Redemption of the Dragon King

Door adventreader221

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It is not known by many, but the truth is that Acnologia was not always a monster. He was once a human that h... Meer

Acnologia vs Fairy Tail-The one sided fight
An Unexpected Reunion
A Family Quarrel and the Unexpected Arrivals
StoryTime, and a Chance to Change
Catching up with the fairies
Drunken Beach Night and Family Reunion
A long overdue conversion
Learning about a father's past
A chat between Sky and Apocalypse
Shocking Revelations, The Trial of Power, and The Fated Meeting
Father-Daughter Bonding Time
A Lucky Break Appears and A Romantic Evening
Day 1
Day 1 after
Day 2
Confession and Assault on Sabertooth
Day 3
Day 3 pt 2
Rage of the Dragon King
Operation: Fairy Stars
The Battle Royal Rages On, Darkness Descends
Dragon Invasion: Arrival of the Promised Time
Invasion Part II: Battle of the Slayers and the Mages
Invasion Part III: Battle of the Kings! Acnologia vs Ghidorah!
Invasion Aftermath and Nightly Confrontations
Celebrations and a Declaration of War

Let the Games Begin

1.8K 25 3
Door adventreader221

Nothing up my sleeve except that the original aurhtor decided to update their version of the story. Apparently they decided to include the actual GMG Arc unlike me as I had intended to leave it empty and say that Fairy Tail automatically won, but who cares this will be a good addition to the story for those who will read it. Now I will explain why I have chapters centered mainly on Naruto and others Wendy. My version will be when Naruto has arrived in Earthland and begins to adapt to life as a Wizard/Demon-Dragon-God Slayer. The original version will most likely always be from Wendy's POV  where she has her dark side. Anyways that is all so enjoy this chapter


Crocus, the beautiful capital city of Fiore was truly a beautiful sight to behold. It was by far the largest in the entirety of Fiore. The sheer size is something that few will ever forget. The city itself was built on the foundation of a valley with several mountains surrounding the town, giving the place a very distinct look to the other cities of Fiore. In the center of the city is the palace of the King of Fiore known as Mercurius.

Crocus is known for two huge attractions that bring people year round to the capital. The first are the beautiful flowers that adorn every street and the numerous gardens located around the city. Crocus has such a wonderful reputation for its flowers and gardens that its been given the name of the Flower Blooming Capital. The second great attraction is to the west of the city. The huge stadium known as the Domus Flau. It's here that the GMC are hosted every year to determine which guild is the number one guild in Fiore. As we take a closer look in the city, we find the members of Team Natsu having finally arrived in the capital to achieve victory in their guild.





Well that would the case if half of the team was on the ground dead tired.

"Ugh. I really don't feel confident about all this. We'll not even sure if Ultear's spell worked right." Gray remarked.

"I do feel that my magic DID increase, but my entire body still feels sore." Lucy retorted.

The only two members not on the ground were Wendy and Erza. Wendy sweatdropped and Erza shook her head in disappointment.

"Honestly have any of have any shame?" she asked.

Lucy and Gray just sweatdropped in response to that.

"How are you fine Erza?" Lucy asked.

"I bet she had second origin from the start." Gray said.

"That would make so much sense." Lucy responded.

Wendy giggled before looking around at the vast palace around her. The capital really was huge compared to Magnolia.

"This place is so big, even for a city." Wendy commented. Happy nodded.


"It's a lot bigger that the Edolas Kingdom." Carla said.

"You guys finally made it!" someone shouted.

Everyone turned to see Master Makarov with Asuka on his shoulders along with Jet, Droy, Levy, Bisca, and Allen.

"Let get on with this event already! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WE'LL SHOW THEM THE POWER OF FAIRY TAIL!"

However, some of the passerby heard the statement, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Did you hear that? Fairy Tail?!"

"Where? Them? They actually plan to participate again?"

"That weak guild that forever claims last place?"


Natsu glared at the laughing folks.

"What was that?!" He growled. Wendy also glared at the people laughing at the Fairy Tail members. If there was one thing a dragonslayer hated, it's being mocked.

