
By 0WeAreTheNight0

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An alternate universe where Goku is an adult and finds a wild, arrogant teenager- struggling with mental issu... More



450 19 19
By 0WeAreTheNight0

So I decided I'd try my hand at this. I hope it's not too different than what Tiger had in mind. I'll probably have her beta read it...

Goku worried all day. His coworkers noted his constant anxiety. Being Goku, he still worked with efficiency and dependability, but there was a distracted quality to his being. He didn't even eat lunch; he was urgently texting someone the whole break. Krillin finally gave in and asked him what was going on. "You're making us all nervous, Goku," he said, bumping his best friend's elbow. "What the heck's going on with you?"

"Um... Ok, I'll tell you. Keep this to yourself though, yeah?" Goku rubbed the back of his head. "I adopted this teenager."

Krillin's brows shot up. "D-... You're pulling my leg. You adopted?"

"Yeah!" Goku laughed nervously. "Uh. Yeah, his name's Vegeta, he's seventeen. But he's got really bad problems. He's addicted to a couple things and I actually found him in the institute on the other side of town."

Krillin gasped. "Oh, my God. Is he, like, crazy?"

Goku shrugged. "What's your definition of crazy? People think I'm crazy, but I'm just a Saiyan. It's my personality. No, he's not crazy. He can be a bit moody- go figure, he's a teenager- but, Krillin, he's so sweet. He can fight and he can move super fast." Goku's eyes glittered. "As soon as I can get him in proper shape, I'll have a sparring partner!"

Krillin facepalmed. "Of freaking course. Just don't get carried away and hurt him, or you'll have CPS on your butt."

"I'd never intentionally hurt him!" Goku cried. "He's an angel. Krillin, he's- Here, look." Goku pulled out his phone and found a picture he'd taken of Vegeta scowling at his blank drawing pad. "He's an artist. It's beautiful, what he does."

Krillin gazed a long time at the picture. "Are you sure he's seventeen? He looks so much older. You said he was on stuff, right? That'd explain it. Damn, though, look at that hair. I don't get how you Saiyans get hair like that naturally."

Goku smiled and put the phone away. "That's what I've been worked up about all day. I'm worried about him. He's with my mom and Raditz right now. He needs to get used to being out and about, interacting with people. I wish I knew what was going on in his head."

~~Timeskip brought to You by Kami~~

Vegeta's POV

Kakarrot? Alone. No. Blue. Blue is good. Big blue and little blue. But where- I can't feel- is He?- Him.

Normal POV

Goku was out the door as quick as his legs could take him. Then he began the drive to his mom's house. I hope he's ok. He's fine. Mom took really good care of him. Stop worrying... He focused on breathing and not breaking the speed limit.

The minute he pulled into the driveway, he saw a little figure appear in the window, wiggle with excitement, and vanish. The door was flung open and Vegeta came racing out, with Raditz on his tail. "Goku!" Raditz called happily.

Goku climbed out. Vegeta attacked him with surprising strength. Both boys were panting and grinning. He glanced up to see his mother coming out. "I tried to wear them out, Goku, but that seems to be beyond even me. Good day at work?"

"Yeah," Goku replied, confused, as Vegeta climbed up onto his back and sat there, perched like a bird. "Any trouble with Vegeta?"

"No, but he despises peas with a passion." Gine grinned. "He's just the sweetest thing, Goku. He is polite and tidy. He's as curious as a toddler though; he may not talk, but he definitely lets you know when he wants to know something." She captured Vegeta in her loving arms and dropped a kiss on his head. Vegeta purred, hugging her back.

"He's coming back, right?" Raditz asked excitedly.

"Definitely," Goku laughed. "Wow, you guys really had a blast." He was almost knocked over by Vegeta again, but this time there was a weariness that worried him. "You good, Vegeta?" He found himself holding most of the young Saiyan's weight. "Vegeta?"

Vegeta growled at him. "Ka... Kakarrot."


"... Kakarrot."

Goku raised an eyebrow. "What do you want? Are you ok?"

Vegeta managed to climb literally into Goku's arms. He rested his head against his chest and sighed.

"Well," Gine chuckled. "Maybe I didn't entirely fail in tiring at least him out. Better take him home and let him rest, ok?"

"Yes, ma'am." Goku hugged the tired little Saiyan. "Poor guy; you had such an exciting, wild day, huh? Yeah, let's get you home." He kissed his mother's cheek and gently kicked Raditz in the calf. "Hang in there, buddy. You'll see him again day after tomorrow, yeah?" Goku loaded Vegeta into the car, and his heart melted when he saw that Vegeta was already asleep. He got in and made the drive home.

Vegeta woke up twice during the trip, acting silent and odd both times. He would look at Goku, seeming confused. Goku began to feel worried. He talked quietly along the way. This seemed to calm Vegeta he settled down to sleep and didn't wake up anymore.

It was dark before they got home. Vegeta woke up as they pulled into the driveway and glanced at Goku, that same strange look in his eyes. Goku noticed that the dull, slightly hazed look was... gone. His eyes were crystal clear and glittering. "Vegeta, are you ok?" Goku reached over and ran his fingers through the soft hair. "You good?"

"Kakarrot..." Vegeta's voice shook. His gaze flicked through the window behind Goku's head and he shrank back. "Kakarrot."

Goku made the mistake of turning around. He stared for a few moments into the dark. A chill rose into the pit of his stomach and his heart ticked faster. There was nothing there that he could see, but the idea that something that he couldn't see might be out there made him paranoid. He looked back at Vegeta, who continued to look at him fearfully. He gulped. "Yeah, uh... Let's go inside."

Vegeta shook his head furiously. He locked the door and glared at Goku. "Kakarrot." He shook his head again and pointed towards the house. Goku looked and saw nothing. But his stomach still fluttered as he ran his eyes over that area. Maybe Vegeta was right. He bit his lip, contemplating his next move. "Well... We have a couple options here. We could stay here in the car tonight: not very comfy, and, honestly, too close to the house for my taste. We could stay in town: eh, iffy. Or we could go back to my mom's place." Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Vegeta look directly at him. "I'm gonna guess that sounds good."

Vegeta nodded. He huddled down further in the seat and glared at the house. Something slammed on the top of the vehicle suddenly, causing both Saiyans to nearly have heart attacks. Goku hurriedly started the car and drove away as fast as he could. Upon looking at the rearview mirror, he saw something standing in his driveway. "What the heck!?" He hit the gas pedal and they sped away.

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