DragonBall Xenoverse 2

By Heroman23

7.6K 76 16

The timeline of the Dragonball is endangered once again. Towa and Mira, demons from the Demon Realm, are dest... More

Sora Misaka
Meet the Supreme Kai of Time
Welcome to Conton City
Sora vs Raditz
Time Nest
The Arrival of The Saiyan's
The Fight for Earth Begins
The Evil Saiyan: Turles
Sora and Mikoto Vs Nappa
Great Ape Battle
Trunks and Ace
Lord Slug
Ginyu Force Part 1
Ginyu Force Part 2
Ginyu Force Part 3

The Truth

249 4 0
By Heroman23

Last Time on DragonBall Xenoverse 2........

"Dodoria. Go after them now!" Said Zarbon. Dodoria then fly after Krillin and Gohan. That will set the time line back on track. Now all Sora has to do is to get away from Dodoria.

Sora put his hands up on his head. "Solar FLARE!!" shouted Sora s the Solar Flare began to blind Zarbon.

With this chance, Sora fly away as quick as he can. When the attack stopped, Zarbon could see again but he lost any trace of Sora. "Frieza is not going to be happy about this." He said to himself


With Sora...........

Sora was hiding behind a vertical mountain. He peak out a little from his hiding spot to see Vegeta encountering Dodoria.

"Well, I think that solves that. Now all I need to do is.." Before Sora could finish his sentence, a long green hand came out of the mountain wall behind him. The hand grabbed onto Sora shoulder and dragged Sora back with it.

"Ow! Ouch! Okay that stings." Said Sora while he is being dragged through the mountain wall.

Once Sora came out of the others side, he was then thrown to the ground. Sora quickly got up and look at the person who attack him. It was A Namekian like Piccolo but this one has a scar on his left eye. He is wearing a orange gi that has a blue crystal strapped around his stomach. This is Lord Slug, the evil Namekian

"You may be a Time Patroler but you won't get any mercy from me!" Said Slug before he launched at Sora. Sora had barely enough time to dodge the attack.

"Whoa! Who is this guy?" asked Sora. Sora had to dodge again when Slug made his arm to stretch to attack Sora. Out of reflex, Sora grabbed that arm and pulled his entire arm off. But Slug just laughed like it was nothing.

"Whats so funny?" asked Sora.

"You think that can stop me?" Slug said before new arm regenerated over the stump. "You see. I can regenerate my arm as many times as I can." He said as he open and closed his hand.

"Uh-oh" Said Sora before Lord Slug landed a powerful punch at his stomach. Sora gasped for air and was sent flying into the mountain wall.

"THAT ENOUGH!!" Said a familiar voice. Sora turned his head to see Trunks flying at super fast.

"Hmm. Lucky you." Said Slug before he fly away into the air. Trunks when after Slug. As Sora finished watching them fly away, Sora got himself out of the mountain wall and began to fly into the air. Sora had to fly back to were Vegeta is. He just hope nothing bad will upset the time line.


Age 762.........

Sora was still flying at top speed. He can see Vegeta a few seconds away. Sora return just in time to see Dodoria being surround by the dark aura.

"STOP MOCKING ME!!!" shouted Dodoria as he gave Vegeta a powerful charge head on. Vegeta wasn't gonna have enough time to dodge it.

"Vegeta look out!" Shouted Sora as he pushed Vegeta out of the way and hold out his hands to hold back Dodoria.

"What the?" said Vegeta as he was getting back up as he saw Sora stopping Dodoria attack. "What are you doing here Sora? And what purpose do you have for saving my life." asked Vegeta.

"Give me a second." Said Sora as he made a mighty yell and pushed Dodoria back and gave him a powerful flying kick in the stomach. Dodoria was set flying into a cliff and got his head stuck. 

"That should hold him for a while." Said Sora as he wipe off a sweat on his forehead with his hands.

"I am here because that pinko fatso over there is surrounded by that weird dark aura. It affect you at Earth too Vegeta. I will help you until I get rid of the dark aura. Once that happens, he is all yours okay?" said Sora.

"Fine. But don't think this makes us friends." Said Vegeta.

"Oh come one. Can't we have bygone be bygones?" asked Sora.

"Hmph." Said Vegeta.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME MAD!!???" shouted Dodoria as he shot himself out of the cliff.

"Why should we horn head? " mocked Sora as he stuck his tongue out and made some silly faces to mock him.

"WHY YOU!!" shouted Dodoria as he launched himself at Sora. He try to punch Sora in the face but Sora caught it with just three fingers.

Sora then gave Dodoria as power knee kick which caused Dodoria to gasp for air. Vegeta then did a hard uppercut. Once he caught up with Dodoria, Vegeta slam both of his fist down that caused Dodoria to fall down like a out of control plane.

Dodoria was in so much pain that was having trouble to stand. He look up to see Vegeta and Sora closing in on him.

"Wait. Vegeta, if you promise  you won't kill me, I will tell you the truth about what happen to Planet Vegeta." Said Dodoria.

This caused both Sora and Vegeta to stop moving. "Planet Vegeta?" asked Sora. 

"Yes. That is the Saiyans home planet. So spill it Dodoria." Said Vegeta

"Will you see, Planet Vegeta wasn't destroyed by a meteor. It was destroyed by Lord Frieza!" Said Dodoria. 

Sora then felt a sudden chill going down his spine. He never heard of a person or anyone that can wipe out an entire planet all by himself.

Sora then fell to his knees as he was getting the sudden fear going into him. But that fear turn into anger. He gave Dodoria the angriest look he gave make.

"I think I should get going now." Said Dodoria as he was about to fly away.

"I don't think so." Said Vegeta as he caught Dodoria off guard and launch him into the air. Vegeta then release a powerful energy wave that destroyed Dodoria.

"So Frieza fears the power of a Saiyan?" Said Vegeta as he was talking to himself. He look back to see that Sora had disappeared.

"Where did he go?" asked Vegeta


Time Nest........

Sora appeared out of the white light that appeared in the Time Vault. "Welcome back" said Mikoto and Supreme Kai of Time.

"We did some research on the two trouble makers you encountered." Said Uiharu.

"Turles is last of one of the last surviving Saiyans. And leads the Crusher Corp in the devilry. Slug leads an army of demons. And has conquered number of planets." Said Elder Kai.

"They are from different time line where Goku has beaten them" Said Saten

"And let me guess, this Towa person, she brought them so they can get there revenge on Goku?" asked Sora.

"Yep." Said Everyone.

"Do we have a plan to stop them?" asked Sora.

"We will just have to think of one once we see them again. Right now I got some important business to do." Said Supreme Kai of Time

"Where are you going?" asked Elder Kai.

"Tokitoki is going to be laying an egg soon. So it is my job to make sure that the egg is healthy." Said Supreme Kai of Time.

"An egg?" asked Sora, Mikoto and the others.

"I guess we forgot to tell you. Tokitoki is a special bird. Once a egg hatchets, it creates a brand new universes. Ohh! to think I get to see the birth of a new universe." Said Elder Kai as he scratches his nose.

"That's right. Well, I got to get going now." Said Supreme Kai of Time as she walk out of the Time Vault.

"Why don't you get some rest now? You work really hard and you need a break." Said Elder Kai.

Sora nodded as he walk out of the Time Vault to got relax for a bit. Mikoto and the others went with him to help him relax.


To Be Continued.............

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