Amare "To Love"

By vickiwaitingx

43.1K 1.9K 4.1K

Whenever I find someone who's in need of healing, never do I hesitate to answer the call. But what happens wh... More

Amare "To Love"
Twenty One.
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six


1.5K 65 365
By vickiwaitingx

Author's Note: Another tough one! After struggling and editing countless times, I finally settled with this. Hopefully you all will enjoy and that the next chapters will be easy on me. As always, your support is appreciated.

P.S. For my non Spanish speakers, translations will be provided at the end of the chapter.

Much love. 💜

Mia's POV

"Well well well..."

My grip on the door handle tightened even more as I prepared to slam it, but my body wouldn't move.

I couldn't believe the repugnant sight before me.

Limbs completely frozen, the voice continued.

"Aren't you going to let me in? Or have you not grown out of your rudeness?"

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I don't think that's any of your business. But since you must know, I decided to pay your mother a visit since I haven't seen my own step child in years. I was supposed to come later in the week, but once word spread nation wide about your stupidity with Mr. Purple Rain, I couldn't resist showing just a bit early."


I chuckled.

"Something funny?" Diane questioned.

"Nothing besides you still being bitter."


"Yes need me to spell it out? B I T T E R, bitter and pathetic. Tell me Diane are you still abusing kids the way you abused me?"

Throwing her head back, Diane bursted into laughter. "I never did such a thing but try and keep your mutt ass in check because you were such an unruly child. And I see much hasn't changed."

I don't know if it was the stress of everything finally coming out, or me wanting to stick up for the hopeless child that couldn't defend herself, but Diane walked towards me, and I lost it.

"Honey! Let her go!" Prince yelled with his arms wrapped around my waist.

Seems as if he showed up just in time.

I heard him but I wasn't letting up. She was trapped. Neck firmly grasped while my opposite hand became acquainted with her face.

The joys of payback, something that she so very well deserved.

"This is the person you've chosen to be with? She's crazy!" Diane yelled.

"No you're crazy! ¡Te romperé el cuello en dos antes de dejarte lastimare otra vez!"

Exhausted with heavy breaths, Prince managed to loosen my grab, tearing me away from her body.

"Mia honey listen to me." He turned me to face him. "You've got to calm down."

"No!" I shouted. "¡Esa puta no debería estar aquí!"


"She shouldn't be here!"

"Who is this?" Prince side-eyed Diane.

"My mother's step-mother. Best known as the infamous child abuser."

Making the connection, it dawned on him exactly who she was.

"I should've let her continue to whoop. that. ass. But I'll leave that alone. Mia go grab your stuff."

While her fingers massaged at her throat, Diane stood slowly and glared at us as my parents came in.

"What's going on— Diane? What are you doing here?" My mother asked as my father stepped behind. "And why do you look so out of place?"

"Your daughter just attacked me. That's why!"

"Only because she thought she could put her hands on me and get away with it. I am not a child anymore. And I can't believe you still have contact with this woman considering everything she's done."

"Can we please just focus on the main reason that we're all here? Mia we need to discuss this."

"You really think I'm going to discuss my personal business in front of this psychotic bitch? If you do then you're completely wrong. Come on Prince." I blurted before motioning him to exit.

"Your so called private business ain't so private no more, little girl." Diane smirked. "Everyone knows what you've done. Just when I thought you made something out of yourself you turn around and screw it all up, just like I knew you would. And for a man? My God Adina you sure do have an idiot on your hands!"

"Didn't you have enough of me smacking you across the face?" My steps quickened towards her but my father pulled me back.

"Diane it's about time for you to go." He stated trying to be calm. "We don't need this."

Diane stared with disgust. "Oh Lucas, you've always been the one to take up for anything and everything she did. No wonder she's a mess, she gets it from you."


With a quick glance to my mother, Diane grabbed her purse. "Dina, give me a call once you're away from all of this."

My father slammed the door and locked it just to make sure that Diane couldn't get back in.

It wasn't long before we all sat in total silence, but he eventually broke the ice.

