Baby Boy// frerard//

By aestheticslut_

70.3K 2K 1.9K

Gerard had his heartbroken by his old daddy. He goes onto a website to find a new one, little did he know tha... More

Playlist !!!
😰pretty when you cry😰
😅serial killer 😅
💕brooklyn baby💕
🖤black beauty🖤
⛈dark paradise⛈
🌥sad girl🌥
✨burning desire ✨
🤕god knows I tried🤕
😏bel air 😏
🍃Blue jeans 🍃
🌷Once Upon A Dream🌷
💦Lust for life 💦
🍑You can be my daddy 🍑
☀️Radio ☀️
🌸Queen of Disaster🌸
🚔White Mustang🚔
👿Born to Die 👿
Some Announcements Yo

😏In my feelings😏

1.9K 59 43
By aestheticslut_

I actually proof read this chapter.. it's a miracle.. anyways I'm working on a new story called 'temptations' and hopefully you'll read it once I publish it

Frank's POV
Chapter 18

"Mm, daddy where are you going?" I heard Gerard say softly as I walked away from the couch. I thought I had gotten up without waking him, but I obviously thought wrong.

"I'm just going for a smoke, Gee baby. I'll be right back. Go back to sleep," I told him and Gee let out a small whine.

"Smoking is bad for you daddy," Gerard said as he sat up on the couch. He would never go back to sleep now. Not that I minded. I liked the company of Gerard.

Gerard and I cuddled after I had given him his medicine, and we fell asleep watching the land before time which is honestly a pretty great movie.

"I know it is baby, but-," I started, but of course Gerard interrupted me.

"No buts daddy!" Gerard said getting up from the couch yawning. He bounced his way over to me a latched himself to my arm. "I'd rather you be in here with me than outside with your front row seat to lung cancer."

I'm so glad Gerard is so adorable. If he wasn't I'd probably would be having some major withdraw problems right now. I can control it when I'm around Gee. Something about him makes me want to be a better person. Not that smoking makes you a bad person.. just in general.

"Okay, baby. How about we go to the mall so I can buy you something for being such a good boy for me?" I questioned. I wasn't lying either. Gerard was so good for me. He listened and minded, but also spoke his mind in the times I needed him to. He was all together just an amazing little.

"Really?!" He said excitedly, "Oh, daddy, that'd be so so great," Gerard said basically bouncing up and down around me. I smiled as I watched him. He was so excited.. I loved I was the one that could make him so happy.

"Would I lie to you baby? Now go get your shoes on and get in the car," I told Gerard. He smiled and bolted upstairs.

God I love him. He just so.. I can't even explain with words what he is to me. Love is the closest thing that comes to it, but it just isn't enough. The word isn't enough to explain Gerard.

I went outside to the car and unlocked it so Gerard would be able to get in. He got inside the car, so I could start it and let it warm up since it was a bit chilly outside. Gerard is wearing shorts and a crop top, so I don't want him to be cold or anything. And I certainly wasn't going to tell him to go change. If I told him to change I knew he would listen to me without even questioning it, but Gerard's outfit is quite.. flattering.

"Daddy I got my shoes on!" Gerard said happily and he left his house. I looked over at him and stepped out of the car. I could see he was cold.

"Good job, baby. Do you want a Jacket?" I asked stepping towards him. I wrapped my arms around my baby's waist and kissed his forehead. He nodded softly leaning towards me more.

I moved away from him to open the door to the back of the car. I pulled out one of my leather jackets. I turned around and wrapped the jacket around Gerard. He looked so cute. I'm still star struck that he is actually mine.

Gerard moved to the passenger seat of the car after he kissed my cheek. I smiled as he got in. I got in as well, and backed the car out of the drive way and then began to drive.

The drive took about 20 minutes. The whole drive there Gerard had his phone hooked up to the car, so he could play his music. He just sang and danced in his seat the whole time. He was so happy. It made me happy he was happy.

I parked my car and got out. I opened Gee's door and he giggled as he got out. "Such a gentlemen," he mumbled playfully.

I chuckled at Gerard's comment and shut his car door. I wrapped my arm around his waist. He leaned against me as we walked. Some people gave us questioning looks, but a warning glance from me put a stop to anyone who did. I didn't want anyone making my Gee Baby uncomfortable.

"Daddy?" I heard Gee question.

"Yes, baby?"

"I-I want to go to my favorite store," Gerard told me.

"Okay, what's it called?" I asked him so I could help him look for it in the giant mall.

"You aren't allowed to know, D-Daddy. And you aren't allowed to go in o-or anything," Gerard told me. I looked at him and his face was very red.

"Don't be silly baby. I'll go in with you and there isn't a need to be embarrassed.. okay?" I reassured him. He nodded, but did say anything. I let him lead the way to the store.

