Living With 13 IDOLS.(sevente...

By strwbaerrymlk

344K 8.7K 6.1K

"From now on you're living with 13 boys" More

I n t r o
o1: Mess
o2: shopping
o3: Teach me
o4: Truth or dare
o5: Dream
o6: Amusement park
o7: Jealous
N o t e
o8: Anonymous
o9: Performance unit
1o: Ice cream
11: Mr anonymous
12: Fake news
12: my answer
13: another news
14:i hate her
17: interrupted
21:meet again
Hey read if you want to
22: where are you ?
23:where are you? pt.2
24: last day
26:goodbye love
A\N: don't hate me (must read)
27:coming back
28: giggles
29: what?
32:why am i here?
AUTHOR+facts about meh
35:not what it looks like
36:hot pack
37: voices
hello!! (not an update)
41:not too easy
42: i know
43:i'll let go
44:i do too
46: back to you
47:i love you
hello nctzen fam!!
50: you
EPILOGUE: and me
revealing my ugly face

25: who are you?

3.2K 110 50
By strwbaerrymlk

warning! short chapter ahead 

yerin's pov 

"ailee's parents called..." 

appa said, all of us looked at him including chanyeol 

"they said...they will come here and.. they will take ailee with them " 

appa said , our eyes widen 


i asked, appa sighed and looked down 

"when ailee recovered... but they will arrive tomorrow"
appa said , i gasped


Jun's pov 

i went back to the dorm, looking for minghao i saw him sitting on the sofa, looking wasted 

"why aren't you with ailee"

i asked as i stood in front of him 

"we're over"

he simply said, while chuckling 

"what do you mean?"

i asked, he looked at me and chuckled

" i broke up with her"

he said , i balled my fist and grabbed his collar 

"why did you broke up with her?!" 

i said as i threw a punch on his face, he didnt answer 

"i gave her to you and this is what you do?! you as*hole"

i said while throwing another punch on his face 

"you can have her. i dont care"

he said as he pushed me off 

"you know what..ailee got into an accident..she almost died..."

i sighed and looked at him , he's eyes widen 

"and like you dont care..dont you dare come near her"

i said as i went out of the dorm 


author's pov 

the next day, tanya and yerin went to the airport

"ailee-unnie is leaving soon"

tanya said while sighing, i looked down and nodded

but how about minghao?

"oh! there they are"

tanya said while running to the arrival section (you know...that place where people who arrived ...oh nvm)

i followed her and we saw ailee unnie's parents, we bowed at each other 

"can you please bring us to our daughter"

auntie said, a worried expression on her face. i nodded then we went to the hospital 
as soon as they saw ailee they broke down, crying about how bad of a parent they are 

"w-we left her here...for her to be responsible" 

auntie said while wiping her tears, i rubbed her back in comfort 


 author's pov 

its been 3 months, ailee still haven't woke up...
the ceo of pledis(alee's samchon) let minghao see her one last time ,
minghao sat there while holding ailee's hand 

minghao's pov 

the door opened reviling chanyeol, he sat on the sofa 

"i heard you broke up with her, why are you still here?"

chanyeol said arrogantly, i chuckled at him

i felt ailee's hand twitch 

"y-yah..ailee's hand just twitched "

i said ,chanyeol stood up and sat on ailee's bed 
ailee slowly opened her eyes which cause the both of us (chanyeol and me)
to jump in surprise, ailee looked around, chanyeol went outside to call the others 

" i"

she asked while looking around her hospital room 

"and....who are you?"

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