His Blue ✓

By MalibuGardner

2.9M 89.5K 37K

Indie Jasper is a shy, unknown writer. Anson Fischart is the school's pretty boy. Indie is not popular by an... More

Character Aesthetics
1| Class with the QB
2| Paradox
3| Breach of privacy
4| Blue
5| Lonesome swan
6| Don't do emotions
7| A man's pride
8| Not ashamed
9| Friday night lights
10| Drowsiness
11| Roofie
12| Crumble
13| Amends
14| You are different
15| Not the type
16| Movie date
17| Distrust
19| Tears
20| Meet Dad
21| Knuckles
22| Fortune Cookie
23| Muse
24| Impressment
25| Wet
26| After kissing
27| Concession confession
28| Safeguarded
29| Forget
30| Placeholder
31| Partners
32| To those who wait
33| Rejection
34| Bluer
35| Avoidance
36| Locked in
37| Letterman jacket
38| Girls' night w/ Anson
39| Family
40| Panic! At the football game
41| Causes
42| Unexpected hug
43| Self-defense
44| Engagement
45| Champagne caresses
46| Explosion
47| Broken home
48| Want
49| Thanksgiving
50| Between the sheets
51| Intensive Care Unit
52| Shattered
53| Argument
54| A second time
55| Christmas gift
author's ending note
my other work

18| Seven minutes in heaven

51.3K 1.6K 1K
By MalibuGardner

"Wooohoo!" I pump my fist into the air happily as the timer sounds and our team wins the football game.

I laugh and run down the stands, waving to Fern, and congratulating the few football players already exiting the field.

Kyle finds me in a moment; he flashes a bright smile.

"You ready?" He asks.

I nod and we walk silently over to his Jeep Wrangler. The ride to his house is quiet, and once we arrive, I help him get out drinks and food.

I turn on some music as he starts letting people in to the party.

It's nothing like last week, with a huge pool and live music, but it's homier and louder because of the size.

Eventually, Kyle finds me in the kitchen, and leads me out to the living room.

There are a ton of people already here. I notice the Bryce in the corner, surrounded by cheerleaders.

I scoff. Typical.

Kyle's arms wrap around me, and I can't help but feel stifled by his grabbiness.

He whispers something to me that I can't hear, and we have a seat on a cramped couch.

Why can't he let go of me? Is this how couples act?

"I think I need a drink." I lie and pry away from Kyle's grasp. He hardly notices and I steal away into the kitchen.

I notice a curly blonde pouring a drink, when she turns around, she glares at me.


"Hi." I say warmly.

She scans me with her eyes and places a hand on her hip. "Of course you're here." Her voice comes out in a whine. "I can't go anywhere without you showing up to steal Anson from me!"


I blink in confusion. "Anson? He's here?"

"Don't play dumb." She spits. "I know what you're trying to do."

I'm not trying to do anything!

"Actually, I'm here with Kyle." I say, grabbing a sprite and walking back out into the living room.

Sure enough, Anson is relaxed against the wall, chatting to some guys.

I try not to stare and sit down beside Kyle again. "Hey Indie." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist once more.

I hear Anson's handsome laughing from across the room. I feel lonely with Kyle hardly paying attention to me. His long fingers absentmindedly drum against my side.

I take a sip of sprite and look across from me.

Anson's strong figure straightens as he scans the room. I feel his gaze resting on me, and I can't bring myself to meet his eyes.

He's deadly still, until Marissa walks over and wraps her arms around him. He ignores her affections, and walks away when she tries
to kiss him.

"Anson! Come back!" She hisses annoyedly.

I watch interestedly as he exits the room with her behind.

In a few moments, Kyle stands and addresses the group.

"We're gonna play a game. Seven minutes in Heaven." He smirks as the group claps and laughs excitedly.

I frown. I'm not about to be in a closet for 7 minutes! I hope I don't get chosen.

"We have a bottle!" Kyle gestures across the room and a bottle is placed in the floor.

It is first spun, and lands on a cheerleader. Again it is spun, and it lands on Bryce. I roll my eyes when 7 minutes goes by, and they exit the closet in their underwear.

