keepers of the stones. [aveng...

By glennlusional

57.8K 2.7K 1K

❝ none of us signed up for this, but it's the hand we were dealt, and we can't just let Thanos win, not witho... More

the legend of the keepers.
chapter one.
chapter three.
chapter four.
chapter five.
chapter six.
update - please read
chapter seven.
chapter eight.
chapter nine.
chapter ten.
chapter eleven.
chapter twelve.
chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen.
chapter fifteen.
chapter sixteen.
chapter seventeen.
chapter eighteen.

chapter two.

3.4K 167 70
By glennlusional

ii. fallen hero
chapter two

◌ ◌ ◌


Sloane hating seeing Tony like this. They had just gotten back from Rhodey's physical therapy appointment, and were standing in their living room, discussing the fact that Vero hadn't contacted him for three weeks.

He'd been pacing back and forth nonstop for the past five minutes, and, with everything that had just happened over the course of the past few days, only one thing was stabbing into his mind. He could remember the fight with Steve so perfectly, and he wished he couldn't. He wished he could forget it all, and act like it never happened.

But that wasn't the part he was worried about, not the most. He was worried about his son.

" Dad? " Vero's trembling voice called, a few feet away from where Tony had laid after his fight against both the Winter Soldier and Captain America.

The goggles on his head were cracked down one lens, and there was blood running down from his hairline. Vero had followed his father to the abandoned building, and he'd seen everything. The footage of Bucky killing his grandmother and grandfather, then Tony attacking them both out of anger. He didn't know what to do when he witnessed Steve and Bucky double teaming his father. He'd stood off to the side for most of the encounter, but when Tony was getting pummeled, holding his own, barely, Vero had to do something.

He rolled up his sleeve, tapping a button on his watch (which really wasn't even a working watch), causing it to retract into a slim, silver band before expanding again, the silver crawling down to his fingers and up to his shoulder, spreading across his entire body before engulfing it in the silver Iron Man suit.

Vero didn't waste any time, bringing his palm up, aiming at the Winter Soldier as a blast of white energy shot from it, hitting Bucky straight in the back, sending him forward. Both Tony and Steve stopped, mid-fight, to turn and look at Vero; while Captain America looked shocked, his father seemed a bit relieved.

But then the Winter Soldier, who'd managed to get back up in a flash, tackled him to the ground, throwing punches with his metal arm at the teen's face. A sharp pain blossomed in his nose after a particularly hard punch, and, after that, Vero held his own metal-clad forearm against Bucky's artificial one. But, as the latter pushed down against him, Vero could feel the muscles in his arm start to give out underneath the pressure, and the warm blood pouring down his nose, then the next thing he saw was the Winter Soldier being ripped off of him.

Tony had managed to fight off Steve long enough to take hold of his old friend and grab him by the metal arm. Vero wasn't exactly sure how it had happened, but he watched his father tear the Winter Soldier's powerful arm off, discarding it across the room. The rest was a blur, Bucky laying defeated on the cold ground, Steve beating Tony so ruthlessly, as if all he saw was red, and then the next thing Vero knew, Steve was slamming his shield into Tony's chest - right where the arc reactor would have been, had it not been surgically removed recently.

Vero has yelled at Steve to stop, he remembered that, then the latter and Tony exchanged quiet words before Captain America removed the shield, going to Bucky's side, lifting him to his feet. The Winter Soldier was unconscious as Steve through his arm across his own shoulders, leaving without another word, until Tony, weakly sitting up, shouted,

" That shield doesn't belong to you. "

And Steve dropped the shield, then limped out, Bucky on his shoulder, not daring to look back.

" Dad? " Tony heard it in his head again, and, in that moment, as he was reliving this now, with Sloane, he turned to look to the side, as if Vero was standing with them now, then let out a small sigh as he remembered what had really happened. Why Vero wasn't with them.

