
By TheLady_Luck

41 4 2

Different short stories about BTS More

I Don't Know

Alone With The Stars In The Sky

29 3 2
By TheLady_Luck


"So..Taehyung! I hear you've learned a lot of Japanese. Is that true?" MC Kim asked.

Taehyung laughed,showing his famous boxy smile. " I've had to. We're doing most of our songs in Japanese now so...even if I don't understand.... I have to."
All the members laughed. Jimin grinned and said "Yoongi hyung is very fluent in Japanese. He even scolds us in Japanese now. I don't know which is more scary, understanding the words or not."

MC Kim laughed along with everyone. "Is that true Yoongi? No, never mind don't answer, I can see that its true .Just one question. What do you scold them for and who do you scold the most?"

Yoongi shrugged, " I mostly scold Jimin and Taehyung. Those two are unbelievably bratty. And why I scold them.....they don't let me sleep."

Namjoon winced, " Seriously, waking up Yoon hyung is a great task. He grabs and claws at anyone who dares to wake him up.I have many bruises to prove that. Yoon hyung is like a ninja when you wake him up. Only Jin hyung can come out of his room without any scratches."

"Really!? Jin, what is your secret? I'm sure all the members would definitely appreciate the advice." MC Kim winked at Jin.
Jin looked at Yoongi and laughed.  

"It's quite simple, really. I tickle him! I tickle him until he gets up. Believe it or not, Yoon is extremely ticklish. So I just go into his room, whip away the blanket and then start tickling him. Tada! Awake Yoongi, ready in 5 minutes!!"



MC Kim laughed. "As you can see, our 95-liners are very happy with this new information. Yoongi, you better watch out. Lock and barricade your door every night. Let's see whether that will stop your enthusiastic dongsaengs."

"Now we only have a few minutes before its time to say our goodbyes. Let's go back to our favorite Taetae. So..Taehyung, what's your favorite Japanese word now that you know lot?"   

Taehyung laughed. "MC Kim loves me so much. He hasn't left me alone since the start of the show."

Everyone laughed. "Well, let me just say that I was charmed the moment I saw you." MC Kim winked.

"Hmm. I think my favorite Japanese word would be.....Nagareboshi."

"It means 'shooting star'. It gives me hope, like how a shooting star is a flash of light in the dark, it is a word that gives me hope whenever I'm sad."

MC Kim nodded. "That was surprisingly philosophical. I expected that only from our dear Rap Monster," Namjoon grinned. "But I understand what you mean, Tae. It was a beautiful explanation."

Jhope looked at Taehyung. "Aigoo, you don't need some shooting star to give you hope, I'm right here. Jhope, the only hope of BTS because all of you are doomed."
All of them laughed.

MC Kim sighed. "Unfortunately, dear viewers, our time with Bangtan Sonyeondan has come to an end. It was a pleasure meeting you all. Until we meet again, goodbye and all the best Bangtan!"



They were in their van, heading back to their dorms. Jimin and Taehyung had wasted no time in immediately belting out their favorite song at the top of their voices. Jin was desperately trying to quiet down his dongsaengs. Even Jin's threats to withhold their dinner had no effect on them.

Yoongi and Namjoon had wisely bought earplugs, both knowing how rowdy those two could get and were quietly working on their laptops.

Jungkook and Hoseok had miraculously managed to sleep, both cuddled up next to each other. They had an uncanny ability to sleep whenever and wherever they wanted.
Jin was desperately trying to quite down his rowdy dongsaengs, but to no avail. When he saw that no one was paying any attention to them, he gave up and joined them too.

Bang PD nim looked back at the three of them. "Stop singing, we've reached. It's not Havana, its just your dorm now go in."

Jin blushed at being caught and quickly shoved the two naughties outside. He quickly tapped both Yoongi and Namjoon and moved to wake Kookie and Hobie.

Kookie was already awake, rubbing his bleary eyes and looking round in confusion. His hair was adorably rumpled. It was in these moments that Jin felt fiercely protective of his dear maknae.

Kook-ah, come on, we've reached."

Jin knew if someone didn't go with him, Kookie would sleep in that van forever. So, he put his arm around him and half- carried him out.   

Surprisingly, the others were still waiting for them. He left Kookie with Yoongi and then went inside to fetch Hobie.

Hobie would not wake up.

He kept on tossing and turning and slapping Jin's hands away. And to make matters worse, Hobie was not ticklish. No matter where Jin tried, Hobie would just turn away again. In the end, Jin was forced to accept defeat.

