Don't Let Me Go

By hhcb_ks

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Luhan fell in love at first sight. Sehun was more willing to make his life worse than hell. But the tables t... More



217 12 0
By hhcb_ks

Baekhyun stomped his foot as the code he entered turned out to be wrong again.

For the last five minutes, he has been trying to unlock the door and every time he wished for the door to open, an annoying voice would reach his ears saying that he has entered the wrong passcode. Now, it would've been less complicated and troublesome if only he would've simply called Luhan up, asking him to open the damn door but he didn't.


Because it was late in the night and he did not want to cause trouble?

Oh no! He is not that considerate.

It was because the jerk friend of his had never invited him to his new home, neither introduced them to his oh-so-handsome and rich husband properly! The only time they had had a glimpse of the Oh Prince was at the wedding and Baekhyun thought it wasn't fair. Although he made fake promises of bringing him and Minseok over someday and then they could all hang out with Sehun at their place, Luhan never fulfilled any of them.

Also, it has been a fucking month since their marriage, yet Luhan has not even shared his first night experience with him! They were his best friends and thus held every damn right to know all about it. Every chick flick movie he has seen had the rule which everyone was supposed to follow. Every time Baekhyun would ask him about things related to Sehun, Luhan would go all....well he doesn't know what, but he will simply change the topic saying he is too shy to talk about him.

That bitch!

So, Baekhyun himself decided to pay a visit to Luhan's house on his own and surprise the newlyweds! Now the big problem was, he did not know the address except the fact that they lived in Gangnam. Now, he knew asking Luhan was futile, so he decided to go the other, much harder yet possibly successful way.

"Minniiee please! Ask your fuc-" The soccer captain glared at him making the brunette to roll his eyes. He has been scolded by Minseok for god knows how many times for calling his 'oh-so-perfect-crush' as his 'fucking crush'.

"-crush to give me Sehun's address or else-!"

"Or else what??"

"I will tell Jongdae that it was you who broke into his room and planted the camera!"

And that led them to the CS Department where Minseok's crush- Kim Jongdae studied. He was a friend of Oh Sehun and the only source from where they could get the address. But fate was being a bitch to them as Jongdae put his foot down and shooed the boys away. Now, the only option left was breaking into the Admin Office.

"FUCK! ARE YOU CRAZY BAEK?" Minseok looked at the brunette in disbelief. "We could get expelled if they found o-"

"Which they will not," Baekhyun reassured him and after a lot of pursuing, Minseok finally gave in.

During the supposed day, when the boys headed for the office, Jongdae stopped them.

"What do you want?" Baekhyun said, venom dripping from his words. Jongdae scratched the nape of his neck and looked at the ground. According to Minseok, he looked too cute and if only Baekhyun wouldn't have been by his side, he would've already kissed him.

"We are fucking busy so ju-"

"Here." Jongdae stretched a paper forward, "This is the address of uhh... Sehun."

Both Baekhyun and Minseok gave him questioning looks.

"Didn't you refused to help us when we approached you? Why suddenly this change of heart?" Baekhyun asked.

"Listen... I'm sorry for that time and I-"

"Oh you are sorry, huh?" Baekhyun took a step forward, his voice sounding intimidating. Jongdae took a step back, scared of the infamous eyeliner diva, but one glance at the cute squirrel like a boy and he decided to stop being a coward.

"Can't we fucking forget the past?" The CS student sounded annoyed.

"Here, just take this already!" He said shoving the piece of paper in Baekhyun's hand.

And thus, here he is, standing in front of the door, cursing and swearing at the only obstacle that held him from entering the place.

"Intruder, get lost!" the voice from the machine said.

"Fuck off bitch!" Baekhyun scoffed.

"Enter the password."

Okay... calm down Baekhyun. This will be the last time you are going to try. If not opened again, just fucking call Luhan!

"Is it Khul Ja Sim Sim or something like that?" Baekhyun said to himself and then suddenly something clicked in his brain.

Maybe it's... hehehhehehe...

How pervert yet sweet of Sehun to make Luhan's clothing's size as his password.

He was about to press the buttons again when someone stopped him.


"Don't punch the codes if you don't wanna end up going to the jail!" The deep voice said and as much as Baekhyun wanted to squeal and dance like a fangirl just because their hands touched, the memories of yesterday came fresh into his mind and the feeling of him being a lovestruck puppy was overpowered with anger and rage.

