year old.” I told him, he smiled.

“It’s cool. Well lets go battle then.” He said, heading towards the door.

I nodded my head in agreement, then remember the blue haired guy and reached into my bag for the mask he gave it, it fit perfectly like if it was a part of me. Then I looked at my clothes, the guy would be able to tell who I was, so I changed out of the clothes, and had found clothes I didn’t have before. It had a note.

“I figured you would need it, so use it Len. –You Know Who” I read the note out loud.

I looked at the clothes; it was some black tights that had green stripes going around my leg, with a black skirt with two green Pokeball symbols at each side as in below my hands. Then there was a dark green shirt, that reached my waist, but there was also a black jacket that had short sleeves that reached half way below my shoulder, and on the back was another green pokeball symbol, but the hood was pretty huge, it was big enough that if I put it on it would hide most of my face, not letting anyone see from upper half of my nose and above. Then I realized something odd about the jacket, it had a black tail and ears, it wasn’t like a furry cat tail or ears. Ears kinda reminded me of a panda’s ears, but the tail was like the year of the cat’s tail from Fruits Basket.

“Cool. But he never told me his name.” I just said as I put it on, and then walked out with Chikorita. The guy hadn’t noticed me until I walked by him, he just started at me. I didn’t have my hood on, so he could only see below my nose and down, the mask like the blue haired guy’s mask didn’t show my eye color, but only white.

“Woah, that’s a trainer.” He said shocked, mouth wide open.

I ignored him and walked past a metal door, with it closing behind me.

The inside was just like how the gym was in the game except for me it was real. The walls were made of steel and there was only one path to go down.

“Okay, Chikorita follow me. We’re about to fight.” I told him, first the path was straight, and after a few minutes it split into two directions, so I walked towards the left, and soon found a trainer.

“So you’re up, time to battle chick. You won’t beat me.” He said looking at me. He had spikey hair, kinda like a rocker look going on and he had a bird’s cage next to him.

“Bring it.” I said, emotionless to see if it would freak him out and it did I could see the slight fear in his eyes and he sweatdropped.

“Grr, Spearow! I chose you!” he yelled as he threw is pokeball, the red beam formed into the Spearow.

“Yeah, lets beat em” the Spearow yelled with confidence.

“Go Chikorita.” I told Chikorita as he nodded his head and stepped forward.

“Spearow use Peak, quick!” He demanded as Spearow did as he said, apparently Chikorita dodged, but still got hit slightly.

“Use razor leaf while the Spearow is close.” I told Chikorita and Chikorita automatically attacked, the Spearow who couldn’t dodge the attack quickly enough and got it, yelling out in pain.

“Chikorita, dodge” I told him as he dodged the Spearow’s attack.

“Use Peck again!” the trainer called out and Chikorita got hit and flinched.

“You okay Chikroita?” I asked, he smiled meaning he was fine.

“Use tackle!” I told him he tackled the Spearow who dodged in time.

“Use razor leaf again then tackle,” I yelled, Spearow was only able to dodge the razor leaf slightly, but couldn’t dodge the tackle and fainted.

“Sorry… I lost...” the Spearow told his trainer, as he got returned to his pokeball .

“Here’s the money, move on you won’t be able to defeat the next guy.” He said glaring at me as I took the money.

“Thanks!” I said smiling as I took the money, and walked away with Chokorita behind me, we soon got to the spit to the entrance and the next path. I chose for use to go forward, but stopped to give a potion to Chikorita.

“Okay, there’s another guy after him I think we fight the gym leader okay?” I told Chikorita he just nodded his head.

Soon we saw at trainer ahead, and he started to walk towards us and said, “The keyword is guts! Those here are training night and day to become bird Pokemon masters. Come on!” he yelled and our battle began.

“I train with my Pokemon….To be able to see the world and help others in need, and to find out how to get back home!” I yelled back at him as Chikorita stepped into the battle.

“I choose you Pidgey!” the trainer yelled out as he took out his Pidgey.

“Hey Chikorita, use Razor Leaf, quickly!” I told Chikorita as he obey and attacked the Pidgey before his trainer could even tell it what to do, and because it was unprepared it got hurt pretty badly falling to the floor, but it slowly got up.

