The Hands of Fate

By YourTypicalNovelist

85.5K 3.3K 526

In the kingdom of Allenia, it is a law that royals marry royals, and peasants marry peasants. The kingdom has... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Names of Spells in The Hands of Fate

Chapter 6

3.3K 136 19
By YourTypicalNovelist

Two weeks! He was coming home in two weeks! Caspian couldn't contain his excitement. In two weeks he would be back home, embracing his family, embracing the kingdom of Allenia and embracing Farah. He wondered how she was, probably the same as ever. The two weeks passed by as quickly as the speed of a wildfire eating at a dry forest. Caspian almost didn't mind when he was told that Amara was coming with him.

Soon enough, the day came, and he was boarding the coach with Princess Amara, bidding the King and Queen—along with the kingdom of Elios—good-bye. Truth be told, he would miss it, but not as much as he had missed Allenia all of these years. Seven years. It seemed so long since he had seen his home, and he was jumping with excitement to see it again.

Over the course of the trip Caspian answered a million of Amara's long, and boring questions. Some being where she could buy new dresses, others being where she would stay in the palace. Caspian had answered them all delightfully, just happy to be headed towards his homeland.

After many rounds of boarding and leaving ships and carriages, he saw the palace's broad towers coming into view. At the sight, Caspian found himself beaming with anticipation. This was it, he was finally home. As he passed by the town in the coach he waved to the people. Many saw him and their jaws dropped, their once cute and meek prince was now strong and handsome, like the type that would sweep his princess away in a fairy tale. As many were struck out of their daze, though, they waved back to him, pulled out of their trance for a mere second to welcome their Prince.

Caspian's gaze searched through the crowd for Farah, but he paused as realization crossed his mind. She had to be at the palace, that was her home. It seemed so silly of him to have thought that she would be one of the commoners in town, waving as they walked by the rolling carriage.

Farah, though, was far from the palace. She stepped along the rocky path of a hill beside Mr Smith, helping him along the way. The winding path was not easy for him at such an age, but he'd insisted they'd taken the trail. The two soon stopped when they reached the top of the incline, admiring the view of the kingdom. It had taken them a while to walk there, but they had talked along the way, happy to have each other's company. They had discussed work, and how the royal family seemed to be working Farah even harder; though she was fine with it. As long as she got her pay she would be alright. She was on her own now, and had no mother to help with her finances, making money crucial. 

"So," the tailor began, his voice raspy with age, though still filled with kindness. "Tell me more about the Prince, how is he? Nice?"

Farah giggled slightly, Mr.Smith loved hearing about the royals and how they lived their lives. She smoothed out her black dress and apron as she sat down on the lush grass with him, moving a curled strand of black hair out of her face.

"Well," She began, thinking back to when they were younger. "When I knew him he was very modest and kind. He loved his Kingdom very much, it was almost like a passion." Farah said, smiling at the thought.

"You seem to think very fondly of him," the man spoke, a small smile spreading across his wrinkled face, his eyes twinkling.

Farah's face flushed slightly, "I'm only saying the truth," she said lightly. "Plus, we're only friends."

Mr.Smith nodded, listening to her, soaking in all of the details. Suddenly, halfway through a story, Farah stopped. The man turned, and, seeing a look of worry on her face, frowned.

"What is it, my dear?" he asked her, but she only stared ahead, as if too horrified to even answer. He squinted his eyes in the direction of where she was looking, and saw that there were people gathered in the square, following something.

"I'm going to be fired, oh my gosh, I-I'm so stupid!" Farah exclaimed quickly, jumping up. "I am so very sorry Mr.Smith, but I must go. I hope you can get back on your own-?" Her voice was frantic, filled with worry for what would happen if she was late. When she was late.

"Calm yourself, I will be fine. Go along, we wouldn't want you getting fired now, would we?" he chuckled. Farah nodded, thanking him and apologizing for leaving on such short notice. With that, she then bolted back down the hill, picking up the skirts of her maid's dress as she ran as not to ruin it. She couldn't arrive late and have a messy dress, then she'd surely be fired and killed. 

How could she have been so oblivious! Today was the day Caspian arrived! All of the maids would be expected in the great hall, and she was going to make such a fool of herself. She took a detour, taking long, quick strides as she ran towards the palace. It was times like this that she was glad that she was partially athletic and lean, for if not she would be wheezing on the ground right now. Her feet made little to no sound as she ran, the bushes and trees rushing past her in a blur.

When she reached the palace she didn't even notice the carriage sitting there, empty. She just remembered she needed an excuse, and a good one, for if not, she would be destined to become unemployed. She stopped for a moment at the palace doors, taking a moment to catch her breath. When she felt she was alright, she threw open the doors.

The moment the doors parted she immediately began to speak, not even caring to look around her. She wasn't sure whether she should try and sneak in or automatically give in and beg for forgiveness. In the split decision she'd made, she'd chosen to beg. "Your Majesties, I am so very, very-" before she could finish, two figures spun around to meet her gaze, and her eyes widened.

