Letters ➸ Michael Clifford

By hxxdwinked

31.7K 1.3K 349

In which two people meet over a misdirected letter. More

Half a Suit
Lasagne and The Second Letter
Band Practice
Kisses and Dance Parties.
The Dark Haired Boy
Jailhouse Rock and Jealousy
Life Stories
Fiesta's Bring Us Together
Party, Part 2?
Eggs are Sluts
Ginger Jesus
Burger Barn
It was a peck
Only 2 Weeks
Vaginal Excretor
That was new.
Let's Rock

Death Ball

1.3K 58 19
By hxxdwinked

The couch in Ashton’s garage smelt like pizza and Lynx but I sat on it anyway. Ash and Cal were sitting on the rug that was on the ground and were playing video games. Luke was sitting next to me, my legs in his lap. “OH C’MON THAT DOESN’T COUNT!” Cal yelled.

“It does to! I shot you and you died!” Ash retorted.

“C’mon! Let’s play FIFA now!” Calum pouted.

“No, I don’t like FIFA…” Ash knew how much Calum liked soccer.

“Who doesn’t like FIFA?” Luke asked.

“Judges harder.” I butted in.

With a sigh, Ashton gave up and put the FIFA disc in.

“How are you doing, you know, after last night?” Cal asked me while the game loaded on the screen.

I swallowed hard, my heart thumped harder than ever. Did they tell Luke?

 “Fine.” I replied and tried my hardest to give a convincing smile.

“What happened last night?” Luke asked.

“Lil got-“ Ashton started.

“-into a fight with Hudson! Just verbal, nothing to worry about. Yeah, he came home for once with a bunch of mates and some alcohol. Then more people came and it was hell.” I finished, trying to sound as casual as I could.

“Dammit, I miss one day! Sorry I couldn’t be there to help shut it down. I had to go out for dinner.” Luke said with a sigh.

“Lucky Ash and I were walking past.” Calum smiled.

*    *    *    *

Monday mornings are always hell, but there are always those Mondays that are worse than others. Today was that sort of Monday: the day where you want to shoot everyone around you and sleep for 3 decades. But sadly, murder was illegal and I think it’s impossible to sleep for 30 years... unless you've been like in a coma or something.

I got dressed into my school uniform, yes the private school kind, and walked into the kitchen. The house was cleaner that I expected it to be; Hudson was nowhere to be seen.Typical. I poured some cereal and scrolled through my twitter feed. 

It wasn’t long after I brushed my teeth that there was a knock at the door. Putting my laptop into my school bag, I ran to open the door. Luke stood there, biting his pierced lip, his blonde hair tamed into a quiff with hair gel for school.

“Your ride awaits!” He smiled.

“Thank God! I didn’t want to walk!” I smiled and took the arm Luke was holding out for me.

“Hiya, Lil!” Ashton smiled from the drivers seat.

“HEYYYY!!” Calum said with a chuckle from the front seat.

I sat in the seat behind Cal while Luke sat behind Ashton. Ash’s car smelt just like his couch, pizza and lynx. But I guess that’s what all boys’ cars smell like… well atleast I think so. 

“Dammit! I have an Italian Test to do today.” Ashton muttered when we were almost at school.

“I have an economics test today as well… I guess we’ve had so much band practice we haven’t had time to study.” Calum pouted.

“You guys know that when I said ‘become an actual band’ I didn’t mean ‘have band practice everyday’, right?” I pointed out.

“We know, it’s just that we’ve been writing a bunch of songs and stuff…” Luke replied.

“Well, Mr Irwin, I suggest that you read the entire English to Italian dictionary today in your free period.” I smiled.

“And you, Mr Hood, study.” I said simply.

“Well, geez thanks.” Cal said sarcastically.

*   *    *    *

Phys Ed is torture. And when I say ‘torture’ I mean it. It’s hell to change out of the school stockings and into the sports uniform. It’s impossible to look half decent in it. With the shorts that are wayyy to short to be legal and the t-shirts as so tight they basically cling to my skin… it’s hard to not look like I want to be banged like a screen door in a hurricane. I swear Mr Dolt, our principal, just likes to check us out. That's probably why some kids call him Principal Pedo.