“Use tackle on him, give it your best.” His trainer said with encouragement as Pidgey attacked Chikorita, but the hit didn’t affect him as much.

 “Okay use Razor Leaf again,” I called out to Chikorita, but the Pidgey was prepared, and dodged

“Good job Pidgey, use tackle again and hit him hard!” the trainer yelled out smiling at his Pidgey’s actions, unfortunately for him Chikorita was able to dodge Pidgey’s tackle in time.

“Okay something new Chikorita, use Reflect!” I said asking him to use a new move, and he did. The move ended up raising his defense, so the hits wouldn’t hit him as bad.

“Tackle him again Pidgey!” The Pidgey followed his trainer’s commands and was able to attack Chikorita, but since Chikorita had used reflect it didn’t affect him.

“Alright, time to go head on Chikorita Tackle with all your might!” I told Chikorita as he ran towards Pidgey, who decided to try to dodge by flapping his wings to start fly in the air, but Chikorita jumped up to Pidgey and tackled him bringing them both down to the ground.  

“Okay Tackle again Chikorita, he’s getting tired and is about to go down!” I informed Chikorita with a smile, Chikorita smiled back, “Got it Lena” he yelled at me as he got up quickly to tackle the Pidgey who had started to get up and tackled him back to the ground.

The Pidgey looked exhausted like he was about to faint, and I though he was going to faint. Then the Pidgey let out a gasp of air, and started to get up with some difficultly.

“I won’t lose….. Not to the likes of you…. I have to win for my…. My master.” It muttered, and then I realized it was a female and not a male.

“Your Pidgey is a guy!?” I yelled out accidently as the trainer looked at me weirdly.

“Yeah, usually most people can’t tell that Pidgey is a her.” The trainer replied back a bit startled at what I said.

“Uh…..  Just Tackle Chikorita…” I said awkwardly sweatdropping.

“You didn’t know she was a girl Lena, that’s just sad.” Chikorita said as he tackled Pidgey, and the Pidgey just closed her eyes at the attack, and fell to the ground, tired and closed her eyes fainting.

“Good job Pidgey. You can rest now.” The trainer said returning his Pidgey to his pokeball, then took out another pokeball.

“Drew, it’s your turn.” He said as he threw his pokeball and came out another Pidgey who I guessed was Drew.

“Huh so he has a name, I should give you a name Chikorita.” I muttered

“Tackle now!” Both the trainer and I yelled out at the same time as they went head to head, and both fell backwards from the impact.

“I’m not going down so easy like my sister!” Drew yelled out at Chikorita with crazy angry eyes as he flapped his wings quickly.

“Hey, I have no problem with your sister, it’s just business, you know. Don’t get angry okay.” Chikorita reasoned getting up from the floor.

“Okay Tackle” the trainer yelled

“Dodge then tackle from behind! “ I told Chikorita he did as I said as he swiftly dodged the attack then rlid to a stop to start running towards Drew from behind and tackled Drew making them fall to the floor.

“Tackle!” the trainer yelled again.

‘Does this guy ever use different moves…?’ I asked in my mind, but yelled out “Use Razor leaf while he’s running at you.” Chikorita did the move, and Drew got damaged for than expected.

“No not yet… I can’t lose.” Drew muttered in pain, it hurt to see him like that

“Just tackle, okay Chikorita.” I told him, he looked at me with understanding and tackled Drew, just enough to make him faint, but not so hard that he would be hurt badly.

“Well… return Drew you did well.” The trainer said as he returned Drew to the pokeball with a smile.

I ran up to Chikorita and hugged him. “Good job! Now all we need to do is fight the gym leader!” I told Chikorita as I kissed the top of his head, and he smiled.

“Yeah!  It was fun, but it’s sad too… especially seeing how hard they train, and then when they finally faint…. They feel like the failed their master or let him down.” Chikorita informed me with a sad look, he wasn’t smiling anymore.

My smiled faded away when he told me that, I knew it was true. It’s like when you feel like you let your parents down, that same feeling is what the pokemon get when they fail or lose a battle, especially the pokemon of the trainers who are the gyms trainers.

“Well looks like you won this battle, I am Bird keeper Rod.” He said as he walked up to Chikroita and I. I stopped and smiled

“It was a good battle though,” I told Rod, he nodded his head and gave me the same amount of money that the trainer from before gave me, which is $168, so in total it was $336 I had won.

