Peace Vs Violence (Naj Fresh...

By GreenFlames09

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(COMPLETED) Fresh.. a kid that loves school but has gone through a lot and that makes him have less confidenc... More

For SANS SAKE plz read!
Chapter 1: First Day... Worst Day
Chapter 2: Stop Pretending
Chapter 3: Best Buds
Thank You
Chapter 4: Secret's
Chapter 5: Life And Lies
Chapter 6: Past Full Of Harm
Chapter 7: Drowning
Author's Note
Chapter 9: Geno's Behavior
Chapter 10: Too Close!
Author's Note
Author's Note (2)
Chapter 11: Get Ready
Chapter 12: Challenge Accepted
Chapter 13: The Fight
Chapter 14: Jealous
Chapter 15: Trust
Chapter 16: Need Him
Chapter 17: Love..?
Chapter 18: I Stopped Pretending.
Authors Note!

Chapter 8: Trouble Maker

2.1K 56 59
By GreenFlames09

Everything turned black

PJ's pov

I felt someone carrying me and placing me at the ground. I was wet... 'what happened?' i slowly open my eyes as i was coughing... water? i thought to myshelf as i look down to the water i was spinning while choking. Everything was blurry i couldnt see very well "....J? PJ!" i heared a voice coming from my back i turned around to face... "A...Alphys?..." "O-OMG YOUR O-OK!" she hugged me... I was so confused... i look at her back as she was hugging me then... I noticed something... Undyne was helding Cray as he was yelling "LET ME GO! LET ME GO RIGHT NO-" "CRAY CALM DOWN! MR. ERROR IS DOWN THERE!" "IDC I DONT TRUST HIM LET ME GO!!!" they were fighting i look at them confused and suprised "...what was that about dad?" i ask them and Alphys stopped hugging me and pulled back... She and Undyne looked at my eyes then they both shook their heads... Undyne was distracted and Cray took it as an advantage to get out of her grip "CRAY WAIT!" she yelled trying to catch him but she was far away from him... He was ready to jump at a waterfall that i just noticed but someone managed to stop him from jumping in and pushed him far away from it... I suppose someone who was working here at the zoo was the one to push him away... Wait that's right! We were at the zoo! We were looking at that beautifull waterfall untill someone fell on me!...We were!... 'We were?'... I started looking around everywere but the only thing i could see was that we were surrounted by a crowd! I look at Alphys and grab her hands making her face me "WHERE IS FRESH?!" i said with a worried expresion! Alphys looks at me in sock she was about to say something but then... We heared a loud gasp... Everyone turned around to see what it was... I saw dad... He was coming out of the waterfall "DAD?!" i yelled confused and then i saw it... He was holding him... A now collapsed Fresh...

who had stopped breathing

Error's Pov

I placed Fresh at the floor as i saw my son's worried and socked expresion who was facing Fresh... I wanted to go and comfort him but i didnt have time for that! Fresh had stopped breathing... Damn it! What should i do?! i was panicking on my own as i yelled "DOES ANYONE KNOW CPR?!" no one awnser's... Damn it! I can't believe im going to do that to my own student but! I gasp air ready to give Fresh CPR "WAI-" PJ yelled at me but was cut off by... FRESH! He started spilling out all the water he drunk! i sight of relief!... God.. he had drank soo much water... PJ rushed at him ready to speak up but suddenly stoped... I look down to see why he stopped as i saw...


...Fresh was coughting blood...

