
By amna_riaz

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"I... Am here to see you.", I told him as I placed my hands around his neck. I could feel my heart beat getti... More

Lost in Translation!
Finally the Talk!
The Birthday!
Out of Control!
Open Ends!
The End letters!
Book 2!
Published Book 2!

Out of Hands!

471 20 0
By amna_riaz

Life was now back to normal pace.

I woke up with a stance of trying to feel my old self. I had been through so much, much I wasn't even ready to face. Yet here I stood back to a normal pace I wished to see through life.

I was glad, I was back to my old self.

I picked up a casual pair of denim shorts and a casual sleeveless crop top. Indulging the new books inside my bag a ray lifted inside my heart. How it felt going to school with new books thinking that every year would be the same, dodging bullies, fighting anxiety. But now none of it felt legit.

It all felt surreal.

There was a guy waiting for me down in school, who loved me, who's promise ring I held and wore. There were friends alongside. Of course Fel and Connor would come around gradually as well.

I made my way downstairs and swept swiftly across on the dinner table.

Uncle Daniel and even Claire sat right next to him. She'd been more than usually accompanying him around.

I hugged and wished everyone a good morning and sat on the table grabbing some waffles to indulge in.

"Where did you go from your birthday the other night? I was busy yesterday didn't get the chance to ask.", Dad asked him coldly making my eyes jump out of sockets.

What the hell was I supposed to tell him? He never asked me any such thing.

"Umm... I went with Brandon.", Of course I couldn't lie, he must've known that's why he was asking.

"Where?", He interrogated again as I was about to bite the waffle into my mouth.

I rolled my eyes placing the fork down onto the plate, "To the beach... He gifted me a necklace and then we talked and he drove me back home.", I said through a small smile.

I had been bold enough to talk and come up with lies in an easier pace.

"Next time, be careful leaving the parties. There could be people asking for you. Besides it was your birthday party and people had come to see you.", He complained again with an authoritative voice.

Gosh... What has gotten inside him being so cranky.

"Sorry... I'll be careful.", I said trying to end the conversation.

"What are you wearing?", He asked as I chewed on the breakfast.

I raised my shoulders to show him the obvious.

"There not the kind of clothes I'll be allowing in my office.", He almost hissed taking me aback with his attitude.

I cocked an eyebrow at him turning my gaze upwards at Margaret who eyed dad in disbelief and shifting my gaze at Uncle who was shaking his head indelibly, like he had an idea about things.

"What does my clothes have to do with your office?", I finally asked.

"You'll be joining my office after school from today, everyday and cover up the rest of work you'll miss during your school hours on Saturday and Sundays.", He announced getting up adjusting his cufflinks. "Don't come to my office like that.", He finally announced leaving behind a confused me.

"What the hell happened to him?", I directly asked Uncle.

"Welcome to the cranky business men's young children tortured to death club.", He smiled hinting me my doom.


I parked my car in the school's parking space and gave one final look at the suit jacket hanging backseat. Inside it the purple button down followed by a pair of black pencil skirt was hanging. It gave me rather chills how dad's behaviour was becoming aggressive towards me over time. I saw him change drastically since I came back from New York, it's like he didn't want me to come. But I guess it was his decision?

I decided to shake everything away and made my way inside. The school felt same, like every year and everyday I spent here, so close and extremely surreal. Nothing had changed.

Not even the bullying -- that made me look ahead at the kid that was surrounded by three of the other jocks. They were from Brandon's team. The kid was little and timid compared to them.

I knew exactly what was going around. I had known the feeling of anxiety whenever someone this large or aggressive passed ahead or near me I always scared myself to death.

I could barely imagine how the kid must have felt. His expressions screamed scary as the three dick head cornered him.

Soon one of them slapped his head, making the books in that kid's hands fall down.

My instincts worked immediately making me jump in between as I yelled out loud and pushed the jocks aside.