“Hey, Falkner’s skills are for real! Don’t get cocky just because you beat me!” He told me, as I started to walk away heading straight for the gym leader.

“Got it Rod!” I yelled back. Soon we saw the gym leader up ahead and I stopped walking.

“Hey Chikorita.” I told Chikorita as he turned to look at me.

“Huh, yeah why’d you stop walking?” he asked curious.

“If you lose this battle its okay you know that right. No matter what I’ll be proud of you. We got pretty far, and everything is different from the game. So I just want you to try your best okay. No matter what you won’t be a disappointment to me.” I told him, he smiled walked over to me and rubbed his face against my leg, except it was against my black tights.

“Alright Lena, this is just for fun and to find a way to get you back home right? As long as we have each other and that we have fun battling its fine.” He told me, I smiled back at him.

“Good, now Let me use a potion on you okay. The gym leader is up next. If you do pass out, I can use Eevee, or that other pokemon… I don’t know who it is though….” I told him

“Alright, lets hurry then” he said running around me in excitement. I grabbed him, making him stop running and used the potion on him, healing him completely.

We started to walk towards the leader, and stopped in front of him.

The gym leader was…. Well handsome. He had dark deep blue hair styled having a long bang over his right eye, but the rest of his hair reached his shoulder, he was tanned from long hours of training or so I guess,  he wore a lose short sleeve white jacket ad underneath wore what looked like a blue karate style outfit with a white belt. He wore white socks, with blue sandals, and blue wristbands on both wrists. He looked about nineteen or so.

“I’m Falkner, the Violet Pokemon Gym leader! People say you can clip flying-type Pokemon’s wings with a jolt of electricity… I won’t allow such insults to bird Pokemon! I’ll show you the real power of the magnificent bird Pokemon!” He yelled out

“Who the heck would wanna do that to a Pokemon?! Oh I’m…. well…. Lena, just call me Len.” I said shocked, he just sweatdropped looking at me, not expecting that reaction.

Chikorita had already steped forward to battle, Falkner took out his pokeball .

“Hey look he’s already battleing someone.” I heard a familiar voice, I turned to look, it the guy who stood in the front of the gym that had just started at me, then the other trainers from this gym was there too.

“Intresting. I bet she won’t win. She looks weak.” I heard a familiar voice said, it was at the enternce of the exit, and it was Silver.

“Silver…” I muttered silently, and apparently he heard me and looked straight at me.

“How’d you know my name.” he said angrily, but shocked.

“Hey, are we going to battle or not, unless you don’t want the badge?” Falkner spoke out loud at me, he looked a bit annoyed.

“Yeah, I’m ready.” I turned to look towards him.

“Pidgey, Go.” He said summoning his Pidgey

“Chikorita, attack!” I told Chikroita, but the Pidgey dodged and tackled automatically.

Chikroita however didn’t expect this and got tackled pretty badly.

“You okay Chikroita?!” I asked worried, he got up and nodded.

“You’re gonna have to attack from afar, so use razor leaf!” I told Chikorita he agreed using Razor leaf, but the Pidgey dodged most of the leafs.

“You’re going to have to do better than that to beat me.” Falkner said smirking.

“Alright, use Razor leaf again” I told Chikorita and he did what I said, the Pidgey as I expected it dodged most of the leafs, and then I yelled out, “Tackle it while it’s dodges the leafs!” and Chikroita smiled seeing a chance to cause some major damage and took it, making Pidgey get hit badly both by the Tackle and the rest of the leafs he couldn’t dodge.

“That’s better still let’s see how you’ll win. Tackle again” He said, Pidgey tackled Chikorita, but Chikorita this time was prepared and dodged.

“Alright razor leaf,” I told Chikorita and luckily the Pidgey got hit by all the leafs and apparently fainted.

“Uh… why did he faint so quickly…” I asked.

“He was the weakest…. He needed some training so this is his training.” Falkner explained, I just sweatdropped as he returned the Pidgey and got another pokeball.

“This time ti won’t be easy, Go Pidgeotto!”  He said coming out of the pokeball a Pidgeotto.

“Okay Chikorita give it your all and use razor leaf.” I told him, wanting to test out what moves Pidgeotto had, and took out my Pokedex to learn more about the Pokemon.

