Plus One

By GabriellaHerman

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Finn has been invited to the wedding of his former boss, Brody Weston and he needs a date. Mainly Finc... More

chapter 1: prologue
Chapter 2: The Plus One
chapter 3: I kissed a boy and I didn't like it
chapter 4: On board
chapter 5: Checking in
chapter 7: Rumpy Pumpy
chapter 8: Catching Up
Chapter 9: Wedding Belles
chapter 10: I'm in the mood for dancing
chapter 11: The Proof's in the Porking
chapter 12: Game On
chapter 13: We know they know that he doesn't know she knows he knows they don't
chapter 14: The Plan
chapter 15: Morning After
chapter 16: The Deal
chapter 17: epilogue

chapter 6: The Best Man

393 16 2
By GabriellaHerman

Nothing would satisfy Quinn Fabray but to drag Finn and Puck to a quiet part of the bar so they could talk. 

“I'll get drinks,” she said, pushing Finn into a seat and running off before either of them had a chance to protest.

“I thought you said she was going to be in Mexico?” Puck said through gritted teeth. “I do not want Quinn Fabray thinking I'm gay.”

“I’m sorry, but Kurt told me she would be on vacation,” Finn apologized. He was going to kill Kurt. “Just play along for now. I’ll make sure to get her contact details from Brody before we leave and I’ll let her know the truth as soon as we get back to New York. Please, Puck, this is important.”

Puck huffed and groaned. “Fine. But, I’m not sure she's going to believe it anyway. She and I had a thing.”

“You mentioned that before. What happened between you two?”

“It started after graduation when you were in Albuquerque doing that internship. We used to hook up. It went on the year we were both in community college. And then she moved to San Francisco to go to college there so it ended.”

“For a whole year?” Finn asked incredulously. “How come you never mentioned it before?”

“Shh,” Puck warned as Quinn came back carrying three very fruity, very pink cocktails. 

Quinn set the drinks in front of the guys and sat down opposite them. “It's so good to see you both, it's been ages. How're you doing?”

“Great, we're great,” Finn said. “And you?” He took a sip of his drink and tried not to grimace at the taste.

“Oh, I’m fine. So, Brody says that you two are together now! That's so cool. How long have you been together?”

Finn and Puck stared at her in shock. Quinn seemed genuinely happy that they were together, and apparently wasn't at all surprised that they were apparently gay.

“You're not surprised?” Finn asked.

“No. Well, I was a little surprised when Brody mentioned that your boyfriend was Puck. But it makes a lot of sense now. It certainly explains a few things,” Quinn told them. 

“It does?” Finn asked weakly. Beside him, he could tell that Puck was fuming.

“Sure. Puck was so dead set against being in a relationship with me, and the way he broke up with me... Yeah, it explains everything.” She leaned across the table and put her hand on top of Puck's. “I just want you to know that I forgive you. I wish you could have told me the real reason, I would have understood.” She pulled back and smiled. “It's certainly easier to deal with the fact that a guy you really like isn't into you because he's gay, than because he just doesn't feel the same way.”

Puck practically growled. 

“So, uh, does it explain anything about me?” Finn asked, trying to prevent Quinn from saying something to Puck that would have induced a stroke.

“No, I always knew you were gay,” Quinn said lightly. 

“I see,” Finn took another drink to hide his reaction to that statement. 

But at least Quinn's comment had calmed Puck down a little. He smirked at Finn. 

Quinn clapped her hands together. “So, tell me how you two got together. I want to know all the details.”

Finn and Puck exchanged looks, each silently urging the other to go ahead and answer Quinn's questions.

Finally Finn relented. “Well, Puck and I always knew we were different from everybody else. Though I think it's fair to say that Puck struggled with that. Right, Puck?”

Puck glared at him, but nodded. “Yeah.”

“So, nothing really happened until Puck moved to New York. By then we were in our twenties, and of course it's easier to come out in New York than it is in a small town in Ohio. Once Puck admitted he was gay, there was no stopping us from being together.”

“That's so sweet,” Quinn gushed. “You two were in love all those years and finally you can be together. Do your parents know, Finn?”

“Uh... yeah, I only came out to them recently.”

