x , y , z » idol producer ☑

By zhxngj

97K 4.8K 4.7K

❝ i wish that time could stop forever at this moment. the story between us and you will never end. ❞ + this a... More

↯ Nihao! ↯
↯ - special chapter i
↯ - special chapter ii
↯ - special chapter iii
↯ - special chapter iv
↯ - special chapter v
↯ - special chapter vi
↯ - special chapter vii
↯ - epilogue
↯ - thank you
book 2

1.3K 93 87
By zhxngj

October 19, 2017

August {2}
Cheng Stars {1}
Leng Yanjun {1}
Sailor Moon 🌙 {1}
Big-Head Frog {0}
Big-White Teeth {0}
Binbin {0}
Boogie {0}
Haohao {0}
Huba {0}
Jia the Rich {0}
Jung Jung {0}
Lil Fox {0}
Lil Hamster {0}
Little Fanfan {0}
Little Superman {0}
Master Ding {0}
Minion {0}
Nongnong {0}
Shengen is ours {0}
Xiao You {0}
Yoyo + Singer {0}
Zhou Mei Rui {0}

sis ↯
good morning ↯

ye, what do u need?

you need to report at the superiors' base today, right?


you forgot bcos of your problem w wenjun?


i should go now

mom told me that lin yanjun must come with you


i guess, they'll give you missions as a pair?

because that happened to me and xuan yi before too

oooh that girl who likes you so much
that girl who wants to make babies w you?

i'm happy that she married someone already from the another clan, i'm finally done with her flirty actions

but why with yanjun?

idk, they saw potential? i guess

we won't have teamwork; he is annoying, i am short-tempered

no wonder why you are short sis


just go now, we still need to save wenjun later at 5:45 pm

ye sure

Cheng Stars
helloooo mimiyooong ↯

hi fu xi xi

Cheng Stars
i was reflecting on what i did a few days back

Cheng Stars
and i realized that i didn't make a proper way to apologize yet

Cheng Stars
so, i'm sorry for judging you miyong, you know me as a normal person, right? i usually judge people that fast, so i'm really sorry

you said sorry now that it's almost done? 😂

you think messaging me is a proper way to apologize? 😂

Cheng Stars
it is not?

it's like dumping your girlfriend through text but it's okay, i've moved on already.

Cheng Stars
thank you miyong!
you're still the old one

of course
i never change

Cheng Stars
well then, byeeee rosee!!


Cheng Stars

Leng Yanjun
hey ↯


Leng Yanjun
you know already?

that we're going at the superiors' base? of course

it will always be me, the first one to be reached by any news

Leng Yanjun
of course, you would be

Leng Yanjun
but why would your parents include me?

i don't know

maybe you asked something from them before?

spill it out, what is it?

Leng Yanjun
i'm scared to you and will always be, yet i'll have the guts to ask something from them? that's really irony

i know right?

i mean, your parents are powerful too

why are u scared of me, btw?

we used to be really close before

Leng Yanjun
.... you don't remember why?

should i even asked if i remembered?

Leng Yanjun
i don't want to remember it

you're really weird.
one second, you're scared; the next second, you're so annoying and will annoy me to death; the next 30 minutes, you'll care for me as if i'm your girlfriend

Leng Yanjun
i'm sorry
that's a job of a cold prince

Leng Yanjun

you're just cold, you ain't a prince

Leng Yanjun
yeah whatever.

Leng Yanjun
get your ass out of your room if you don't want to be late

k, whatever.

Sailor Moon 🌙
miyoung? ↯

uhm, who is this again?

Sailor Moon 🌙
qin fen

oh you changed your dp, i see

Sailor Moon 🌙
are u ready? we're going at the superiors' base

with you too?

Sailor Moon 🌙
i'm just going to take you and yanjun there

i see,
i'll just eat some bread then we'll go

Sailor Moon 🌙
okay miyoung, i'll wait at the living room. take your time



after i finished taking a refreshing bath, i wear a sleeveless dress that is baby pink in color and a flat shoes too that is white in color

i made my way to the kitchen and prepared myself some sandwiches, i only found qin fen at the living room. maybe the boys are still in their rooms?