“Use Gust,” Falkner told Pidgeotto and the gust was pretty strong since it made Chikroita fly into the air and fall back down at the same time, Chikorita’s move hit Pidgeotto. I could feel the gust from Pidgeotto’s attack from where I was standing, even my jacket lifted up slightly from the strong current of the air.

“Okay Tackle to the side!” I told Chikorita and he did as he said and Pidgeotto dodged I smiled, “Use razor leaf now” I said with a smirk, Chikorita hit Pidgeotto it a direct hit, and passed out.

“We win.” I said with a smirk. Chikorita cheered happily.

“What she actually won!” The guy who worked at the gym, the trainers of the gym and Silver yelled, they were all in shock.

“Really, yes I won. I didn’t even use all my pokemon.” I said they just started at me wide eyed.

“Return Pidgeotto. You did well, very well. “Falkner said returning Pidgeotto to his pokeball. He walked over to me, looking for something in his pocket.

“Damn it… my dad’s cherished bird pokemon… Alright. Take this.” He said giving me a badge, “It’s the official Pokemon League Zephyrbadge. “ Then he also gave me $900 for winning.

“The Zephyrbadge raises the attack power of Pokemon. It also enables Pokemon to use Flash, if they have it, any time.  Here—take this too.” He explained giving me TM31. I put everything he gave me in my bag; it luckily had a TM pocket.

“By using a TM, a Pokemon will instantly learn a new move. Think before you act—a TM can be used only once. TM31 contains Mud-Slap. It reduced the enemy’s accuracy while it causes damage. In other words, it is both defensive and offensive.” He finished explaining and I was allowed to leave with Chikorita.

As I began to leave, with Chikorita, the guy who would always watch the battles was there and walked towards me, “Nice battle! Keep it up, and you’ll be the champ in no time at all!” He said I just ignored him; it wasn’t my job to be the champ. It was Gold’s. The other guys just watched me, even Silver. I got out of the room head down the path back to the entrance and turned towards a pillar and read what it said.

“Violet City Pokemon Gym.  Leader: Falkener.  Winning Trainers…. Lena… Len!? Wait they put both names separate!”  I yelled at no one, then quickly went to the restroom, and changed back to the twelve year old me, and went back to my normal clothes. I quickly took off the mask putting it in my bag then walked out of the restroom, then out of the gym with Chikorita behind me.

As soon as we got out we went straight for the Pokemon center to heal all of the Pokemon I had which was only three. They got healed quickly, and I went to the Bellsprout Tower, to confront it.

The only thought in my mind was, “Will it be that weird room again or the normal Bellsprout Tower?” I asked out loud.

My hand was on the knob of the Bellsprout Tower door, then I opened the door and walked into the building, expected the unexpected. I was prepared to face anything, whether it was more insane voices, weird dreams, flying neon tacos, random blue haired guys in masks or any guys in masks, even pokemon.


There a Chapter! This is 10 pages on Microsoft Word, single spaced! I tried making it super long so that you guys could read a lot, and won’t hate me for the rest of your life! >.< 

So what was up with Elena’s dream? Who is Amber and Damien, and why did Elena dream about people she never met! I bet you guys thought Damien was the unknown baby’s Dad didn’t you! >:D  Who the heck was the blue haired, masked person, and why does he know a quote from kingdom hearts if it’s from the ‘Human World’? What exactly happened to Aldo and Gold? Why was that gym leader’s pokemon weakfish?  Wait why does Elena need to hide who she is or really is? What was the experiment that the scientist was talking about?

Okay way too many questions. Either way, what are your thoughts and opinions on this?

I really hope you liked the chapter. I hope my writing isn’t too horrible. I didn’t really edit it much, as you can tell! You guys noticed I’m twisting the story a bit, well yes I am. I had this idea that’s why and I’m going with it. So don’t hate me. Seriously don’t hate me, just be well just don’t not like me please! T^T

I am sorry for not updating. I got really lazy. Also summer school has made me busy, and then my trip to Europe is so close! Another thing is I have English homework I haven’t done. It’s a lot believe me.

So Vote, Comment, Like, Fan or whatever you guys wanna do I guess!  Random hug!! (>^-^)>

This author's note made it 11 pages! OoO''

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