ღℳasked ℑdentityღ {Itachi Uch...

By AllBeautyDestroyed

58.8K 2.8K 1K

The night of your graduation changed your life drastically after your willful decision of leaving everything... More

♥20♡ TADA~!


2.3K 144 37
By AllBeautyDestroyed

[[A/N: Look at the picture above—LOOK AT CUTE LITTLE SASUKE! xD]]

•:*:• •:*:••:*:• •:*:•

You were hypnotized and captivated.

Your [E/C] eyes twinkled as you stared down at a pair of big, round, onyx eyes, and couldn't help but grin at the little Uchiha, whom also stared back with his mouth shaped in an 'o'; meanwhile Itachi watched from the side, covering his mouth with the back of his hand trying to hold in fits of chuckles.

It wasn't until mid-summer after exiting 8th grade that you and Itachi started a relationship, and already you were being introduced to the Uchiha family.

"Oh...HE'S SO CUTE~!" Your hands flew up and cupped your cheeks, giggling uncontrollably at nine-year old Sasuke. The child flashes you polite smile and -oh- that flipped the switch. You were squirming from cuteness overload.

What Itachi didn't know is that you had a reserved soft spot for children. And this kid in front of you had the potential to just about pull every sensor to make you giggle.

"Ah, thank you!" Sasuke beamed with a blush on his childish cheeks, causing you to daze out with a 'squee~!'

What you didn't know either is that Itachi also had a special spot for children, so introducing his little brother to you meant the world to the him.

Itachi chuckled and patted the toddler's head. "Sasuke, this is [Name]..." and before Itachi could introduce any further, Sasuke whipped his head up with a cheeky grin.

"Is she your girlfriend~~? OH! Are you going to marry her like Mom and Dad?!"

Your face burned in flames while Itachi only laughed at his curious little brother, to which Sasuke took as a 'yes' and widened his grin as he turned to you. Sasuke let out a few giggles as he ran up and threw his little arms to wrap around your waist.

"Aha~! Then I love you already! I'll call you [Name]-chaan~!" He squeezed you in a tight hug only to cause your [E/C] eyes to twinkle as they widened again.


This child's level of cuteness would be the death of you.


Glancing over your shoulder, you pout at the now 20-year old Sasuke. He slouched on the living room couch, his arms crossing over his chest in signature pose, along with a towel on his head. Heaving a sigh of disappointment, you turned back around to prepare hot tea. He used to be such a cute and chubby-cheeked, polite child... And now, well his physical looks are handsome and similar to Itachi's, but his personality made Sasuke look like a huge pile of SH—

"The shit is this?" Sasuke grumbled (completing your curse word). Looking over your shoulder again, you watched him pick up one of the wedding photos on Avery's center table. He made a face of disgust as his dark eyes scanned the image, muttering "this is ridiculous" and shook his head as the frame was placed back down.

You arch an eyebrow at his reaction and flinched when Sasuke suddenly switched his gaze to you, sparing another glare.

"Hey, maid—

"I have a name, kid," you cut him off, pursing your lips in annoyance.

"Kid?" Sasuke sneered. "Who the hell are you to call me a kid?"

Oh, if only you knew who you were talking to...

"HA!" you guffawed, slightly throwing your head back. "Ringing the damn doorbell and stomping in here like you own the place... Infant."

"Hn, whatever. If I catch a cold then it's your fault."

"Well"—you whirled around—"wear a warmer coat next time you travel to the rainy state in November." You flashed a sarcastic smile, rolling  your eyes at his usual 'Hn' response, and turn around again to pour hot tea into a mug. Taking a napkin to wrap it around the mug, you walked over to a sneezing Sasuke.

"Here drink this; it'll warm you up." You offered the mug, heat vapor floated around the ring. Sasuke hesitated at first, glancing at the mug then at you; he glanced back at the mug one more time before narrowing his eyes at you and finally lifts his hands to accept it. You smiled in satisfaction as he finally sipped on the mug.

"Address me as [N! Name] if you wish to insult me any further," you state before turning on your heels. "I'll be cleaning the bathrooms if you need me."


You froze in place, grinding your teeth in irritation when Sasuke didn't use your name. Taking a deep breath in, you breathed out calmly as you turn your head slightly to him. "What."

"Say, why are you working for my brother?" Sasuke asked with a curious jump of his brows. "Did 'Ava' mess with you too? Are you here for vengeance like the others?"