"You piece of-"

Ignoring the smaller boy, Chanyeol came forward and stretched his fingers to punch the code.

"The door won't open, derp-faced! There is some fucking c-" Before even Baekhyun could complete his sentence, they were greeted with a click sound.

"Here. Go in."

Amused, Baekhyun stared at the taller who was looking back at him and couldn't help but blush like a teenage girl because, oh my god my crush is looking back at me!

Chanyeol looked handsome in a red tee and ripped jeans. His tousled brown hairs made Baekhyun wonder how it would feel to run his fingers through them and those thin red lips almost made him kiss the IT prodigy.

But no! Stop right here Baekhyun! He is the reason you were kicked out!

Right.. I hate him!

"Baekhyun, listen, I...i am so sorry for yesterday. I didn't know things would turn out like that and...yeah," said Chanyeol and shit, Baekhyun died again because this time, fucking shit MY CRUSH IS FREAKING TALKING TO ME!

"Get out of my way!" Saying the words, Baekhyun grabbed the door knob and as he opened it, his jaw hit the floor.


"Flight KOR321 has landed on the Korean grounds. The temperature outside is 23 degree Celsius and the standard time is 11:30 pm. Thank you for flying with us today and we hope you have a pleasant stay!"

Jongin stepped out of the Airbus and grinned widely. Finally, he is home, after a year. With every step taken towards the entrance, the memories from past started to play in his mind like a movie. They were in middle school when he attended the concert of Super Junior along with his friends and God, he was so mesmerized by the way they danced and that's when he finally realized what he wanted to be.

A choreographer.

His parents thought that his craziness over dancing will end soon but they were proved so wrong when Jongin dropped the bomb on his graduation day. He still remembers how mad his parents were when he told them that he was not interested in taking over the hotels and wanted to pursue dancing as his career. For a week, they argued and when his father had enough, he decided to send Jongin off to a business school in London. Having left with no other option, Jongin ran away and crashed at Sehun's and that night, everything changed.

He met with the most beautiful boy he has ever seen in his life and he didn't need it to confirm that he was already in love.

Sehun introduced him as Kyungsoo, his cousin who would be attending the med school in Seoul.

"I'm Do Kyungsoo. Nice to meet you."

The boy smiled, and Jongin died!

He stayed at Sehun's place for a week and with each passing day, he found himself falling for the owl-eyed boy more and more. Kyungsoo was wise, strong and determined. He was the one who told him to man up and fight for his dream, not run away like a coward.

"A dream is not just a dream. It's a wish that our hearts make."

Inspired much by his words, Jongin decided to sort things out with his parents and good heavens, everything worked out well! He couldn't be much happier when his parents told him to follow his heart and be the world's best choreographer. He got into SNU along with his friends and life could've never been better. He was even given a scholarship to NYC Academy for his excellent performance. And as much as he was happy, Jongin didn't know if he should accept it or not. He wanted to accept it but at the same, he didn't want to leave Kyungsoo. Confused and lost, he decided to tell Kyungsoo about it who just said him one thing which changed everything.

"I hate people who, like cowards, let go of their dreams."

The words hit him so hard that he took the first flight in the morning, not even saying goodbye to his friends. Sehun was mad and stopped talking with him. Chanyeol being Chanyeol asked him to set him up with American beauties and fund his trip to America for Christmas. Then there was Kyungsoo, who neither was angry nor sounded very happy. 'Take care' was all he said when Jongin had once called him up. It took a month for him to settle down properly there. The routines were tiresome and every day he would come home and would doze off. Sometimes when he'd be free, he'd skype his parents and then his friends (excluding Sehun 'cause the boy would never answer his calls). Chanyeol would ask if he has already made a girlfriend or such but Jongin would always laugh it off.

How can he love someone other when his heart was already stolen by some one else?

It was this one day when he had just said goodnight to the owl-eyed boy and turned off his laptop when Taemin, his room mate appeared out of nowhere and glared at him.

"Hey, Jongin! Are you ever going to confess to Soo?" he asked him out of the blue. Jongin's eyes widened in confusion. How did he got caught?

Seeing the tanned boy's shocked face, Taemin chuckled.

"You are too obvious Jong! Whenever you talk to Kyungsoo, you are way too shy and you fucking look like a tomato! And if my observations are not wrong then, your love is not one sided!"

"Ho-how do you know that?" Jongin asked nervously.

"I just know okay? So just do it already you fucking shy idiot, before your precious Soo gets claimed by some other beast!" Taemin winked and went out.