Fresh's Pov

I was spilling out water mixed with blood... It was probably since i used magic...I had my eyes shut because of the pain... As i was done spilling out almost whatever i had eaten today, i slowly open my eyes to face a frozen PJ... seriously how do i allways manage to get in situations like this? i guess im a trouble maker hah?... I look around everyone was surrounding us... i sight but failed and thew a little bit more blood... Now it was dripping down my chin... i look at PJ who was on his knees looking at me terrified "P-PJ!" I saw Mr. Error running at him kneeing down and hugged him... More like covering his eyes... ? why is that though? I was about to aproach them when i felt someone hugging me! They were so quick i didnt notice them coming up to me... I look down to see... Cray he was... Crying... "H-Hey b-bro! Im fine you can stop now!..." he kept silence " Fresh...Im leaving today you know... so *sniff* PLZ! Dont... *sniff* dont get in trouble like that when im not here... *hic* plz?..." I felt so much guilt in me...I hugged him back "...sorry..." he hugged more tight... Then he pulled back and said " *sniff* Fres-" "FRESH!!!" Undyne and Alphys cut him off as they both jumped on us and started hugging us making us both 'yelp' in suprise! Well they ment to hug me but Cray got dragged in and somehow was choking because he couldnt breath! So was i! "H-HEY! GuuUYS! We- c-CAnT breATH!" i said trying to breath! They both pulled back... Alphys was Crying..."G-Guys i..." Undyne gave me a strong punch "HEY!" Cray shout at her and i look at her... "Dont you EVER!... *sniff* Do that again... GOT IT?!" i gulped " y-YES!" she hugged me and i whispered at her... "...sorry...." I look at Mr. Error who was hugging PJ to calm him down.. " He is scared of blood..." said Undyne "W-wha..." i look at her then back at him... I wipe the blood that was still spilling down my chin... i get up and walk to Mr. Error and PJ who had stopped hugging and had calmed down... I hug PJ and made him flinch, then i whisper at him " sorry.." he calmed down and huged me as we were both soaked " are dead after this..." he said and made me flinch i gulped and broke the hug " thats the thanks for saving your life?" i said and looked at him with a frightend yet confused expression... " I hate you...!" he said and gave me a huge smile, i smile back! Then Mr. Error hugged both of us (wow a lot of hugs today) and said "you two are in some serious trouble when we go home!" he said and gave us a innocent smile, we both started sweating! We goted up and the people who were working in the zoo were trying to push away all the people who were surrounding us. We were walking at the car, me and PJ had our hands around the others shoulder so we wont fell down as we walked "Fresh would you like to came at and sleep at our house?" Asked Mr. Error "N-No i cant! After all that trouble i made you go through! Especialy you Mr. Error you saved my life! I Thank you so much for that but... Seriously i cant effort to cause you more trouble!" I said ashamed of the trouble i had causted " No you should probably go..." said Cray "why?" I ask him confused "well im moving out soo you wont be able to go to your room since the hole hallway is gonna be full with boxes! And you probably shouldnt be waiting for long! You should take care of your self!" He said a little mad but more worried... I turn to face PJ to ask him if he was ok with it but i noticed him staring at me...? "Hey PJ you ok with me caming at your house?" I said and turned a little bit my head to my shoulder with a conserned look. He seemed to snapped out of his thoughts and started talking "Y-Yes! Ofc!" He said while... sweating?... Nah his probably just still soaked from the waterfall.

PJ's Pov

I was deep in thoughts thinking... that Fresh's hoodie was wet and you could see right through... i could see his ribs! I quickly shook my head away... I kinda thought about it... theres no way someone can fall in love with someone in one week... I was just brobably overthinking thing's theres no way i have a crush on Fresh, Although he did... save my life... No- he just did it because he cares about me as a friend! I probably just had the need to... do some things maybe... UGH what am i saying?! I never was the type of person to do 'things' just for fun! Puberty? Puberty. His my friend....nothing more..."Hey PJ you ok with me caming to your house?" Said Fresh i turn around to face him...But i noticed his eyepach was wet too and i could see right through... i could see his eyes... They were both so... beautiful... UGH PJ can you make up your F*CKING MIND?! i was deep in thoughts once again. Then i noticed i had been staring at him this HOLE time! "Y-Yes! Ofc!" I said sweating! Though he somehow seem to buy it! I sight of relief...We got in the car. Cray got the bus and we left Undyne and Alphys at Undynes house! I hope they will have 'fun', I giggle and sight...

No one's Pov

'Its been only one week and yet... so many things have happened...' PJ and Fresh thought while looking out of the window... ' I cant wait for tommorow!' They both said and smiled brightly!

Time had passed and there was twillight outside. After some time they finnaly goted to PJ's house