There stood Caspian, but he was not like the old Caspian she remembered, this was a new, different Caspian—in appearance at least. His straight, dirty blonde hair was styled neatly in a regal fashion. Atop his head was a crown, and under light that streamed through the windows, it glistened a shade of gold. His eyes sparkled a lovely shade of hazel and were slightly wide, shocked as he looked at her. His light skin seemingly shining, he looked truly like a King.

Caspian's lips parted as if he wanted to say something but didn't know what, and Farah felt the same way. His frame was much more refined, and when Farah noticed she was staring she looked at the floor, only glimpsing for a moment at the other woman whom accompanied him.

Farah then heard the King speak, telling her in an angered tone to get over to the maid's side, where they were greeting Caspian and his aquatint, Princess Amara. Her face flushed in embarrassment as she walked over to them, still staring at the ground. She had thought that upon seeing Caspian they would reunite like old buddies. She had most definitely been wrong, for this change was sure to make others more attracted to the Prince; and she wondered how she would ever even get a chance to talk to him without people crowding the future King.

But little did she know that Caspian himself was having his own realizations. He had been talking to his father about how happy he was to be back, and was about to mention Farah, when he heard the doors clang open. He had spun around—along with Amara—to see who had caused such a racket of noise, and there she'd stood. His old friend had changed quite drastically since he had been gone. Her curly black hair was in a high ponytail, which now framed her face delicately, a small trace of freckles lining her nose.

Their eyes had met for a moment, and he had almost gasped, for her once muddy green eyes were now a bright hue of green. They reminded him of the happy days of summer, with the lush grass and brightly bloomed trees. Her full appearance differed also, as her once skinny body was now filled with a slight amount of muscle, and appeared more feminine. Her lips had parted for a moment as she watched him.

She, he thought, was by far the most beautiful girl in Allenia.

When his father had called her over so cruelly he had wanted to tell him to stop treating his friend that way, but knew it wouldn't do him any good. They soon continued their boring conversations, but the whole time he stole glances at Farah, almost entranced by her presence.


The next day, Caspian walked through the stables, wandering and doing nothing in particular. Truthfully, he was actually doing something: he was making an attempt to escape the clutches of Amara. Ever since they had arrived at the palace she kept annoying him with questions. In an attempt to free himself, he was discreetly trying to hide from the Princess, though he made sure that it wasn't obvious. It would be wrong if it was assumed he was avoiding his fiancee, even if he was. 

Lost in his thoughts, Caspian walked by the horses stables, his hands in his pockets while he kicked at a pebble. When he heard humming from within the stables, however, Caspian paused. The Prince neared the entrance, listening as the sweet melody flowed from a crack in the door. Caspian opened the door further, being as quiet as he could. He was curious now, for horses couldn't hum, could they? No, he was sure they couldn't; but then where was the music coming from?

He crept down past various stalls, trying to find the source of the melody. When he approached the last stall to his left, he realized the song was coming from there. Peering into the stable, Caspian blinked as he found Farah, combing a stallion's hair. The horses head lay on her lap as she sat in the stable. Caspian grinned, taking a few steps back before Farah could notice him. This was his chance! Now reappearing in front of the stall, he leaned his arms on the door, startling both Farah and the stallion. She jumped in surprise while the horse lifted its head, grunting a snort of disapproval.

"Oh, hello Caspian," Farah breathed out a sigh of relief. She stood up, still slightly in shock by the sudden appearance of her friend. Averting her attention to her maids dress, she wiped at the strands of hay that had gotten stuck to the fabric before walking to the stall door. Caspian moved away as she opened the gate, and when she closed it he stood beside her.

"So, who's this beauty?" He asked with a smile. After realizing what he had said he flushed a red color, and, seeing Farah's horrified look, chuckled, then pointing to the stallion. "What's his name," Caspian laughed. Nice save, he mentally rewarded himself, smiling. Farah let out another breath of relief, her face still partially flustered. Her lush green eyes looked at the stallion for a moment before she responded.

"His name's Atlas," she said, her voice now smooth as she became more comfortable.

"Atlas, the name sounds familiar," Caspian thought aloud, turning to the horse, as if he could give him the answer.

"It's the name of a Titan that some believe in, he is said to hold up the sky as a punishment," Farah briefly explained,  leaving Caspian in awe, though he masked the emotion. She never ceased to amaze him.

"Oh, yeah, that's where I know it from," he lied, nodding. Farah raised an eyebrow, and he laughed nervously in response. She could always tell when he was lying, but, much to his luck, she decided to ignore it today. "Uhm," he started again, trying to break the awkward silence between them. "Do you wanna go for a walk in the gardens? We have a lot of catching up to do," Caspian offered with a smile, at which Farah smiled, also. Had her smile always been that entrancing?