Another beast? No no no! Kyungsoo is mine.

It was in April when finally Jongin manned up and tried to confess. Things were getting fine and those three words were just about to be said by Jongin but Minho, Taemin's boyfriend decided to be the cockblocker and well, let's just say things didn't go out as planned. After many other unsuccessful attempts, Jongin finally did it.

He asked Kyungsoo out and well, they became what they are now.


Walking towards the terminal, his mind kept thinking about how his boyfriend would react when he'd find out that Jongin came a day earlier than he had told him.

Would he be surprised? Happy?

Of course he'd be silly!

Kyungsoo groaned inwardly when he heard the doorbell. He had just arrived at his apartment after his classes ended and all he wanted to do was sleep. But this idiot person just had to spoil it. With heavy feet, Kyungsoo headed towards the door and rubbed his eyes.

"What the hell do you-mmppppff" His eyes grew wide when he felt a pair of soft lips met with his and when he looked at the face, he couldn't help but blush hard.

"I'm back, babe!" Jongin smiled.

Sehun's mind blew when he saw Chanyeol and another boy standing at his door with shocked eyes. With Luhan lying on the floor and blood oozing from his sides, anyone could've guessed that Sehun had beaten up the boy. Even if you think of a million possible ways to make it sound like something else, Sehun knew he could not lie to the boys. And to be honest, he didn't care much.


Because he knew Luhan would do anything to save his husband's image.

"YOU FUCKING PIECE OF JERK!" Baekhyun's voice boomed in the room. "HOW DARE YOU TREAT MY LULU LIKE THAT!?"

Lulu? What a fucking ugly name. Sehun thought. The brunette would've even punched the boy if only Chanyeol wasn't holding him back. Sehun glared at him but then, switched his attention to the injured boy. He needed to play his part well, no?

"Oh God! Luhan! Are you okay?" he said, his voice coated with worry and helped the boy stand up. Luhan looked at him in confusion but understood quickly what Sehun was trying to do.

Act. Just act Luhan!

"FUCK OFF, YOU ASSHOLE!" Baekhyun yelled and rushed to Luhan's side. Chanyeol on the other side stood where he was, not knowing how to react.

"Baek.. I'm fine. I just fe-"

"Don't you dare lie to me, Luhan! I saw enough to know what happened," he said, throwing daggers at Sehun. Before the boy could open his mouth to protest, Sehun spoke up.

"Good thing you know! I wish I could tell the world how much I fucking hate your fucking lulu!"

"Rot in hell, you bastard," Baekhyun said and helped his friend to the couch. Sehun rolled his eyes and left. After he was done cursing the already left boy, his gaze fell on the sobbing boy.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Baekhyun asked softly and wiped the warm water off luhan's face.


"You stupid dog! I know what I think and -CHANYEOL YOU FUCKING GAINT JUST DON'T STAND THERE AND BRING A FUCKING GLASS OF WATER AND FIRST AID!" Complying with the given command, Chanyeol rushed to the kitchen.

"You should've told me. Why are you still living with such a monster? We'll go tomorrow and talk to your un-"

"NO! Please just don't-."

"ARE YOU FUCKING OUT OF YOUR MIND? Do you want to die? We're going to your uncle's place tomorrow and that's final." Baekhyun crossed his arms. Chanyeol came in with the water and handed the glass to Baekhyun. Giving him a look, Baekhyun clenched his fists.

"Don'! GIVE IT TO HIM" Startled, Chanyeol rushed to the said boy and handed the glass nervously. Luhan half-smiled as he took the glass and muttered a weak 'thank you'.

"Where is the first aid box?"

Chanyeol scratched the nape of his neck and answered,"I don't know where it is.."

Baekhyun sighed and settled next to Luhan.

"I'll stay here with you today. Tomorrow we'll leave. You need to re-"

"Baekhyun...please...I don't wanna leave...." Luhan pleaded and Baekhyun finally lost his patience. Even Chanyeol did agree with Baekhyun. He sure was Sehun's friend but he knew that how wrong he was. But who was he to judge any of them when he did not know what has actually happened?

"Just give me one good reason why you don't wanna leave this shithole and are still arguing over to be with a dog like him when he clearly said he hates you. Are you that stupid?"

Luhan stayed silent and looked at his lap. Seeing Luhan giving no response, the brunette let out an irritated howl.

"Are you fucking gonna ans-"

"Because I love him.."

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