Fresh's Pov

"Its HUGE!" I said outloud by accident "Is it the first time you go to a house this big?" PJ asked me confused "w-well yeah... You know i didnt really have the chance to go out when i was little..." PJ froze when he heared that and looked at his feet with sadness in his eyes... "But hey! Its nice to see new things!" I said and gave him a warm smile! He smiles back and i noticed he was blushing? "Are you hot?" I ask him "H-Hah?!" He said confused and suprised his blush getting bigger! "I just thought you kinda look red! You didnt cought a cold did you?" "A-Ah! N-No! Im fine!" He said and he shook his head... His still red.. i hope his okay! Dont wont him to catch a cold... Am i overthinking this? W-Well i mean he IS my friend but.. sight... i was deep in thoughts and didnt noticed we made it at the door! I was anxious! I know Mr. Ink but... If im not wrong they are a big family! 3 kids huh? I hope i can make a good first impression! I was deep in thoughts as someone open the door and made me shiver! I look to who open the door... It was a kid i didnt recognize... no wait somehow he seemed familiar... maybe ive seen him in school? It was a kid probably some years older... He was wearing a red scarf and a white jacket "Hey Dad! Hey P-WTF WHY ARE YOU WET?!" he said and panicked as Mr. Ink came to the door "hey hon-OMG Let me bring a towel!" Then he looked at me "or... maybe two" he smiled and left to the bathroom i suppose... i was behind PJ... So they didnt see me at first! But then the kid that opened the door noticed me too and i came out of... well my 'hiding spot' and face the kid... PJ said he had two brothers... was that Geno or Cil? I was staring at him and so did he... I snapped out of it "s-sorry!" I said trying not to make this awkward... We were still at the door... But he was still staring at me... I pull out my hand at him and said "M-My name is Fresh!" He was still staring at me... His eyes wide open... Maybe because i was wet? He then snapped out of it "S-SORRY! I-Im Geno..." he shook my hand. So his Geno huh?... "That's a nice name!" I said and gave him a wide smile! He pull his hand back and covered his eyes with his hands...? He seemed... Mad? No-... sad? Idk... he wonted to hide his face that was obvious but... why? "Are you oka-" Mr. Ink cut me off and said "wipe your head properly!" He trew one towel to PJ and the other on my head and he started to shook it to wipe the water of my head. Geno left... And I started getting dizzy! I started making some weird sounds ' !#&?* ' and everything started spinning by Mr. Ink's shaking "D-Dad! Stop! Your making him dizzy!" Said PJ who was embarrassed from his father's behavior! Mr. Ink Flinched and Let go of me from what PJ said 'dad' it seemed to make him really happy... He tried to hide his smile but failled miserably. I giggle "C-Come in!" Said a now embarrassed Ink and we went in. It was so beautiful! The house was so big! Are they rich? No way! PJ is a rich kid?! I started laughing at the image of PJ dressed in a tie! He would look HILARIOUS! PJ hit the back of my head. Not so strong probably on purpose so i wont feel pain. I turn behind me "why are you laughing?!" He whispered at me "pff* nothing just *pant* i just!... Remembered something!" He glared at me while i was covering my mouth to block my laugh! "HEY BAG OF BONES!" someone yelled at PJ that made me laugh even harder! I look up to see who it was and i saw a boy ranning down the stairs! He had pink hair that were covering one of his eyes, kinda like Undyne... wai-OH N- the boy tripped and fall on me! What is it this weekend with falling down the stairs?! Cray, Me now this?! Is it a daily think or what? We fall down and he was on top of me "ow..." i said and looked at him... after some seconds we realised that we were in a really awkward and weird possition and we both became a blushing mess "s-s-sorry!!" He said and tried to get off me but PJ grabbed him from the back of his collar first... He looked kinda really REALLY pissed... The Boy that was now straggling i suppose was Cil? "A-Ah em PJ!" I said at him and he looked at me confused "you are straggling him..." i said and he looked at Cil who was ready to faint! He let go of him And Cil started Gasping for air. He looked at me and said "s-sorry for that" he was probably talking about falling on me "oh! Its ok!" I said and he offered me a hand to get up! I gladly take it! And once i was up he shook his hand and said "My name is Cil! Nice meeting ya!" "My name is Fresh!" He looked at me suprised "YOU ARE FRESH?!" he asked... well more like yelled "y-yeah.." i said a little confused "haha! Your the guy that PJ is allways talking about! He said that the first day he was ready to punch you and-" Cil was cut off by PJ who covered his mouth and they head to the stairs. I heared PJ whisper at him "you are SO dead!" I giggle! His talking about me huh? I wonder what he is saying about me! I look around the house... I started walking and looking around trying to memmorize the place and not get lost. I walked in a HUGE library and saw Geno and head towards him "Hey Gen-" He turned around quickly and he...
Pushed me away making me hit my back on the library... then he yelled



(Hey guys! Just wonted to say that i will stop drawing in this story! I thought about it and realized that you guys need to put your own imagination in this to enjoy it! Soo i will stop drawing in it but im going to be uploading little comics for ya! Thats all! Thanks for reading! See ya!)

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