What Happened - Son Goku Fanf...

By sweettime9

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Meet Yin. A childhood friend of Goku after meeting Master Roshi. She takes life through her dark past and dar... More

Chapter 1: Enter! Yin!
Chapter 2: Goku arrives, time to get serious!
Chapter 3: To Outerspace, alone time with Goku?
Chapter 4: Namek, Fighting, and Goku's new form!
Chapter 5: Goku's gone, and a new responsibility
Chapter 6: Young Master Yin, and her mother, what do we know about Yin?
Chapter 7: Welcome Back Goku! And Two Mysterious Allies.
Chapter 8: The Truth! How Goku feels about Yin!
Chapter 9: The Return of Yin's Father, a duty finished.
Chapter 10: The Gallery
Chapter 11: A surprise for Goku and Gohan
Chapter 12: Yin's Dark Turn, the surprise from Son Goku
Chapter 13: A Trip to the Hospital, a Miracle is Born
Chapter 14: A New Fighter Arrives
Chapter 15: Worrying About Goku
Chapter 16: The Aftermath
Chapter 17: Meeting Videl
Chapter 18: The World Tournament Pt.1
Chapter 19: The World Tournament Pt.2
Chapter 20: Majin Buu, the Return of a Dead Brother
Chapter 21: The Resurrection of Son Yin
Chapter 22: Back to Everyday Life
Chapter 23: Son Goku and His Friends Return! Special!
Chapter 24: Meeting Whis and Lord Beerus, Tragedy Struck
Chapter 25: The Leader
Chapter 26: Getting To Know Luna, Yin's Fall and Road to Recovery
Chapter 27: Universe 7 Against Universe 6, The Fight Between Two Twin Dragons
Chapter 28: In Between the Next Events
Chapter 29: The Future Pt.1
Chapter 30: The Future Pt.2
Chapter 31: The Future Pt.3
Chapter 33: Before the Tournament of Power
Chapter 34: Tournament of Power Pt.1
Chapter 35: Tournament of Power Pt.2
Chapter 36: Tournament of Power Pt.3
Chapter 37: After the Tournament of Power
Chapter 38: Do You Ever Wonder What Happened?

Chapter 32: Breaking Point

285 5 0
By sweettime9

It was dead in the middle of the night. Goku was off to train, and I was sitting here with a bored look on my face. I heard something shatter. I got up, getting out of bed and swaying to the kitchen.

"Luna, are you getting another midnight snack? Didn't I tell you that you can only do that once a week?"

I rubbed my face before looking forward. I blinked twice. Luna was holding a knife against this guy's neck as the guy held something against her neck. I stared. Something came from behind me. I turned my head slightly.

"What the hell," I muttered.

"Don't move Twin Dragon."

"Mom," Luna muttered.

I looked at her. Something was injected in my neck. I fell forward, getting caught in arms.

"Got the mom, get the daughter."


Luna went silent.

Goten's POV

I woke up in the morning and stretched. I got out of bed, walking into the kitchen.

"Good morning," I rubbed my eyes.

I looked up, hearing no reply. I blinked twice. I saw a knife on the ground, before picking it up. I looked at it. I went up to the phone and called Gohan.


"Gohan? Is Mom with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"She's not in the kitchen making breakfast like she'd normally do. And I found a knife on the ground too."

"Did you check with Luna?"

I went up to her room and checked inside.

"She's not here either."

"Did Mom leave a note?"


I heard him sigh.

"I'll be right on over."

I opened the door as he walked in. I looked up at him.

"Are you sure you didn't check with Bulma?"

"I didn't. Mom was tired yesterday, and said she was going to sleep in. She wasn't in her room."

"That's strange. Let's go to Bulma's."

When we arrived at Capsule Corp, Trunks looked at the both of us.

"Is Luna with you? Because she promised to go over Chinese Greetings with me today," He crossed his arms.

"We thought her and Mom were here," Gohan shrugged.

We saw Bulma walk up.

"Have you seen Yin? She said she was gonna call me about how her art work went," She frowned.

"She's not home," I answered.

"Did she leave a note?"


"That's strange. She'd normally call."

"Can't you two feel her ki anywhere," Trunks asked.

I shut my eyes, searching for it.

"That's... weird... I can't sense it anywhere in the world."