"I do apologize for Diane's actions, but that's her usual introduction, angry and disruptive."

"Please, it's not a problem." Prince smiled. "Don't apologize on her behalf."

With a nod my father eyed my mother before speaking, and I knew exactly what that look meant.

"I never thought that I'd ever have a celebrity in my home, never in a million years, especially under these circumstances." He hesitantly grinned.

Prince reached out and shook his hand. "The circumstances aren't the best, but I'm happy to finally meet the father of the woman that I've grown to adore so much."

My father turned to me as my mother watched quietly. "I need to know one thing, ¿Él te hace feliz bebé?"

I glanced over at Prince and back to my father's direction. "Sí papá. Ningún hombre ha llenado mi corazón de alegría de la manera en que lo hace."

"Lo único importante para mí es tu felicidad. Si eres feliz, entonces yo también." He said.

"Confía en mí cuando digo que Prince me hace muy feliz."

Eyes traveling back and forth between the three of us, my mother continued not to speak a word, but I knew it wouldn't last.

"Mr. Nelson from one man to another, I need you to understand how I feel regarding your relationship with my daughter. I will admit that I am wary, especially with this situation. She's my only child and I'm crazy about her. Please don't take this as me being rude but you're not exactly what I'd call a normal everyday person, but just to keep this simple I want to know how you feel about her. Do you have my daughter's back or not?"

"I understand your concern I do, but I'll be real with you, the both of you." Prince made sure to include my mother. "I love Mia very much, it's mandatory that you all know that just as much as she does. I truly want nothing but the best for her, and I'm going to continue to do all that I can and more to assure that she's happy."

The statement seemed to be just what my father needed to hear as he became eased, but it was evident that my mother felt otherwise.

"You sure could've fooled me."

"Pardon?" Prince's brows lifted in response.

My mother shifted uncomfortably, switching the position of her crossed legs. "You mentioned that you want nothing but the best for Mia, do you happen to think that's you?"

"I think that is something Mia would be better off answering."

Just as I opened my mouth to speak, she cut in.

"But I asked you, Mr. Nelson."

"Adina." My father grumbled with a quick nudge to her leg.

"Don't Adina me, I'm going to talk and ask as many questions as I want because I have every right to."

"No you're being difficult."

She scoffed with a short hump of the shoulders. "Well I'm sorry that I'm not as easy going as you. Mr. Nelson how is it that you claim that you want what's best for her, yet she ends up in a situation where not only her career is being jeopardized but her reputation as well? Was this manipulation of some sort? I can't help but to believe so. My daughter has worked hard and I know she wouldn't just throw all of it away.

Oh God.

"No real man would ever put a woman he claims to love in this sort of predicament."

With a twist of the mouth, I knew her words bothered him deeply as his facial expression held much offense.


"Stop." Prince tapped my hand. "I got this. With all due respect Mrs. Martinez, I don't think it's right of you to accuse me of deliberately trying to harm Mia's rep or career without proper facts, and quite frankly ma'am you and I have just met. You don't know me well enough to assume anything. There wasn't force or manipulation of any type. I didn't put her in anything, she could've easily walked away from the situation."

"And I didn't." I spoke. "The decision was completely mutual, he didn't have to force me to do nothing because I wanted him just as bad as he wanted me. And honestly if you want to take it there about whatever being best for me, were you thinking this way when you left me in the care of someone you knew was unstable? Or how about the fact that once everything happened, you never said or did a thing but move us away? You still have contact with a woman that you know abused me, and yet you want to talk about harm? You don't have the right."

"My God Mia we have already talked about all of this and I have apologized for the mistakes I've made, but that has nothing to do with what's happening now. Do you not realize the severity of what you've done? Do you think your father and I like being questioned?"

My irritation level had skyrocketed.

"See, let me explain." I sighed as my hands clapped. "Daddy, I'm apologizing in advance for what I'm about to say but mom I truly don't give a fuck about who's saying this to any of you when I'm the one personally going through all of this. This is my struggle. Yes, I've done this to myself, and I am very well aware of how serious this is, but I took a chance on love. Love that I've never experienced before and I would've thought my own mother would offer me support instead damning me to hell along with everyone else."