It was Shane and Patrick and I couldn't recognize the third one. They were quite close to Brandon however and it was sad for me that even they planned on hurting someone weak.

"What the hell?", One of them yelled as I pushed them away and stood besides the kid.

"Are you okay?", I asked the whimpering guy who almost had tears in his eyes.

The sight pierced my heart.

"What the hell?", I heard one of the guys yell as I got up and faced him glaring him back into his eyes.

"You touch him again and you're done.", I glared back to the guy whom I didn't seem to recognise.

Before he could say anything Patrick put a hand between us on his chest making him step back, "She's Brandon's girl. Don't mess with her.", He whispered in his ear lowly.

So I was immune because I was Brandon's girl?

"Neither him.", I said pointing at the kid, "No one, anyone ever.... If I see you messing with anyone here... You're done.", I warned him and saw them walk away throwing glares down my way.

I went back towards the kid.

"Hey! You okay?", I asked him again, helping him pick his books up.

"Thanks...", He sniffed through his nose.

I noticed his features. He had bulgy eyes with beautiful freckles covering his pointed nose with a lean figure covering down his entire body. He seemed too cute for me to be hurt.

"What's your name?", I asked him, smiling trying to make friends with him.

"Ross.", He said smiling my way.

"You're a freshman?", I asked him trying to make a conversation.

He simply nodded.

Okay.... It's a difficult case... But I can't let another Christie suffer.

"I'm Amy Cole by the way.", I offered my hand for him to shake.

He looked down at it for a moment and then again at my face smiling his way and finally shook hands with me.

"I'm a Junior.", I smiled at him.

"Also Brandon's girlfriend.", He added making me look at him with bewilderment.

"Did Brandon ever...?", I tried asking the question that scared me to death.

I could never afford Brandon being a bully, I loved him with all my heart... This can't be happening.

"No... He never. It's just... They're his friends and they bully me so why don't you?", He asked me through misty eyes, breaking my heart down.

"Because even I was once bullied like you... You know what I did?", I asked finally catching his attention.

"What?", He asked with excitement.

"I stood up to them. I fought back... Finally boring them and winning the fight.", I winked his way.

He smiled a bit warming my heart.

"You have a lovely smile.", I told him complementing him and making him feel better about his self.

"Hey honey... What's going on?", I felt Brandon's arm over my shoulder, pecking me down on my cheek and gesturing towards Ross.

"Baby... This is Ross and Ross this is Brandon... Bran you're going to take good care of Ross. Aren't you?", I asked him through a warning tone.

My gaze was enough go send signals down to Brandon's way. He nodded in agreement.

We soon made our way towards my locker. I started picking out my books with Brandon still standing right next to me and glaring me down.

"You can go to your locker...", I told him as I looked at him from the corner of my eyes.

"Wanna go see a movie? My place after school?", He asked looking at me intendedly.

I instantly remembered dad's tantrums this morning, "I'd love to honey... But dad... He'd asked me join him in the office from today."

"Oh... So I'll pick you up after you get free? When?", He asked trying to comprehend the situation.

"Pick me up at 7:30? Dad leaves at around 6... So I'll have some time to complete my homework.", I mapped out my entire time division statement.
"Great... I'll pick you up at 7:30 then.", He said leaning in and kissing me passionately, showing down some tongue action.

"Get a room morphs.", Laura complained joining us from the distant background. Kevin and Lex stood right next to them.

I looked at Lex and his eyes were enough to signal me about the distress with Connor and Fel.

"Says who?", I snorted through my nostrils.

Soon Connor and Fel appeared passing ahead of us not even bothering to look over towards our direction.

Bran and Kevin got busy discussing some sports stuff with Laura picking up her books. I excused and joined in Connor to finally have a talk with him.

"We need to talk...", I said slumping down his locker door.

"What?", He said sounding completely casual, making me anxious.

