idfc /// reggie mantle

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"tell me pretty lies look me in the face tell me that you love me ... Mer

Alternate Ending


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"Welcome, to Carrie The Musical." Kevin says as we all sit down. Fangs pulls up a chair next to Toni and I. "Okay. Next, introductions."

"I'm Archie, I'm playing Tommy Ross, the boy next door." Archie says as we start to go around the circle.

"I'm Betty, I play Sue Snell, the good girl." She says.

"Veronica Lodge, playing mean girl Chris Hargensen." She says with a smile.

Cheryl stands up, commanding everyone's attention. "I'm Cheryl Blossom, playing the iconic role of Carrie White."

Someone coughs "Tone deaf" under their breath, I look around to see who it was. Every since Cheryl got back I've been ready to fight anyone who even looks at her slightly funny.

"Who's playing your mom, Margaret White?" Ethel asks.

"I will." Mrs.Cooper walks in from the side stage door.

"Mom?" Betty asks.

"Wait, seriously?" Ethel asks Kevin.

"Settle down. Yes, it's untraditional but to me, there is nothing more amateur than age-inappropriate casting." Kevin says.

"I'm really looking forward to getting to know this woman, you know, get under her skin. And of course, to spend some quality time with my daughter, Elizabeth." Mrs.Cooper says.

"Sorry," Everyone turns to see Chuck Clayton walking on stage, "I thought rehearsal was in the music room."

"No problem. All are welcome here." Kevin says to us in a waring voice.

I look over to Betty and Veronica and we're all sharing the same look.

Kevin lets us take a quick water break before we start rehearsing. So I take this as an opportunity to go over the songs. I'm just apart of the ensemble so I don't have any lines.

Someone sits down in the empty seat next to me and clears their throat.

"What do you want, Chuck?" I say not bringing my eyes up from the script.

"Okay, you're still mad." He says cautiously.

I snap my head up to look at him, "You think so? Why would I be mad at the guy that put me in a misogynistic playbook and then outed me in front of the whole school?"

"Look, I want to apologize, I shouldn't have said that. That was for you to tell not me. I'm really sorry, Beverly." He says. I can hear the genuineness in his voice but I'm reluctant to believe him.

"Thank you, Chuck, and I forgive for the playbook but it's gonna take a little more time for the other wound to heal." I say.

He nods, "Okay. I understand."


"Act one, scene one." Kevin intructs us.

"Actually," Cheryl stands up from her seat and throws her script down, "Before we begin, I've heard whisperings that some of you ensemble-vultures don't think I'm fit to play or sing the role of Carrie White. So to settle this once and for all - Maestro?" She says and snaps her fingers.

"Uh, Cheryl-"

"That's not my name!" Cheryl sings, cutting Kevin off. "I'd hear that word Sounding so sweet Thousands of voices forever repeating Carrie, Carrie, Carrie I am the sound of distant thunder That color, a flame! I'm Carrie! I am a song of endless wonder That no one will claim But someday Oh, my, someday! Someone will know My name!"

Toni and I stand and start to clap when she finishes. Everyone starts to clap soon after us.

"Wow, I think I speak for everyone when I say that was undeniable, Cheryl." Kevin says.

Cheryl starts to walk back to her seat when suddenly a sand bag drops and nearly hit her. She shrieks and I pull her back just as it hits the ground.


I walk into the Mantle house and toss my bag down near the door.

"Hey, how was rehearsal?" Reggie leans his head onto the back of the couch to look at me.

I walk over to him and kiss him quickly. "Good. Cheryl and Josie finally made up." I walk around the couch and sit down next to him. "I'm actually really excited about this. Life finally feels normal."

"Well, I'll be front row cheering you on." He says with a smile.

"I'm just ensemble, calm down." I roll my eyes. "Oh, I forgot, you'll never guess who's in the musical." He shakes his head, "Chuck Clayton."

