The Jeweled Spider (RWBY - Sp...

By NiceGameEh

178K 1.8K 2.5K

What happens when team RWBY of Beacon Academy is sent to deal with Roman Torchwic and finds it already taken... More

A/N Start of Something New
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
A New Job
Two Sides, Same Coin Part 1
Two Sides, Same Coin Part 2
Two Sides, Same Coin Part 3 (Venom Arc Finale)
Final Notice - Voting
Awkward Explanations
A/N Decisions
The Black Cat
Family Problems
Sorry A/N Note
1K Read Special!
Greed and Pride
Wrath and Vain
The Doctor
The Demonstration Disaster
Doc Ock
A Fight With An Octopus
The Vytal Tournament
A Hero Falls
Happy Halloween!

The Goblin

2.6K 38 41
By NiceGameEh

A/N: Hey guys! So after the regularly long-ass wait, we're back again! This time, we get an intro to Goblin and then back into some stuff with Blake.

Yami:  After that, the fall of Beacon and the story ends!

A/N: Until the sequel, yes. But that might be a while since I have like 6 stories prepped for after this story and a few others are done.

Yami: Well, yeah... but then sequel!

A/N: Yup! Enjoy!


After I swung away from team JNPR, I found myself at team RWBY's dorm window. I perched myself on the wall next to it as I knocked. I heard someone walk over and open the blinds. However, the person who opened the blinds was not anyone from team RWBY. Instead, it was Goodwitch who opened them. I noticed she and Ozpin were both in the room with team RWBY. Goodwitch cautiously opened the window as I wondered if I should bail.

Goodwitch: Spider-Man?

Y/N: Uhhh... hey?

Ozpin: Ah, the Spider-Man. A pleasure to meet you.

Y/N: Am I... interrupting something?

Goodwitch: Why are you here?

Y/N: Uh... friendly visit? Anyways, I can see you're busy so I'll just go...

I leaped off the wall and fell before shooting a web and swinging away.

3rd Person POV

As Y/N swung off, team RWBY was left with Ozpin and Glynda. The two professors looked at RWBY expectantly.

Ozpin: Would you girls happen to know why Spider-Man was here?

Ruby: Well...

Yang: We might have... uh...

Blake: We met him in town while fighting someone.

Ozpin: Is that so?

Weiss: Yes sir.

Ozpin: Well then, I think that should be enough for tonight. Get some rest and enjoy the weekend.

Ruby: Yes professor!

Ozpin and Glynda left the room and the girls all sighed in relief as they heard more knocking at the window. Blake walked over and opened the window again, leaving Y/N to swing in. He landed on the ceiling, leaving the girls to look up at him. 

Y/N: Sup?

Blake: You have a knack for bad timing...

Y/N: Yeah, seems like it.

Weiss: Say, Y/N.

Y/N: Yeah Weiss?

Weiss: Could you explain this Spider-Man thing to us now?

Y/N: Explain it?

Ruby: Yeah! Why do you stick to walls? How do you shoot webs? Where'd you get that suit? Can I have one?

Yang: Ruby, slow down.

Ruby: Hehe, sorry.

Y/N: Well, there's not much to tell. I went to a lab for a field trip, got bit by a genetically enhanced spider, and went and made a suit. now I stick bad guys to posts and leave friendly little letters.

Blake: There must be more to it than that.

Y/N: I left some details out. Nothing big.

Y/N was glad he was still wearing the mask. He couldn't look Blake in the eyes after he lied. He dropped down from the ceiling before pulling his mask off.

Y/N: Now, I guess I should explain Venom, huh?

RWY: Venom?

Y/N: Remember the fight with that guy in town the other day?

Ruby: Yeah?

Y/N: Remember the giant, Purple thing that smashed him through a building?

Ruby: Oh, right. I remember that.

Y/N: And what about when I got super violent?

Yang: Kinda hard to forget.

Y/N: That's Venom.

Y/N formed the symbiote over him, keeping it in basic form but showing the more gruesome teeth and tongue. The girls slightly backed away as Y/N spoke in his Venom voice.

Y/N: Does thisss sound familiar?

Blake: Still gives me chills...

Y/N: Ssssorry.

Y/N took off the symbiote suit and pulled his mask back on before getting onto the window frame.

Y/N: I know you're probably not too happy I kept this from you, but I have my reasons. You'll understand soon.

With that, Y/N leaped out the window and swung off. The girls looked at each other before Yang looked at Blake.

Yang: So, are you two a thing or what?

Blake blushed and quickly looked at Yang, waving her hands and shaking her head.

Blake: N-No! W-We're not a thing!

Yang: I don't know, you seem pretty into him~

Blake: I said-

Yang: I know, I know. But still... do you like him?