"Connor please ... Can we just forget that these past four months ever happened?", I complained and he stayed silent cueing me to speak more, "These four months were already enough of a torture for me to spend without you guys, my family, away on a break from Brandon. Everything was already a huge mess. Just consider it as my servings of my deed okay? I already served my sentence. Now can we be back to normal?"

"Normal?", Connor said with a pissed tone, "Normal to what? Be back again with the same guy my girlfriend...", Connor stopped making a disgusted face.

I looked up at Connor's shoulders and Fel stood with pleading eyes, asking me to not to spill the beans.

I wasn't even planning on it.

"You know what?", Connor hissed grabbing my attention, "You're a total different person when you're with your boyfriend and your other friends."

"Why would you feel the need to say that now? Weren't even you friends with them?", I argued back feeling annoyed.

He snorted out a sarcastic laugh, "You really want to be friends with us?", He asked and the bell went off at the same time.

"Of course.... Why else do you think I'm here for.", By now Brandon, Kevin, Laura and Lex had joined in the fight club ring as well.

"Well... Then leave your boyfriend and his friends as well.", Connor said out coldly.

My eyes popped out of their sockets at his words.

How could he even say that. Him and Fel clearly knew how much I loved Brandon. How could he even say such things about them. Why was his ego hurt so much.

"They're not just Brandon's friends, they're even my friends. I can't choose between you guys. What the fuck man?", I argued.

"Then it's either them or us, Cole!"

I looked at Brandon who looked at me with bewilderment. Like I could make a decision to leave him.

I never could do that.

I rather felt infuriated at Connor's words. He was testing my patience, my limits and my love for him by comparing it with Brandon.

"Then I guess it's decided.", I firmly put my words ahead and grabbed Brandon's arms and walked away into the crowd in the corridor.

"Baby?", Brandon called out making me stop and freed his arm.

"Don't be stupid... Talk to him. If you want I could apologize.", He offered.

"And it still won't make any difference. He wants me to put him before everyone of you. How could that be even possible. You all hold special places in my heart, no one's above anyone.", I offered my stance.

"At least let me talk to him?", He said again.

"Didn't you already? Around five times. And what did he do every time?", Brandon looked at me bewildered with my discovery. I rolled my eyes, "Lex told me already and that's exactly why he doesn't prefer to be with Connor and his infuriated ego anymore."

"But...", Bran began.

"It's my decision okay?", I told him making him shut quiet.


"Oh just come on.", I complained huffing loudly, breathing profusely and sweated terribly as I tried putting on skirt and closing it down.

I was in the backseat of my car putting my clothes on, that was parked in farthest area of the parking lot of dad's office's building.

I had already worn the shirt and finally zipped up the skirt.

I finally put my heels on that I luckily remembered to keep. Otherwise I would just be walking down wearing NMDRs.

I walked down the elevator. I've been here before around a few times, When mom used to be alive. She used to bring me here after school and stay until dad won't leave and come home with us.

Now only I'm coming here all alone to work and take over this business perhaps some day.

I went ahead towards the reception and smiled at the lady who somehow seemed to recognise me.

"Your office is at the twenty first floor Ms. Cole. Ask for Mr. Sandy up there, he'll guide you.", She said passing me a smile.

I went towards the elevator.

The entire reception area was filled with executive people, clinking their shoes, postures. Young man trying to be the wolf of wall street personal with young women being the fierce one.

Everybody around gave the essence of hard work. It was going to be a difficult ride.

As I made my way ahead towards the elevator I presses down the elevator button to one and a guard stopped me.

"You can't go in that one... Take the other one.", He said a bit too rudely.

"Excuse me?", I was taken aback with his attitude.

I wasn't expecting to be treated precisely like the daughter of the CEO but his rude behaviour did hurt like shit.

"This one's for the O'Neil's or the associates only. You could take another one.", He said again with the same bitch tone.

I had already noted him down in the list of the people who lose their jobs once I take over.

