Love a Bully แฏฝ Vkook

By DinsFire

713K 33.2K 44.2K

(book #1 completed. 17+) Jeon Jungkook can't help but to feel attracted to his bully, Kim Taehyung, despite b... More

Ayo ladies and gentleman ^^
โ—An IMPORTANT messageโ—
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Do you mind?
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
addressing the ages & thank ya!
Part 18
Part 19
Part 19.5
Part 20 (HS)
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
I was tagged
Part 34
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Down Memory Lane
Down Memory Lane PT. 2
Down Memory Lane PT. 3
Down Memory Lane PT. 4
Part 40 [Book #1 Finale]
Love a Bully 2.0?

Part 35

10.2K 525 1.1K
By DinsFire

a/n: whoot whoot. *happy dance* woke up in a super good mood today and decided to update a bit early than the usual

(after the ceremony)
Reception hall

As Taehyung and Yoongi were helping set some tables after Hojin had asked them to, Yoongi says, "Wow, this place is fancy...too bad Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jin weren't invited."

Tae looks up, imagining what the three would do if they had been invited. Images of Jin, Hoseok, and Namjoon grabbing handfuls of food and shoving them into their mouths, inexplicable fires having been started, and Namjoon tripping over and breaking all the decorations rushed through Tae's mind.

Tae: "Are you kidding?? Do you know what hell they'd cause if they were invited??"

YG: "Yeah...I guess you're right. It's probably better off this way."

Tae: "Probably? More like definitely."

As Taehyung was setting napkins down, he glances over at Jungkook who was sitting down on a chair staring blankly ahead, twirling his glasses.

YG: "So, how's it going between you and Jungkook?"

Tae: "I think we're ok still.."

YG: "What do you mean "you think"?"

Tae: "Wellll...Jungkook may or may not have walked in on me doing something very personal."

YG: "Oh no...he walked in on you punchin' the munckin, huh?"

Tae: "Whatting the what?"

YG: "You know..." He leaned in close and covers the side of his mouth, "...milking the badger."

Tae stares at him, clueless. Yoongi says, "Waxing the dolphin...wink,wink."

Tae: "I was touching myself in the shower."

Yoongi rubs the back of his neck, says, "There's no being discreet with you."

Tae: "It was only gonna take like 5 minutes I swear."

YG: "You really couldn't have held off until, oh I don't know...AFTER the wedding??"

Tae: "Dude Jungkook was like suckin' strawberries and his does a person go on after something like that?"

YG: "Wow...he sounds thirsty for some sweet Tae."

Tae: "Wait...weren't you the one that told me I needed to be patient??"

YG: "Mhm."

Tae: "I'm conflicted. So...should I wait or should I just go for it?"

YG: "Definitely wait."

Tae: "But if you think he is doing this because he wants me, then why should I wait?"

YG: "You need to let Jungkook make the first move to be extra sure." He puts his hand on Tae's shoulder, says, "But don't worry...I think I can help speed the process."

Tae: "How?"

YG: "Just wait and see, my friend."
Jimin snatches the glasses away from Jungkook after seeing him twirl them around, says, "Hey, be careful with those. I didn't get chased around by 20 hungry cats just for you to break them after one day."

JK: "Sorry Jiminie.."

JM: "Just be careful." He lifts his hand up and pokes Jungkook's shoulder, says, "Hey, are you OK Kookie? You've been acting strange ever since the ceremony."

JK: "Not really.."

Jimin pulls up a chair in front of him and sits down. While putting Jungkook's glasses on, he crosses his leg over the other and says, "Well then. Tell Dr. Jimin what's been going through your mind."

Jungkook lets out a moan of displeasure, says, "I'll tell you later." He reaches over to a table filled with hors d'Oeuvres. Jimin smacks Jungkook's hand before he could grab another meatball, says, "You can't eat your problems away, Jungkook."

JK: "I've only had 2.."

After Jimin raised his eyebrow, Jungkook says, "Okay maybe 3.."

JM: "I don't think you're quite there yet."

Jungkook crosses his arms, says, "Fine...6."

JM: "Come on, Kookie. You can't blame your dad for wanting to be in another relationship. No one wants to be alone for the rest of their life."

JK: "It's not just that, Jimin.."

JM: "Then what else is it?"

JK: "Taehyung and I are...step brothers.."

JM: "Yeahhh. That's what happens when two unrelated people's parents marry. You knew this."

JK: "It's just that...this changes everything."

JM: "I mean to be fair it's not like you guys are actual brothers."

JK: "That's not what I'm concerned about.."

