Lightning Song and Sans: The...

By lightningsxns

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A pony, a skeleton, a flower, a story. Sans the skeleton was used to the resets. He didn't like it, not one b... More

A New Friend
A Night Out
Night Terrors
The Pink Flower
Don't Go Back
Meeting Papyrus and Toriel
Meeting Undyne and Alphys
Meeting Frisk and Asgore
Have You Ever Felt Terror?
I Love You
Training With Papyrus and Alphys
Training With Undyne and Asgore
Training With Sans and Toriel
Training With Frisk and Flowey
Connected to Something
Late Night Talk
Meeting Mettaton
Ghosts of the Past
Rainie the Flower

Possessed (Under Rework)

53 4 1
By lightningsxns


About a week later, Lightning Song and Sans continued training with the absence of any trouble occurring to them.

And now, Lightning Song's flying lessons with Flowey began.

It was windy that day. The grass swaying from the wind and leaves following the trail of the occasional breeze. While Flowey waited for Lightning Song, his petals were drawn towards the wind, which only aggravated him even more.

Sans finally appeared in front of the flower, the little pony in his arms giggling.

"Heya, Flowey," the skeleton greeted, setting Lightning Song down before him. "Thanks for helping out on teaching LS how to fly. Of course, she's far too young to be up in the air yet, but practice never hurt anyone."

Flowey sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I get it. So, I have to do this and teach her about SOULs."

"That was the arrangement."

The flower scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Whatever. You can leave now, by the way."

Sans huffed and gave a wave to Lightning Song before he disappeared.

"So," Flowey turned to the small pony who was fluttering her wings excitedly, "you ready to get this over with?"

Lightning Song beamed, eager to learn how to fly.

The flower groaned, not getting the response he wanted which was a "no." "Uh... So, I forgot the real basics of flying so... Be patient, okay?"

The pegasus nodded and smiled, closing her wings to show how patient she could be.

"You know how to work those things, right?" Flowey asked.

Lightning Song hesitated for a moment. "I suppose so."

Flowey inspected the pony's wings for a moment before sighing again. "Just... get them going and try not to put as much weight on the ground. I mean, I think that'll work."

Lightning Song looked skeptical. She was starting to think the flower had no idea what he was doing. She then closed her eyes tightly, flapping her tiny wings as fast as she could.

"Oh," she heard after a few moments.

The pony finally gained the courage to open her eyes, and she gasped once she did so.

Lightning Song was at least three inches off the ground, her wings growing tired at every passing second. "I-I'm flying!" she exclaimed happily.

"Yeah." Flowey hid a slight smile. "You are. Good job, kid."

Once Lightning Song placed her hooves on the ground, she started to feel dizzy again. The so hated feeling from last night was slowly creeping back; and before she knew it, everything went pitch black.


I was back.

I was back in the place with the pink flower.

But why?

Wasn't last night enough?

The pink flower I soon realized to call Rainie was staring a few feet away from me, his eyes dull and unexpressive.

He suddenly shifted and gave me an angry look. "What sick games are you playing?" he asked, quite agitated.

"What do you mean?" I cocked my head to the side, not understanding what he was asking me.

"Don't play stupid!" he spat. "That was clearly Flowey and he died! I saw it with my own eyes!" Rainie huffed, his petals swaying as he talked.

I was beyond confused about what the flower was talking about. Did this have something to do with the timeline things Sans often talked about? "I don't understand," I confessed.

Rainie grumbled, and I just now realized that at least one of his fangs were always showing. "I don't care! I've waited long enough!"

And with that, the breath was completely taken out of me and my vision faded completely.


"H-hey! Wake up!" Flowey stuttered, watching the limp body of the pegasus who hasn't moved for a good minute.

He didn't think he had done anything wrong.

Suddenly, Lightning Song's eyes fluttered open, alerting Flowey and finally gaining him access to sigh a breath of relief.

But Flowey immediately noted something was wrong; Lightning Song's eyes were glowing pink. Everyone knew very well Lightning Song had chocolate covered eyes because Sans was always complimenting them.

Flowey nervously backed up, clearing his throat uncomfortably. "L-lightning Song? You good?"

The pony didn't answer, and instead stood up and scanned Flowey thoroughly before huffing and turning away.

Flowey watched as Lightning Song trotted in the direction of Toriel's house. "Lightning Song...?" But he decided to stay away from the pony.

Lightning Song, emotionlessly, flung open the door with a flick of her hoof and wandered inside.

As if knowing the place inside and out, she made her way past Toriel, who was reading quietly and stamped her way into the kitchen.

Papyrus was at Undyne's house to hang out, and that only made "Lightning Song's" job easier.

She jumped onto a chair and then onto a counter, surveying the kitchen as she went. Flinging one of the counter shelves open, her pink eyes flashed at the sight of dozens of sharp knives. Giggling, she picked up the sharpest with her teeth and fluttered down to the floor.

Clutching the knife in her teeth, Lightning Song giggled again and trotted up the steps. However, she made it that she was so quiet, that no one could hear her.

After making it up the stairs, the small pony made her way to Sans and Papyrus's bedroom, where a slight strumming of a guitar could be heard.