"Ahaha you should just pack it in and go home."

"Yeah, pack your bags and get out of here you trouble making losers!"

"Grrrrr...why those bastards." Natsu growled as the air around him began to heat up. Wendy was also growling in silent anger as her eyes flashed red with slits.

However, both stopped their train of thoughts when they felt a hand on their shoulder. They turn to see a stern Erza looking at them. "Calm down, both of you. I understand that both of you are frustrated by their comments, but don't let them get to you." Both dragonslayers sighed as they got their anger in check. Makarov then spoke up.

"Erza's right. Let them comment and insult us all they want, but once we take the crown, no one will be putting us down. Right, Team Fairy Tail?"

Natsu, Gray, Erza, Wendy, and Lucy all smirked in confirmation.

How were these five chosen to be fairy tail's team?


(Flashback, Magnolia Town, Fairy Tail Guild.)

"WWWWWHHHHHAAAATTTT?!" Was the collective shout of Team Natsu.

"What do you mean no one has returned to the guild?!" Natsu shouted.

Makarov sighed.

"Its as I said Natsu. Laxus, Gildarts, Mirajane, and everyone else that went on a training trip have not returned, so I will have to make due with the five of you."

He looked at the five mages, gauging their reactions. Natsu and Gray looked really revved up. Erza looked slightly concern, but even she was anxious for the games. Lucy was understandably very worried. While she was not the weakest mage in the guild, she could hardly equal the raw power of the others. But, she has been through a lot during her time in fairy tail, and he believed she could handle it. However, he was slightly surprised by Wendy's reaction. She did not look scared or anxious. She looked giddy to be participating in the games.

'Hmmmm, it seems Naruto gave her a huge boost in confidence. Now the question is what did he teach her, and would it be enough for the games.' He contemplated. He guessed he will see the results during the actual games.

Meanwhile Wendy was shivering in excitement. She was worried that she may not be chosen, because of her young stature, but now she was given a chance to everyone what she's made of.

'Hell yeah! And this will be a perfect opportunity to get OUR boy toy to fall even More in LOVE with us. I can already see the steamy fun we can have in the very near future.' Dark exclaimed perversely.

Luckily, Wendy was able to hide the blush that was appearing on her face.

'Shush you! Save that pillow talk when we cross that bridge.'

'Oh don't worry I will. And when we do, all bets are off, HAHAHAHA.' Laughed Dark.

Wendy just sighed. Dealing with a perverted subconscious can have its toll on a little girls mind; thankfully no permanent damage has been yet.




..... At least she hoped so.

She looked and saw Lucy was very nervous about participating in the games. She needed to get out of that funk, or else it may affect how she does in the games.

"Lucy." Wendy called to get the blonde's attention. The Celestial Mage turned to the young dragonslayer, who gave a comforting smile.

"Don't worry too much, Lucy. Both of us have been through a lot since we joined Fairy Tail, right?"

Lucy nodded.

"All of the enemies we faced were miles beyond us and yet we survived and won. If we've gotten this far, we can get through these games as well. Just believe in yourself and your spirits."

Lucy looked shocked that Wendy of all people was giving her the pep talk, not that she wasn't grateful. It's just odd since it's usually the others that gave the pep talk. Her dad must have done one hell of a job to get her like this. Thinking about what she said, she realized she's right. Ever since she joined Fairy Tail she has been so much and nearly died so many against so many enemies. Erigor, Phantom Lord, The Tower of Heaven, The Thunder Legion/Tribe, the robotic dragonic, the Edols incident, and the disaster that was Tenrou Island. She went through hell in all of that and still managed to stay alive and help her friends survive. If they could get through all that, why would this be any different?

Lucy smiled gratefully to Wendy.

"Thank you Wendy. That means a lot." Before giving her a hug that the sky maiden happily returned. Everyone smiled at the adorable scene.

"Alright leave the mushy stuff until after the games. Then we can celebrate with all the hugs we want." Natsu said.

Everyone laughed before everyone heard the Master say,

"Although it would have been better to have Gildarts, Laxus, and Mirajane. With them victory would have been assured."