" Get out of here. " Tony had said, coughing a bit violently after he spoke, managing to get himself to his knees, sucking in a big breath before fully standing; he looked to his son again, who was staring at him with bewilderment and confusion in his crystal blue eyes, " Go, before Ross' men find you. "

Vero seemed to be frozen where he stood, unmoving as Tony stared at him, bruised, bloodied, and beaten; his father shouted this time, his voice noticeably cracking as he did, " I said go! Now! "

And, after a few seconds, Vero followed Captain America's steps out of the warehouse, leaving his father without a goodbye.

Tony hasn't seen him since that moment.

" Hey, " Sloane called, pulling Tony from his deep thoughts, placing a hand gentle on his shoulder, the other moving to his face; she turned his head slightly, taking a moment to examine the dark ring of a bruise covering his eye.

" You worry too much, Tony, " She stated, allowing him to turn his face fully towards her, eyebrows furrowed in question, as is to say 'really?', " about everyone. "

While Tony couldn't argue that she was wrong, that was the first time anyone had said something like that about him. The first time someone had ever referred to him as considerate and not selfish. The first time anyone had ever told him what he needed to hear.

" Cap and the others will be fine, we both know those guys won't stay locked up for long. " She insisted, a slight smile on her face as she tried to cheer the man in front of her up.

" I know. " Tony replied bluntly, but not rudely, his tone sounded almost disappointed (in himself?) as he wrapped his hands around hers, pulling them down in between their bodies. " I'm not worried about Rogers, or any of the others, not now. "

He didn't need to say it, Sloane could tell from the guilty look in his eyes what his next words would be, but still, it wasn't any less heartbreaking to hear him say it out loud.

" I'm worried about Vero. " Tony said, letting out a sigh, squeezing Sloane's hands tightly, trying to look anywhere but directly at her; for some reason, she reminded him of his son. Perhaps it was because the two were so close, and he felt the same way about both of them.

He'd die without either of them, especially if it was his fault.

The brunette woman watched Tony's fallen face with sadness displayed on her own, but still, a ghost of a smile hid on her face, trying to keep the optimism going for both of them.

" Vero's smart, he'll be okay on his own. Just give him some time, I'm sure he'll call soon. " She wasn't even sure if she believed her own words anymore, she didn't know if she believed anything after the last week's events.

When she noticed Tony's unconvinced facial expression, Sloane squeezed his hands back, making him look down into her dark brown eyes, and she said, " He'll come back, Tony. I know it. "

That, one of them believed.

Tony didn't say anything in response, but instead gave Sloane a forced smile, multiple emotions written into his face. However, if Tony wanted to let it go, so would she. She hated dwelling on things they couldn't change.

" Tony? " She called quietly, not exactly liking the silence between them, trying to keep his mind off of. . . everything.

" Yeah? " He asked, wandering eyes finding hers once again, searching her face for her own thoughts, as if he wished to know exactly what her perspective on it was; her perspective on him.

" I love you. "

A beat passed. Tony hadn't told anyone that for a while. The last time he'd said that, it didn't end well.

" I love you, too. "


Vero had never taken anything for advantage, especially now, since he was pretty much living in hiding, but he could definitely use a better telescope. The one from his home - his old home - was very nice; it reached farther than any other telescope Vero had ever owned, and he owned a lot of them. It worked so well because he and his father had made it, together. Of course, he would never tell his guardian, Sam Wilson, that he was unhappy with the current one, because he'd never hear the end of it.

He'd been interested in space since he could walk. Vero loved spotting the planets and their surrounding stars, marking them down in a little notebook he kept. It was old, and it was almost filled with writings, but he still held on to it. He leaned his head away from the telescope to glance down at the book, fingers running across the cover, which had many doodles all over.

Then, he turned his attention back to the telescope. He swiveled it downward, seeing the busy New York streets, swelling with cars zooming by, and then the huge skyscrapers that seemed to never end. At first, Vero didn't think Queens was a very good place to hide out, but after a month or so, he started to get used to it.