You remained frowned at Sasuke's sudden accusation. Vengeance? For what? Turning your body all the way around, your hands sat at your hips and shifted your weight on one leg to defend yourself. "I don't know what you mean by that, but no. I'm just an ordinary person in need of money to live."

With that said, Sasuke hummed in a suspicious but rather interested manner. You excused yourself before walking off to pick up your cleaning supplies and escaped to one of the bathrooms. Carelessly pushing the door almost shut, you kneel over the toilet, shaking your head as you pull out the Comet powder bleach cleanser and held it with both hands. The moment Sasuke mentioned vengeance, your blood raced nervously; the curiosity you started out with now turned to anxiety.

"Are you here for vengeance like the others?"

The hell did he mean by that? And the more you analyzed the situation, the tighter your hands clenched around the container.

Bad idea.


"Gah!" you shrieked and stumbled backwards, dropping the container when your vision began to blur. Your hands went up to your eyes but stopped when they started to burn. The clenching pressure of your hands around the container caused the bleach powder to shoot up directly into your eyes, and thus irritating them.

"Dammit!" Your hands stretched out in search for the wall and stood on your feet as you blindly felt around for the sink. Once you reached the faucets, you quickly open the water and splashed water into your eyes, clenching your teeth as the pain intensified at first.

Lila's voice echoed in your mind, remembering when she had gone over safety regulations on your first day.


Don't panic if you accidently get any spray or cleanser in your eyes—just splash water in them. Only if you're wearing either prescription or color contacts, then you must immediately pull them out or else the irritation will worsen and could cause damage. You don't wear contacts, right?

A sly smile graced your lips and blinked your [N! E/C] eyes away. "Uh, noo."

"Great! Then you've got nothing to worry about, [N! Name]~!"


Well glad Lilah added that safety detail.

"Gotta take em' out!"

You hurried and reached into your shoulder bag to pull out a contact case and travel size contact solution to fill up each case holder with solution. Using your thumb and forefinger, both irritating contacts were pulled out from each eye and placed them in each case holder to soak. A relieved sigh left your lips as the burning eased and lifted your gaze up happily at the mirror to check for any reddening -- only to let out a sharp gasp.


{Sasuke's 3rd P.O.V}

[N! Name] stormed off to continue working and left him staring at the empty spot she stood a moment ago. After watching her lecture with that pose, Sasuke smirked and let out a low laugh as he leaned back against the couch with arms behind his head.

"I've seen that before," he muttered to himself. Despite that crooked smile he wore at the immediate thought of [Name], his question was still left standing. When the moment was right, he'd always question past housekeepers only to be surprised with the same answer: Yes, that Ava bitch ruined everything!

But this one here? She seemed confident... I'm just a girl in need of money.

He shrugged at [N! Name]'s response. "Well, whatever—


Sasuke jumped to his feet at the sudden panicked sound. He glimpsed towards the hallway and walked closer to see a crack of light from the bathroom that [N! Name] seemed to be stumbling in. At the sound of running water, Sasuke paced over quietly and peeked through the cracked opening of the door.

He saw [N! Name] bent over the sink, splashing water on her face while hissing curses under her breath. After a few more seconds of splashing, [N! Name]'s hands gripped each side of the sink and she lifted her head up, sighing in relief. Sasuke's lips pulled back to hold in a laugh too see some white powder in her hair before backing away from the door. "Idiot."

"Take em' out quick!"

Sasuke halted once more at her hissing tone; his attention drew back through the gap and furrowed his brows when [N! Name] pulled out a contact case and small bottle of solution from her bag. Interested, he leaned in closer, tapping his forehead on the door as he watched her poking at her eyes.

What is she...? His eyes widened, slightly gaped in shock when the woman lifted her head again, but this time with a different, yet familiar look on her face. Sasuke chuckled under his breath when he caught the familiar color in her eyes matching her person. It all made perfect sense now.

He pushed the door in slightly so [Name] could to stare directly at him from the mirror.

{Back to Normal P.O.V}

Whirling around in shock, you stared at the person to first discover your identity. The nerves that went through you felt as if you had been caught stealing: your stomach dropped.

"You should re-touch your roots, [Name]," Sasuke said humorously as he leant against the doorway of the bathroom.