"Hey! We heard that!" Natsu and Gray shouted, while the three girls sweat-dropped.

(Flashback End)

Anyway after managing to get on their feet, the other members began to explain what the games have been like for the last seven years.

"The GMC is always a different competition every year." Alzack said

"It was sharpshooting the year I didn't participate." Bisca said.

"It was a race the year after that." Jet said.

"The games always change each year." Levi explained.

"I've read the rulebook a few times, and there are three rules that always remain consistent."

Team Fairy Tail listened on intently to the rules.

"Firstly, the guildmaster can't participate in the games."

"Aw well....." Makarov replied.

"Secondly, only mages with the guild's insignia are allowed to participate."

"That seems to be an expected rule for anyone to follow." Gray said.

"Also the events for each day will remain secret until the day of the games."

Everyone nodded at the rules. All of them seem very simple to follow. Wendy noticed that Levy had not mentioned the special rule for the games this year.

'She or the master probably want to keep it hidden so it can a big surprise for everyone.' Dark said.

Wendy mentally agreed with that assessment, since the master was one for thearatics on occasion.

"Oh!" Levy suddenly spoke, which gained everyone's attention.

"What is it Levy-chan?" Lucy asked.

"There is one more thing to mention at the very end. All participants in the games must be at their designated lodgings by midnight tonight."

"Midnight?" they all questioned.

"It's just like the Cinderella Story." Lucy said.

"We still got plenty of time!" Natsu exclaimed before grabbing Lucy and Happy.

Natsu, Lucy, and Happy then began running off.

"We've come all this way to the capital city of Fiore, we might as well hit the city and explore it while we have the chance!" Natsu screamed happily with Lucy blissfully following and Happy shouting 'Aye Sir!'.

Everyone also split off with Julia and Gray going one direction, Levy and the other members going another, Wendy and Carla going to explore in another direction, and Erza walking off to the lodge.

"Lodgings for each team...." Mumbled to herself.

"What could be the purpose of all of us being there by midnight? Will there be some type of preliminary round before the games start? Also that malevolent power, Jellal spoke of appearing each year...what could it be?"

Erza continued to contemplate all this as she arrived to her team's designated lodgings. She quickly relaxed before sitting down and reviewing the rules again with the wind reading glasses.

(One hour before midnight)

Wendy and Carla were exploring the garden around Castle Mercurius. Wendy was enthralled by the beauty by the variety of flowers around the castle. Even Dark was enjoying the sights.

Hey even a perverted subconscious can enjoy the small things in life!

"Carla this place is amazing! I can spend a month exploring the gardens and would never get old."

"I agree. I wonder what type of person the King and princess are like?" she replied.

"Me too! I wonder if he has a mustache?" Wendy asked.

"Probably." the exceed replied.

Unbeknownst to the two, they were being watched by a small black imp. It chuckled evilly before moving in on it's target.

"Wendy I think it's time we have a talk now that we are alone." Carla said with a serious tone.

Wendy gave her partner a blank stare.

"Talk about what?" She asked, knowing full well what this is about.

Carla scowled at Wendy's obvious obliviousness to her.

"I am talking about your father, Wendy!" Spitting the word father like it was venom in her mouth.

This caused Wendy to glare at her exceed with Dark grumbling in her head.

'Seriously?! She still on with this crap?! Ugh I mean dad is not a saint, but this blatant disrespect towards him, and it's starting to piss me off!' Dark snarled, getting sick and tired of Carla's attitude towards their father.

'*SIGH* I know. I am just as frustrated as you, Dark. She has been like this ever since she first met him, and has gotten even worse when we found out he was my dad. Now she's made it a mission to push his name through the mud.'

Dark soffed.

'Our 'partner' still thinks we are some weak, insecure child that is frightened of her own shadow. She needs to learn we are growing up and needs to accept that, because let me tell you if she even tries to stop our alone time with OUR boyfriend and girlfriend, the gloves are coming and I WILL put her in her place!'Dark roared in Wendy's head.

Wendy sighed, knowing her Dark half is right. Worrying about her well-being is one thing, but blatantly treating her like glass and not helping her stand for herself would only cripple her in the future. Something that could cost her life or one of her nakama. Wendy just sighed again before returning her attention to Carla.