He could've carried Hobie, (but Jin was really tired and he didn't want to admit that.)

He called the one person who he thought could help. Yoongi was helping Kook. Kook was half-asleep. Tae and Jimin...they would probably fall asleep with Hobie themselves. Which only left....."NAMJOON!! PLEASE COME HERE....NOW!!!"  
Namjoon came, panting. "Y-yes J-Jin hyung??"  Jin stood up and glared at Hobie. "Please can you do something to wake up this pabo?"   

Namjoon sighed, "Aigoo....why does he have to be so stubborn? I guess there's only one thing left to do. Why don't you carry him, Jin hyung? You can get him out then."
Jin blushed. "U-umm t-that....u-umm...I-I...my legs feel weak."

Namjoon looked suspiciously at his hyung. "Then how are you walking?"

"Yah! Namjoon-ah! Do you want to carry me also? Hurry up and take this pabo out. Come fast OK? And make sure to take a bath. Both of you stink."

Jin skillfully escaped and managed to herd his dongsaengs into their apartment. Yoongi was a great help. Much better than Namjoon because Yoongi knew how to cook without burning the kitchen or breaking any plates.

By the time Namjoon had finally managed to drag a grumpy Hoseok to their table, all the members had freshly showered and changed. Jungkook was fully awake now. He was playing Piano Tiles with Yoongi. Jin proudly bought some ramen to their table.

"Food's ready! Now eat up and go to bed, you guys. Namjoon-ah, what's our schedule for tomorrow?"    

Namjoon was staring at Jin, a blank look on his face. He smiled and sighed dreamily.

"Namjoon. Namjoon-ah!" Jin snapped his fingers in front of his face. "What are you thinking?"

Namjoon blushed. "Oh...umm..nothing. Our schedule for tomorrow....hmm...PD nim hasn't said anything yet. I'm expecting a call from him."

Right on cue, Namjoon's phone rang. "Hey PD nim....mmm... yeah...wow...that's great...mmm..cool...yeah I'll tell the others. Goodnight!"

Namjoon looked at the others, grinning. "Great news guys! We are free tomorrow! Bang PD nim has decided to give us a week off for all our hard work!"

"YAYYYYYYY!!" Jimin and Taehyung immediately jumped up and started dancing together. Yoongi shook his head, frowning.

"Do you have to be so loud?" But even he couldn't stop a small smile from creeping onto his face.

Jungkook looked at his childish hyungs, grinning.

"Yah Jungkookie!! Come on, let's celebrate!!"

Jimin pulled Jungkook to his feet and put his arms around him.

Taehyung who was attempting to pull a grumpy Yoongi up from his chair, immediately stopped and glared at Jimin.

He strode up to them and forcefully yanked Jimin off Jungkook, who flashed him a comfused smile before going to hug Namjoon.

"What do you think you're doing?" Taehyung hissed at Jimin. "I told you to stay away from him!"

Jimin grinned back. "Hush, Taetae. I'm just trying to make Yoongi hyung jealous." He giggled. "I think it worked."

Taehyung sneaked a glance at Yoongi, who was visibly smoldering, fists clenched.

Tae grinned. "Oh it definitely did. But not with Kookie, okay?"

Jimin smiled. "Deal. Have you had any luck with him, though?"

Taehyung blushed. "Umm..I-i h-haven't exactly asked him....yet."

Jimin nodded and winked. "You'll get him. Now I better go amd complete my work."

He winked again.

Tae dissolved into giggles. Jimin was a mastermind at these sort of things.


Jimin flung himself onto Hobie. Both of them loved physical contact, so they were perfectly happy with each other.

Taehyung returned to hauling a grumpy, now angry Yoongi from his chair. He thought Yoongi would swear at him and demand Taehyung to leave him alone. But....surprise, surprise!! Yoongi got up!!
He danced around the table with Yoongi and Jin.

"Okay now enough. Food's almost gone cold.
Sit down, you guys. We'll decide our fun plans tomorrow!" Yoongi said.

All them sat down and quickly slurped up their ramen. Namjoon yawned.

"I'm sleepy. I know you are too, Jimin. Come, let's go to bed."

Hobie yawned next. "Yeah me too. Yoongles.. come on."

Yoongi grumbled. "Don't call me Yoongles. Taehyung, you coming?"

Taehyung shrugged. "Nuh uh. I'll come after some time. Don't wait up!"

Yoongi mumbled "Like I will."