I see Anson and Marissa appear in the room again, and frown to myself.

Kyle shouts. "Okay Bryce, spin the bottle and see who's next in the closet."

I doze off as the bottle spins. In a moment, shouts echo across the room as Anson is chosen to step into the closet.

He smirks at the crowd and Marissa pulls his shirt off.

"That bottle better land on me." She says to Bryce, pulling her top off.

I avert my eyes from her.

Bryce reaches down and starts the bottle spinning. When it stops, I blink in confusion.

It looks like it's pointed at me.

As every head turns to look at me, I swear I stop breathing. Bryce's mouth drops. Kyle's face flushes. Marissa grabs Anson by the hand, but he pulls away.

His eyes meet mine, across his face plays a smirk larger than I've ever seen.

I don't move from my spot on the couch until he stands ahead of me. "Need a hand?" He winks.

What the heck am I supposed to do?

Go with Anson?! In the closet?!

I gulp and take his hand as he leads me into the confined space.

It's small and dark, and smells sort of stuffy.

The door closes and we hear the timer start.

I find that I am pressed against a bare-chested Anson, he seems to not mind.

"What are the odds the bottle landed on us?" I whisper into the darkness.

Anson chuckles softly. "I don't know, but I'm glad it did."

His breath is warm on my cheek, and I back up against the wall.

"Why do you move away?" He asks.

Because I don't want to be so close to someone who makes me so nervous.

"I don't know." I say honestly. "I guess I'm just nervous."

"Of me?" He chuckles. "Are you really?"

I sigh. "We're stuffed into a closet while everyone outside desperately wonders whether or not we're banging."

"I think they know we aren't banging, Blue."

My face flushes. "What makes you so sure?"

"You'd be screaming my name so loud-"

"Anson!" I scold for his detailed imagination.

"Sorry." He whispers.

I feel my heart thudding against my ribs grow stiller. I take a deep breath and realize that for the first time tonight, I feel safe and calm with Anson.

"So, you came tonight with Kyle?" His voice is deeper now.

I nod, though he can't see me in the dark. "Yeah."

"Do you, like him?"

I open my mouth to answer but quickly close it.

"Do you like Marissa?" I ask instead.

He grunts. "Of course I like her."

"Of course I like Kyle."


"Okay, I don't like Marissa as anything more than a friend." He sighs.

   "It looks like more than a friendship to me." I say gently.

     He sighs and I listen intently for a reaction.

     "You're right. But we're definitely not together."

     "Okay." I say awkwardly. Anson continues speaking in a hushed tone.

    "She's just so easy sometimes. When I'm feeling down, she's always there to cheer me up. And I don't know why- I don't care about her like that. I know it's messed up." His voice trails off.

"You're using her." I say softly. "That's not fair."

He's keeping Marissa around to fill a void. I guess I understand that.. i wouldn't use someone though.

"I know. But I've tried to stop. Once I met you I realized that things should be different."

     Something stirs in my chest at the thought of teaching Anson fischart something.

"Then why is she still around?"

Anson grunts. "Because she doesn't know how to take a hint. She's not too observant."

"That's why she's all over you." I say quietly, suddenly I understand. "She doesn't realize that you aren't into her like that."

He chuckles. "Yeah. I'm too nice to tell her off. There's no point, it's not like I'm dating someone."

I murmur an agreement.

"Kyle had his hands all over you." Anson observes. "And you don't like him?"

"He's not too observant, either."

We both laugh for a moment and I sigh.

"Either way- both of our dates are probably scared out of their minds."

"Yeah." I agree, "But it's not like we're doing anything to worry about."

"They don't completely know that."

True. This closet is too crammed for much.

"What would you even do in here, if you were to do something with someone?" I wondered aloud. "Like, it's so awkward- how would you even begin to-"

"What would I do?" Anson's voice is gruff. "I would bring her in here, and put my hands on her hips."

"Her hips?" I smile in amusement.

"Don't knock it." He says sharply. "It's like this..."

Suddenly, I feel his hands on my hips, hovering over my butt. His hands are warm and send shivers down my spine.

"I would slowly press her against the wall."