"A chance on love? Love? Do you hear yourself right now? You two are from totally different worlds Mia!" My mother yelled. "He is not your equal nor will he ever be! And as many women he has ran through what in the hell has possessed you to think this will even last? You decide to ruin your career and ultimately your livelihood based off of someone you can't be certain about! I know Vincent wasn't great to you but I never thought you'd be this stupid to ruin your life for a man!"

And I had certainly heard enough.

"Adina, Adina please.." My father tried his best to quiet her but she continued on. Arm falling from my shoulder, Prince's hand rested on the small of my back while I struggled to process everything.

"Dad don't, she's definitely said all she had to say, no use in stopping her now. But as for me, I've had enough." I grabbed unto Prince as we stood. "We're not going to see eye to eye about any of this and I wholeheartedly apologize about the inconvenience that my stupid ass has caused you. He and I will see our way out."


Almost two weeks had passed and I hadn't spoken to anyone that I was tempted to cut ties with, including my mother. My father called constantly, and so did Brooke. Even Naudia tried to reach out to me, but I had no words for her.

Although the days were rapidly going by, I found myself numb to the circumstances surrounding me. Being numb was the only way that I could properly function. Whenever I allowed myself to feel anything, I not only became submerged in my thoughts, but doubts and fears as well.

I never wanted to admit I was deeply hurt and truly affected by the actions of the loved ones that I held so highly, so I didn't. I'm fine had officially become my mantra. A statement to not only convince those around me, but also myself.

Earlier in the week I had spoken to Dr. Kristie before the board meeting, just so she could let me know each option I would be given and that she supported me no matter what. Ultimately the board came down to the decision of somewhat suspending my license but not taking it. After finishing a string of ethical classes, I would be able to return to work and practice under supervision for whatever set time they chose.

Was I happy with their decision? No. But I had no other choice but to take what I was offered, considering it could've been much worse. So the leeway that Prince was consistent about did in fact exist to an extent, my baby was right after all.


Prince's POV

"That's the third cup and it's not even eleven." I watched as Mia downed her green tea.

With a lift of her right brow, she placed the mug down. "And?"

"Have you had any actual food?"

"No. This fills me up just fine. Besides, it makes me feel energized too."

"Look Mia, you've been drinking that stuff religiously over the last few weeks, all I'm saying honey is balance it out with some food alright? I know it's good for you but you need to eat a bit more."

After taking another sip she laughed. "Real funny Prince. You're one to talk."


"Says the man that never finishes his plate. Don't worry about me mister, I'm fine."

I threw up my hands. "If you insist. But there is something I'd like to discuss with you."

"I'm listening." She grabbed the empty mug to pour yet another round of tea.

"I don't want you going back to that apartment."

"Prince... stop talking crazy."

"Mia I'm not. You've been here with me on and off. Baby when you're not here I get uneasy, I've got to have you around."

"But it's my home, I've put a lot of work into that place, it's sort of like my little sanctuary."

"And that sanctuary holds a lot of bad vibes and memories too."

She shook her head slowly. "I can't just move into your home and take over."

"I want you to."

"This is your house."

"Our house."

"What about my lease Prince? That I just renewed like two months ago? You know hard it is to get out of a lease? It's a contract."

"A prime example of why I don't do them. And money talks mama, get them on the phone and let me handle it."

"Arguing with you and winning is impossible."

"True. That's why I advise no one to do so. Are you going to call them or not? Or do I need to? Give me the number and I'll call."

"Prince this could potentially be a lot of money."

"And I'll pay every dime and move each bit of your belongings myself to get you here with me permanently."

"I don't know about this..."

Why is she so put off with this idea?

"Mia why are you fighting me about this? Wouldn't you like it better if you were here all the time?"

She looked off as her body slowly swayed, her nail circling the rim of the cup.

"Is it because of what your mother said?"

Her eyes quickly focused on me, and once my stare caught her gaze she couldn't even keep contact, dropping her head instantly.