He sits up straight, "Wait, seriously?"

"Yeah. Apparently he wants to show people that he's changed. I mean, he even apologized for outing me."

"Wow." He says shocked. "What did you say to him?"

"I told him that it would take some time before I could forgive him." I sigh and lean into the couch. "I'm not sure I can though. How do I know for sure that he's even serious?"

"You can't. You have to trust your gut I guess." He says. "You know, do what you think is right."

"When did you get smart?" I tease him.

"I've always been smart, you were just to busy crushing on Mantle the Magnificent to notice." He says playfully.

"Oh! Okay, okay. I see how it is." I smirk. "You know I'm the one that decides whether or not you get laid."

"You can't resist me." He stretches out, crosses his arms behind his head and kicks his feet up.

"Please!" I laugh.

"Okay." He sits back up and gets mere centimeters away from my face. "Don't kiss me then."

I swallow as his breath mixes with mine. He sets his hand on my thigh and slowly slides it upwards. He's so close that our lips brush every so often. He brings his hand up to my cheek and rubs his thumb across my bottom lip. I can't take it anymore and pull him in by his shirt. I feel him smirk against my mouth and he pushes me down into the couch.

"I win." He whispers as he pulls back for a moment.

The front door opens and we both jump up. Mr. and Mrs. Mantle walk into the house.

"Hello, Beverly." Mrs.Mantle says with a smirk on her face as she sets her purse down. "How was rehearsal?"

"It-it was good." I stammer as I stand and make my way to the stairs. "I'm kinda tired actually so I'm gonna go to bed." I say and rush up the stairs.

I flop down onto the bed and let out a sigh.

I feel the bed dip down and I open my eyes to see Reggie sitting next to me shaking his head with a smirk. "Leave me alone." I say and chuck a throw pillow at him.

"Hey, there is no need for violence." He laughs and tosses the pillow back at me. "Why are you so embarrassed, it's not like my parents haven't caught us making out before."

"Yeah, but that was when I didn't have to see them everyday." I sit up and run my hand through my hair.

"Well, I have to see them everyday and I've survived." He says.

"It's different for you, you're a guy. I don't want your parents to see me as this girl that you just hook up with all the time." I sigh and play with my fingers.

He grabs my hands and I look up to him. "They don't, trust me. They love you. Sometimes I think more than me." A small smile creeps onto my face. "And even if they hated you, it wouldn't matter because I love you."

I lean over and kiss him softly, "I love you, too." I rest my forehead against his.

He holds my face in his hands and kisses my cheek. "Good. Now get some sleep because if you mess up on stage I will make fun of you."

My jaw drops and I smack him with the pillow, "Get out." I laugh and shake my head at him.

He captures my lips one last time before walking out of the room. I throw the pillow at him just as he shuts the door behind him.


Claps erupt throw the auditorium as we finish running through "The World According to Chris".

"Okay, Veronica, I am obsessed with everything that just happened." Kevin says with a huge grin as he walks onto the stage.

"Thank you, it helps to be off book and in full costume." Veronica says.

Betty laughs, "Oh, don't be so modest. You're the literal embodiment of Chris. Never has a role been so perfectly tight-cast."

"Betty." Archie warns.

"What was that?" Veronica stops Archie and turns to Betty.

"I mean, think about it. Spoiled rich girl, check. Major daddy issues, check. Bad to the bone, trying to control everyone around her, including her boyfriend and best friend. Check, check, check." Betty says maliciously and I can see the hurt on Veronica's face.


I knock on the open door of Veronica's dressing room. She looks at me in the mirror. "If you're here to rag on me like Betty did-"

"No." I shake my head. I pull up a chair next to her. "I came to apologize. I don't know exactly why you did the things that you did but I could see on your face how much the things Betty said hurt you. And you should know those things aren't true. You are an amazing friend, I mean, you would do anything for us. I forgive you for all this stuff and all I ask is that you forgive me for being so mean to you when I should have been by your side." She drops her eyes for a moment. "Besides, I kinda miss my Ronnie." I smirk at her.