"Look Carla if you have something to say just say it."

Carla seem to get even more annoyed.

"I want to know exactly what you did with that stranger during the three months I was away."

Wendy looked annoyed.

"First off, he has a name, Carla. So you could address him by it. Second, he isn't some stranger, he's my father."

Carla was starting to get angry.

"That man has done nothing to earn the right to be called that. What has he done for you? Visit you on occasion, make some small talk, a few gifts, and then he just leaves! We never hear from him again until he visits again! Isn't that a little suspicious."

Wendy rubbed her temples feeling a headache coming from this conversation.

"Carla, my father had a very good reason for not being there for me. And considering the alternative, this was his best solution at the time."

Carla just scoffed.

"Good reason? Is that what he told you? Then do tell, what reason could that be?"

Wendy looked back at her.

"Yes he had a good reason. I won't tell you, because I promised him I wouldn't."

Carla looked angerier.

"And do tell, how do you know he wasn't lying?"

This time Wendy looked angry and she could feel Dark was getting sick of this conversation.

"Trust me, I know that he wasn't lying since he couldn't. You need to trust me on this."

Carla was looking enraged.

"Trust?! You expect me to trust you?! Ever since we came back, you have been keeping secrets from us. He'll before you never spoke of your father! But Now?! You spend three months with him and you can't shut up about. How do we know he's not brainwashing you right to get info on Fairy Tail!"

Wendy had to sweat-dropped at that ridiculous claim.

'Besides the fact that my dad knows every secret of Fairy Tail already since he practically raised the person who founded the guild, we have nothing to offer him.'

Before she could retort she felt a drain on her magical power. Before she knew it, she was on her hands and knees panting heavily. She looked over to see Carla in the same situation, although her condition seem worse due to her smaller reserves.

"Wendy what's happening to us?!" Carla stammered out.

Wendy struggled to get the words out.


'Alright who the fuck is screwing with us?!' Dark roared in anger. Wendy was also getting angry and quickly tried to pinpoint the assailant and was shocked to feel five magic signatures. Wendy glared in the direction that the sources were hiding in.

"I know you're out there! So reveal yourselves, you cowardly bastards!"

"Wendy language! And don't antagonize the enemy!"

Wendy just gave her a look that screamed, 'Are you kidding me?' and the look was mirrored by Dark.

Before she could retort she heard some chuckling before five shadows appeared in front of her. Four were men of average height with cloaks covering their faces. The one in the middle was not concealing his identity and looked very weird. He quite tall with blue skin and long nose. He had black beady eyes that were starting impassive at her. The same imp from before was on his shoulder with a sinister grin on its face.

"Look at what we have here, boys. It's the dragonslayer girl of Fairy Tail. Look at her, she's just as cute as her pictures portray." One of the cloak men said.

"W-what do you men want?!" Carla screamed.

The men all chuckled.

"Our master wanted to give your guild a message. But y'know, it would be a shame to leave her like this. Maybe we can have some fun with her." Looking at Wendy with a lustful look that made her skin crawl.

'Oh hell no! I refuse to let any of these fucking sickos touch us! That is reserved for our man and girlfriend! Wendy let me out!'

Wendy glaredhatefully at the sickos in front of her. Her father warned her about such vile men in the world and to be prepared to fight and even kill some of these men. This made Wendy grimace mentally.

When she was learning to become a shinobi, her father warned about what it means being a ninja. They were agents of the shadows, always hiding in plain sight, and striking when the enemy was at their most vulnerable. Their jobs were not for the faint of heart, because many of their actions will cross lines that many others would not be willing to do. The biggest one being killing. Normally it was illegal for a mage to kill another mage.

However, the Magic Council have made a degree that a mage that is S-ranked is allowed to kill, however there were several protocols that had to be followed. Besides that, killing was only tolerated for non S-Rank mages if the person killed was a wanted a mage with a bounty that said killing was allowed or an actual dark guild mage. If these regulations weren't followed, the mage would be persecuted until they were captured, tried, and imprisoned.