"Well, we can ask Piccolo, maybe he'll know," Bulma nodded.

"What did you need?"

We all jumped, turning to see Piccolo stand with crossed arms.

"Why did I hear my name?"

He looked at us.

"Can you try and track Mom's ki? Her and Luna left without any warning, and I can't sense anything from here."

"What did she do? Get in trouble?"

"She couldn't've. Mom's always been very careful and protective," I looked up at him.

He grunted, but nodded.


He shut his eyes. After a few minutes, his eyes widened, then he looked up at us.

"I... can't sense her Ki either."


"What about Luna's?"

"I can't sense Luna's ki either. It's odd. The two have very powerful ki. It wouldn't make sense for them to have it off or hidden unless... they're dead."

"They both can't be dead!!"

"Yeah, they can't be!!!"

"Both my mom and sister can't be dead!"

"We need to get ahold of Goku. He can most-likely find their ki, unless what I said is very true."

I whimpered.

Mom... Luna... where are you...

It had been days. We haven't even heard from Dad, and it wasn't working out like we hoped in searching. I sat next to Gohan and Videl at Capsule Corp as Bulma was pacing around with arms crossed. Trunks sat next to me too. I guess learning that Luna wasn't around made him worried... I know he has a crush on her, I just won't tell him or her. They both need to find out on their own. We saw Whis and Lord Beerus appear out of thin air, which is when we all jumped up.

"Bulma, why have you been pestering us for the past 4 days," Lord Beerus grunted, cleaning his ear.


"Hi Bulma!! What's wrong," I saw Dad emerge from behind the two with a grin and wave.


Bulma grabbed Dad's collar, pulling him down to her level with a growl.

"Yin and Luna are missing?!"

"Yes!! We've been scared to death, and we don't know where they're at!!!"

He sat up straight.

"Kakarot's wife and child are missing? How did that happen? What-," Vegeta asked.

"We don't know. We would've told you, if that was the case."

Dad grew a serious look, trying to see if he could IT to them.

"I can't sense their ki anywhere. It's strange."

"Yes, that's what I said. They have high ki, which wouldn't make sense on why we can't find them."

Bulma's walkie-talkie rang with a loud sound. Some of us covered our ears.


We blinked twice.

"Who are you? How did you get access to this channel?"

"Holy shit, this worked!!! Thanks Kid!!"

It was a female voice.


Bulma started getting irritated.




"What happened Luna?! Where are you and Yin?!"

"Okay, I don't have much time, the guards are on their rounds and I had to sneak into the radio room before they would notice I'm gone."


"We're somewhere, I don't know where, maybe a prison, but they took most of the women and girls from our clan. They put something in us so we couldn't use our strength to fight. Only Mom had the chance, but they took her, and she hasn't stopped screaming."


"Yeah, a blood curling scream. Oh, it's on now."

She didn't speak as we heard a loud scream. I shivered.


Luna screamed before the line went off.

"Luna? LUNA?!"

She didn't reply. We all stood in silence. I shut my eyes, clenching my fists.

"We need to find them," I heard Bulma say.

"THEY COULD BE DOING ANYTHING AND WE'RE JUST STANDING HERE," I cried, looking up as I opened my eyes.

"Goten's right. We need to try harder."

Piccolo turned his head.

"Did you feel that small energy spike?"

"...That's Luna's!!"

We all turned to Trunks.

"One time, we were running from a gang, and Luna has a panic spike when she's extremely frightened. It happened when Black was here too!"

"He's right, Luna's energy went up that caused a lightning strike," Piccolo nodded.

Dad looked to IT again. I looked at him.

"Got it!! Grab on and let's go!"

Piccolo and Vegeta grab on. They vanish.

Luna's POV

I struggled in the guards' grips.


"Bitch, you have such a fowl mouth!!"

I was kicked in the face. I grunted, trying to get up. I winced. I turned my head, seeing one guard gone.

"What did you say about my daughter?"

I looked up. I stared.

"D-Daddy," I whimpered.

A loud scream interrupted the air again. I was helped up. I turned, seeing Piccolo. I looked down.

"Where is she," Dad asked again.

"Who? The leader? That bitch?!"

His face was slammed into the wall.

"I won't ask again."

"D-Down the hall!!! There's an iron door!!! THERE!! THERE!!!"

The other guard shook as he started crying.