I simply nodded and went ahead to take the other one, pressing in 21.

Before the doors could close, someone --- a guy as he perched his hands between the elevator doors and stepped in.

He was in his early twenties, with face cleaned of shave like a baby's butt, yet so fresh with an emitting jawline radiating his handsome features. He smelled and screamed of perfumes. I was guessing that he was some sort managerial or a task handling folk.

He pressed down 23, only two floors above mine.

"Hey!", He smiled looking at me making me realise that I was gawking him.

I smiled back and nodded.

"I'm guessing you're new?", He said trying to make out an elevator conversation.

I nodded again.

"I'm the inventory department manager. Ben.", He smiled offering me a hand.

"I'm Amy...", I didn't comprehend enough to say my surname knowing the reactions I'll be getting from this dude.

Soon the elevator door opened to my floor and I passed him a smile as I got off onto floor with shaking legs.

As the door closed behind me I looked around with shaking legs. Everything was huge. Dad's office was on the 30th floor as of I know.

The office was spacious and huge. Big cabins were set up at every corner entirely covered with glasses and shields signifying as the office of the executives. Other small cubicles were set up with people being busy, digging in their work.

Once I stepped in nobody cared enough or bothered to look at my direction.

I went towards the reception and clear my throat grabbing the guy's attention.

"Mr. Sandy?", I asked him as he looked up at me through his glassy eyes, waiting to speak further. "Umm... I'm Amy Cole.", I told him completely dazzled at what further to say.

"Sure...", He got up picking up some files from the left side of his table and gestured me to follow him. "This way please."

I followed him as people looked up from their system screens towards me making me feel conscious.
He finally took me towards a farthest most cornered cubicle. It was almost separate from the rest. Signified as the box of shame.

"This is going to be your desk.", He gestured me to sit.

As soon as I sat, he placed down four files right in front of me.

"Mr. Cole wants you to go through these files, underline the important aspects, highlight the strategies of the contracts of our partners and report it down before 6.", He guided making me look at his with bulged eyes.

I looked at the time and it was already 4.

He didn't wait for me to argue or ask anything back.

I didn't even know which department I was in. I already felt burdened.

I heaved a huge sigh and decided to fight my way through it. Like I always do.

I started reading the files, one after the other one. Noting down important facts and figures. I finally opened up my system and started compiling everything I read and understood so far. I went through the files again and added any further points I considered important.

I finally audited down the files, making me realise that I was in the audit department as everyone around was discussing facts and numbers.

The desk was clean and small, with a place of only a notebook and a system to place over them.

A page was already placed down the table with instructions regarding to which thing is to be done which way.

I looked at the page and saw there were multiple passwords and e-mail IDs written on it and even the system codes to which the computers were connected to, inclusion the purpose.

I didn't even know where to mail them.

I had my systems already connected with a printer. So I went ahead and sent a command to the printer to get it printed out at first and finally went to the area where the printer was placed.

I already knew that in most of the offices, printers are placed near the lunch area so I went near the lunch room and my guess won me good.

I was already feeling ahead of my game.

I got my pages printed out neatly, compiling them in a file, mailing my file to the audit department and finally placing the printed file on Sandy's desk.

He looked up at me and checked the time. It was only fifteen past five.
He gave me the same pierced look and nodded.

I went back to my desk not knowing what further to do.

After fifteen minutes I heard the phone on my desk ring.

I looked up confused that the thing even rings.

I picked up as everyone in the room started giving me judgmental looks.

"Yes?", I asked looking into my system as an email notification popped up.

"Mr. O'Neil would like to see you.", A voice called and immediately cut down the connection before I could ask any questions.

I simply got up from my place and made my way towards the elevator, towards dad's office.

His office was on the top most floor, opening directly towards the reception, into the area where his secretaries sat alongside the cabin of his executive secretary Andy.

I walked directly into his room, of course he was my father and why would I need anyone's permission to go to meet him.

