Fili Imagines

By Wayward_Stark

45.8K 608 67

I am very sorry you all have to witness this atrocity of a book. Do yourself a favour and just pick something... More

imagine Fili falling in love with you despite being a mute
imagine Dean taking you out on a date
Imagine 7 minutes in heaven with Dean
Imagine Fili saving your life
Imagine being in an arranged marriage with Fili
Imagine Fili taking care of you when you're sick
Imagine Fili comforting you
Imagine Fili saving you, then carrying you home
Imagine running away
Imagine braiding Fili's hair, not knowing what it means
Requests open!
Imagine accidentally hurting Fili
Thank you!
Imagine avoiding Fili
Imagine getting hurt in BOTFA

Imagine giving Dean a nickname

2K 33 2
By Wayward_Stark

(You are a writer for the hobbit and became close friends with dean o'gorman but you secretly have a crush on him)

I'm almost finished writing the script for Dean when he comes into my office. "Gah! No, don't look!" I say covering the script up. He raises an eyebrow. I give him a look. "I'm writing your script" I say like it's the most obvious thing in the world. He chuckles "alright, but technically I should be allowed to see it since it's my lines". I glare at him playfully, he knows how protective I am of my writing. "Don't make me come over there, I am not finished it, so therefore you can't see it" I say, my Irish accent being more noticeable. He smiles sitting in the chair in front of me. I put the script on my desk but cover it from his view, then I continue writing his lines. "Are you done shooting for today?" I ask him and he nods "well... I am and a few others but the rest are still shooting". I nod "okay". We have already produced the first film and everyone has seen it, so now we are working on the second one, the desolation of smaug. The writing team is writing scripts as we go along because we had no time to do it before the actors arrived for their second year in New Zealand, we were busy setting everything up. So everyone is working against the clock and twice as hard as they did for an unexpected journey. "Do you have time for lunch?" He asks and I look at him. Ugh, how could I resist? I smile and nod. "Yeah, sure" I say and he grins. It just means I'll I have to stay in here longer than I am allowed to if I want this script done I think to myself. We stand up and walk out of my office, then make our way to the cafeteria. We sit at a free table by the far wall. Soon two plates are set down in front of us by a caterer, then the plates with food on are set down in the middle. There's a plate of sandwiches, a bowl of fruit salad and a jar with breadsticks in it. "Enjoy" she says before leaving.

I take a sandwich and some fruit, before putting it on my plate, then Dean does the same. I notice a green fruit, with small black seeds in it that has been cut into cubes, then the other fruit consists of mango which I love, apples, grapes, melon and strawberries which have also been cut into cubes. I get curious as to what the green thing is, my guess is a traditional New Zealand fruit. I eat my sandwich leaving the fruit til last. Eventually, curiosity gets the better of me. "Dean, what is the green thing?" I ask and he gasps "you don't know?" I shake my head and he chuckles. "It's a kiwi fruit, born and raised in New Zealand" he says making me laugh. "I thought a kiwi was what you call a person who is from New Zealand" I say and he nods "it is, but it's also a fruit... you can probably get it in Ireland as well". (sorry if I got something wrong, I don't know much about the New Zealand culture since I am from Scotland, if you are from there and get offended in some way, please tell me and I will rewrite it)

"Try it" he says and I look at the kiwi on the plate. "Alright..." I say picking up my fork and stabbing it. I bring it to my lips and try it. I swallow it and smile. "I like it" I say and he chuckles "I thought you might". He puts his hands behind his head, leaning back on the chair... which means I can see his muscles through the short sleeved, white t-shirt he is wearing. He smirks at me. "Take a picture, it'll last longer" he says and I shake my head snapping myself out of my daydream. I glare at him playfully as I throw a grape at him, but he ends up catching it in his mouth. "That, was not fair" I mumble and he chuckles, then winks at me as he eats the grape. I shrug and get some more grapes from the bowl. I eat one myself before putting the rest in my left hand. I'm bored. I throw another grape at him and he catches it, then eats it. I smile "we have a new game to play". He chuckles at my words. "Okay, stand up, then keep moving backwards until I run out of grapes" I say and he nods. He stands up and goes a short distance away. There is literally no one in the cafeteria. I throw another grape in his direction and he catches it. He smirks "this is too easy y/n, at least make it a challenge". I nod "okay". I throw the next grape in the opposite direction and he laughs. "I would have never got there in time" he says and I smile "hey, you're the one who asked for a challenge". He sticks his toungue out at me and I copy him. "Okay, go to the very end of the cafeteria" I say and he raises an eyebrow. "Can you throw that far?" He asks and I shrug "we're going to find out". He chuckles as he makes his way over there. I stand up from the chair and lean against the table. I throw it as far as I can but it lands no where near him and we both burst out laughing.

