Living With 13 IDOLS.(sevente...

By strwbaerrymlk

345K 8.7K 6.1K

"From now on you're living with 13 boys" More

I n t r o
o1: Mess
o2: shopping
o3: Teach me
o4: Truth or dare
o5: Dream
o6: Amusement park
o7: Jealous
N o t e
o8: Anonymous
o9: Performance unit
1o: Ice cream
11: Mr anonymous
12: Fake news
12: my answer
13: another news
14:i hate her
17: interrupted
21:meet again
Hey read if you want to
22: where are you ?
23:where are you? pt.2
25: who are you?
26:goodbye love
A\N: don't hate me (must read)
27:coming back
28: giggles
29: what?
32:why am i here?
AUTHOR+facts about meh
35:not what it looks like
36:hot pack
37: voices
hello!! (not an update)
41:not too easy
42: i know
43:i'll let go
44:i do too
46: back to you
47:i love you
hello nctzen fam!!
50: you
EPILOGUE: and me
revealing my ugly face

24: last day

3.3K 103 27
By strwbaerrymlk

author's pov 

the doctor discharged ailee, so she's back at the dorm. she suddenly heard a knock on the door

"its open"

she said, minghao opened the door and sat beside her 

"are you ok now?"

minghao asked while caressing ailee's head, ailee smiled then nodded 

"how about...lets go on a date?"

minghao said while staring at ailee adoringly 

"aren't you busy with your comeback?"

"your samchon gave me a day off"

he smiled, ailee hugged minghao 


they went to the zoo, where they had their first date 

"ahhhh...i still remember our first date as if it was only yesterday"

minghao said while putting his arms on ailee's shoulder , ailee giggled and nodded 

they walked around the zoo, and after that they went to the park 

"you know what? my dream was to marry you one day"

minghao took a deep breath as he stared at the stars, ailee smiled  

"and to have a family with you"

minghao said as he faced ailee, he cupped her cheeks and leaned in to kiss her, they both pulled away and smiled at each other...minghao cant help but feel guilty but he's doing it to protect ailee....

" i love you ailee-ah"

he said as he felt tears creating a pool on the end on his eyes 

"i love you too"

ailee said, feeling her heart skip a beat 


minghao called while taking ailee's hand 

"im so sorry"

minghao said as he let the tears fall down his cheeks..

"why are you saying sorry for?"

ailee said while wiping minghao's tears away with her thumb 

" sorry deserve someone better..i-im not good enough" 

minghao said while sobbing, ailee felt a curtain pain on her chest 

"w-what d-do you mean...n-no.."

ailee said while cupping his face

"ailee...i think...its better for the both of us"

he said while removing her hands from his face 

"w-we could work this out...please...dont do this"

ailee said while wiping her tears 

"i have to" 

minghao said as he walked away from her...                                                                                                               ailee kneeled down crying her heart out, not caring if people give her weird looks 

ailee stood up and ran, she crossed the streets without looking....she doesnt care anymore 


chanyeol's pov 

i was on my way back to the dorm when i saw a girl running , crossing the streets without looking...then 


s-she got hit by a car...out of concern i ran to her when i saw her eyes widen.............ailee?

"a-ailee...h-hold on"

i said as i put her head on my lap

"ailee please dont let go"

"HELP!! somebody please call the ambulance!!"

some people took their phones out and called the ambulance

"c-chanyeol-ah....just let me...die"

ailee said as tears run down her eyes, blood all over her body 

"n-no..please just hold on "

i said while wiping her tears, the ambulance finally came..

"are you her relative?" 

they asked 

"i-im her friend" 

i said, they nodded and let me in 


i took ailee's phone and called her cousin....yerin

"hello ailee unnie?" 
a girl's voice said 

"this is uhh..chanyeol..ailee got hit by a car"
i said

"WHERE?! IS?! SHE?!"

the girl loudly said 

yerin's pov 

"WHERE?! IS?! SHE?!"

i said as i felt my heart skipped a beat..

"she's at XX hospital"

the guy named chanyeol said, the other guys looked at me 

"what was it about?"

woozi asked

"ailee into...a-an accident"

i said as tears fall down  from my eyes, their eyes widen...we rushed to the hospital

"what room is ailee park in?"

dino asked the lady at the table 

"second floor room 177, operation room" 

the lady said, we all ran to that place, when we arrived we saw appa there walking back an fort 


tanya called, appa walked towards us.. tears visible from his eyes 

"theres a small chance of her surviving"

appa said,i felt tears rolling down my cheeks 

.. we sat on the waiting room..then i noticed.........wheres minghao?

i tapped jun's shoulder,he looked at me 

"where's minghao?"

minghao's pov 

i wiped all my tears and knocked on the door , the door opened and i saw bora smiling at me 


i cutted her off 

"i broke up with her "

i said trying my best to keep no expression, she smirked 

"good thing"

she said as she cupped my cheeks, even though i dont like it...i have to 

"i love you"

she said...

the words that should be said to the person we love...
those three words....

################################################################################sorry this is short...
sorry this sucks.....

yeah! vote comment and follow me if you want...

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