Their conversation was cut short when Hojin calls for everyone's attention~

(Hojin talking into a mic)

HJ: "Ahem, can I get everyone's attention? ...thank you. Now, before the food is served, I would like to explain the seating arrangements." He held his hand out towards the left side of the room, "The tables on my left side are for friends of the family and are unassigned. So you may sit wherever you would like." He switching to his other hand, says, "However, this one on my right is reserved for family members. Each seat is assigned, so please, find your name and be seated."

JM: "Aw man...this means I won't be able to sit with you..?"

JK: "I guess not...well, at least you have Yoongi to sit by."

JM: "Oh yeah...him." He scratches his head and says, "I could of sworn he called me cute earlier."

JK: "Really?? Are you sure...? That doesn't really sound like something Yoongi would say."

JM: "Yeah, you're right. I probably just heard wrong. Anyways, I'll see you after linch then." He takes the glasses off and puts them back on Jungkook. He gives him a pat on the head before he walks off towards Yoongi.

As Jungkook was smoothing out his hair, Taehung comes walking up. He says, "Well, shall we..?"

Jungkook nods and heads over to the table, Tae following close behind.
After the two had gotten seated, the table soon filled up with a mix of Tae's and Jungkook's immediate family along with Hojin and Jina who were sitting in the middle.

JK:" Oh God.." He lifts up a napkin and hides his face with it when a lady sat down across from them.

Tae leans over and says, "What's wrong..?"

JK: "That woman...that's my mothers twin sister," he whispers.

Tae:"Why are you trying to hide from her?" He whispers back.

JK: "She hates me.."

Sunhwa: "Jungkook..? Is that you?"

Sunhwa's voice sent shivers down Jungkook's spine. "She sounds just like her.." He thought. Jungkook slowly lowers the napkin and sheepishly looks up at her. He says, "Yes,it's me, Sunhwa...hello."

SH: "It's been awhile...the last time I seen you was in a hospital gown. It's a shame we had to meet under such unfortunate circumstances again."

Jungkook thought it was strange how she was pairing Hojin's marriage and the tragedy that had happen years ago as both equally unfortunate, but he didn't question it. He simply nods.

Sunhwa tilts her head side to side, examining certain spots on Jungkook's face and neck. She says, "It's looks like your scars healed up nicely."

Jungkook rubs the side of his jaw where there was a small scar, which had resulted from the crash. He says, "Yes, they are barely visible anymore."

SH: "You're lucky that scars are the only thing you have. Your poor mother didn't get off as easily as you did.." She shook her head. "...which is ironic were the one who who was willing to risk your two's safety for a useless toy."

An instant wave of guilt rushed through Jungkook after hearing her words. He bit his lip and looked down at his hands, trying to hold back the tears that he knew were about to start flowing any second.

Taehyung stopped and looked up at her as he was about to take a drink of his tea. He slowly lowers the cup down a bit, says, "Excuse me..? Did you just suggest that Jungkook should have been the one instead..?"

JK: "I-I don't think this is an appropriate time to be talking about this.." He sheepishly looks over at some of the family members that were sitting around that had heard their conversation.

After no respond from either of the two, Jungkook glances over at both Tae and Sunhwa who were staring at each other intently; Tae having one of the most serious looks on his face Jungkook had ever seen from him before.

SH: "Don't you think it's ironic how poor Sunhee died because of her kindness...and Jungkook survived despite his greediness?" She took a sip of her tea before she continues "...If that's not ironic, I don't know what is."

Tae stood up and slammed the cup down onto table, tea spilled from the top of it. He says, "Listen here, bi-"

Jungkook grabs Tae's arm and quickly pulls him back down. He leans over and whispers, "Taehyung! There are people around..!" His face got red after noticing the looks they were getting by the surrounding people. He looks down the table over to Hojin and Jina who thankfully weren't aware of what was going on.

Tae: "I don't care. I'm not going to sit here and let her talk to you like that." He looks back over at Sunhwa, says, "How can you talk to your nephew like that??"

SH: "He's the reason my sister is dead...yet people baby him and feel sorry for him. He shouldn't be getting pity or sorrow from anyone."

Tae: "He was just being a kid! He had no idea something like that was going to happen!" He slammed his hand down on the table.

After Tae slammed his hand down, the whole table went silent and turned their heads towards his direction. But, the two didn't care. Sunhwa not caring if people heard since she just wanted to express how she felt, and Tae didn't care because he was determined protect Jungkook.

SH: "He was old enough to know not to act that way!"

Tae: "You have a lot of're, what, in your 40s and you're acting this way??"

Hojin stands up, says, "What is going on over there..?!"

Sunhwa and Taehyung both stand up at the same time. Ignoring Hojin, Sunhwa says, "Did your mother teach you nothing?? You are the most disrespectful little brat I've ever met!"

Jungkook stands up, says, "Don't bring Taehyung's mother into this."