You blinked repeatedly, taken aback, spluttering many confused sounds while you brainstormed back-up excuses. You decided to glance away at anything but Sasuke as you continued to jitter, when finally something hits you. It was right at the moment, at least.

"Who is this [Name] you speak of?"

Sasuke deadpanned. "Seriously? [Name] I know it's you. You never asked for my name in the first place anyway," he pointed out proudly, smirking as his eyes rolled to side.

You swallowed thickly and bit down on your lip, balling your hands into fists as you became deeply lost thought in search for another idea. But Sasuke is, unfortunately, no idiot. It was done; you've been figured out and out of all people, Sasuke had to be the first to find out!

"...curse this Uchiha intelligence," you mumbled lowly so Sasuke wouldn't hear. Realizing that you were practically cornered, you sighed in surrender and decided to relax your shoulder, fixing your gaze on the smirking male before you.

But before Sasuke could reach a hand out, he lifts an uncomfortable brow when your piercing [E/C] eyes suddenly sparked; they bore into his dark ones. It was awkwardly quiet for hardly a second as Sasuke watched your right arm lift and, directly above his head, your hovering hand shapes it into a knifehand strike.

"Hey, Sasuke..." your words hissed, sending a gloomy and evil vibe.

Sasuke flinched; he knew what was happening, but it was too late to react...


"OW!!" Sasuke shelted his head with his hands in agony after being hit by your flaming karate chop hand. Oh that brought back memories—painful memories, that is—when [Name] would bop Sasuke's head whenever he misbehaved as a kid.

"HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A 'BITCH'!?" You bark angrily, nostrils flared as you heavily breathed in and out, glaring intensely at the suffering Uchiha. Sasuke should've seen that coming, yet it has been 7 years since he saw the real you; the poor guy expected a reunion hug at the very least.

"How was I supposed to know it was you!?" he retorted back, darting you a pained look as he continued rubbing his head.

"Oho? You still shouldn't treat people like that, jerk face!" you spat back, crossed your arms and huffed out an irritated scoff at Sasuke, muttering curses under your breath.

 "...Didn't have to whack me three times, [Name]."

"Shut it and apologize, or I swear..."

"Okay, okay! Sorry geez!"



After cleaning up after your mess, and the other two remaining bathrooms, you walked back into the kitchen where a frowning Sasuke held an ice pack to his head as he sat at the dinner table, still recovering from the violent reunion. Feeling slightly sorry for him, you let out a soft laugh and walk over, reaching for the chair next to him. "Hey, you~"

Startled, Sasuke jumped in his chair and turned his head slowly at you when your hand had cupped his cheek. Your nose scrunched in apology and giggled at the fidgety 20-year old. "Long time no see, Sasuke. I'm glad to see you've grown up handsomely."

Flashing him a toothy smile, your hand pulled back to pat his back affectionately. His tensed shoulders lightened up and showed you a small smile. At least that felt almost like an affectionate reunion gesture. But once Sasuke noticed the color change in your eyes, he frowned. Your [N! E/C] contacts were back in.

"[Name], why are you here looking like...?" He hesitated to finish, annoyed by your appearance, causing your head to tilt.

"Like what?"

"This!" His hands pointed all over you. "What are you doing here disguised and working for Itachi like nothing's happened? Do you have any idea what my brother has gone through since you left?"

Your eyes rolled and leant back on the chair. "Oh please... First of all, I got hired by coincidence—zero knowledge that I'd be working for Itachi until I actually got here. Second, his wife, my former best friend—whom by the way I met as 'Ava' and not Avery—hired me." With that last added detail, Sasuke looked at her in disgust.

"What? You think...! Wife?"

Nodding slowly, your brow quirked at his response. "Uh-huh? So third, that tells me Itachi was able to move on quickly after I left. Although I won't lie, it hurts..." you trailed off so your shaky voice could calm down. "Trust me, Sasuke... I would've revealed myself sooner, but seeing Itachi as a married man held me back. I mean look at him! He's happily married—something I wasn't able to give him—and I don't want to ruin that by being emotionally selfish and ruin his marriage, so..." you trailed off again, shrugging. "I've kept quiet."

There was a long silence while Sasuke processed your words. The cringing look on his face, however, gave you an uneasy feeling. Whatever you said was really amusing him now as he laughed once. "Heh, marriage?"