I feel my back touching the hard wall at his words. Goosebumps spread across my skin as every feature of this boy presses against me.

"Anson!" I warn under my breath. He ignores me.

"My lips would start at her collarbone." He whispers into my ear, "and they would travel wherever I decided, or wherever she begged me to put them next." He chuckles to himself.

As he speaks, my heartbeat accelerates. His soft lips press against my collarbone and slowly travel up my neck.

I've always wondered why in movies, the men always do this.

As Anson's lips travel up my neck, there is no question in my mind as to why.

I feel his smooth hard chest pressing against me. I feel helpless as I cling to him. I find my hands around his neck as his kisses decorate my jaw.

This is so wrong. What am I doing?

For a moment, I feel his breath on my lips. He lingers for a moment over them, trying to decide whether he should continue.

I squeeze my eyes shut; he gets closer.

Suddenly, a knock comes on the closet door and everything stops. Anson is suspended in the air above my lips.

He lets out a harsh sigh and steps away from me. I want to squeeze my eyes shut at the light coming in to the dark closet from the now-opened door.

With Anson's body now pulled away from mine, I realize how stupid I am for letting him act on his impulses .

He takes me hand and leads me out of the closet. My face flushes as I look at everyone waiting. Marissa squeals and runs over to Anson immediately, pulling him along with her and separating me from him in the process,

Kyle walks up and puts his arm around me.

"Thanks for being a good sport." He whispers into my ear. "I know you wanted me in there."

I laugh at his misinterpretation as he leads me to sit on the couch with him once more.

I notice Anson has put his shirt back on.

The bottle starts to spin again, and a couple takes their place in the closet.

I doze off as people start to talk. I don't come back to the present until I feel Kyle's lips pressed to my neck.

"What are you doing Kyle?" I hiss. His lips feel wrong now.

     Shit. I think Anson just ruined me.

    I glance across the room at Anson. His gaze shows no emotion as he crosses his arms and stalks out of the room.

    Kyle kisses me again and I break back to the moment. 

"Don't you want to have some fun? Since we didn't get 7 minutes together?" He says.

"No." I whisper. Looking around, no one has noticed Kyle's advances.

    Except Anson, but now he's gone .

"Is it cause we're in public?"


In an instant, Kyle grabs my hand and pulls me with him.

"I have to admit I'm not a fan of being pulled by someone to a bedroom during a party." I call to Kyle.

When we get to Kyle's room, he shuts the door.

"Is it better in here?" His green eyes glint.

I mean.. no. I don't want to be in here!

"I don't want to make out, Kyle." I say firmly.

A look of hurt flashes across his face. "Because why? You seemed interested in me until the second you went into that closet with Anson."

I roll my eyes. "Why does everyone keep saying these things?"

"Give me a chance to prove myself." He takes a step forward a slides his shirt over his head.

He has beautiful abs, but I must admit they're not as impressive as Anson's.

"Put your shirt back on, Kyle. I'm not down for this."

"You've not even given me an opportunity to beat Anson!" He complains.

"Beat Anson at what?!" I say impatiently. "No means no, Kyle. I don't want to do this with you."

I stand and walk towards the door, but he runs and blocks the way.

"Come on Indie, please." His eyes plead.

"No." I clench my jaw.

Kyle won't hurt me, will he? He's just being stubborn. He'll stop though... surely...

He locks the door behind him and raises a brow at me.

"Unlock the door."

Kyle shakes his head. "Not until you give me a chance."

He steps forward and I take a step away from him.

"Come on Indie. It's not fair that you don't trust me."

"It's not fair that you don't trust me." I say.

Kyle sighs and rushes forward suddenly. I don't have time to anticipate his movements, and he grabs me by the waist and pushes me down against the bed.

"Kyle get off!" I yell in fear and frustration.

As promised, here is today's LONG update. If you enjoyed it- leave a vote and comment. Also make sure you let me know your thoughts after this chapter. Would you consider it a bombshell ? Also make sure to predict what will happen next week/update. I love seeing the comments. (Yes, I read every single one)

And with that, I'm done rambling. I'll be posting the next update in about a week like normal. Until then, have a wonderful week.

~ Malibu

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