Insane (2nd Book)

By AyyeMcCann

54.2K 1.5K 294

That's right. He's back. Their back. Back for more. After being denied by his first love to marry him and be... More

Insane (Sequel to Mine Jason McCann fanfiction)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Book title

Chapter Three

4.6K 133 68
By AyyeMcCann

Cameron's POV:

Kissing Ashlyn brought back so many memories. I pulled away an rested my forehead on hers. "Sooo." I said. "Sooo." She said "what now?" I asked. she giggled "you tell me." "Break up with Justin & Lucy?" I said with hope. "Cameron it's not gonna be that easy, I've been with him for a year and he moved in." She sighed. "Wait I got an idea." "What is it?" She asked. "It involves justin with another women." I said. "Like?" "Like what if we hire someone to pretend like he's cheating on you an you walked in on it." She pulled away and hesitated. "I don't Cameron." She sighed. "Ashlyn do you wanna be with me or not?" I asked. "Of course I do." She said. "Then do this for me, for us." I pleaded. "Alright." She sighed.

I pulled her into a hug an kissed her cheek. "Thank you." I whispered into her ear. "Your welcome, well I gotta go it's late an I'm ready to go to bed." She said grabbing her things. "Oh um yeah me too." I said. She smiled at me before walking out. "So I'll call you?" She asked. "Yes please do." I smiled. "I will." She smiled back before getting in her car. Man I love this girl.

Ashlyn's POV:

After everything Cameron and I have been through, I'm kinda glad to see him again. I was surprised when he showed up at the shop. I couldn't believe he kissed me. "Miss me?" I heard from behind me."Jason what the hell are you doing here." I gulped, I was scared shitless. "Hey you remembered! It's been awhile hasn't it. Two years to be exact." He said. "Thought you forgot about me." He smirked. "Forget the guy who ruined my life? How could I?" I said sarcastically. He grabbed my throat an brought me back against my seat. "Now listen here bitch. I'm not the nicer Jason I was before. I'm not playing your little games. This time your not getting away. Nope this time your mine for good." He said through gritted teeth. "Your insane." I spat. He chuckled. "You made me this way babe. You could've stayed an we would've had a great life together but no. You said no to my proposal and left me. You really honestly thought the cops would find me? No babe your insane for thinking that. And your definitely insane if you ever thought id let you go. No but this time things are different much different. Your not getting all the special treatment anymore. So say goodbye to all of this. Your friends, your family, your stupid boyfriend, an your store because it's all gone now."

"No! I'm not going back with you! You can't do this Jason!" I yelled. "Oh but I can princess. Now you can be a good girl and go pack your things or you can be a bitch and try and escape. Which will it be?" He asked as he let go. I sat there a second before I quickly pulled open the door an jumped out. I ran before I felt hands bring me back. Jason had a hand on my forehand and another on my mouth with chloroform. "Aw you thought you could get away. Silly girl, you'll never get away. Ever." He whispered into my ear. My vision started to go blurry an my heart steadied. I felt myself pass out.

Jason's POV:

Finally I have her back. This time she isn't gonna get away. I knew she was gonna run but I'm faster. I picked her up an layed her in the back seat. I got into the drivers seat an drove to her house. I grabbed my gun and got out an walked to her front door. I walked into the house but stopped when I heard a voice. "Babe? Dinners ready I'm in the dining room!" I walked into the dining room an rested against the doorframe. "bab-" but he was cut off by the clicking of my gun. "W-what's going on?" He stuttered. "What's going on is I'm taking Ashlyn back and your not gonna tell anyone." I smirked. "Where is she?" he stood up and yelled. "Now you sit your ass down and don't worry about where she is." I pointed the gun at him. He at down an looked at me. "I don't know why your so worried about her anyway. She was planning on dumping your ass later. Caught her making out with Cameron at her store." I said. "Your lieing she loves me she would never do that." he said. "Whatever I'm just here to get her stuff." I said bored. "Where the hell is she?" He said annoyed. "Passed out in my back seat." I said nonchalantly. He got up an ran at me. I held the gun up an shot him in the stomach. He dropped down on his hands and knees an clutched his stomach. I bent down beside him. "Now no one will ever know it was me. Hope you had a nice life." I smirked before pressing the gun to his head and shooting him.