“They probably knew, right? Parents often know these things,” Quinn said knowingly. 

“Um, they were surprised, I guess. But they were both incredibly supportive. And Kurt too.”

“That's great, you were lucky,” Quinn said. “I have a friend who came out to his parents and they forced him to go to one of those camps to de-gay him. He left after three days and they've refused to speak to him since.”

“That's terrible,” Finn sympathized. 

Quinn nodded. “Yeah. He's doing fine without them, but it was tough.” She took a drink and smiled. “Back to happier things. What's the plan for you two? Marriage, babies?”

“Yes,” Finn asserted. He took Puck's hand and squeezed it. “We're hoping to marry soon. Babies will probably have to wait a while though. We decided to wait until we're in our thirties.”

“That's so awesome,” Quinn squealed. “You two will be such great parents.”

“Thanks,” Finn said hoarsely. “So, Quinn, tell us about yourself. How did you come to be Brody's best man?”

“I did a year of college but I didn't really like it. Then Brody called me up and offered me a job. He was just getting back to work after being diagnosed and getting treatment, and he wanted somebody he could trust as his assistant. It was pretty tough for him, as you can imagine. So I went to work for Brody, thinking it would just be for the summer. And I ended up dropping out of college and staying with Brody. I’m his right hand man now, so to speak.”

“That's great. Brody looks like he's doing well,” Finn commented. 

“Yeah he's doing better, Quinn said, but she was smiling proudly. “He's an inspiration.”

Finn nodded. “So, uh, I was talking to Kurt the other night and your name came up. Because we were wondering if anybody else from Lima would be at the wedding. He said that you were supposed to be in Mexico this week.”

Quinn laughed. “We're flying to Miami on Monday to meet up with Mom and Shelby and then we're flying to Mexico from there. I can't wait. Brody gave us the use of his villa for the week.”

“Cool.” Finn wondered how he could bring up Rachel Berry but he couldn't think of a way of asking without revealing his interest in Rachel. So he looked around for another topic of conversation. “Where's your plus one?”

“Oh, she's not getting here until tomorrow.”

“She?” Puck repeated. “Are you...?”

Quinn laughed. “Lesbionic? No. I broke up with my last boyfriend about a couple of months ago and I didn't really have anybody that I wanted to invite to the wedding, and Rachel isn't seeing anybody either so we figured we'd just come together. Rachel will be getting here tomorrow.”

“Rachel? Rachel Berry? She's going to be here?” Finn asked faintly. 

“Yep. I told her that you'd be were here. She's looking forward to seeing you,” Quinn said happily.

“Oh... You told her about us?” Finn waved his hand between himself and Puck.

“No,” Quinn said with a shake of her head. “I didn't know if I should. I mean, I didn't know if you had come out to your parents so, I didn't want to mention it to anybody, just in case.”

“It's fine,” Puck told her. “Finn and I are out and proud. We don't care who knows about us.”

Finn wanted to kill him. He shot a look at Puck who smirked in return. 

“Good for you guys,” Quinn said, her voice full of admiration. “Listen, I should go and mingle. But let's try and get together sometime over the weekend.”

“Sounds great,” Finn agreed without any real enthusiasm. Normally, he would have been thrilled at the prospect of spending time with Rachel, but he didn't fancy doing it while his goddamn boyfriend was with them.

Quinn finished off the last of her drink and stood up. She smiled at the two guys and suddenly grabbed their cheeks and pinched them. “Ooooh, you two are so cute together.”

Puck rubbed his cheek and waited until she was out of hearing distance. “I hate you, Finn.”

“I'm sorry,” Finn repeated. “I really didn't know she'd be here.” He shook his head in despair. “Shit, I can't believe that I’m going to have to tell Rachel Berry that I’m gay.”

“I hope you don't think you can back out of this just because she's going to be here,” Puck said in a low voice. “If I have to tell Quinn that I’m into dudes, then you're going to have to let Rachel Berry think that you're as gay as the fairy sitting on top of Elton John's Christmas tree.”

Rachel will finally appear in the next chapter! How do you think she'll react to the news that finn is "gay" will she be shocked? Or like Quinn will she not be surprised at all?!

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