He walks back over to me. "Any other made up games in your head?" He asks. I put the grapes back down, then think. I look around for inspiration, then I get an idea. "Yes, in fact I do kiwi" I say. "What?" He says and I look at him "what?" I reply. He chuckles "what did you say?" I shrug "yes, in fact I do, Dean?" I repeat and he smirks "you didn't say that, you called me something else". I raise an eyebrow "I did? What did I call you?" His smirk grows bigger. "You called me kiwi" he says. "Oh, yeah I did" I say casually. "Do you have your phone?" I ask changing the subject. He nods "I do, but first I want to know why you called me kiwi". I shrug "no reason, I wanted to". "That's not a proper reason" he says with a small chuckle in his voice. "Okay... well it's my new nickname for you, since you are from New Zealand... and because you got me to try kiwi" I say and he smiles as he unlocks his phone, then hands it to me. I hide the slight redness in my cheeks as I look at the screen. "Okay, new game... see how long it takes for each of us to touch all the tables in this room and the fastest wins" I say opening the clock app, setting it to stopwatch. He looks around the room and shrugs "seems doable". I put his phone down. "You go first" I say and he nods "okay". "3... 2...1, go!" I say and he starts running around the tables tapping them as he passes each of them. There is over a hundred tables in this room. I'm glad he didn't see my blush... but it's true, his new nickname is kiwi... or Fiwi... I don't know. See what I did there? I stop the clock when he reaches the other side of the cafeteria, then comes back over to me. I get a pen from my pocket and quickly write his time down. "28 minutes and 6 seconds" I state and he smiles seemingly proud of himself. "Okay, my turn" I say getting ready to run. "3... 2... 1, go!" He says and I start to run around the tables, tapping them. I feel the adrenaline run through my body as I maneuver around the cafeteria. I get to the other end of the room out of breath and I see him press the stop button. I walk back over to him. "My time?" I ask and he smiles "32 minutes and 7" seconds. I smile back "oh, well you win then". He chuckles slipping his phone back into his pocket. "I can think of one more game we can play" he says. "What would that be?" I ask and he smirks as he takes my hands. He pulls me closer to him, close enough so that our chests are touching. I look at him in confusion. "Close your eyes" he whispers, so I do as told without thinking. Then I feel something warm on my lips. I get a weird sensation run throughout my body as I realize what he's doing. Dean wraps his right arm around my waist and his left hand moves to my forearm. I don't exactly know where to put my hands though... and he seems to notice. He takes my left hand, placing it on his chest, then he takes my right hand, putting it on his shoulder... then returning his hands back to where they were. After a few minutes he pulls away leaving me slightly breathless. "I love you y/n, since I met you and I've been wanting to do that ever since then" he says with the smile on his face that I fell for. I smile back and nod "I love you too Dean". His smile grows wider as he picks me up, then spins me around before putting me back down. I blush and look away from him. "Come with me" he says taking my hand and leading me somewhere.

He leads me out of the set building, to the trailer park. "Dean, I'm not allowed here" I say and he chuckles "well, you are now". He takes me to what I can only assume is his trailer, since it has "Fili" written on the side of it, then takes me inside. He sits me down on the sofa after closing, and locking the door. Soon he joins me, then pulls me onto his lap. "What are you doing?" I ask and he chuckles "relax, I'm not doing anything". He leans back against the sofa but keeps his arm around my waist, so I don't fall. I look out the window to see that it's dark outside. How did I not notice that? I ask myself. I then remember that I need to finish dean's script for tomorrow. "Dean?" I say and he looks at me. "I, uh... do you have any paper?" I ask and he nods "yeah, on the top shelf in the kitchen". "Thanks" I say getting off him. I go to his kitchen and get a bunch of paper. I look over at him. "Do you have a copy of the hobbit?" I ask and he nods again. "On the table" he answers. I get the book from the table and sit back down beside Dean. I pull a pen out of my pocket, open the book to the page I was at last and continue writing. "So, you just keep a pen in your pocket?" He asks and I nod "six of them". "Six? Why do you need six?" He says and I smile shrugging. "I'm a writer, what do you expect?" He nods "good point".

A few hours later and i'm almost done. I take a quick scan of the page, making sure i've got everything right otherwise Peter might just kill me. "At least take a break y/n, you're making my hands hurt just by watching you" I hear Dean say. I look at him "I'm almost done". He sighs "alright:. A few minutes later and I am done. I look behind me to see Dean asleep... or he seems to be asleep, I'm not quite sure. I stand up and put the papers and book on the table. I put my pen back in my pocket before sitting on the sofa again. I don't know what I should do. If I leave I would feel bad and if I don't leave then I'm just digging myself into a deeper hole, since I'm not actually allowed here. I shrug and take my shoes off. I then crawl up to him and lie in between him and the back of the sofa. "Hey, it works" he says and I swear I literally jumped out of my skin. "Jesus Christ, Dean" I say and he chuckles as he puts his arm around me. I lie down on my side, then put my arm over his stomach. I sigh and put my head on his shoulder. I didn't realize how tired I was until now. He chuckles lightly "you've never been this close to someone in your life have you?" I smile "don't judge me". "Did I say I was judging you?" He asks. "No, but I know you were" I answer and he chuckles. He pulls me closer, so that my head is on his chest.

One thing I noticed about Dean? He's very warm, not even joking. I like it though, because I'm usually cold. I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep after feeling him kiss my hand.

"Night y/n"

"Night kiwi" i mumble tiredly.

I think the nickname suits him, but it sounds like a baby saying kili, so maybe I could change it Fiwi instead. Because Fili is his characters name, and he is from New Zealand which means he is kiwi, also Fiwi sounds like a baby saying Fili so, there you go. You like it? I came up with it myself. Hope you liked the story.



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