I didn't see the name of the store, but I would sure figure it out because damn I sure like the look of this store. I could help but smirk towards Gerard when we walked in. He buried his face in my side, "Stop it Daddy! You make me feel embarrassed," he whined.

"Mm don't be embarrassed Gee Baby, I like this store too.. get as much as you want," I said and his eyes lit up, "But say with me, understood?"

Gee nodded and pulled me around the store. The store was small and the walls were painted black. Black lights filled the room and the store was playing what you would call "stripper music". They were selling lingeries, panties, bras, and sexy outfits. Oh did I mention all the handcuffs, vibrators, butt plugs, gags, blindfolds, and etc. they were selling. I'm definitely going to be making trips here more often.

Gee first picked out a black lingerie that came with fish net thigh highs that connected to the actual lingerie by a chain. Even seeing him pick it out turned me on a bit. And then he walked over to the sex toys.

"Don't look Daddy," Gerard pleaded as he looked at all the sex toys.

"Why not?"

"I-I don't want you to know what I-I like to use."

"But, Gee, how am I suppose to please you if you don't show me what you like?" I asked cocking an eyebrow. Gerard sighed, "Don't worry, baby, I won't ever make fun of you."

Gerard smiled at that. He grabbed a vibrating butt plug off the wall that would make you look like you have a cat tail. Then he grabbed laced black cat ear headband.

"How about this, Gee?" I questioned as I grabbed a cock ring. Gerard blushed as looked down. I could tell he nodded a 'yes', but I wanted to hear him say it.

I lifted his head up so he was looking at me, "Use your words, baby."

"Yes, Daddy, get it," he said right after me telling him to use his words. I smirked.

"You're so hot, kitten " I told Gerard.

Gerard moaned loudly as he leaned into me. Damn, he must really like to be called 'kitten'. I'll remember that.

"Daddy, I-I want you to fuck me, please," Gee whined out a plead.

I didn't argue with him. I just pulled him to the check out and payed for our items.

"I'm sorry sir, but this card doesn't have enough money for all these items," the cashier told me. Huh, that's really weird. Maybe Dad forgot to send my money for my working last month. I'll call him later. I gave the lady the rest of the needed money in cash and grabbed Gee basically pulling him out of the mall. Gerard was giggling softly as he kept up with me.

We got into the car. I drove fast trying to get to the house as quick as possible. I went to Gee's house. I knew Mikey wasn't there anymore. His car was gone again when me and Gee left. I wonder why he was still at the house this morning.

I felt Gee's hand touch my knee and slowly and softly run closer and closer to my crotch, "Gee," I said in a warning tone and he pulled his hand away.

He started to push his hips into the air to get some type of friction. He brought his hand down to to his own crotch and started to palm himself. "Mm Daddy, please."

"Gerard, you better stop that right now. When we get home I have to make a call and then I'll get to you, understood?" I said in a deep and lustful voice.

"But Daddy I need you now!" He whined.

"That's 5 spankings for complaining," i told him trying to concentrate on the road instead of Gee. It was tiring out to be pretty hard.

Gee whined, "No daddy! I-I'll be a good boy," Gerard said.

"And continue to be good and I won't add on to the 5 you already you have," I told him.

"Yes, Daddy," He said obediently. I looked over at him. I could see the bump against his blue jean shorts. He was letting out little whimpers he was trying to hold back.

When we got to his house we both got out of the car. Gerard had the bag and he walked to the door of the house and opened it. He ran in and I pulled out my phone to call my dad.

"Hey, Dad," I said when he picked up.

"Hello, Frank."

"So, my credit card. I didn't get my monthly payment i don't think," I told him.

"I know. The family business seems to starting to decline in sails. We had to cut everyone's paycheck this month. I don't how we are going to do next month or the next."

"But dad- you've had the business forever. This is the only job I've ever had," I said sadly. He can't just get rid of the place! It was my whole life..

"We might to shut the place down if we can't get back on our feet," my dad explained. No way I was going to let him do that.

"You can't get rid of the place that easily Dad! After all the work we have done.. you can't just let it go," I told him.

"That might be what we have to do, son.. I have to go. Business calls. I'll try my best and I'll keep you posted," my dad said and then the line went blank. I shoved my phone in my pocket. This can't be happening..

"Hey, Daddy," I heard Gerard say as he entered the living room. I looked up to see him in the new lingerie with the fishnet thigh highs. He had the cat ears on and the vibrating butt plug ((that looked like a cat tail)) in. He threw something at me. I caught it and brought it down to look at it.

It was the remote to the butt plug. It had different speeds and pulses. Fuck, that's hot.

I smirked and pressed a button.

I didn't plan for this to turn to pre smut, but that's what happened.. do you guys want me to make a smut chapter?

Fin: April 28th 2018 9:12pm
Pub: April 30th, 2018 8:06 am ((I'm at school when I proof read this.. and my teacher looked over my shoulder.. haha kill me))

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