"I miss you, too." She says with a smile and throws her arms around me and I pull her into a bone crushing hug.


"It's a matter of your safety, Cheryl." Kevin has found two notes that demand Cheryl be recast from someone pretending to be the Black Hood. "I have to recast the role."

"Come on, Kev. You don't actually think those notes are from the Black Hood. It's probably just Ethel, pissed she didn't get the role." I say.

"I will not succumb to thespian terrorism and allow myself to be ousted from this production! After the fires I've walked through, Kevin, the world needs to see me up on that stage. A Dark Phoenix reborn in the spotlight" Cheryl says.

"Well, they'll have to wait, Cheryl." Aunt P comes storming down the hall.

"Mother." Cheryl turns her cheek to her and I rest my hand on her shoulder.

"Even in a town as twisted as Riverdale, students require parental approval to participate in certain extracurricular activities. As I reminded Principal Weatherbee when I told him that you didn't have my approval to do the musical and never will. Either of you." She says cynically.

"So what? You just feast on broken dreams now, is that it?" Cheryl says angrily. Kevin tries to get up but she pushes him back in his seat.

"Playing a murderous telekinetic teen who kills her mother? This matricidal revenge fantasy- never gonna happen. That's final." She says, ice flowing through her veins.

"This isn't fair! I'm just ensemble." I say.

"I don't care." She says and stomps down the hall.


I get back to the Mantle house and go straight to my bedroom. I throw my bag down and let out a frustrated shriek.

Reggie rushes into the room with a concerned look, "Whoa, are you okay? Wait, why are you home? Aren't you supposed to be at rehearsal?"

"I'm not in the musical anymore." I say and sit down on the bed filled with defeat.

"Why?" He asks as he walks into the room.

"Because, Penelope Blossom is the literal devil!" I throw my arms up. "She forbid Cheryl and I from being apart of it. I just wanted to have something in my life be normal for once." Tears start to flow down my cheeks. Reggie sits down next to me and rubs my back. "It's like every once of happiness that I've ever had that family has taken away from me."

"Maybe it's time you stand up to her." Reggie says.

"I have never been stand up to her, Reg. I mean, she sees me as this Southside trash that she can throw away." I shove my face into my hands.

"Hey, look at me." I bring my face up and he brushes his hand against my cheek. "You are one of the strongest people I've ever meet. You're a fighter and you've won every battle life has thrown at you. Penelope Blossom is just the next one, don't let her win. Show her what 'Southside Trash' is really made of."

My phone starts ringing. I pull it out of my pocket and see Cheryl's name across the screen.

"Hey, Cher." I answer.

"Listen, I have a plan to make dear old Mommy regret ever hurting us." She says in a sinistar voice.

A smirk grows onto my face. "Whatever it is, I'm in."


Cheryl and I stand outside of Thistlehouse and go over our plan. "Okay, I'll go in first and then you come in after me." She nods and drops the bucket of blood on the ground. "You ready?"

"I've never been more ready for anything." She smirks.

I walk towards the door and walk inside. I pull the pocket knife, Sweet Pea let me borrow out of my back pocket and open it. If she thinks I'm Southside Trash then that's what she's gonna get. I also had Sweet Pea draw a Serpent tattoo on my neck just where she can see it and I'm wearing Toni's jacket.

"Claudius, is that you?" Penelope says and walks into the foyer.

"Hi," I slowly walk toward her while playing with the knife between my fingers. "You like my new look." I push my hair back so the tattoo is in full sight. "After all those things you said I thought, I might as well become a Serpent. I mean, it only seemed right. You did say I would follow in my father's footsteps." I get close to her and point at her with the knife.

She takes a step back, "Do you think I'm afraid of you, child?"