But the weird thing was the fact that dad could've called me himself instead of asking someone else.

I guess he had to discuss some business, perhaps some important paper work. Get my review on it.

I went straight ahead into his office. The large spacious index room that denoted power and wealth. Of course dad was at the top of his game at the moment. The huge room with huge window panes reflecting the environment outside giving him a view of the corporate world.

"Hey dad you called me?", I asked him as I reached for his table, standing across him.

"Who let you in?", He asked bitterly taking me aback.

I was rather startled at his behaviour.

"I... I just walked in.", I stated stammering along. I knew the tones that dad possessed and this one was in no terms to speak good to me.

"Do you have any idea, there are hundreds of people working in this building under my command. Should I let them all in, without any appointment? And what made you think you could walk in directly? Who gave you the audacity to do so?", He spoke with an octave higher voice making me shiver with fear.

This was the side of dad I'd only known off. Deprived enough to not been able to have a glimpse of it. Always afraid of seeing this side of his and here he was poising me.

"Dad... I didn't mean....", I tried defending myself but he already cut me off.

"It's Mr. O'NEIL for you!", He said emphasizing clearly upon his words.

What the fuck?

He left me speechless. Afraid to speak another word and he'll humiliate me more.

I gulped down the lump of tears forming inside my throat only to pause myself from crying.

It was all like being back in New York. Alone and humiliated.

"The file you sent down from the audit department... Is it really how they thought you to get rid of your work?", He taunted me.

Taunted! why'd he do that? He never did that!

"I'm sorry... I didn't know... Sandy told me to write it down.", I said in broken words, afraid to speak anything that'll trigger him.

"Just go home.... This work is not meant for you. Go shopping on your father's credit card or party with your boyfriend. This is what you only know of.", He hissed again bitterly.

For a moment I felt I wasn't even talking to dad. He was mentioning himself in third person. It felt like he was portraying a role, preparing for method acting.

"I'll redo the files again.", I offered marching my way out, not waiting for him to say another word.

He didn't just call me in to talk about those files. He definitely called in only to yell at me and humiliate me. Like he wanted me to cry and quit.

I had the stubborn O'Neil gene in me. Never knowing when to give up.

He had hundreds of employees. Around more than thirty working in the audit department he didn't call each and everyone of them just to tell them where they were wrong. It was all his strategy just to make me feel weak.

But I wasn't going to fall back. Not now after suffering from the hands of New York.


It had been almost twenty minutes since I mailed the audited files back to the department. Luckily no negative response came back.

No new work was coming ahead of me so I picked up my books from my bag that I carried and did my homework.

But my mind still kept repeated dad's word like an old rusted record, stuck at those same lyrics that hit you hard in the chest with a pang.

My phone buzzed and I looked at the time and it was already 7:30, with the entire office completely empty.

When did everyone even left?

I looked at a text from Brandon.

Bran 😘🙈: I'm here. Where you at?

Me: Coming down in five.

I packed my bag, organized back my table and left the office. I called on the "non associate elevator".

The elevator doors opened revealing the same elevator rider. Ben!

I simply stepped in pressing down the G.

I decided to text the chauffeur to pick my car up as I'll be needing for school tomorrow.

As I opened the phone I heard Ben clearing his throat.

I looked up to see him.

"Leaving this late?", He asked, again trying to make a conversation.

I simply nodded my head, "I come in late so I leave late."

"But the office closes at 6. Nobody stays back till this late. It's Mr. O'Neill's specific instructions."

Well even me being here was Mr. O'Neil's specific instruction.

"So what are you doing this late?", I questioned him back.

Before he could answer the elevator door opened and I nodded towards him as I stepped out.

I went straight ahead outside the building passing down the reception and nodding a different receptionist then earlier.

Brandon stood leaning against his car waiting for me.

Just looking at him made every inch of my anxiety and stress go away, leaving a free soul to a happy place.

