The Baker and The Billionaire

By CountVustafa

192K 9.1K 2.8K

Harry Styles owns a small bakery. Harry hates big business and big CEOs. A big company wants to buy Harry's b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
The Epilogue

Chapter 14

5.9K 299 125
By CountVustafa





Niall had just arrived in the building from his second meeting of the day. Today has been more than wonderful. He hadn't felt this happy in ages. The sky was clear. People were extra friendly to him, especially those moronic investors. Best of all, Harry has come back into his life! Not only that, even though they were not official, they already had plenty of couplely moments that Niall all giddy inside. 

Like in the Gelatto shop, when Harry had some ice-cream on his outer corner of his lip, Niall wanted to clean the residue off with his finger. Instead of letting him be, Harry playfully bit his forefinger and made a scrunchy face before telling him, "I'm a shark Mr. Horan. Rawr!" 

And today is just the first day. 

He hoped to ask the curly lad to have dinner with him at the hotel where he was staying. The restaurant is one of the establishments Niall's company owns and they make the most amazing paellas ever. 

Niall walked into the office. Cara was strangely no where to be seen from her station. Wierd...

He entered Zayn's large office. It was almost as big as his own, with a fantastic view of the skyline. There was no one there.

Niall was about to leave when he saw the horrifying scene at the corner. 

Harry was practically pressed on top Cara on the carpeted floor. Their limbs were tangled with each other. His arms were pressed to her sides, and her legs were spread widely to make enough space for Harry's long ones. The curly lad looked like he was slightly panting and there were light sweat marks on his forehead. And the eyebrow girl looked like she was in slight discomfort. 

"What the hell is going on?!" 

Harry quickly got up and got himself tidied. This was no way this was not the impression he wants to make on his first day on the job. Niall stood towering in the room with a scowling look on his face. The blonde man had folded his arms across his chest glaring at him. Harry gulped. 

"Honestly, it is not what it looks like" he stammered. 

Niall cocked his eyebrow. "Hmm, then did you fell into the cunt curly?" asked Niall totally ignoring the fact Cara was still in the room. 

Harry winced at the lad's tone, it was full of sarcasm and venom. "I tripped and fell onto her. It was an innocent mistake. And you just so happens to enter the room." 

Niall nodded sarcastically. "Who the hell even falls onto someone these days!?" he said loudly making wide hand movements in the air. 

"No one falls onto someone. That is a load of bullshit! It bloody only happens in movies and dramas!" 

Cara stood silently in the corner of the room witnessing the two unrequited lovers banter back and forth at the silly mistake she made. She kinda liked looking at the two fighting. At least they were talking again. Honestly it looks quite adorable. 

"Well why the fuck do you care, you bloody tosser! Its my business who I fell onto!" Harry fought back. 

"Well I don't care. You can fall onto anyone you like! Hell, you can fall your wee-wee onto a hole on the ground and get it stuck for all I care!" Niall spat. 

Harry was taken aback by what Niall had said. The curly lad then showcased the most cheekiest smile he could muster. "Wee-wee? You're a bloody grown man and you still use the word wee-wee?" 

Niall blushed thousands shades of red. Damn it, all those hours with Theo had made him say automatically the word wee-wee. Niall straightened his suit and took a deep breath. 

"Well. All I wanted to tell you was, to have dinner with me but I guess you didn't want my bloody company, you wierdo!" said Niall softly, stressing on the last insult. 

Harry could not help but let out a chuckle at the lad's poor attempt at insulting. "Worst Irish ever" he mouthed at the blonde in front of him. The man could not help but coo when Niall furrowed his eyebrows and pressed his lips together like an adorable kid. 



Truth be told, Harry was surprised that Niall had his secretary send the keys to Harry's hotel room at his office. After their light banter just now, Harry wasn't even sure if the blonde even wanted to continue hiring him for this job. Harry grabbed the key and hurriedly made his way out of the building. He was still tired from the trip. 