~the next day~

Ashlyn's POV:

I woke up the next day with a huge headache. I tried to stretch out my but couldn't because my writs an ankles were pressed to something. I shout open my eyes to see I was handcuffed to a chair. "Help! Somebody please help me!" I yelled as loud as I could. I started crying because I know I'm with Jason again. The door opened and down came Chaz. "Chaz please help me." I pleaded. I was expecting the Chaz I knew from years ago but what I got wasn't what I was expecting. He came over to me and slapped me across the face. "You stupid bitch!" He yelled in my face. "Chaz what the fuck!" I yelled. He slapped me again but harder this time. "Don't even talk to me like that again you little slut!" He said. He walked back up the stairs and shut the door.

I sat there with my cheek stinging. The door opened and instead of just one person all the boys came downstairs. Jason, Chaz, Alex, Ryan an Nick surrounded me and watched me squirm. I felt so uncomfortable to be honest. The door opened again and the last person I was expecting came downstairs.

"Logan?" I whispered. "What are you doing here?" I asked confused. "Working with Jason now." He said. "What the fuck are you all looking at? Huh? You've seen me before!" I yelled. With that I earned a slap in the face from Jason. "Now you better watch your fucking mouth." He spat. I chucked. "Or what? Huh? You gopnna beat me? Kill me? Go ahead! Do it! I have nothing else! You've taken everything from me! Everything! An I fucking hate you!" I yelled getting angrier. "You can keep me here all you want go ahead but I will never ever love you! I. Will. Always. Hate. You." I said slowly glaring at him. He unlocked my ankles and wrists and pulled me up by my hair. I grabbed at his hands but he wouldn't budge. He dragged me up the stairs. "Jason! Let me go!" I yelled in pain. I watched all the boys follow us up the stairs into the living room. Jason dragged me to a recliner and set me there.

I didn't say a word. The boys sat around on the other couches. None of us said a word. The door opened and I gasped. No, oh god please no.

"Miss me princess?" He smirked at me. "Cameron?" I said with disbelief. "Yep." He said popping the P. "H-how could you?" I stuttered. "Easy. You didn't just leave Jason, you left me too. So we decided we'd work together. Your life is gonna be hell princess." He smirked. "You set me up?" I asked. "Yeah and you can thank your friend Megan for helping us out." Jason smirked. "So it was really easy to get Cameron in there and distract you so I could get in your car and wait for you." I shook my yea with disbelief. How could Cameron do this to me? I thought he loved me? What happened to the guys I use to know?

I was getting angry, not just at Jason and Cameron. But at Megan too, I trusted her. Oh if I ever get my hands on that bitch. "Whatever." I said. "What?" Jason asked confused. "Do whatever I don't care. Wanna hit me? Go for it! Wanna lock me up? Do it! I don't care anymore! I don't give two shits about y'all anymore! Do your worst! Bring it on! Come on show me what a real man can do!" I yelled. Jason was getting angry an I could tell. But that's my plan, Jason forgot I know every way in and out of this place. "Go ahead, do your worst." I smirked. "Shut the fuck up bitch." Cameron spat. "Aww you mad? Or nah?" I winked. I know how to get them messed up. I stretched out and yawned. "Ok I'm done here take me to my old room so I can sleep." I said bluntly. They all looked at each other dumbfounded. "Are you stupid?" I asked slowly. "Take her down to the basement. I'm gonna teach this bitch some respect." Jason spat. Ryan an Nick grabbed me and took me back down to the basement. They both started to walk off but I grabbed Nicks arm. "You know where to find me." I whispered in his ear slowly.

I knew he had a crush on me, an I'm gonna use it to my advantage. Jason & Cameron might've changed, but I did too. I'm a complete bitch and proud.

Short but it's just a filler.

Feedback is much appreciated!!

Sorry if it's confusing. If it is please let me know!!

Oooooh Jason's back! Lol!


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Thanks loves!

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