Vampire love story(BTS x Read...

By anamariag18

22.8K 643 291

A harem love story between BTS and a princess of vampires.A love triangle between Taehyung,princess and Jung... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14 (Part 1)
Chapter 15 (part 2)
Chapter 16 (final part)
Vampire love story
Coming soon
New ff
Book 2 !!

chapter 13

867 28 10
By anamariag18

Jungkook POV

I  cant leave her alone not right now.Y/n....

Jungkook-"Kim fucking Taehyung,we have to go and get her right now!"

Taehyung-"I can't understand you,what it wrong??"

Jungkook-"Yona is possessed from our uncel."

Taehyung-"What?!...your uncle?!"-his eyes widened when I mention my uncel.

Jungkook-"yes Yona opened the mystical door and the spirit of our uncle went out...."

Taehyung-"WHAT ARE WE DOING THERE THEN???"-he yelled at me and I widened me eyes-"LET GOING FIND HERE RIGHT NOW!!"

Jungkook-"This was what I was trying to explain to you!"

*END Jungkook POV*


*Y/n POV*

Y/n-"Ahhh!...."-Yona hit me with the scourge and It was so painful.She continued to hit me several times until my skin started bleeding.


Yona-"Hahahaha...what is sister you dont like this kind of game....I think its funny!! Hahahaa"

Y/n-"...It's stop beeing like a psycho!"

Yona-"Beeing like?? hahaha sweetie im not beeing like....I am a psycho!"-her voice stared beeing serious-"You take from me the boy I love ...You dont know how much painful it was,now you have to feel that pain!"


*Jungkook POV*

Taehyung-"Y/n!...Y/n!"-he was yelling.

Taehyung was running really fast and look everywhere for Y/n,me too but,he was more faster then me.Since the moment I told him about my uncle he was trying to find Y/n like crazy!

Why he is trying that hard...maybe he loves her more then me.


Y/n- "Look what you did you hurt him!...I will never forgive you...I HATE YOU JUNGKOOK!"

*End flashback*

Her eyes,she was crying.I always make her to cry...Am I so bad?I feel sorry.

* "Hahahha!" *-I was remembering her smiley face,her cute laughing when we where younger.I really miss that smile,I have a lot of time that I dont have hear her laughing.But when she looked at Taehyung I could see a little eyes smile...

I am a monster.

Jungkook-"Taehyung...I want to tell you something."

Taehyung turn his head.

Jungkook-"It's about..."

"Aaaaaaa!"-we both widened our eyes when we hear a yelling coming from a secondary corridor of the castle.



*Y/n POV*

Y/n-"Yona....stop...please...I can breath..."-I told her but she continue laughing hard.She was strangle me,her nail was on my neck and she was exercising force to me until my neck started bleeding.That was hurting a lot I couldn't help me self and stared screaming.

"Y/N!"-I heard someone yelling from that Taehyung's and Jungkook's voice...

Yona-"Hey,you crybaby bitch,can you stop yelling and look at me!"-she said with a smile on her lips.

I try not to see her but unwittingly I make eyes contact with her.She hypnotized me  and I couldn't felt my body anymore,I was feeling like I was fainting.

She opened my mouth and she started take my energy to her mouth.

(A/n:It's something like that

hehehe sorry it was the only example I could found ^^' )

Jungkook-"Yona let her go now or otherwise I have to hurt you!"

Yona-"I dont think so sweetie,I know you cant hurt me!"-she said with a smirk in her face and after that she being serious.She push Jungkook and Taehyung in the wall with her telepathic energy.

Her eyes become black , her skin were with black veins and from her back come out a pair of black wings.

With a great power she rived the ceiling and fly away.

Jungkook POV

Taehyung-"DAMN!"-he got up and yelling.

Jungkook-"Dont worry I know where they are going! the castle church."

Taehyung-"to the church?!"

Jungkook-"yeah she is doing to make a ritual to take Y/n's power and after that to kill her."

Taehyung-"What and you say to me to dont worry?!"

Jungkook-"we are going there right now,so dont worry!...Taehyung..."


Jungkook-"I want to tell you that,if you want to take Y/n then,you can".

His eyes widened by surprise.

Taehyung-"What?!"(*Jungkook is that you ? or an alien made a glimmer in your brain?*)

I just smile to him and tell:

"She love you and its my fault that she is in danger now,I have make her to suffer for a long time...the only think I want is to see her smile,now I realize that if she is happy I'm happy too."

I couldn't help and a tear going out of me eye...ahh I am such a idiot Taehyung is going to joking with me now.I look at him and he was looking at me with a thankful and proudly face.

Taehyung-"Thank you!..and It's ok you can cry because you are making a very hard choose,I'm proud of you and you're so impressive!"

Jungkook-"Ok we have to go now...Let's go!"



sorry for the late update I wasn't full of ideas.I am going to update again as fast as I can.^^ 

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