Tae: "You're lucky I don't hit women or I would have dropped kicked your ass all the way across this room." He grabs his cup of tea, says, "But on the other hand...I have no problem doing this.." He threw his drink right at her face.

The silence in the room was broken by the sound of gasps. Sunhwa stood there with her mouth hanging open, she wipes her face, says, "You didn't..."

Tae says with a smirk, "Oh, I did."

HJ: "BOYS!!"

After seeing the fuming look on Hojin's face, Jungkook grabs Tae's hand and hauls ass out of the room, pulling him along.

Jimin and Yoongi both look at each other, says simultaneously , "Oh shit." They both got up and ran out of the room towards the two.
As Jungkook was pulling Tae along harshly, Tae says, "I'm sorry Jungkook. I couldn't let her say those things to you. Please don't be mad at me."

Jungkook stops and slowly turns around towards Tae. Unlike the angry expression he was expecting to see, he was shocked to see a happy Jungkook smiling with wide eyes. Jungkook says, "That was amazing..!"

Confused, Tae says, "Amazing...?"

Jungkook grabbed both of his hands and squeezed them tight. Says, "The way you stood up for me like didn't even care what people thought of you!! You completely ruined my family's first impressions of you just to stand up for me.. "

Tae: "Of course I stood up for you...I care about you, Jungkook."

As the two were staring at each other in the middle of the parking lot hand in hand, Jimin and Yoongi came running up to them.

YG: "Whoaaaaa."

JM: "What the hell happened in there!"

Jungkook smiled brightly, says, "Taehyung stood up for me!"

JM: "Well isn't that sweet...but Taehyung, I would look out if I were you."

YG: "Yeah. Hojin looked like he was going to start shooting lasers out of his eyes any second."

Tae: " you're dad is going to hate me forever."

JK: "Don't worry. He has a whole two weeks during honeymoon to calm down. When he gets back, he probably won't even care anymore."

YG: "...damn. So does this mean we aren't getting any wedding cake?"

The four look over when they here a scream in anger coming from behind them. After seeing a raging Sunhwa storming out of the building, the four threw themselves behind a car.

SH: "That boy is no good Hojin!! If you don't watch out, your real son is going to end up just like him!"

HJ: "I always thought Taehyung was a nice boy...I don't know why he did that. I'm so sorry."

SH: "Well if I were you, I would keep him as far away from Jungkook as possible! How can you marry a woman with a devil child like him!"

HJ: "Sunhwa, please. Calm down."

Sunhwa rips her arm away from Hojin, says, "I will not calm down! And Jungkook is just as bad for defending him as well! I knew Sunhee never should have married you! All that came out of it was her death, and a spoiled brat!"

Hojin stops after hearing "spoiled brat." He says, "...I was trying to be nice, but forget it! Don't bother ever showing your face around me or my son again!"

SH: "Gladly!" She got into her car and sped off.

Hojin looks over and sees the boys huddled in the same spot, having accidentally hid behind her car. The boys widened their eyes and stood up quickly.

As Hojin was walking over to them, Jimin tightened his fists, whispers, "Shit why am I nervous?? I didn't even do anything."

Hojin puts his hands in his pockets, says, "Taehyun-"

JM: "Taehyung was just standing up for Jungkook, sir!!"

Yoongi and Taehyung, Jungkook look over at Jimin, surprised he actually defended Taehyung. Even Jimin himself didn't know why he did it.

HJ: "Is this true, Taehyung?"

Taehyung gave him a sorrowful bow, says, "Yes sir...she was saying horrible things to Jungkook and I couldn't just sit there and allow it. You can hate me for embarrassing you if you want, but your son is very special to me and I couldn't let her talk that way to him."

Hojin puts his hand on Tae's shoulder, says, "Thank you."

Tae looks up at him, surprised. Hojin says, "It's good to know that, even when I can't, Jungkook has friends that will stand up for him. Thank you for giving me that peace of mind." He removed his hands from Tae's shoulder, says, "So why don't you four come back inside? I will explain what happened so no one gives you death stares."

Tae: "Thank you so much."

YG: "Does this mean we get cake?"

HJ: "Actually we went with a less traditional dessert. Fruit salad."

Yoongi stared at him blankly for a couple seconds and started walking off the opposite way. Jimin runs over and grabs him, says, "Hold on there Jethro. You're staying until the end whether you like it or not."
(after dinner slow dance)

Once the music started playing, Yoongi nudges Tae's with his elbow and tilts his head towards Jungkook. Tae looks over at him, shook his head 'no' whispers, "You know I can't dance.."

YG: "Statistics show that if you dance with someone, you have 90% more of a chance to get some ass."

Tae: "Is that true..?"

YG: "Nope." He pushes him over to Jungkook.

Taehyung stops abruptly right in front of Jungkook. He gives him a nervous smile, says, "How ya doin'..?"