Your lips pursed impatiently. "Have you not been listening? Yes! Itachi and Avery, you know... wedding bands hugging their left ring fingers, a marriage certificate and wedding photos. You saw one, didn't you?" You sighed in disappointment before adding, "I even saw them kissing when I first got here..."

As a cold shiver crawled down your back, hurt by that memory, your [N! E/C] eyes drift off into nothing and pinch the bridge of your nose in annoyance. Sasuke lets out a low chuckle as his hand brushed through his dark locks. "Ha! Shit, she's good, yet I'm surprised even Itachi allowed Avery to go that far. She's done a horrid job though, I'm sure you've noticed by now."

You blinked up attentively at Sasuke now. "Huh, noticed what?"

Sasuke's palm meets his face to remember how oblivious you can be—and have been. Lowering the ice pack from his head to set it down on the counter, he huffs out hopelessly as his dark eyes rolled back to you. "[Name]..."

"What?" A clueless look plastered on your face, but the way Sasuke curved up his lips into a crooked smile caused your shoulders to tense up.

Sasuke knew something.

"You have no idea what's really going on do you, [Name]?" Sasuke asked, leaning back on the chair. "You do know what Avery's profession is, right?"

Your eyebrows jumped, eyes widening. That right! While you were mesmerized by Itachi, you paid no attention to such detail. "No," you began, "but if I remember correctly, Avery strived to become a professional graphic designer. Did she?"

He nodded. "She's working with many popular media, which means she can create and edit anything such as billboards, announcements, magazine and newspaper front pages and including—" Sasuke tilted his head at the center table in the living room—"those wedding photos." You frowned and opened your mouth in shock, but closed it quickly.

"That...doesn't prove anything," you reply instead, strangely defensive, and glance to the side when Sasuke shot you a stern look.

"Tell me this: when was the last time you actually saw them kiss again in front of you?"

Your eyes squinted as you actually wondered, but recalled nothing. In fact, their relationship had become distant and estranged since you started servicing their home. Itachi's eyes would follow you around a lot while you blushed, flattered that it felt the same when you were disguised. You actually enjoyed his attention despite the ring on his finger.

A blush paints your cheeks at the playback of all the moments you spent alone with Itachi and felt your heartbeat speeding up. "W-well I haven't, but—

"I can tell by your face that you've been playing cat and mouse," Sasuke cuts you off sharply with an invisble smile. Butterflies swarmed in your belly and shrunk in your seat when his gaze stabbed yours.

"[Name], you know Itachi paid my ticket to fly out here? About two months ago Itachi called me saying he needed my help and practically begged me to come," he paused for a moment to look you up and down. "But seeing at you here and now, I'm sure I know why."

Lost in your thoughts again, your arms and legs crossed nervously. Two months ago; that's exactly when I started working for Itachi. "S-so why—" Cutting yourself off, you rubbed your forehead tirelessly as you became flustered and finally began to fit a few puzzle pieces together in your head.  "So you're saying that Itachi is purposely here...because of me?"

Sasuke nodded once, while your head shook with a mocking chuckle. "How would he know I'd be in this state though? It must be coincidence. I never told Itachi where I was running away to."

He clicked his tongue. "Why do you think Avery's here too, [Name]?"

[N! E/C] eyes widened and your chest felt heavy now. The thousand piece puzzle you've been trying to solve had finally started to shape on one corner. You stared attentively at Sasuke now and bit back the knot in your throat.

"Then what's behind this 'marriage' business between Itachi and Avery then?"

Sasuke's lips parted to speak further but darted his head away when the front door lock clicks open. Gasping, you jump in the chair and glance at the clock only to widen your eyes as it read 4:46PM.

"He's here early," you whisper and press your hand on Sasuke's shoulder; he looked back only to find you biting down on your lip. After hearing a piece of information, your body shook nervously and clenched your free hand into a fist.

"[N! Name]? Sasuke?" Itachi called from the front door as he set down his work bag and removed his coat.

"Sasuke," you called in a low whisper, lightly squeezing his shoulder, "don't say anything to Itachi yet." The young Uchiha purses his lips and shakes his head. "But [Name]—

"Please," you hiss behind clenched teeth when Itachi's slow steps neared the kitchen. "And call me [N! Name] around your brother."

Sasuke scowls and leans in closer. "Fine, but you have to tell him before it's too late...[N! Name]."

...Before what's too late?

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