Blake stuttered, trying to find an answer as a blush spread across her face.

Yang: I'll take that as a yes.

Blake: Ok, so I like him! There, I said it!

Ruby: Wait, you like him!?

Blake: Y-Yeah! What, is that a bad thing?

Weiss: No, it's just that... well, I didn't expect you'd open up to Y/N. Or anyone for that matter.

Blake: Well, actually...

Yang had a shocked look on her face.

Yang: You haven't told him!?

Blake: N-No...

Yang: Well, have you tried to tell him?

Blake: I haven't...

Yang: Really!?

Blake: But...

The girls looked at Blake expectantly. She looked down and blushed as the others got closer.

Blake: We have almost... k-kissed...

Yang suddenly got up into Blake's face and started asking when they'd almost kissed and why they hadn't. Meanwhile, with Y/N, he was in the VNN office talking with an older man about the green guy. While the fight on the bullhead had been unexpected, Y/N was still a photographer and had pictures from the encounter. He was now talking with someone about getting his pictures in the paper again for another article on Spider-Man. This old man was named Jameson, or J.J as some people close to him called him. One difference between some people and J.J however, was his dislike and distrust of Spider-Man.

Y/N: For the last time Jameson, Spider-Man wasn't attacking that Bullhead, he was trying to save it, that's slander.

J.J: It is not, I resent that! Slander is spoken. In print it's libel.

Y/N: You don't trust anybody, that's your problem.

J.J: I trust my barber. What are you, his lawyer? Get outta here! Let him sue me, get rich like a normal person.

As Jameson continued talking, he threw his cigar out the window, only to stop talking when it landed on his desk in front of him. After a brief moment of silence, the window behind him exploded. And from the window came the Green Goblin, as J.J had called him.

Goblin: Jameson you slime! Who's the photographer who takes the pictures of Spider-Man!?

J.J: I don't know who he is, his stuff comes in the mail!

Goblin: You're lying!

J.J: I swear!

Goblin: He's the one who can bring me to him!

J.J: I don't know who he is!

Goblin: You are useless!

Before Goblin could hit Jameson, Y/N showed himself behind him, announcing his presence.

Y/N: Set him down, tough guy.

Goblin dropped Jameson and turned around, looking at Spidey.

Goblin: Speak of the devil!

J.J: Spider-Man! I knew you two were in this together! I-

Jameson was shut up by Y/N webbing his mouth shut.

Y/N: Hey kiddo, let mom and dad talk for a minute will ya?

Goblin then hit Y/N with a sleeping gas, causing him to quickly pass out and fall to the ground below. Goblin flew down and caught him, taking Y/N to the roof of a building in downtown Vale. After a while, it was dark and Y/N was finally waking up, still hazy from the gas.

Goblin: Wake up little spider. Wake up. No, you're not dead, yet. Just paralyzed, temporarily.

Once Y/N regained his full sight and hearing, he saw the Goblin in front of him.

Goblin: You're an amazing creature Spider-Man. You and I are not so different.

Y/N: I'm not like you... You're a murderer.

Goblin: Well, to each his own. I chose my path you chose the way of the hero. And they found you amusing for a while, the people of this city. But the one thing they love more than a hero... is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying. In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually, they will hate you. Why bother?

Y/N: Because it's right.

Goblin: Here's the real truth. There are 8 billion people in this city. And those teeming masses exist for the sole purpose, of lifting the few, exceptional people onto their shoulders. You, me, we're exceptional. I could squash you like a bug right now! But I'm offering you a choice. Join me, imagine what we could accomplish together. What we could create... or we could destroy! Cause the deaths of countless innocents in selfish battle again and again and again until we're both dead! Is that, what you want?

Goblin hopped on his glider and shouted before taking off.

Goblin: Think about it, hero!

A/N: Hey guys! So now, Goblin is in the picture, officially! Also, had to improvise a few spots. Like the 8 billion people. There's no real population of the city of Vale, but I just threw a number out there that sounded ok. And I don't think it's too bad.

Yami: Also, Jameson is in now! Well, won't matter really cause he won't show up again. Just a cool cameo. Since the story is almost over and all.

A/N: Yeah, I might cheekily skip most of the festival since it's kinda forgettable, and go right to the Penny and Pyhrra 'fight'. Then, end of story! And I can put more focus on my other projects! Yay!

Yami: RIght, so now there's just one question that may or may not be serious. It's kinda Web of Shadows like. Would you like to team up with Goblin? If you do, it'll change the ending, but if you don't, you get to go to mistral!

A/N: Right, and that'll be in the sequel, but do be warned, I won't actually team you up with Goblin, but I'll make an alternate ending where you do. Until then, I'll try and make some stuff for my other stories! Signing off!

- Iain

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