Boys are also in our sport class; we have one of those gender-mixed classes. Luke and Cal are in my sport class and so are Harry and his friend Louis. Harry has changed so much since our Year 10 Dance. He has gotten taller and tanner, his voice has deepened dramatically and his curls have gotten straighter. Don’t get me wrong, he still has curls (plenty of them), but it just doesn’t look like he has a perm anymore. I have to admit, I think he is attractive, but so does every other girl in the school.  I have a boyfriend and I think Luke is a lot cuter and better looking. Louis isn’t half bad either, but he has a girlfriend.

 “Hey Harry!” I smiled when I finished getting changed.

“Luke isn’t around is he?” Harry joked.

“Nah, its cool!” I laughed.

“I heard Mr Blu isn’t here, we might have a relief for sport!” Harry smiled. Mr Blu was a cool guy and all, but having a break from him would be bliss.

“That’s awesome! I didn’t want to do cross country training AGAIN!” I sighed.

“Hehe, yeah I don’t know why we can’t do dodge…” Harry pondered in his English accent.

“No! Don’t jinx it!  I don’t want to play dodge.” I pouted.

“Well, we will see then. Depends on what teacher we have.” Harry winked and left to join with Louis.

I walked into the indoor courts that we had in our sports centre. Luke was there, talking to Niall, a new kid from Ireland.

“Hey, baby.” Luke said and pecked me on the lips.

“Hey, Lil.” Niall greeted. When Niall came to this school a few weeks ago I forced him to call me Lil not Kalila. I don’t know why, but I’ve never really liked to be called by my full name. I guess it was because dad used to call me by my full name and we all know my strong hatred for my father.

“Hey, Neil.” I joked. Niall just laughed.

We all fell silent when the teacher walked in. She was very small and young, she looked around 20-25.

“Ok! Mr Blu sent me a note telling me to make you do 2 laps of the cross country-“ the entire class groaned. “-But! But, I’m not going to be so mean and make you do that! Instead we are going to play my favourite game in the world.” A wide, wicked grin spread across the reliefs face. “DODGE!”

I rolled my eyes and looked over a Harry. His eyes met mine and a grin, that matched the reliefs face, took over his handsom face.

“Stop looking at him.” Luke said. *cough* Jealous *cough*.

“We are just friends.” I replied and put emphasis on friends.

“That’s what you say about every guy you talk to.” Luke replied.

“I talk to you, you’re not just my friend.” I shrugged.

“That’s not… gah.” He gave up and I smiled, as wickedly as the reliefs and Harry’s.

*    *    *    *

I stood on my side of the court with my team. The team consisted of: Me, Luke, Niall, Kia (My friend) and 3 other people. While the other team on the other side of the court consisted of Harry, Louis, Calum, Lydia, and another 3 people. All the balls were in the middle of the court; it was our job to pick them up and chuck them at the other team… well you know the rules. (If you don't... where have you been?)

The whistle blew and I did the thing that only the smart girls would do, run for cover. I ran to one of the thick gym mattress-mat-thingies that was on its side. We put these here as a shield and barrier, and to protect the girls. “C’mon, wuss, play for once!” Luke laughed.

I stood up, still hunched over and ran for one of the balls on the floor near me. I picked it up and threw it. The ball flailed around and landed on the other side of the court, nowhere near anyone on the opposing team. “Good, good. Now aim this time.” Luke said with a wink as he tried to hit Calum. I whacked him weakly in the arm and picked up another ball.

It was truly a battlefield. Balls were flying everywhere, boys were raging and girls were shrieking. Only a few people got out, but they came back in again when they caught a ball from the back of the court. Luke threw the ball at Calum who got hit in the head. He was too busy staring at Lydia to notice. “GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME!” Luke shouted and starting singing High School Musical.

“OI, Bolton!” Louis yelled at Luke before throwing a dodge ball at him. Luckily Luke dodged it, but only by a few centimetres.

I ran up close to the mid line to get a ball. “I’ll go easy on you.” Harry said with a wink.

“I’m perfectly capable without your help.” I smiled.

“So, you want me to throw this at you?” Harry smiled.

“no-no. I’m good. You know what? I’d like you to go easy on me.” I faked smiled.