"WHERE THE HELL IS MIYOUNG? WHAT'S TAKING HER SO LONG?!" someone shouted while going down from the stairs; from the voice, i guess it's lin yanjun

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM? I'M HERE AT THE KITCHEN. LET ME EAT FIRST OR I'LL EAT YOU ALIVE" i shouted back which made him cover his mouth with both of his hands, qin fen just laughed

"IT'S TOO NOISY, WHAT ARE YOU UP TO?" someone shouted again

"WHY DO YOU WANT TO SHOUT? IT'S TOO EARLY" another shout from someone again. that's it, i had enough. i went out of the kitchen and showed myself to them,

"WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP? I'M SO ANNOYED RIGHT NOW! I KNOW THAT THIS HOUSE IS BIG BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHOUT!" i pointed to them with my right hand with the sandwich i made on my left hand

when they saw me, they immediately ran back to their rooms. they even tripped themselves. guess who are those people? it's justin and chengcheng.

i furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head because of their unusual action, am i really scary?

"let's go" i munched my multi-decker sandwich as i made my way to our car

me and yanjun are in the back seat while qin fen's driving the car, there is a one seat space between me and yanjun

"i'll sleep, just wake me later okay?" i told qin fen and he responds a nod, i turned my gaze to yanjun and i saw him jamming to some music with his earphones

"i know i'm handsome, stop staring.", i scoffed and acted like i want to vomit, i decided to sleep and waited for them to wake me up

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"miyoung, wake up!", i feel someone tapping my shoulders but i refused to wake up

"i know what could wake her up"


i feel like there's a pair of hands approaching my face, i grabbed both of those hands and woke up

"what the fuck?", he let go from my grip and squeezed both of my cheeks

"wake up, your highness", i slap yanjun's hands and went out of the car

"THAT HURTS, YOU BASTARD", yanjun went out of the car and shrugged

"miyoung, i'll just stay here. you go inside" qin fen stated

we both nod and went inside of the building, there are a lot of rooms but the one in the 4th floor's we're going to pay a visit

"did you know?", he turned his gaze to see me and tilt his head

"you're hands are so gross", i rubbed my cheeks

"at least i don't sleep like a pig" he sticked out his tongue, ugh really. i rolled my eyes in response

after a few more minutes walking, we finally arrived. we're now infront of the superiors' office, i sighed before yanjun opened the door

"good morning" yanjun greeted and bowed to them but i just gave them a smile and bowed too

i saw three ladies sitting, with a long table infront of them. these ladies are nongnong's mom, zhengting's mom and my mom which i hated the most

we went inside but we didn't dare to sit in one of the plenty chairs infront of them. it's one of the rules, you don't have to sit unless you are told to but still don't.

"good morning", nongnong's mom smiled and waved to us, did nongnong get those chic traits from his mom?

zhengting's mom looks a little bit strict but she look approachable unlike my mom

"we called you here for an important mission" zhengting's mom stated, we both listen attentively

my mom's reading a magazine, not giving a care for her child nor giving me just a glance

"are you willing to do it?" nongnong's mom smiled widely to us

"yes, anything for the group" yanjun answered in a very formal manner which gives me a shock, he is not like this!

"my daughter's still immature about this, so please help him out yanjun", i glared at her and clenched my fists. i went through a lot already

"madam, i believe she can do anything. i trust her skills" yanjun explained and he even used some hand gestures

"don't trust too much" my mom flips the pages of the magazine she's reading. i'm just being patient, i don't want to be a disgrace to this family

yanjun obviously faked a laugh and i did as well

"this mission is for the future of our clan so i hope you can do this well"

yanjun gulped, "what is it, madam?"

"you'll be the representatives of our clan and it is permanent once you are elected into your positions", ㅡwait what?

"just like my parents?" yanjun asked, wtf does this meanㅡ

the superiors nod, "it's not really urgent but we told you this beforehand so you'll have time to adjust"

"you don't have any boyfriend nor girlfriend, don't you?"

i froze in my place, "we don't have madam", i glared to yanjun, i have!

yanjun looked at me and mouthed, "stay focus and give respect!"

"it's settled then, you will be the final representatives for overseas transactions while the three boys which are nongnong, zhengting and xukun will be the superiors"

"are you all retiring already?" i asked

"yes, next year sweetie" nongnong's mom gave me an eye smile

"you don't have any questions?" my mom asked, me and yanjun shook our heads

"you may leave now" zhengting's mom ordered us to leave so we did

"byeeee kids!" nongnong's mom smiled and bid her goodbyes to us, we both bowed before leaving the office

we both leave the building and went inside the car, "what did they told you?"

i stared to yanjun, i saw him looking outside the window but he didn't answer to qin fen's question, i decided not to as well

"if it's confidential, it's okay." qin fen started the engine and we went home

if we became the representatives for overseas and we are like yanjun's parents, does it mean we have to mㅡ NO WTH. I DON'T WANT TO.

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