Acatalepsy; auston matthews

By brendan-gallagher

118K 1.8K 431

Acatalepsy is the idea that it is impossible to truly comprehend anything. Yet after he met her there was not... More

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• twenty-four •

• thirteen •

3.9K 69 2
By brendan-gallagher

In the playoffs momentum means absolutely nothing game-to-game. That was obvious when the Leafs lost game four at home. Jessica was watching the game with Steve, disappointed every time the Bruins scored.

"Could be worse," Jessica shrugged while drinking her beer.

"How could it be worse than being down 3-1?"

"You could be out entirely," Jessica pointed out. "They can still come back in this series."

Steve laughed. "Yeah I guess you're right. Your team is rolling over Minnesota right now, so you still have hope."

"Well the Leafs still have hope," Jessica motioned to the screen. "They just have to keep the Bergeron line off the score sheet."

"Don't utter that name in my house," Steve cringed. "This is a sacred place where that name is not welcome."

"Really Steve?" Jessica laughed with him for a minute before yawning. "Can I pass out in your guest room? The bus is gonna have a few too many drunks at this time."

Steve nodded. "Yeah you know where it is."

Jessica smiled and got up headed to the guest room.

She passed Sarah on her way there and stopped for a moment to talk before continuing on her way. Thankfully the guest bedroom was far away from where Steve film LFR so she wouldn't hear him yelling.

Jessica's head hit the pillow and she sighed. The Leafs had a tough series ahead of them now.

Sarah knocked on the door, "I have an extra shirt and pair of pyjama pants if you'd like Jessica."

Jessica got up with a smile, happy she wouldn't have to sleep in jeans. "Thank you Sarah. I'm so glad I don't have to sleep in jeans."

"You're welcome," She laughed and left Jessica to get changed. "Night." She called out from the end of the hallway.

Jessica changed and lied back down staring at the ceiling.

She hadn't seen Auston since he dropped her off, but they had been texting each other. She sighed and covered her face with an extra pillow, yelling into it for a few seconds. "Wow that actually muffled the sound really well." Jessica stared at the pillow before setting it back beside her.

There was a ding from her phone which was on the bedside table. She rolled over in the bed and reached for the phone. Part of her hoped it was Auston but she'd never admit that.

That Matthews Guy

Hey. Rough Game?

That Matthews Guy
That's one way of putting it.
We sucked.

Yeah, Steve and I were watching.
It wasn't a horrible game.

That Matthews Guy
Maybe we lost because my good luck
charm wasn't in the audience?

Hmm. Maybe. The team is 1-0 in
games I've been at.

That Matthews Guy
Well maybe you should come to game five

Funny Auston. You're hilarious.
I can't afford a trip to Boston, yet alone
a ticket to a playoff game there.

That Matthews Guy
Maybe you don't have to afford anything?

No no. I can't let you do that.
You wanna pay for dinner? Sure.
You want to buy me a jersey, well it's
hard to stop you. But a plane ticket?
No way, That's too much.

That Matthews Guy
Why's it too much?

It just is. I'm just some girl. Don't buy me
a plane ticket Auston, I mean it.

That Matthews Guy
Okay but a ticket for tomorrow afternoon is $599. And two nights in the hotel we stay at is $450
and you're not just some girl.



That Matthews Guy
You really know how to kick a guy when he's down.

I'm sorry, but I can't let you buy all that.
It's not fair to you.

That Matthews Guy
But what if I want to buy all that?
I want you there cheering me on.

Jessica set her phone down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling again. She read over their conversation; 'and you're not just some girl', so what was she then, because she wasn't his girlfriend? but they had to be a little more than just friends by this point? Jessica sighed again and tried to turn her brain off, but she couldn't. All she could think about was what Auston meant. If she wasn't just some girl then what was she. They hadn't kissed, not even on the cheek? But she felt like they still had to be more than friends, unless she was wrong about all that and Auston had changed his mind since they last saw one another. Maybe he wouldn't wait, maybe he decided he didn't have time-

"Stop Jessica," she whispered to herself. "You're overthinking everything." She looked back at the phone lying on her bed.

For a moment she considered letting Auston buy all that before she shook her head. There was no way she could let him buy all that for her.

Auston I don't even know what we are,
so I can't let you go and spend $1000 on me.

That Matthews Guy
What if we split it?
I pay for it and then you pay me back for half?

Jessica sat up in the bed and immediately got out of bed. She rushed down to Steve's basement and interrupted him filming for LFR.

"Steve help," Jessica ran in, panicking.

"Jessica?" He questioned. "What's wrong? Are you dying?"

"Auston wants me to fly to Boston and go to game five," Jessica blurted our to Steve.

He smiled. "That's great news!"

"No! No it's not!" Jessica paced. "He wants to buy my ticket and pay for my hotel and what about a ticket to the game? How the hell do I get a ticket this late? I can't afford any of this but I'll be damned if I let him buy me something else."

"What's so bad about letting him pay? The moneys probably burning a hole in his pocket by now," Steve replied.

"I have morals and I don't let others pay for me, I always have payed for my own stuff," Jessica argued. "I feel like crap every time he wants to do these big gestures of buying stuff."

"But if you guys are dating-"

"Except we aren't!" Jessica cut Steve off. "I don't know what we are! But he just keeps doing all these really nice things that a boyfriend does, except we aren't a thing!"

"What if you split the costs?" Steve suggested.

Jessica sighed. "That's what he suggested, but I don't know." She ran a hand through her hair. "You know a month ago I was worried about normal things, not worried about stopping someone from buying me a plane ticket." She couldn't help but laugh. "This is the biggest first world problem I've ever had wow."

Steve laughed with her for a moment before he stopped. "Well? What are you going to do?"

"What about work? I can't just go in tomorrow and say I'm flying to Boston- Can I?" Jessica asked.

"Well you've been covering the Leafs these playoffs, so technically you could say you're writing about game five," Steve suggested.

"Am I actually considering this?" Jessica shook her head. "How am I actually considering this?"

"Because you can't say no to the Matthews! He's irresistible," Steve teased her, earned a punch in the arm.

That Matthews Guy
I miss you :(

Okay. BUT we have to split the costs.
I'm not gonna let you pay for everything.

That Matthews Guy
Wait really? You're gonna come?

Did you change your mind about having me there?

That Matthews Guy
No! I just can't believe I actually convinced
you to come!! This is awesome!
I'm gonna buy the ticket and hotel room now
so you have time to print the tickets

And then you're gonna send me the receipts
because I'm paying you back for half, remember?

That Matthews Guy
Yeah Yeah, But you're coming!
That's the important part

well I'm gonna have to get some sleep
since I'm getting up early to leave Steve's and pack.
Goodnight Auston, I'll see you in Boston.

That Matthews Guy
Goodnight Jess, I can't wait :)

this was a lame kinda a filler chapter? oops? WELL now i get to break my heart a little more by writing about the games where the Leafs actually had me believing they would win the series :(( still so sad that they lost like frick.

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