Jin went next. "Kookie! I'm going to bed too. Come up when you will. I'm not going to force you now that you're not sleepy. But please make sure you sleep tonight."

Jungkook grinned at Jin. "Don't worry, Jinnie hyung. I'll come up soon."

Soon, Taehyung and Jungkook were the only ones left.

"Hey Kookie!" Tae grinned happily. "Wanna play some video games?"

Jungkook frowned. "No...it might wake up the hyungs.... We could reduce the volume......but....it's no fun to play with a low volume."

Tae pouted. "True. Hmm....what shall we do then?"

Jungkook suddenly blushed, much to Taehyung's surprise and amusement.

"I want to show you something. Will you come with me?"

Taehyung grinned. "Of course! Where are we going?"

Jungkook smiled nervously. "It's a surprise. Now wait here, I'll be back soon."

He left the room, leaving Taehyung to comprehend his feelings about the maknae. He knew it was wrong. They were supposed to share a strict hyung-dongsaeng relationship. But, you couldn't really do anything once Cupid's arrow struck you.

Jungkook returned, with a blindfold.

"Umm... Kookie...you're not gonna take me to some dark alley and murder me, are you?"

Kookie laughed, his cute bunny smile showing. "Hyung! You do say the weirdest things sometimes. Why would I even want to kill such a cute hyung like you?"

Both of them blushed, as the meaning of the sentence sank in.

"I-i m-mean..why would I kill such a....nice hyung like you?"

Tae smiled, even though his insides were churning with butterflies. "Just had to make sure."

Kookie chuckled, a faint pink. "Okay, now stay still." He stepped up behind Taehyung and tied the blindfold.

"Omigosh! I can't see anything! Yayy!!" Taehyung started jumping around.

"Hyung! Be careful, there's a--"

"Oomph! Ouchie....."

"Stool. Are you okay?" He put his hand on Tae's shoulder.

Taehyung straightened, rubbing his leg. "Yeah, I'm fine. But I think it might be better if I did this."

He reached over and grabbed Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook thanked the gods that Taehyung couldn't see the furious blush that had appeared on his face.

"A-alright. Shall we go?"


Jungkook quietly guided Taehyung outside, left a message for Jin on the fridge and headed outside.

Taehyung was leaning against the wall, humming and twiddling his thumbs.

He heard Jungkook walk up and grinned.

"Shall we?" Taehyung extended his arm towards Jungkook.

Jungkook grinned. "We shall."

They started walking. Jungkook really hoped this would turn out well because he had put a lot of thought into it. They were going to the park.

"Kookie!" Taehyung groaned for the millionth time. "Please,please,please...tell me where we're going! I'm dying of curiosity."

"Nope. You'll just have to wait."

"I can't take this any longer! I'm not gonna walk any further unless you tell me where we're going." Taehyung stopped in the middle of the road, pouting.

"Hyung! Come on...it's called a surprise."

"Nuh uh. I'm not moving from here until you tell me where we're going."

Jungkook sighed. Taehyung could be really stubborn. "You sure about this?"

Taehyung frowned. "Umm... Yesss!!"

"Then you leave me with no choice." Saying so, Jungkook stepped forward and lifted Taehyung.

"Ahh!! Kookie, put me down this instant! Or I'll scream this place down!"

Jungkook shifted, so that he was now carrying Taehyung bridal style. "You said you wouldn't walk. What else can I do?"

Five minutes of groans and grumbles later, they finally reached.

"Are we there? Oh cooool!!" Taehyung's previous annoyance at being carried by Jungkook had vanished. In fact, Taehyung had felt very flustered and happy, he had had to mentally restrain himself from squealing like a fangirl when Kookie had picked him up.

He sat down next to Jungkook. Clearly, they were in a park. What for.....still had to figure out that bit.

"Hyung, I'm removing the blindfold now. Promise me you won't open your eyes until I tell you to?"

Taehyung chuckled. He was eagerly waiting to see what Kookie was going to show him. "Promise."

Jungkook quickly removed the blindfold.

"Okay now lie down." Jungkook's soft voice sent shivers down his spine.

He felt Jungkook lie down beside him.

A soft whisper floated towards him. "Open your eyes."

Taehyung opened his eyes. They were lying down on top of a small hill. And above him were......stars.

Dozens of stars. Countless of stars, on the navy blue sky. He was entranced. As he looked, he saw a shooting star. And another one. The sky was filled with shooting stars.

"Make a wish."