However, killing was never a simple matter, regardless of the reasons behind. It was one of the reasons Naruto was so hesitant to teach her about being a shinobi. Because it meant he would have to teach her how to kill. The reason he was hesitant to do this was because he did not want to her into a mini him. One that lived to kill and cause misery to anyone that gets in her way for the sheer thrill and enjoyment of it. The last thing Earthland needed was another Acnologia running around.

But Wendy was a stubborn girl, that's for sure. She knew what being a shinobi meant, but she still wanted to learn about being one. Both the good and bad about it. It was tough, but she pulled through and passed her father's expectations.

But this was different. This was not training, nor a simulation. This was a real life situation with her life and purity at stake. She knew there were vile men that do what these men wanted to do on a regular basis. They were the scum of humanity that had no mercy or kindness in their hearts. Nothing would change them; there was no redemption for them. Even If they were captured and sent to prison, it would change nothing. They would just escape and harm someone that won't be as prepared as Wendy was right now.

She steel herself for what she was about to do.

Suddenly several magic seals appeared around the five goons. From the seal, five ethereal light blue knights rose from the seals, each with a sword in hand. All of them were around 10 meters in height.

(Think the knight constructs from Rwby)

'Well, well, well. Looks like pops decided to lend a helping hand. Guess he felt something was off from our crystal link.'

Wendy smirked internally. Time to use the training her father and dark taught her.

'Dark.' She muttered to her other self.

'Yeah?'She replied back.

'Get ready to give me the boost to tare these bastards limb from limb and to send their master, a message. A message of not messing with anyone from Fairy Tail, ESPECIALLY a dragonslayer!'

Dark smiled evilly.

'Oh hell yeah let's show them not to FUCK with us!'

The men were about to get into a brawl with the knights when they all felt a dark presence cover the area of the garden. This caused all of them to freeze at the dark and potent energy they were feeling.

It felt even darker than anything their own master could produce at his best!

Everyone then felt another pulse of power and felt it coming from the source of this energy. When they turn to source, they are shocked beyond belief that this power is coming from Wendy of all people. Nobody, including Carla, who was barely conscious, could believe that Wendy could produce such a vile power.

"You know..." she said in a dark tone that made a shiver crawl down everyone's spines.

"The worst thing you can do is poke a sleeping dragon." her voice got much more malevolent, scaring her audience even more.

When she looks up at them, all of them took a step back at what they looking at. Behind Wendy a dark and purple aura was forming around her. It was taking the form of some monstrous creature with nine tails flapping about. The creature's blood red eyes were glaring down at the puny ningens. Carla was looking at Wendy in fear before she finally lost consciousness.

Even the dark imp trembled in fear unable to understand what it was seeing. All the imp knew was taht it was dangerous and it reminded him too much of his True master. The Imp and its blue campion quickly disappeared in a magic circle. The others were about to do the same until they were caught by Wendy and several wind clones. All of them were glaring at them.

"Oh you don't! You don't get the right to run away after threatening to violate me! Now then let me hear you scream!" She roared as she unleashed her onslaught on the bastards.

The last thing those men saw were crimson eyes as they screamed into the night. Unknown to the group were two that watched the entire scene before disappearing.

(Thirty minutes before midnight)

Erza was glaring at her friends that barely made before midnight.

"It's almost midnight, where the hell have you idiots been?!" she exclaimed with authority.

Lucy was nervously laughing and said they had been preoccupied with some unexpected events. Natsu and Happy looked extremely angry for some reason.

Gray looked completely exhausted.

"I had to deal with an annoying situation with Juvia." he said.

Juvia had dragged him around the capital to see some of the sights. He would admit that he did enjoy spending time with her, even if she can sometimes be really crazy, especially when it involved him and another girl she saw as another 'love rival'.

However, when he saw Leon flirt with her, he felt really bothered by. He knew why, but he was still too stubborn to admit tit.

Natsu and Happy seem to get more pissed off by the question. The reason? Well during their trip around town, they met with the dragon slayers of Sabertooth, Sting and Rogue. And as expected, they did not get along at all. The two 'superior' dragonslayers claimed they were the third generation, and that even Acnologia would tremble at their power.