Even though Sam wasn't his legal guardian, he had enrolled Vero in at Midtown High, a nice school just a few blocks away that specialized in technology and science. Vero had never been to a school before, since Tony insisted that he could teach him all he needed from the safety of their home. He wasn't wrong, Vero was just as smart, if not smarter, than most of the kids at Midtown High.

Including Peter Parker.

When Vero first met Peter Parker, he was very nervous. Peter, not Vero. From the battle at the airport during Captain America and Iron Man's little fight, he knew that Vero's real surname was not Wilson, but Stark. He tried to keep it a secret, so that he did not blow his cover as Spider-Man, but eventually he accidentally let it slip to Tony Stark.

Vero didn't talk to Peter for three weeks after he got that phone call from his father, demanding that he get his "scrawny ass" back to the house. Tony would admit, it wasn't the best approach, but to hear that his son had been in Queens, right under his nose, this whole time, was certainly aggravating.

He didn't listen, obviously, but he and Sam didn't leave, either. Tony couldn't force him to come home, as much as he would've liked to, so, instead, he just kept leaving voicemails, twice a day, pleading with him to just answer. Tony was worried about his son, but his son could care less.

Everything that was sitting in Vero's mind scattered as something falling from the sky caught his eye. His hand gripped the telescope tightly, and he squinted his eye to see the object more clearly. Millions of thoughts flew through his head - maybe it was just an asteroid, or maybe it was a space ship, or maybe Thor had finally returned to Earth, or-

It was a young woman, covered in blood, and dressed like an ancient Viking.

" Oh, shit. " Vero muttered quietly, lifting his head up, shielding the sun from his eyes with his hand, backing up on the balcony of the apartment.

She had to be unconscious, since Vero couldn't hear any panicked screaming, which seemed like the most normal reaction to hurtling to the ground. The Stark boy ran to the balcony door without taking his eyes off the woman, and pulled it open, stepping halfway inside.

" Hey, Sam? " He called out, but, after not getting an immediate response, he quickly glanced inside, seeing the kitchen and living room empty; Vero looked back to the falling girl, then let out a conflicted groan before running inside.

" Sam! " He shouted, pushing the man's bedroom door open, only to find his room empty, bed made and all; then, he tried his own room. Still empty, not as clean, though.

Vero huffed in frustration as he went into the kitchen upon finally seeing Sam's note on the fridge.

Had to go, Cap needs me.
Be back soon,

" Well, now I need you. " He grumbled to himself, scrambling around to find his tennis shoes, which were usually laying somewhere near the front door, and pulling on his jacket; just before he opened it, ready to race down the stairs instead of waiting on the incredibly slow elevator, he saw the time on the stove.

6:45 A.M.

On a Tuesday.

" Damn, " He drawled out, tugging his other jacket arm on, heading out the door, " there goes my perfect attendance. "

◌ ◌ ◌

Vero didn't enjoy running down the stairs, but, under the circumstances, he was glad he did.

When he finally burst out of the lobby, his crystal blue eyes searched the sky for the woman, hoping that he hadn't been too slow. He briefly glanced down at his foot, covered by his worn out sneaker, then redirected his attention up once again, as someone finally noticed the falling woman and let out a scream.

Vero ran towards the scream, weaving his way down the busy street, shoving past people dressed in nice suits, and even a few kids running the other direction, trying to catch up with the bus that had already left. It became too overwhelming, though, and Vero's anxiety started to bite at him, worrying him that he was being too slow, that he wouldn't make it to the woman, and he would only come across her dead body, limbs twisted every which way.

" Excuse-Excuse me! " Vero exclaimed, the pushing crowd getting harder to pass through; when a person rammed right into his shoulder, and another bumping into him on the other side, he made an angry noise and tugged up the sleeve of his jacket, tapping (and activating) the silver watch on his wrist.

The watch shrunk, leaving only a metallic, silver band around his arm, then expanded, growing up his arm and down onto his fingers. He kept pushing through the pedestrians as the suit built itself up into his body, until it could be recognized as one of Iron Man's suits. Mark-V, Tony had made it especially for his son.