I knew it.

This wasn't just about the problems with her career anymore, now our relationship was on the line and I didn't know, because every time I'd ask her anything she'd shut me off with an 'I'm fine'."

"What if she's right Prince? I don't want her to be, but.. how can we be certain about any of this? Especially with all that has happened. I want to be the woman you love, not a burden. You don't need any sort of negativity in your life, your career, and I don't want to be the cause."

And in an instant I was angry. Angry at her mother for drilling doubt into her head and angry at her for allowing herself to believe it. My honey didn't trust me, and all of the love I promised her. That alone was enough to break my heart.

"Why is it that I'm so certain about you and you won't give me the same in return?"


"Why would you feed into anything she's said about our relationship when she never once gave the idea of us a chance? Honey look I know that's your mama and all but she don't know everything Mia, she disrespected both of us."

"Baby I know but—"

"There ain't no buts mama, not with us. I'm too serious about you. Ain't nobody coming between us, I'm not letting this happen."

"You're not even listening."

"I don't have to. I know what I feel, she don't. Does she?"


"How my heart flutters when you laugh hard and your barely there dimples show. Or that when we kiss, it seems as if the world stops... just for a little while. She doesn't know. And until she does and she's opened to accepting our love, she can't tell me a single thing about me and you."

Out of nowhere she flashed me that beautiful smile I hadn't seen in what seemed like forever and agreed. With the moving process at go, a whole lot of persuasion towards the apartment owners, they let her out of her lease once I paid a reasonable fee. Thanks to a speedy moving service, all of her belongings were cleared out by the following week and Mia officially called Galpin home.


Monday, August 1, 2005

Mia took one last bite of the omelet that I made her before easing the fork down. She was nervous and every hint of worry plastered her face.

"Two bites Mia?" I slid on my cream colored suit jacket, peering through my sunglasses.


"I'm just saying you've got me a little worried."

"Prince I'm fine." The repetitive statement announced again. "Besides you're the one I'm worried about, don't you go in there and do anything crazy today."

I tried my best to hold back a chuckle. "Honey you know I'll promise you anything in this world, but that? I can't and I won't."

She placed a peck to my chin. "Please? It really won't solve anything."

"No it won't but it sure will feel good."

"Baby, please. Just try to be on your best behavior for me at least?"

I lied in attempt to ease her bothered mind. "I'll try."

"Great. Let me go before I'm late!"

"Wait, you're starting back work already? I could've sworn you said the twelfth."

"That is correct. But I have an appointment."

"For what?"

She paused and looked at me as if she was stuck. "Ah, it's for a physical."

"A physical?"

"Yes, you know the yearly physical everyone should get? I haven't been yet."



She grabbed her keys from the counter. "Alright I have to go. And Prince? Remember what I said okay? Be good."

The door shut and I watched as she got in her car before exiting the driveway.



"Patrick S. Cousins." My attorney introduced himself by shaking hands with the judge. After much consideration, I was convinced to have table sit down with doofus and the other fool who got himself involved, you know versus a big courtroom brawl. We waited for twenty minutes which caused them to be exactly ten minutes behind. Fashionably late? I declare not. This boy came in wearing a vomit grey suit jacket that he most likely jacked from his grandfather's closet and a pair of dusty jeans.

Lord help.

"Judge Watson, Attorney Cousins, Mr. Nelson, I am Attorney William Finley—"

Finley. What kind of name is Finley..

"— representing Mr. Vincent Simmons and Mr. Adam Bradshaw."

Great. We've got a doofus, Homer Simpson as their attorney, and Shaggy from Scooby Doo as the shady friend. Just when I thought I've seen it all...

"It's nice of you all to finally join us." Judge Watson said with a hint of sarcasm. "So we don't have to press for time, let's just get right into why we are here. Mr. Cousins? May I have the documents please?"

Patrick handed him the envelope of photographs and text messages. As Judge Watson examined the images, my eyes were met by an angry yet concerned glare from doofus, while Shaggy sat looking confused.