Natsu retorted that he felt their magical power and compared tit to Acnologia, it was nothing but a drop of water in an ocean. It would take Acnologia one sneeze to rip them to shreds, and thinking they take that dragon on was a suicide mission. This pissed the two off, but then they gave arrogant smirks and claimed that they were 'True' dragonslayers, because they killed their dragons.

This shocked and appalled Natsu that these two boasted proudly that they killed their parents. He decided to walk away and dragged Lucy and Happy away before he did something reckless. Natsu did have some last words for the two. He said when they face each other, he would show them who the real dragonslayers are. They smirked in acceptance of the challenge. And here he was still pissed off about those smug bastards.

Happy was pissed, because one of the exceed with Sting, Lector, kept insulting him and he wanted to prove that damn cat wrong.

Erza just sighed in exasperation at the antics and told them to wait for the tournament to release those frustrations.

Then the door to their room opened and in came Lisanna and Elfman. Natsu's mood did a complete 180 when he saw the youngest of the take-over trio.

"Lisanna!" he exclaimed as he rushed in and wrapped her in a big hug. Lisanna just laughed and returned the hug from her best friend and secret crush. Everyone smiled and laughed at the antics of the two, except Lucy. Lucy for some reason felt off when she saw Natsu hug Lisanna so affectionately, she felt a pit develop in her stomach, but decided to ignore it for the time being.

The take-over siblings explained they just made it back from their training trip and were pumped for the games. Everyone looked at the clock to see only fifteen minutes remain before the games start. Everyone was starting to get worried about Wendy.

"Where could Wendy be?" Erza asked.

"Could have gotten lost?" Natsu asked.

"Oh no, don't tell me she ended up with the wrong people?!" Lucy exclaimed imaging Wendy scantly clothing with black sunglasses. Gray just sweatdropped.

"Do all writers have such an overactive imagination?"

"Guys don't worry so much. I am sure she's just running late." Lisanna said.

Suddenly the door swung open and everyone turn to see the person they had been waiting for.

"Hey Wendy what took so....long....." the question died in their throat as they saw the condition that Wendy was in. Her hair was a mess with several strands falling in front of her face, her dress was in tatters with several areas with dirt, grim, etc.

But the most galring thing visible was her arms that were covered in blood with several droplets falling on her feet and dress. She cradled Carla in her arms who was unconscious, and did not seem to be stirring from whatever caused her condition.

"W-Wendy?" Lucy asked fearfully. Wendy looked up and everyone almost flinch by the cold look that she was giving them. It was almost unnatural that such a sweet girl could give such a dreadful look.

"Oi dial that glare down a bit girl! You scaring the shit out of your friends!" Dark said to Wendy. While she may not be as close as Wendy is to her friends, that doesn't mean she wants Wendy to be all alone and only have herself to talk to. That would be way too dark and depressing, even for her.

Wendy seem to snap out of whatever trance she was in and shook her head a bit. When she looked back, everyone was relieved to see Wendy back to her normal self. But that begged the question what happened to her.

"Hey everyone, sorry for scaring you." she apologized as she bowed.

"Wendy." she looked up to see Erza looking at her impassively.

"What happened to you and why are you covered in blood." Wendy froze, not wanting to give the details to her, knowing this might change how they look at her.

"Oi show some backbone and explain exactly what happened. Trust me they won't abandon you."

Wendy sighed as she prepared for the conversation that was coming.

She walked over and placed Carla in the bed before looking back at her friends.

"I was walking with Carla in the gardens around the castle when we had this huge argument."

This got everyone confused what could cause the two to have an argument. They were as close as Natsu and Happy.

"We had an argument about my father. Before you ask, the reason is because she has never trusted him. She always saw him as a worthless deadbeat that abandoned me for his selfish reasons. I never believed that and knew he had his reasons, which has always caused some friction between us."

"That doesn't explain the blood, Wendy." Natsu retorted.

"I was attacked by members of a guild in the capital."







Why was this becoming a theme with her now?