Brandon was my happy place.

I immediately leaped into his arms and kissed him lingeringly.

Soon we made our way towards his pent house.

"So how was your first day at the office?", He asked out of nowhere.

I couldn't afford to let him know about dad's compulsive behaviour. I couldn't let him have a bitter heart towards dad. There were so many factors that I can't even list when it comes down to why Brandon should never feel bad about dad.

"It was great. Everything went smoothly.", I told him with a smile earning back a another one from Bran.

"What you want to eat?", He asked me changing the topic and I mentally thanked God.

I noticed how he kept looking over at me after every few while stealing glances.

I passed him down a smile, "Whatever you want to eat."

"How about Chinese?", He asked and and I made a wrinkled face.

"How about a pizza?", I told him back with a smirk earning an eye roll.

Soon we were inside his pent house with a pizza down our hands, rolled down on the couch on the bed in his bedroom, while watching Riverdale, cozied in the comforters.

I placed my head down his chest and felt his heartbeat. My happy place, my warm place.

I felt my eyes already heavy with my heart pounding louder.

Brandon's hand crept down to the hem of my shirt moving his hand inside and slowly caressing my skin.

I knew where this would lead.

I immediately got up and straightened myself.

"What happened?", He asked concerned of my reaction.

"It's almost nine. I should leave. Could you drop me off?", I asked him trying to get out of quilt.

He held my wrist as I was about to get up and pulled me right back into his arms, making me stumble onto his chest.

"What the rush?", He asked straightening me and pulling closer.

"It's getting late.", I told him trying to put a gap between us.

He rolled us over, pulling himself on me and putting his hands on my either side.

He closed the distance as he put his lips onto mine I couldn't resist.

You weak bitch.

My internal feminist was screaming right onto my face. Telling me to resist. But I guess I wanted his equally and there was no point in denying my feelings for the one person I loved the most.

I kissed him back passionately holding down his face.

In no time Brandon had his shirt off and so did I.

He was stroking my nipples and cupping my breast, giving me intense pleasure making me moan for more, call out his name.

He rolled over making me sit on top of him. Before this could go any further my instincts came to a wide open realisation and I immediately got off him and sat up straight looking down for my bra.

"What happened now?", He asked looking astonished at my reaction.

Even I was shocked at how strong I could be to resist someone as gorgeously candy cane handsomely delicious looking.... Okay focus!

"Bran we just did it like two days ago... We can't keep on having sex like married people. We need to be careful.", I told him putting my bra on.
"We are being careful.", He winked pulling out a packet of foil.

I simply shock my head at his stupid argument slapping away his hand.

"I need to get home.", I argued getting up but Brandon pulled me back down, taking off my bra.

"Bran...." Before I could speak any further he pressed his lips hard against mine. Demanding entrance. He kissed me more passionately deepening the kiss, moaning hard as our tongues met like fire and ice.

He flipped himself on top of me and sat up straight taking off his boxers.

"Bran.... Come on." I tried arguing again.

"There's nothing wrong in loving each other. Shush.", He shushed me pulling my body closer to his and throwing my legs over his shoulders. 

I moaned hard as I felt him thrusting inside me with intent pleasure.

He made me lose my mind, making me get lost in a world of pleasure and love that he gave me whole heartedly.


As Brandon dropped me off home, it was already too late for anyone to be up so I decided to go to my room and finally slip down to sleep.

I kept on shifting sides and despite of being hopelessly tired I still couldn't put my mind off to sleep.

This thing with Bran needs to stop, he need to see that I can't continue having sex with him with this normal pace. Anything could happen. We can't risk our futures and his was way far more on stake than mine could ever be.

Dad's attitude today was rather disappointing than shocking if I think of it now.

Things were getting messed around me and I was rather getting nervous than anxious. Because I might know how to handle things but I didn't know what end would it bring around me. Because things were out my hands now.


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