"I would love to, but I have to be back soon. You're parents are going to expect a lot from me after that outburst yesterday in the royal hall," she said with a meek grin, which made Caspian laugh. She brushed a piece of hair out of her face as Caspian gestured for her to go first, and with that they then continued on into the blooming gardens.

The two started along a stone path, their footsteps light and even. It was the Spring, and Caspian could already tell that the flowers this year were going to be beautiful with vibrant colors and soft petals. They already appeared to be blooming pleasantly as they started to take shape. 

The path they walked along was a solid stone trail that led to a small gazebo meant to hold two. They walked in silence for a few minutes, admiring the suns light and the wildlife provided for them. The silence was comfortable between the two, especially as they began to adjust to having the presence of the other beside them. After a few more beats of quiet, Farah broke through the looming silence.

"How was Elios?" she asked, looking up at the Prince. Caspian chuckled at her sudden question. She raised a brow at his response. "That good, huh?" She asked, sarcasm in her words. She looked ahead as Caspian answered.

"No, not entirely bad. It was certainly something, that's for sure. I do find it odd, however, that you seem interested in Elios," Caspian elaborated with a sparkling smile, and Farah seemed pleased with his answer as she nodded back to him. How was Allenia?"

"Same as ever," Farah replied. "I'm allowed to enter town now, I made a few friends there." She spoke, giving him a bright smile that reminded Caspian of when they were younger. And yet at the mention of new friends, Caspian's lips pursed together. What did that mean? Was he not her best friend anymore?

Seeing Caspian's jealous and judgmental expression, Farah couldn't help but laugh. "Are you scared that I am going to run off with some other group of friends?" Farah teased. These words made Caspian flush, but Farah only giggled. "No need to worry, he's an old man, he actually makes all of your mother's dresses. His name's Mr. Smith," Farah explained brightly. "Plus, you really shouldn't worry about me, who am I going to flatter? Oh, hello sir, lovely to meet you, I'm a maid--oh wait, why are you running away?"Farah impersonated in a lower tone, making fun of herself. 

Caspian could tell that Farah was trying to joke about her circumstance, but couldn't help but wonder if she really meant what she'd said. He didn't see her as plain, or boring. To him, she was the opposite; she was a beam of light in an ocean of dullness. But he allowed the remark to pass, deciding it to be better that he didn't comment on what she'd said. The two reached the gazebo a little while later, having chatted as they'd walked the whole way there. 

The gazebo was nothing much, yet beautiful in it's own way. It was a small wooden kiosk that overlooked the lake that the royals had in their lovely, blooming garden. It never ceased to take Caspian's breath away, and by the looks of it, Farah felt the same way.

"Wow, this is.....beautiful," she spoke soft enough for Caspian to hear. He nodded, looking at her. Farah's soft lips were barely parted as she spoke, her eyes reflecting the beauty of the garden, making Caspian blink. Was this real? Was he dreaming? He shook his head lightly, of course this was real, he wasn't stupid; but it was hard to believe that his friend was standing there, looking so lovely in just a maid's dress. A thought came to Caspian, and he glanced at Farah.

"Have you ever been here before?" he asked. She shook her head in reply.

"No," She spoke. "I've been around here a few times, but I've never gone inside the gazebo. Why do you ask?" She pondered, meeting his gaze. Caspian shrugged.

"I guess I always thought that maybe your mother would take you here," He stated plainly, staring at the small pond which glistened in the midday sun. "Speaking of her, is she well? I didn't see her yesterday-" he began, but stopped seeing Farah's saddened expression. "What? What's the matter?" He asked, looking at her. She shook her head solemnly.

"Adeline.... she.... she passed away, about two months ago," Farah spoke hoarsely, her voice on the edge of cracking, her eyes glossy. He blinked, feeling terrible now for what he had just said.

"Oh my gosh, Farah, I'm so sorry, I-"

"Don't blame yourself Caspian, it's not your fault," she said looking up at him. Their eyes met and he noticed tears swelling in hers. Immediately, Caspian wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a hug. She allowed a tear to escape as she pressed her head against his chest, glad to be in his embrace as he stroked her silky smooth hair.

It was a carefree move, he had to admit, but he knew that she needed someone who was going to be there for her, and he wanted to make sure that she knew he was that person. Farah stood there for a few more minutes, before pulling away, wiping wet tears from her face.

"I-" Caspian started. but Farah shook her head again, silencing him.

"It's alright Caspian, I'm alright. It's been two months, I... I need to get over it," Farah started, but Caspian shushed her.

"No, Farah, it's just fine. Two months isn't a great deal of time, and you shouldn't feel pressured to get over it. She was your mother for God's sake," Caspian argued softly, his smooth hands on her shoulders. She gazed up at him, a small, light smile spreading across her lovely face.

"You sure?" Farah asked hopefully, her green eyes glistening with the tears she had previously shed. Caspian nodded,


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