I shake my head and pull the knife back, "No. But you should be afraid of her." I take a step away to reveal Cheryl covered in blood holding a candelabra. Penelope gasps at the sight of her.

"Do you know whose blood this is, Mummy? This is Jason's blood This is Daddy's blood And the next blood to be spilt will be yours." Cheryl says through gritted teeth.

"Cheryl, dear God!" Penelope gasps.

"You've been in cahoots with Daddy's twin, you tried to kill Nana Rose, and then you shipped me off to a ghoulish nunnery. But your depraved gambits are finished.If you so much as pluck one hair from Nana Rose's little head, I'll end you." Cheryl smirks and brings the candelabra closer to Penelope's face. I burned one house down, I'll happily burn another."

"Nightmare child, what do you want from me?" She sobs.

"We want to be emancipated. We want Thistlehouse all to ourselves and Nana. Start packing, Mommy. You and Uncle Claudius are pig-people. And should live amongst the pigs."


Before the musical starts I sneak backstage to wish everyone good luck.

"Chuck? Let me speak for the whole gang when I say that your behavior throughout rehearsals has been nothing short of that of a proper Victorian gentleman." I hear Veronica say.

"Um, what does that mean?" Chuck asks.

"Your pariahship is officially over." Veronica says.

"I agree." I lean against the doorframe and they all turn to face me.

"Does this mean?" Chuck asks.

"That you're forgiven? Yes." I nod and he smiles. "I realized I have much bigger demons in my life than that of Chuck Clayton. And although what you did was really shitty, I probably would have never come out if it weren't for you. All is forgiven."

"Thank you." He says quietly.

"Well, good luck! I'm gonna get to my seat." I say and walk out.


I sit in between Reggie and Cheryl next to Kevin.

"Father Almighty she's only a child But the woman is waking inside her She will be lost if her passion runs wild So I can't let her stumble and fall Maybe I do things that I can't explain But my feelings for her never change You are still my precious one Can you forgive what I've done? All right, Carrietta, it's time to come out of your closet." Mrs.Cooper sings and the set rises up to reveal Midge stuck up to the wall with knives and scissors.

"Oh my God." I whisper.

"Kevin, did you reblock the scene? Why isn't she on her knees singing?" Cheryl asks.

"I don't think that's part of the show." Jughead says.

"Somebody should help her." Cheryl says frantically. "For God's sake, help her." She screams.

Mrs. Cooper turns around and screams at the sight of Midge, the auditorium erupts into chaos. People screaming and running.

I feel Reggie grab my arm in my shocked frozen state and pull me to my feet and out of the auditorium.


When Reggie and I walk through the front door his parents are sitting in the kitchen. "Hey, how was the play?" His Mom asks. Neither of us answer her. "Are you you okay? You guys look like you've seen a ghost."

"The Black Hood." I breathe out. "He's back."

"What are you talking about?" She asks.

"He killed Midge." I start to cry. "She was just hanging there."

"How do you know it was the Black Hood?" His Dad asks.

I can't answer because of how hard I'm crying.

"He wrote 'All those who escaped me before will die', in Midge's blood." Reggie says.

"Oh my God." Mrs. Mantle gasps in disbelief.


Reggie and I sit in silence on the guest bed. I've stopped crying for now.

"I guess we should probably try and get some sleep." He tries to walk away but I grab his hand.

"Stay. Please, I can't be alone right now." I say.

"I honestly don't think I'll be able sleep anyway." He says and sits back down.

He wraps his arms around me, "That could have been Cheryl." I say in realization.

"Don't start thinking like that." He says. "Just don't, don't go down that hole. Cheryl is safe, okay?" I nod. "Let's try to sleep."

I lay awake the entire night, the image of Midge hanging like that stuck in the forefront of my mind.



Sorry this is so late but the past week has been a little crazy.

I'm so sad about Midge! I really wanted to see more of her, she was just so cute!


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