He turned to look at Jungkook, who was softly smiling at him. He closed his eyes, fervently wishing for the one thing he wanted. Turning around, he saw that Jungkook's eyes were also closed, lips moving in a soundless whisper.

Taehyung was overwhelmed. Jungkook was so thoughtful, he had desperately been wishing to see a shooting star. He was very lucky to witness this. Especially with the person he loved sitting right next to him.

He turned, grasping Jungkook in a fierce hug. "Kookie...I-i....thank you so much. I've always wanted to see this."

Jungkook was breathing heavily, his heartbeat thundering in his ears. He had certainly not expected that hug. Taehyung pulled away and Jungkook wanted to whine at the loss of warmth from his body. Instead he looked up shyly.

"Did you like it?"

Taehyung stared at him for a long time. "That was the best moment in my entire life."

Jungkook blushed. He felt a little disappointed but he furiously pushed that feeling down. He was lucky enough to have gotten a hug. Maybe he misjudged Taehyung's feelings. Maybe Taehyung just thought of him as a dongsaeng.

Maybe....they weren't meant to be.

He quickly clamped down that thought. "Shall we head back, hyung? Much as I'd love to stay here with you...we have to be getting back."

He stood up, shaking grass from his pants.

Taehyung was still sitting down when Jungkook suddenly got up.

No no no! This is your chance, Taehyung! He's going! It's now or never! Grab this chance, doofus! He likes you too!

He doesn't like me. He thinks of me just as a hyung!

Kim Taehyung! Listen to me, you silly boy. I know love when I see it and this is it!!! Where's your manliness, huh? Get yourself together and go kiss that boy!

Whhaaat!!? I can't kiss him like that! It's gonna be so awkward and weird! Besides, how will I face him afterwards?

I knew you weren't man enough. Alright. Do whatever you want. Just don't come running to me when he's taken by someone else.

I can't come running to you. You're my conscious.

*Sigh*  It's your choice.

"I know that. Stop bugging me! All you ever do is yell at me. I'm grown up, okay? I know how to make my own decisions."

"Umm....I'm s-so sorry hyung...please forgive me."

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, who looked  very close to tears.

"Oh..Kookie....I didn't mean that! I was talking to myself. I'm sorry you had to hear that."

To Taehyung's shock, Jungkook was already crying.

"No..no. Kookie, please don't cry!"

Taehyung quickly stood up and hugged Jungkook. "I was talking to myself. I'm sorry, I can be so absentminded sometimes. It makes me wonder whether I'm really human or not. But....being an alien would be super cool. "

Jungkook let out a teary giggle.

Jungkook looked so beautiful in the moonlight. Even though his nose was adorably red and there were tear tracks glistening on his face, he was the most beautiful person Taehyung had ever seen.

Without even thinking, he leaned down and pressed his lips onto Jungkook's.

To say he was shocked was an understatement. Jungkook stood frozen for sometime as Taehyung continued to kiss him.

Kiss him back pabo, before he pulls away!

Jungkook leaned forward and moved his lips against Tae's. Both of them pulled back after sometime.

Taehyung rested his forehead on Jungkook's, grinning. "Okay.....now we can go back."

He blushed. "Hyung!" But they headed back nonetheless.

"So.....does this mean we're together now?"
The words accidentally slipped out of his mouth. Jungkook had been thinking of nothing else for a long time now.

Taehyung blushed. "Will you be my boyfriend, Kookie?"


Taehyung grinned at him. "Omigosh Jiminie is going to be so happy."

Jungkook laughed. "Yes...Namjoon hyung also."

"Whaaat!? Namjoon hyung knew?"

"Mm. He was the one who gave me the courage to...um....ask you out."

"So this was a date?" Taehyung winked at Kookie.

"U-um...i-it can be anything y-you want it to be hyung."

Taehyung laughed. "Well then, it was the best date of my life. Kookie....don't call me hyung now you can call me whatever you want."

"Mm. Okay then I'll call you pabo."

"Me!? Why are you calling me pabo?!"

"I don't know, just felt like it. And you act like one too."

"Yah! You're getting cheeky now! But I like it."

Jungkook giggled and interlaced his fingers with Taehyung's.

"I'll call you Taetae."


Hey guys! Thank you for reading this! Please comment if you liked it and also what other ships I should write about. Also, I know I said it's only oneshots, but most of them will be like a continuation, just with different ships. I know this isn't really good😰 still have to improve my writing skills.
Ps- Anyone recognize the song from which I borrowed the title?😉

Word count- 3238 words


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