'Blame pops for giving us the gift of dropping bombshells.'

"WHHHHHAAAATTTT?!" everyone screamed.

"Yeah, when I was training with my father, he warned me that in the seven years since Fairy Tail dropped in rankings, there are several guilds that have grown to have a vendetta against us. My dad believes one of these guilds is participating to humiliate and harm everyone in Fairy Tail."

Everyone looked concerned at the news.

"What guild is that Wendy?" Lucy asked. Wendy sighed.

"My dad believes its Raven Tail." Everyone eyes widen at this.

"Raven Tail?!" they all shouted.

"But that's a dark guild!"

"They would never should their faces here!" Natsu said.

"Not anymore." Wendy responded.

"WHAT?!" they all screamed again.

"You see they became an official guild a few years ago. Why they never attacked us is up for debate. But my father believes he was hoping that the master and the rest of us would return so he can personally come after us. For what reason, I have no idea. And if my dad knew, he never made it apparent. All he did tell me was to not get near them and be very cautious of them."

Everyone looked very disturbed by this. They knew tensions were high between the master and his son, Ivan. However, they never knew why. All the master would tell them is that his actions were a danger for the guild, and he had to excommunicated. That was it! Not even Laxus would divulge any information, if he did know anything.

However, there was a rumor that the falling out between the three involves the disappearance of Laxus's mother, however it was never looked into to see if it were factual. However, no one dare mention the woman, since it was a VERY touchy subject between Laxus and Makarov. ESPECIALLY for Laxus. Last time his mother was brought up, Laxus sent to the poor bastard to the hospital for three months.

However, all this did not stop Erza from forgetting their previous question with Wendy.

"Wendy that still doesn't explain the blood" Erza said again.

Wendy sighed, mentally prepared for what she was about to day.

"I was getting to that before going off on this tangent. When we were at the garden, we felt our magic being sapped and find five goons surrounded me. They said that this was their master's way of saying hello to Fairy Tail and to give us a message. I continued to feel my magic being drained, and then..."

Everyone tense at how quiet Wendy got, which made them dread what she was about to say.

"Wendy what happened?" Lucy asked. Everyone got even more worried when Wendy began to angrily glared at the ground, shaking in rage.

"The members wanted to get a much clearer message to all of you......and wanted to have fun with me." Wendy said as spat out the last words with venom.






"WWWWHHHHAAAATTT." everyone roared in rage.

Everyone soon began to release their magic powers in tandem. Natsu was engulfed in red hot flames, the temperature around Gray dropped several degrees, Lisanna and Elfman were partially transforming due to their takeover magic, Lucy had a golden arua around, and Erza had several cracks appear below her as she released a potent amount of her magical power in a crimson aura.

All of them looked ready to go to war with whoever this master was. Damn the consequences! If they touched Wendy, blood WILL be spilled in extreme retribution. And if Raven Tail was the culprit then nothing will stop from completely destroying them! Not Laxus! Not Makarov! No one!

"Wendy did they do anything to you?" Erza asked in a cold whisper that made even Natsu and Gray shiver despite their burning rage at the moment.

Everyone released a sigh of relief when shook her head.

"I would never let those bastards touch me, and you see the result of me making them pay for that stunt they tried to pull."

Everyone nodded. While they couldn't agree with her killing, the alternative was far worse, so they understood why she killed them. Erza was conflicted on the one, Wendy killed another human being. Not just one, but several. But those men were blaming to do deplorable things to her if she did not retaliate. So could she blame her for doing what she did?

She shook her head.

No, she couldn't. If she did, she would be a hypocrite, especially the blood she spilled when escaping the Tower of Heaven. However, she would have a talk with Wendy's father about this. She walked and gave Wendy a tight hug that she gratefully returned. She looked at Wendy with soft brown eyes.

"Wendy I am not angry for what you did, I understand why you did it, but you know we will have to report this to the master."

Wendy sighed before nodded, "Yeah I know."

Before anyone could respond, they heard a huge explosion from outside, and they all went to

the window to see a man with a pumpkin head in the middle of the city.

The Grand Magic Games had begun...


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