"Girl, where are the others?"

I turned to see Vegeta.

"The other way," I shook.

"The Namekian and I have the others, you get your wife, Kakarot."

Dad nodded, letting the guard drop.

"If it's a lie, you'll be sorry."

I've never seen him this serious. He walked out.

"You should listen to him. He's very angry when he's serious," Piccolo muttered to the guards as they scrambled on their feet.

"Let's go. No time wasting our energy on low level enemies."

They walked out.

Yin's POV

I tried to keep another scream as they injected something into me.

"How can you reject the serum weak pathetic woman? I'm glad this torture will teach you to keep yourself hidden."

I bit my bleeding lip.

"Fuck you," I growled.

The door slammed open. We all turned, blinking twice. I saw a figure step in. I tugged on my chains.

"Damnit," I muttered.

"Shut up!!"

A gun was aimed at my face. My eyes widened. I heard the trigger go off, and I shut my eyes. I felt nothing. I reopened one eye. I looked up.


"I'd appreciate it if you didn't hurt my wife anymore."


"You left one person. You'll regret that."


Goten... They didn't take Goten... They... Thank god.

I sighed with relief. The gun was pulled out of his hands, snapped in half, and thrown on the floor. Goku broke my chain and picked me up. He kissed my bruised and bloody cheek.

"Are you alright? Did they do something bad to you?"


I shut my eyes in pain.

"I have no intention on hurting anyone, just take my wife and daughter out."

I clenched his shirt in my hands, leaning forward as I placed my face into his gi. I shivered. I felt him run his fingers through my rough, matted hair. He started walking.


"Or what?"


"You tried, didn't you? And I'm sure you failed. Oh... And I heard everything... You better give me something to reverse this powerless thing you put in everyone, or I'll have to use no choice."

I shook my head as he stopped.

"You're right, we have someone to do it."

He walked away. His footsteps where calm, and I heard his racing heart in his chest. I knew my breathing was ragged, so it was a bit hard to hear his racing heart.

"There you are Goku, we're returning the women and girls to their homes. Go on ahead and take Luna."

"We need to take them to Bulma. They have this thing that makes them weak. We should get them to Bulma so that they can get it fixed."

"You're right. Most of them were scarred, bruised... what type of people would do this?"

"Those who want power."

"Hmmm... Let's go."

Goku started moving again. The fresh air felt nice against my already painful skin. I winced a little bit, but didn't want it to be noticeable to Goku. I breathed heavily.

"Is this comfortable for you?"

I nodded. He set me down in a seat, crouching in front of me. He moved some hair out of my face. He sighed, brushing his thumb over a bruise. I winced. I never thought it'd hurt to feel this much pain. I absorb it most of the time, ignore it almost. This feeling... it didn't feel good. Goku retracted his hand in a flinch. I looked into his eyes.

"I...hurt... a lot," I whispered, looking down at the floor.

He pulled me to his chest, giving out a shaky sigh.

"Please... don't... don't scare me like that. You or Luna, please don't."

I nodded.

"It happened so fast. The minute he injected me with that thing I couldn't move... Next thing I heard, Luna went silent... When I came to, we were in a cell... they asked questions, those of which we never responded to," I whispered.

"They took some people and tortured them. You could hear their screams down the hall. When they stopped, they were plopped into the cell. Some of those women had daughters, and those daughters had mothers. They... some of them didn't live," Luna shook her head.

"It wouldn't stop... It never stopped."

"They took Mom yesterday... There weren't screams until the dead of night... She held a loud scream for at least 15 hours."

"I broke. I finally broke... the torture. Without my strength, I couldn't absorb the pain as much as I thought I could. I crumbled, like a small cookie..."

Tears blurred my vision.

Luna's POV

When we got to Capsule Corp, I took a minute to feel the soft grass on my feet.




I looked up. Trunks pulled me into his arms, hugging me tightly. I blinked twice. I shivered, before finally falling to my knees. I shoved my head in his chest. I gave out a large wail. As mom said... she crumbled like a small cookie... and I did the same. I shook my head several times, still believing some form of denial before thinking how everything came to this. I didn't even know they were there, in the kitchen. I don't know how they got in. I just know I was in a fight with a guy over a knife. Mom came in, and the rest went downhill from there. I gave myself heavy blame, but didn't think it was relevant to what happened after. I just wanted Mom, I just wanted Dad and Goten and Gohan, all I wanted was to leave. I felt Trunks rub my back as I shook violently in his arms.