I glared back which caused Vincent to break eye contact. Trying my best to follow through with Mia's wishes, I had given him three strikes. He had no idea just how close he was to losing his first one.

"It is from my understanding that these photos were taken by you, Mr. Bradshaw." said Judge Watson. "Care to explain what or who prompted you to do so?"

Adam glanced over at Vincent and back at the judge. "Photography is apart of my occupation sir."

"And what exactly is your occupation?" Judge Watson asked.

Mr. Finley interrupted. "With all due respect your honor what does my client's work have to do with the issue at hand?"

Judge Watson cleared his throat. "Mr. Finley I was speaking to him, not you. I will speak to you only when needed. Now Mr. Bradshaw again, what is your occupation?"

"I take professional photographs of high profile individuals for profit."

"In other words, the paparazzi."

"Sure, if that's what you want to call it."

"Had you taken any photos of Mr. Nelson here prior to these?"

"No." Adam stated.

"And what made you take the photos that we have here today? Especially considering that the location is private property."

"It's apart of my job."

Patrick interjected. "Your honor Mr. Bradshaw is not exactly being truthful about why the photos were taken. The main issue is involving the young woman pictured in the photographs along with Mr. Nelson."

Judge Watson eyed Vincent and Adam. "Is that true? I'm speaking to the both of you."

"What do you want us to say?" Adam asked. "I just told you that all of this is my job."

"Mr. Simmons, let's discuss your history with Ms. Martinez briefly." Patrick chimed in.

"She's not here nor is she important. Let's not."

Strike one.

"Isn't it true that you and Ms. Martinez were romantically involved for a number of years?"

"That's true. Mia and I met in college and our relationship started then." Vincent smirked as he looked my way. "I was her first everything."

And you're on your way to strike two.

"Exactly what I thought. So you mean to tell me that these photos and messages aren't in retaliation towards her relationship with Mr. Nelson? Did you not hand deliver these to her boss?"

"I did."

"So again there was no direct retaliation towards your ex being involved with Mr. Nelson?"

Vincent sat up in his chair with his professional boy act going at high speed. "Nope. Honestly I was just looking out for other clients and Mr. Nelson too. We all know how terribly unethical it is for a counselor to be involved with their clients. If she's done it with him she'll do it with others too."

Strike two.

"So what about the story being leaked to the press. Aren't you all responsible for that?"

"I'd rather not answer that question considering I have no direct link to any press of any sort."

"But Mr. Bradshaw does. Which he mentioned it's what he does for profit. Just how much were you paid for the release of the photos and messages?"

Mr. Finley interrupted yet again. "I don't think that's anything either of my clients should be answering."

"Mr. Finley let him speak!" Judge Watson blurted.

Adam sighed. "There was a sum of money in which we split between the both of us."

"So you admit that this just wasn't apart of your job? This was payback."

Eyes to the floor, he didn't say a word.

"Mr. Simmons, you and Ms. Martinez were involved in two major altercations. One resulting in her having you arrested but not pressing charges, and one ultimately ending in a restraining order."

I could tell that the questions Patrick was laying down were starting to eat away at him. The professional boy act was slowly but surely slipping away.


"What was that? Speak up please."

"Yeah man, sure."

Judge Watson exhaled deeply before eyeing over the photos once more. "On behalf of Mr. Cousins and Mr. Nelson, you two do realize that you are both facing possible jail time and or a fine anywhere between 1,000 to 100,000 dollars due to this act being done on private property. Criminal trespassing ranges from first degree to third degree, which can mean six months to eight years in prison."

Vincent frowned as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. The professional boy act? Long gone.

"Man who the hell y'all think got that kind of money to be dishing out over some damn photos?"

"Watch your language Mr. Simmons."

I laughed out before I knew it. "Y'all should've been thinking about that before you decided to come on my property playing Inspector Gadget. Everything that you've done was on purpose because your wimp of an ego couldn't handle the fact that the woman you used and abused is with me. Ain't that what you said?"

"Man fuck you."

"Noooo brother, I don't swing that way."