" Out of the way! " He yelled, and, in the mask, it sounded much more menacing than his teenage voice; the people actually seemed to listen, and, initially, looked a little shocked, before hurrying along the sidewalk.

Now, as he walked, the people moved out of his way, allowing him down the sidewalk without another shove or nudge.

He finally made his way to the woman who had been screaming, seeing her standing just outside an alleyway. Her light red hair was pulled into a tight bun on her head, and she was wearing a neat, black jumpsuit. Vero figured she was going to be late for work.

He approached, and, before he could even say anything, the woman's head snapped over to look at him, eyes wide and hand covering her mouth.

" I'm not gonna hurt you, oka- " She cut him off just as he tried to assure her, raising one palm to show that he meant no harm, but the businesswoman ran over to him with no hesitation, pulling him over and in front of the alleyway, where he could see exactly what she was screaming at.

" Oh, man, " He mumbled, then broke out of the woman's grip, hearing the sound of nearby ambulances, he ran to the woman laying in a pile of trash.

As he got closer, he could tell it was the woman from the sky. Her light brown hair was crisp with blood and ash, a mess of knots on her head, and her closed eyes were covered in smudged black makeup. Vero slipped his arms underneath her legs and back, lifting her, carefully, out of the dumpster (which smelled like leftover meatloaf, disgusting). As he did, he noticed the gash on her face, just below her right eye, and a trail of the crimson liquid hardened down her cheek.

There was a wound in her thigh, bigger than a gunshot wound, he knew that for sure, and then he looked at her hand, the one laying limp in her lap. It was covered in dried blood, but he was more concerned with the center of it, a deep, open wound on her palm. Like something had been ripped out of it.

Vero felt like his heart might explode, and his head would soon follow with it if he didn't calm down. He almost forgot to check if the woman was even alive, and realized that he didn't exactly have his hands available.

" JJ, you there? " Vero asked, calling into his mask; the system lit up with bright reds and blues, and, soon enough, he heard the AI's voice.

" Welcome back, Vero. " He answered in return, and Vero only sighed as he added on, " You have three new messages, all from- "

" Dad? " He anticipated, then, when she didn't confirm it, he said, " Yeah, I know. But I don't have time for that right now. Can you check this woman's pulse? "

As JJ wordlessly obeyed, a red light shot out and scanned down the woman's face, and Vero took this time to actually look at her. She seemed strange, and he wondered where she came from. Asgard, maybe, but then, shouldn't Thor be with her? Maybe she was an enemy. But, she could also be a friend. He'd have to wait and see.

" Pulse is irregular, quick. But it is there. " JJ stated, and Vero let out a quiet sigh of relief before turning to walk down the alleyway, remembering that the woman was still standing there, watching him in - awe? Worry? Concern?

" She's safe now, don't worry. " Vero said, although his voice betrayed him, shaking the slightest as he removed the mask from his face, turning his head to the side as he spoke, " JJ? "

" Yes, sir? " He responded just as the businesswoman cleared her throat, unintentionally, and caught Vero's attention; her eyes darted from him to the woman in his arms, then back up to him.

" What are you going to do? " She questioned, and Vero only said the truth.

" I'm going to make a call, then I'm gonna bust my ass to make it to first period. "

And, even with no specifics, JARVIS JR knew exactly which number to select.

◌ ◌ ◌

here's another chapter!! honestly loved writing this because Tony is my favorite Marvel character, and Vero and Sloane are two of my favorites. I also love writing the flashbacks. I know it's very slow to start and we haven't even truly began in the movie, but I want to give some background for the characters and their relationships as well as their journeys first.

also, sorry if the spacing is all messed up, Wattpad was screwing with me today

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are liking the book so far! If you have, feedback and comments are gladly appreciated! What are your predictions for this book? Anything you'd like to see? Or just some general criticism? I'm all ears!

until next time,

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