Yin's POV

I felt dead in Bulma's arms when she came in for a hard hug. I felt sore, hurt, wounded, anything to do with pain. She rubbed my matted hair, giving a good sigh of relief. She pulled away, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"We're all glad you and Luna are okay. I'll get an antidote for you and everyone else right away," She gave a weak smile.

I nodded. I stared down at the ground.

"Yin, you're listening, right?"

"Bulma, give her time. She's been through a lot," I heard Vegeta say.

"If you're saying this, then it means it's really serious. Yin?"

I looked up at Bulma.

"Do you need a change of clothes? We can get you showered and dressed."

"...I'm going home..."

I turned around, walking past everyone as I scratched my head. I felt something grab my arm. I turned my head slightly. Goku gave me a worried look as he didn't move on any further.

"Take the offer," He tilted his head to the side.

"...I just want my bed."

I walked ahead.

Finally reaching home, I opened the door, heading inside as I heard hard footsteps follow.

"Do you two need anything," I heard Goku ask.

"A decent meal," I heard Luna mutter, with a hoarse voice.

She moved on ahead to her room. I turned to go to the bathroom. I sat in the tub for a while. I saw blood rise and circle in the water, to which I shrugged. I felt like sleeping. A knock came do the door.

"Mom? Dad said you've been in there for about 2 hours now, are you alright?"

I gave a small noise of acknowledgement. I got up, getting out. I sighed, drying myself off as I stepped out. I looked down at Goten.

"What's he doing," I crouched down next to him, tilting my head to the side.

"Hmm? He's on the phone asking when the antidote will be ready."

I nodded.

"Okay, don't cause trouble."

I went to the closet. I picked out some fresh pajamas to wear, but sat in my underwear as I started addressing to my wounds. I grunted a bit.

"And this is why I asked how long you were going to be in the bathroom."

I sighed. I felt the bed sink behind me.

"When did you get this mark right here?"

I felt him poke at my mid-back.

"You kicked me out of bed. I sucked it up. It didn't bother me."

"Oh. What about this one?"

He poked my left shoulder. I gave a weak giggle.

"You pushed me too hard and I cut my shoulder on a rock when we were training at Master Roshi's."

"I did that?"

"Yeah. You wanted us to take off an article of clothing for each time one of us won. The loser too off the clothes. I was without my shirt and pants, and you had no shoes on, or a shirt."

I turned my head slightly.

"Is that right?"


I giggled again.

"I see marks on the side of your neck right here, what happened there?"

He pointed to some part near the nape of my neck. I laughed, only to grunt a little in pain.

"You bit me from rough sex, which to be honest, I'm surprised you didn't have any scratch marks."

"...I did that?"


I went to put on more bandages.

"...Want more?"

I stopped. My face flushed red as I turned my head.

"W-When I don't feel sore anymore."


He grinned. I blinked twice.

...He's an idiot... my idiot.

I gave a soft smile.

"You're such an idiot Son Goku."

"You fell in love with me remember."

"Remember when you taught me my first English word?"

"You told me I hate you."

"Yes, directed at you and Krillin."

"Now you love us."

"Yes, that's true, I do love you both dearly, especially you."

I finished up a bandage. I went to wrap up my torso.

"You're not going to wrap yourself if you can't bend like that."

"Yeah, I'll make myself try."

He took the bandages, wrapping them around me. I gave up in defeat.

"Can you sing me a song? Please?"

I knew he was grinning behind me. I giggled.

"...Well... If you so asked... No, I will not."


"Nope!! Don't ask me again, that's a lot of concentration and energy."


"Hurry up, I'm very sore."


"...Maybe later."


I giggled again.

He's also a child...

I smiled.

When he finished, I made out a big sigh. I shut my eyes, leaning back against him. He moved some hair out of my face. I yawned.

"You should rest... You had a long day."

I nodded, getting out of his arms and crawling onto my side of the bed with just my underwear on.

Luna's POV

I refused to go outside. I didn't even leave my room unless it was for food or for the bathroom. I hated it. It sucked. Even when Bulma gave Mom and I the antidote, I refused to get up and train. From what Goten told me, Mom tried to fight Dad as he wanted her to have practice and she knocked him out in one punch. She didn't fight again. She refused like I have.