Jungkook looks around, admiring the lights that were strung up on the walls and the beautiful chandeliers. He says, "Great. Just looking at the beautiful decorations."

Tae clears his throat, holds his hand out, says, "How about instead of looking at the beautiful looked at my beautiful face as the two of us engage in a dance."

JK: "Are you sure you're up for it..?" He grabs his hand gently.

Tae grabs his hand and starts pulling him to the dance floor says with a smirk, "I was born to dance...ok more like born to embarrass myself while I dance."

Jungkook chuckles, says, "I don't mind." The two lift their arms up and grabbed onto each other's hands, intertwining their fingers together.
Jimin watches as Taehyung wraps his around around Jungkook's waist and pulls him in close.

JM: "D'aw...just look at them. I never thought I'd say this,but...I actually hope things work out for the two. I mean look at how cute they are." He sniffles.

YG: "Mmm..."

JM: "They look so happy together.."

YG: "Oh man that's good."

JM: "Kookie's all grown up now... he doesn't need me anymore. It makes me sad but I'm OK." He wiped his eye, says, "Don't cry Jimin, you're stronger than that..."

YG: "Yeah that's the sweet stuff right there. Not bad at all...come to papa."

Jimin stops mid wipe and looks over at him, confused. Yoongi freezes as he was taking a bite of fruit salad, he says with a mouthful of fruit salad, "Sorry..." He swallow before he continue, "...what were you saying..?"

Jimin shook his head, says, "Nothing...hey..." he uncrosses his arms, says, "We should dance too."

YG: "Nuh uh. I'm digging this fruit salad."

JM: "Yeah, a little too much I might add." He grabs Yoongi's hand and pulls him off of the chair. "Come on, let's get out there."

YG: "But-"

Jimin drags Yoongi across the dance floor, meanwhile Yoongi still holding tightly onto the bowl of fruit salad.
(After the wedding)

The four boys come walking out of the building, laughing.

JM: "I can't believe the music just stopped like that."

YG: "At the worst time I might add...what the fuck were you even doing Taehyung??"

JK: "That, my friends, was called a "slutdrop". "

Taehyung rubs the back of his neck, says, "I guess I just got caught up in the music.."

JM: "Aw...looks like your gay is starting to show, Taehyung!"

Tae's face got red from embarrassment. "'re embarrassing me." He says as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Jungkook slipped his arm under Tae's, says, "It's ok...I for one liked it."

Tae: "I think it would be much better if you were the one to "slutdrop" Jungkookie.."

YG: "Hey, after you guys get done with your spanking session tonight, maybe Jungkook will slutdrop right down on your-"

Sounds of cheers could be heard and rice was thrown up in the air as Hojin and Jina come walking down the steps. A car pulls up with a banner that read," Just Married. "

The four watched as Hojin lifts Jina up and walks down the path that was decorated with flowers and balloons. As Hojin walks by the four, he says, "You two boys are going to be OK alone right?"

JK: "Yes, dad." / Tae: "Yes, sir."

HJ: "If you need anything make sure and call. Remember, no parties! I expect the house to be the same when we come back." Hojin and Jina say good bye to them before Hojin carries Jina towards the car.

As the car pulls away, the family starts waving and shouting "Have a good time!!"
The four (Yoongi decided to join them) got into the car and let out a sigh, happy to be able to go home. Jungkook says, "I'm so tired.." he looks at his watch, says, "Holy shit, 8pm?! That was an 8 hour reception??"

JM: " didn't seem that long."

EM: "Time flies when you're having fun."

As Eunmi started driving, Jimin says, "So Jungkook, Taehyung...are you sure you don't want to come hang out at my house?"

Yoongi clears his throat, says, "No, no, no. Taehyung and Jungkook need some time to themselves. I'm sure they are tired and want to get home, get out of those clothes and...maybe get into bed."

JM: "Oh yeah." He winks. "You're right."

Tae reaches over Jungkook and punches Yoongi in the arm.
Jungkook/Tae house

Jungkook waves before shutting the car door. He says, "Have fun hanging out you two."

YG: "We won't be having as much fun as you two are going to be having."

JM: "Talk to you later, Kookie!"

JK: "See you!" He shuts the car door and watches as the car pulled off.

Taehyung comes walking up beside him with his hands in his pockets. The two look up at the sky in silence, admiring all the stars before they go inside.

Several seconds later, Jungkook says while still looking up at the sky, "Yoongi is such a pervert."

Tae: "Mhm..." He takes his hands out of his pockets after remembering something, says, "Oh! I have something I want to give you..!"

JK: "What is it?"

Tae grabs his hand and starts pulling him to the door, "It's something special I've been working on for you...and I think you'll like it."

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