"Gentlemen, gentlemen please!" Judge Watson tried his best to intervene, but it was too late.

"Y'all trying to tell me that we have to cough up that type of money over a woman?"

Patrick clarified. "It's either you pay or y'all going to jail."

Adam watched frantically as doofus ran off at the mouth. I just knew strike three was well on it's way.

"I'm not paying him shit. He's already rich! The hell he need my money for?"

"I don't need your money, clown. But I told you before, you were messing with the wrong one. Now you know."

Vincent's fist pounded into the table. "Ain't no way! No way this going down like this."

Judge Watson shook his head. "The evidence is as clear as day in regards to what was done. I have no other choice but to rule in the favor of Mr. Cousins and Mr. Nelson. I am ordering the both of you to pay 6,000 dollars each by September 1st. If the money isn't paid in full by the deadline, an warrant will be issued for you arrest. Meeting adjourned."

In the mist of Patrick and I thanking the judge, Vincent lost his mind pushing the photos and messages unto the floor.

"C'mon on man! I'm not paying you that kind of money!"

"Well you can get ready to get locked up then. Enjoy the rest of your free time and remember, stay far away from me and my woman."

"You can go to hell! Acting like she's some sort of prize. She's nothing! Go straight to hell! And take that bitch with you!"

Strike three. Annnnd you're out!

Jumping across the table, I grabbed Vincent by his collar, slamming his head into the wooden rectangle that no longer separated us.

Guards appeared out of nowhere, but even the two couldn't pry me away from him.

"What I tell you? I told you didn't I? I told you!! I'm not nobody to play with! You got the wrong one!"

"Prince, Prince please let him go." Patrick pleaded as I finally loosened my grip.

"Who's the bitch now huh? Told you several times not to mess with me." I said while Vincent attempted to catch his breath.

"Don't you ever call her out of her name again. And as a matter of fact, keep my girl's name out of your mouth. Or it's plenty more of where that come from."


Monday August 8, 2005

I guess you could say that things were sort of starting to return back to normal. The media of course still had things to say here and there, but nothing compared to the weeks prior. Mia had begun her classes and although she insisted on being fine, I knew that she wasn't.

She still wasn't speaking to her mother, nor her friend and I know that weighed on her mind immensely.  Not to mention she was disappointed at me for showing my ass (that's what she said) during the court meeting because I apparently let doofus get the best of me.

The once cheerful and bubbly spirit that I had fallen in love with was only a portion of what she used to be. She was quiet the majority of time, existing and no longer living. Even though things were beginning to look up, her joy was stolen. And then it happened.

I started to question my role in Mia's life.


"Honey?" I shut the door to our Galpin home after returning from my meeting.

Everything was quiet.

"Baby? I entered the kitchen only to hear Phil squealing rather loudly. His food was scattered all over the counter and the floor. It was apparent that the bag had been dropped.

"Mia?" I rushed upstairs towards the bedroom, pleading to God that I'd fine her busy or sound asleep. But she wasn't in bed, and the room was strangely dark except the light escaping the bathroom's cracked door.

It was then in my heart that I knew. Something was wrong.

Pushing the door open to the bathroom, my breathing came to an abrupt halt.

There was Mia laying there, appearing lifeless. The mug shattered beside her as blood leaked from her hand, mixing into the puddle of tea.


"Te romperé el cuello en dos antes de dejarte lastimare otra vez!"
"I'll break your neck in two before I let you hurt me again."

"¡Esa puta no debería estar aquí!"
"That bitch should not be here!"

Él te hace feliz bebé?"
"Does he make you happy baby?"

"Sí papá. Ningún hombre ha llenado mi corazón de alegría de la manera en que lo hace."
"Yes dad. No man has filled my heart with joy the way he does."

"Lo único importante para mí es tu felicidad. Si eres feliz, entonces yo también."
"The only important thing to me is your happiness, if you're happy, then so am I."

"Confía en mí cuando digo que Prince me hace muy feliz."
"Trust me when I say Prince makes me very happy."

There may be several typos and grammatical errors guys. I'll review it later!

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