"Luna, we have guests."

I gave a small grunt. I heard Mom sigh.

"It's everyone. You know, Krillin, 18, Marron, Bulma, Trunks, Vegeta surprisingly, so is Gohan, Videl, and Pan. Even Lord Beerus and Whis. Your father made an appearance too. And Piccolo too!"

I rubbed my face and sighed.

"Yeah, I know, I didn't want them here either. Your Father and Bulma insisted it. Just tell me if you need anything."

She shut the door, and I gave a nod. I looked back up at my screen, staring up at it. I worked on another match. I kept up with my studies too, don't get me wrong, Goten gets me books I haven't read and takes the ones I already read away. I reached over to grab a drink and saw I was empty. I grabbed something to eat, and I was out of chips too. I finished another round before my stomach deemed itself hungry once again. I got up, reaching to the door and opening it.

Yin's POV

I sipped some tea in the living room, as everyone felt lively inside. I stayed quiet as everyone engaged in their own conversations. I heard a door close as everyone grew silent. I saw Luna step out. She looked around, rolling her eyes and going to the kitchen.

I wish I could roll my eyes and ignore everyone too... What the fuck is wrong with everyone wanting to come anyway?

"Was that Luna," Bulma asked me.

I nodded.

"She's been in her room for quite the while," I mumbled.

"Luna, come here," Goku called.

She stepped out, an irritated look on her face. He held a fighting pose.

"Let's spar, c'mon! Show me what you got."

She rolled her eyes, going back to the kitchen. Goku blinked twice.

"She doesn't want to fight either, stop trying," I muttered, an irk mark grew on me.

"Aw, Luna!!!"

Trunks looked over at her. Goten pulled him up and shoved him in front of her. We all stared.

"Hi Luna," Trunks waved.

She looked up, staring at him with a bored expression.

"... Damn fuckers don't know I wanna speak and be left alone," She growled, shutting the fridge.

"Don't say that again, it's already enough that they're here, just let the few hours pass so they can leave," I snapped.

"They should leave right now!!! I WANNA BE LEFT ALONE."




"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO SAYING," Bulma screeched at the two of us.

"They're talking about how they feel," Whis said.

Goku sighed.

"You and Goku are pushing people onto them too much. Luna says she wants to be left alone. She's saying what Yin is thinking."

"...Is that true?"

I looked down. I shut my eyes, turning my head.

"It is true then," I heard Krillin say.

"You all ignored the signs of her discomfort," No. 18 growled.

"W-What," Bulma asked.

"She's right. We didn't know how much this effected Mom," Gohan mumbled.

"Yin hasn't even said a word. She's been sipping on tea the entire time we've been here. And you all just continued to talk, with the fact of ignoring her the entire time. We're going to take turns. We will introduce her and Luna to small people at a time. Krillin, Marron and I will come tomorrow, someone will take the next day, and so on and so on. That should help her. You all need to realize that you aren't even helping her."

"...Thank you," Luna and I mumbled.

"You two aren't the exception here. You didn't even say one word of discomfort to us. You should have said something to someone."

"We did," An irk mark appeared on our heads.

Luna glared at Goten.

"I specifically said to Goten I don't want to be bothered with dumb social stuff. I don't even talk in my team chat," She walked back to her room.

"And I told Goku not to even bother with it. I even told Bulma too," I muttered, going to bed.

"Wow, you two are terrible," Krillin said.


I collapsed in bed.



I sighed.

Luna's POV

I growled as I sped up to him. He ran from me in circles as I tried getting my controller.


I was chasing him in the living room.


I saw the controller was thrown. I stopped, making a jump for it. Trunks caught it. I growled.



I got up, running to grab it. Him and Goten threw it in between the two of them. A 3rd Person caught it and we all turned. It was Vegeta. He looked down at it, crushing it in his hand. My eye twitched.

"You need to stop having attachments to such stupid objects."

I didn't realize how much my power increased.

"...THAT COSTS 4000 ZENI!!!!"

I stepped on the ground, making it crack.


Vegeta stared down at me.

"You're weak to have such an attachment."

I gave a loud yell, continuing to power up. I felt something jab into my neck, making me fall on my knees and passing out.