He could only imagine how exhausted Niall and Zayn must be if they lived like this daily. 

The company car finally reached the hotel Harry was going to stay. He asked Cara where Niall stayed back in the office and she replied he was staying at the same hotel. Niall made sure all his guests and foreign employees stay in the hotel if they were in Madrid. 

He entered his room and threw himself on the kind sized bed. Dinner was still hours away, time for a short nap.


He was supposed to meet the Irishman at the restaurant at the lobby of the hotel. He wasn't sure what type of restaurant he was going to, so Harry dressed in a simple white shirt with the top three buttons left open and simple tight black jeans. 

Harry waited at the lobby for the blonde. This was their first time meeting and almost being alone after so bloody long. He noticed a mop of blonde hair coming towards him giggling like a child, tagging along beside him was the thick head of the Spaniard he met today. 

Niall flashed him a sly smile. "Hello Syles. I hope you don't mind I invited Eduardo for dinner with us." 

Harry gritted his teeth and practically glared at the blonde man beneath him. "No not a problem. Nice to see you again Eduardo" he lied, shaking his hands with the handsome Spaniard.  

The Spanish man only sends him a perfect smile. Harry felt intimidated by the man's pearly white and straight teeth. "Nice to see you again Mr. Styles. When this adorable thing here asked me for dinner, I just could not say no" he said patting Niall's head. 

Harry flashed a fake smile at their direction. Niall who had noticed Harry tensing up only smiled to himself. Payback is a bitch! 

Niall had purposely took a seat opposite of Eduardo and making Harry sit in the middle of the two men, like a third wheel. He felt ridiculous seating in the middle. Niall was doing this on purpose. 

"So Eduardo, how did you get into the food industry?" asked Niall. 

God, can this be anymore revolting. Niall was playfully eyeing the man up and down like a piece of meat. He is practically throwing himself over to this man. Those playful winks and that gorgeous smile. Urgh! 

The man let out a chuckle and took a sip of his wine. "My parents owns a small eatery in my home town. I loved working there. So now I am here, working for you. How about you my beautiful blonde cupcake?" he said. 

Harry almost wanted to vomit as he heard those words come out of Eduardo's mouth. Niall on the other hand seemed quite flattered by the compliment. 

"My parents are in the industry. After my dad retired, he passed the business to me" Niall explained briefly. 

Harry wasn't sure. But he saw a hint of sadness when Niall told the story. 

"What about you Mr. Styles, how did you and Niall meet?" he asked, taking another sip of his wine. 

The curly lad paused, he wasn't ready to tell someone about his relationship with Niall. Hell even he himself dosen't even know if they were in a relationship. He took a deep breath, he could feel Niall's blue orbs beside him, eager to know what he was going to say. 

"Well it's very complicated" he muttered softly. 

Eduardo smiled, "The best and most romantic love are the most complicated. Me and my wife are the most complicated-"

"What? You and your wife!?" interrupted Niall. 

The Spanish man nodded, "Yes mi amor. My darling wife. All we do, is fight and make love, fight and make love. The more we fight, the more we make love!" 

"I thought you were single!" asked Niall his voice raising. 

The Spanish man let out a bold laugh, earning a confusion between the two lads. "I am as you say complicated. I love my wife, but that dosen't stop me from wanting to make love to everyone. Especially such a beautiful, powerful man." he said and caressed Niall's cheek. 

Harry immediately stood up from his seat, "Get your bloody hands off him!" he almost barked, not wanting to make a scene at the restaurant. 

When Eduardo touched Niall's cheek it took all of Harry's will power not to punch the daylights out of the man. No one touches Niall. No one! 

The man was unmoved. "Don't tell me you never want to make love to our Niall. I can see it in your eyes Mr. Styles. You have so much hunger and lust and love for this man. I am jealous!" he smirked, taking another sip of his wine. 

Harry stayed quiet and starred at the blonde man who was blushing furiously beside him. 

"I think we are done. Check please." 





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