Scanning the door closely, Lightning Song finally opened it, her pink eyes immediately catching her target.

There he was.

Sans the Skeleton.

At the moment, Sans was writing on some paper, playing some notes on his guitar afterward, then wrote some more down.

He glanced up at the arrival of the Pegasus, expression turning from focused to confused. "Hey, LS," he greeted. "Training isn't over; what are ya doin' here?"

Lightning Song stared blankly at the skeleton, and he stood up suddenly, noting that her eyes had changed color. "You..." he muttered, ready to attack at any moment. "You aren't Lightning Song."

That was all the imposter needed before making a startling slash at Sans, which he easily dodged.

"This is gonna go two ways," he huffed. "You either leave me the hell alone and give me back Lightning Song or I beat the living hell out of you until you tell me where she is!" With that, Sans's eye flared up in a light blue aura, his left hand doing just the same.

Before Lightning Song could get an attack in, her SOUL turned blue, and she was slammed into the wall, grunting and groaning.

Sans sighed and approached her, a white bone in his hands ready to attack at any given moment.

Before Sans could even get a word in, Lightning Song's eyes quickly flashed brown again. "S-sawns!" she screeched, pleaded, begged.

Hearing Lightning Song scream like that only occurred in Sans's nightmares. And it was something he refused to hear in reality.

Sans was at lost for words and ideas. Her eyes had flashed pink again, and she struggled in his grasp. He couldn't hurt the pony; Lightning Song- his Lightning Song- was in there somewhere and he couldn't dare to try to even hurt this Lightning Song.

But he didn't have to think about it for long, because the pony stopped fighting, and faint giggles echoed throughout the room.

Sans noticed her eyes were brown again, and he immediately knew his Lightning Song was back. Here. Safe with him.

The pony broke into sobs, Sans quickly taking her into his arms and trying to comfort her as much as possible.

After a few moments and Lightning Song was calmed down, the skeleton set her on his bed and settled next to her. "LS..." he started. "What happened?"

Lightning Song gazed into Sans's pupils and quickly looked away. "I don't want to talk about it..."

"Well..." Sans tried comforting her even more by fixing her mane up that was sticking out in all places. "I won't ever know unless you tell me."

Lightning Song hesitated for a moment and stole a quick glance from the skeleton before she spilled everything out to him.

She talked about the night before and how she first met the flower, the place she was in and what she was instructed to do. She talked about how she fought her hardest to keep Rainie from killing Sans, and that Rainie was the one in control of her body.

"...he said his name was Rainie," Lightning Song concluded, glancing at Sans and hoping he would believe her.

Sans processed what all his pony friend had said; he sighed and gave her a drowsy look. "Rainie the Flower, huh? And you said he was pink?" he asked, recalling his strange dream.

Lightning Song slowly nodded.

"Kid..." the skeleton looked down, and then back at Lightning Song. "I think we have the same problem."


"So, our problem is that this 'Rainie the Flower' fellow is upset at us for Flowey's so-called death, right?" Sans concluded, wrapping up the thirty-minute discussion he and Lightning Song had just had about the flower.

Lightning Song shrugged. "Guess so."

The skeleton thought over what he had said and just laughed. "That's dumb."

The small pony smiled and then giggled. "Yeah. Yeah, it is."

Sans laughed once more and scooped the small pony into his arms. "Don't worry, kiddo. I won't let anyone hurt you, ever."


I didn't even get to train with Mettaton that day, let alone finish training with Flowey. I didn't even get to tell Sans that I had flown today!

But he took me home regardless and I gazed up at him, secretly hoping he wouldn't leave. "I love you, Sawns." I smiled at him as he set me down.

Sans hesitated for a moment before laughing softly. "Yeah, love ya, too, kiddo."

And with that, he left.


Sans spent the remaining of the night in his and Papyrus's room, pondering thoughts and turning them into music.

He was especially active in his mind today, so he couldn't stop writing for anything.

He was suddenly interrupted when the door slowly opened, and Papyrus cautiously walked in.

"B-brother?" he stuttered, nervous he may anger Sans in some way.

"Yeah, bro?" Sans hasn't looked up from his guitar or sheet music at the arrival of his brother.

"Are you..." the taller skeleton hesitated. "...doing alright?"

Now that Sans looked up to. He scanned his brother curiously before shrugging and turning back to his music. "Course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

Papyrus was sitting on his race car bed at this point, nervously scuffing at the floor. "You've just been... more alert lately."

"Well, yeah, Papyrus," Sans scoffed. "This timeline is different- too different- I'm going to protect that with all I have."

"I know," Papyrus responded casually. "I'm just worried."

"About?" Sans hid another scoff, realizing he may have sounded rude. He didn't want his brother feeling unwanted. "I'm fine, Papyrus," he reassured.

The taller skeleton wasn't going to believe Sans like that, he wouldn't. But before he could protest in any way, the shorter skeleton set away from his things. "Storytime, little bro. You ready?" he asked, pulling a book out from the bookshelf.

Papyrus just laughed silently to himself and nodded. "Of course."


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