Harry just chuckled and threw the ball at Niall, getting him out.

“DEATH BALL!” Some kid on Harry’s team shrieked.

Dammit, I hate that thing. The ‘Death Ball’ is a basketball that is so hard, someone got their leg broken by it. People use it in dodge and man it leaves bruises like crazy. I don’t know how teachers allow this to go on, but I looked and saw that the relief teacher was texting on her phone, she must not be aware of what’s happening. Typical.

Harry somehow got in possession of the Death Ball. “See?You're lucky that I’m going easy on you.” Harry winked and pelted the ball at a boy in my team.

Luckily the kid only got hit in the arm, he left the court, rubbing his arm. Luke picked up the Death Ball and tried to hit Harry with it, but he missed.

 The game went on for another 15 minutes after the Death Ball was announced. It was only Luke and I on my team and Louis and Harry on the other. Harry was in possession of the Death Ball while I had a soft ball. Harry had a ball too, while Louis was weapon less.

 We were all eyeing each other. Louis and I were staring at each other, we occasionally looked at the other competitors. Louis and I knew that we had to face each other down; Harry and Luke were going to have themselves a showdown. I ran up to the front of the court, near the midpoint and tossed the ball at Louis. He was looking at Luke when I threw the ball so he was caught off guard. The ball landed straight in Louis’ stomach. “Well played.” He said as he clutched his stomach.

Harry gave me a wink and looked back at Luke. Harry, stupidly, threw his ball at Luke. Luke easily dodged it without breaking eye contact with Harry.

Harry, now powerless, stood there looking defeated. Luke ran up and ditched the Death Ball at Harry. It hit him in the gut. The blow of the Death Ball sent Harry to the ground.

Luke picked up the Death Ball again and threw it at Harry for a second time. Some kids on my team were cheering on the sidelines while others stood there, picking up their sports bag to get changed.

Luke picked up the ball for a third time and ditched it at Harry.

“Stop!” I yelled. But Luke didn’t, instead he pelted Harry for a fourth time, this time the blow hit him at the back of Harry’s neck. A yelp of pain escaped Harry’s lips. “STOP!” I called yet again.  Luke went to throw the ball again.

“LUCAS! STOP IT! STOP HURTING HIM!” I yelled. Luke stopped, the ball raised over his head. I kneeled next to Harry.

“Are you ok?” I asked him.

“Y-yeah.” Harry stuttering.

“Lydia!” I called.

Lydia stopped talking to Calum and ran over to me.

“Can you please take Harry to sick bay? Maybe get someone to look at him.” I ordered.

“Yep!” She smiled and helped Harry up.

“OK guys!” The relief said, “That’s enough drama and injuries for today! Please go get changed.”

Everyone left, leaving just Luke and I. By now the Death Ball was on the floor.

“What the fuck, Luke? What was all that about?” I yelled, “Why do you hate him so much?”

“Oh, come on! He is flirts with you all the time! It's about time he got what was coming to him!” Luke grumbled

“Its called being friendly and nice!” I replied. “We both know this is deeper than him just being nice to me.”

“OK, you know what? Fine. I’m sick of you talking and being nice to such a dick! And am I jealous? Sorta, yeah. But I just don’t want you to talk to him!” Luke yelled.

“He is not a dick! He is a nice guy. You can’t control me! I can talk to whoever I want!” I yelled.

“He is too a dick! He is just wearing a mask to charm you over! You know how he was during primary school in Year 6? He was mean and nasty to me almost everyday of the week, making fun of me because of having a crush on you. He was mean to me because he also had a crush on you too! He used to be so mean and so damn harsh that I lashed out! I beat him up and he shut up. Since then he never made a move on you, he never made fun of me, he shut his mouth and kept quiet. So every now and then I have to show Harry that he can’t have you and he should stay quiet!” Luke yelled.

I stood there, stunned. Harry used to like me? Was he really that mean to Harry?  Was Harry that mean to him?

“So this is just a stupid thing you do to keep him in line? To show him whose boss? Luke Hemmings, YOU are the biggest dick I’ve ever met.” I said, I spun on my heel and stormed off. 


This chapter is better... just :P 

Yeah I know, I didn't want Luke to be a dick either... It just happened.

Bye xx :D

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