Yin's POV

I grabbed Luna by the back of her shirt and placed her on my shoulder. I looked up, boring my look onto Vegeta.

"Get out before she wakes up. The more she screams, the bigger mess I have to clean up," I muttered.

"Why should I listen to you," He muttered with a growl.

I slammed his face into the wall, making it almost crack.

"Because I will make you leave if you don't."

I let him go, turning around.

"If someone else screams, you'll end up like Luna, and someone will drag you home."

I walked to her room, collapsing her onto her bed. I grabbed my wallet, stepping out into the living room as everyone was still frozen.

"I'm going to the store. Everyone needs to be gone before I get back, and everyone should be sleeping when I get back too."

I opened the door, shutting it softly behind me.

I stepped inside the store, grabbing a controller and setting it on the counter. I pulled up my money.

"This is a very expensive controller ma'am-."

"Someone destroyed my daughter's expensive controller. I'm buying her one more expensive one so she won't complain when she wakes up from anger," I gave a short explanation as I slammed the money onto the counter.

He nodded as he shook, ringing up the controller and handing the back to me.

"...I ordered the video games too."

"I-I need ID-."

I held up my ID to him.

"A-Ah yes, here you go."

He hands me the 2 video games too. I left the store with a new bag, growling as an irk mark appeared on my face.

Luna is right, people are more frustrating than I realize.

I went inside the grocery store, finding things to restock the fridge with as my exhaustion started to rise. I scared the cashier while he rang up the food too. I flew home with an intent to put up groceries and go to sleep.

When I arrived at home, no was in the living room. I set the groceries down and placed Luna's new video games in her room. I nodded my head. I stepped into the kitchen and saw all the groceries were gone. I blinked twice.

I know they were just right here, I placed them here...

I checked inside the fridge to see everything was placed inside. I checked the cabinets too, same thing.

I might've scared Goten and Goku now that I think about it. Whoops...

I sighed, shutting the cabinet doors and going to bed. No one was there. I shrugged, walking into the closet. I shut my eyes.

"...Why are they hiding in the laundry room," I mumbled, grabbing my pajamas after I stripped my clothes.

I grunted, moving over my still sore wounds before I just gave up and didn't wear a shirt. I crawled under the sheets and sighed. I started reading. I heard the door slip open and close quietly. I gave out another sigh, hearing the closet door close.

"I'm not mad, you know that right," I asked.

"...You're not?"

"No Goku, I'm not mad. I'm frustrated, but I'll never be mad at you for long."

The bed sunk in next to me. An arm wrapped around my waist.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. We all make mistakes... You just chose not to listen."

He gulped. I giggled.

"You're fine, don't worry about it," I shook my head, going back to reading.

He nodded, leaning on my shoulder. His cheek pressed against my own.

"He said let's get out of this town
Drive out of the city
Away from the crowds
I thought heaven can't help me now
Nothing lasts forever
But this is gonna take me down
He's so tall, and handsome as hell
He's so bad but he does it so well
I can see the end as it begins my one condition is"

I giggled.

"Say you'll remember me
Standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again even if it's just in your wildest dreams (Ah ah)
Wildest dreams (Ah ah)"

I looked up, seeing Goku asleep. I twirled one of his locks with my finger.

"I said no one has to know what we do
His hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room
And his voice is a familiar sound, nothing lasts forever
But this is getting good now
He's so tall, and handsome as hell
He's so bad but he does it so well
And when we've had our very last kiss
But my last request it is"

I shut my eyes.

"Say you'll remember me
Standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again even if it's just in your wildest dreams (Ah ah) (Ah ah)
Wildest dreams (Ah ah)"

I smiled.

"You see me in hindsight
Tangled up with you all night
Burn it down
Some day when you leave me
I bet these memories hunt you around
You see me in hindsight
Tangled up with you all night
Burn it down (Burn it down)
Some day when you leave me
I bet these memories follow you around (Follow you around)"

I turned around, facing Goku's chest. I tugged on his shirt, pulling him closer.

"Say you'll remember me
Standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again even if it's just pretend

Say you'll remember me
Standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again even if it's just (Just pretend, just pretend) in your wildest dreams (Ah ah)
In your wildest dreams (Ah ah)
Even if it's just in your wildest dreams (Ah ah)
In your wildest dreams (Ah ah)"

I gave out a small snore.

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