Devil's Dynasty

By anatolius_writing

161K 4.8K 678

Previously known as "The Ceo And His Hijabi" *** The night was dark. Ruthless and forbidden. It was like the... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1:"Black Roses; Let's Bid Them Farewell!"
Chapter 2:"Welcome To Devil's Dynasty!"
Part 3:"The Night Before The Storm!"
Chapter 4:"When Thunder Strikes!"
Chapter 6: "Rosemary, No More Merry!"
Chapter 7:"A Lover Of His Beloved!"
Chapter 8:"The Shots Fired!"
Chapter 9: "The Night That Brings Fright!"
Chapter 10: "A Beginning Of A New End!"
Chapter 11:"A Tale Of Woe Narrated By The Foe!"
Chapter 12: "Stranger Danger!"

Chapter 5: "Tick Tock, Tick Tock. A Little Bird Escaped The Flock!"

7.3K 404 53
By anatolius_writing

Thy eyes are nothing but a reflection,

Of the art created by thy mind.

Thy words nothing but a deception,

A mess created, one of a kind.


Location: Istanbul (Turkey)

9:30 pm

Minahil felt her heart beating inside her chest as the sound of footsteps entering the room reached her. Dominic's hand was still pressed against her lips but the terror that had engulfed her soul was already enough for her to not utter a single noise. The whole room dwelt in darkness, concealing their identities completely. She couldn't even see the devil who stood before her due to the murkiness which hid them in a cloak of safety.

"Woh yahan nahi hai(He is not here)" The gruff voice spoke. Minahil's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She wondered who were they searching for?

A loud sound of gunshot was heard and then the person was on the floor, groaning in pain. The lights were turned on and it took a moment for Minahil to adjust her eyes. Dominic freed her and walked at the other side, the little Muslimah followed him. She looked around the room and there the concrete walls were once again seen, making her more confused.


"Stay here." Dominic ordered her and Minahil stopped where she stood, anxiously. She prayed to her Allah that Delilah and Hazem were safe.

"Are you okay?" She heard a gruff voice. Her eyes snapped to the person and there stood a well-built man with a tobacco pipe dangling from his lips. His hazel eyes looked at her in a bored manner as if he could care less about her safety. Minahil nodded her head and before she could form a reply, he was out of her sight, leaving her surprised at the strange man. The little Muslimah's train of thoughts was interrupted when she was pulled into a tight embrace.

"Thank god, you are okay!" Delilah exclaimed, holding her in a tight grip. Minahil smiled at her concern and wrapped her arms around Delilah's petite form.

"Are you hurt?" She asked. Delilah nodded her head and the Muslimah sighed in relief, thanking her Allah.

Pulling back from each other, she noticed Hazem standing beside her with a worried look," I am fine, I swear." She replied, seeing the question clearly in his eyes.

"Well, me too." He gave her a small smile and they both nodded in acknowledgement.

"He was just a thief, sire." The three friends heard the same rude man speaking to the devil as they rounded the corner and reached the exit of the room.

"Make sure he is behind the prison, Sargent." Dominic replied. His voice so cold that Minahil felt the shiver running down her spine.  Sargent soon took his leave after hearing his boss's command, leaving the idiots behind.

The three friends stood nervously not knowing what they were supposed to do now? They knew after the incident their boss would definitely tell them to go home, to ease their nerves, right?

The devil turned around and saw them standing behind him. A moment of silence passed between the four people and before anyone of the three could ask him, he said, "Well, get back to work!" Leaving them gaping behind him as he walked away.


Minahil finally put little Ayaan to bed and after reciting a soft lullaby and making sure he was fast asleep, she made her way out of the room and towards the kitchen where her dear friend was warming up food for the both of them. She had come home late and it was past Ayaan's bed time and therefore had to make him sleep first before devouring her dinner down. Her stomach growled in anger and she sighed, having enough of its tantrums.

Naima chuckled seeing her tired form and placed steaming khatti daal (sour lentils) and rice on the table. To complete the whole meal, she had made them steam chicken and took out mixed pickle as a side line. To say Minahil was happy would be an understatement. Although she belonged to a Turkish heritage but her mother had made her a fan of desi cuisine and after she had passed away, Naima made sure her friend could still fulfill her Asian cravings.

Minahil and Naima had been living together for a long time now after Minahil's parents passed away and Naima's father couldn't bear the baggage of a daughter anymore. They both were sisters in true sense and had been there for each other in every hardship and pain. Naima loved teaching and therefore she had been teaching from home for quite some time now. She was teaching Quran to her fellow students and only on weekends, she was required in her Madarsa (Islamic school) other than that she was happy working from her home.

After Minahil had find a job, they both had decided to support each other as much as they could because they knew the other needed space and time as well. Their friendship was based on spiritual growth and therefore they both cherish it deeply.

"Lagta hai aaj muntazam sahab nien bara thaka dia hai(It looks like your boss has made you tired today)" Naima said, filling up her plate. Naima belonged to a Pakistani heritage and she loved to speak in her native language whenever they both are alone and because Minahil was accustomed to Urdu language herself so she never minded speaking it out loud with her friend.

Minahil took a spoonful of her food and sighed as soon as the traditional taste hit her tongue. She took a moment to enjoy her meal and finish her bite. Taking a sip from her water, she told Naima about the stressful day.

"Hien? Aur tum ab batarahi ho mujhe yeh sab? (What? And now you are telling me all of this?) Naima shook her head in disappointment at her friend's carelessness.

"Mien Ayaan ko sulanien mien masroof hogai issiliye mere zehan se nikal gaya. ( I was busy in making Ayaan sleep and that's why it slipped my mind)" The little Muslimah sheepishly told her annoyed friend. Naima already aware of her forgetful nature decided to pardon her this one time because she could see how terrified and tired Minahil was.

"Kuch pata chala yeh hadsa kyoon paish aaya woh bhi daftar mien? (Do you know why this incident took place that too in office?) The wise friend questioned, worried for Minahil's safety.

Minahil shook her head and took another spoonful of bite before gulping it down as if she hadn't eaten in two days.

"Shayad woh kehrahay thay k koi chor ghus aaya tha. (I guess they were saying some thief broke in to the office)" Naima nodded but still her heart didn't accept the reason but she didn't say much and shook her head dismissing the thought. Maybe she was thinking too much into the matter. Easing her nerve she tried to ignore the nagging in her mind and focused on enjoying the rest of the dinner chatting with her best friend.



A feeling so strong that it could destroy the sanity of one's mind. A powerful weapon used to dominate the terrified. Fear could be from anything and everything but the fear of death could make the most loyal become the pawn in the game of chess. It crushes the soul with its weight and being alive becomes unbearable for a naïve human.

As Abu Firas stood in the empty room, he had realized how big of a sin he had committed. It's funny how a human mind works. In distress it finds reasons to justify a person's action but when the storm passes, it makes the man see his own destruction created by his own mind. Abu Firas felt the same. What he had done would cost him his life but now it would be a death of shame and not honor. He had betrayed and no amount of words could console his anguished soul now as he looked at the empty chair, knocked to the side of the room.

The sound of approaching footsteps shook him out of his miserable thoughts and he clenched his palms by his side to stop them from shaking. He knew who was here but he couldn't gather the strength to face the person that was coming to him like a calm before the storm. Putting on a façade of ignorance, Abu Firas stood tall and proud, not letting an ounce of fear shook his demeanor.

"Where is he?" Asked the devil that had now graced the silent room with his dominating presence. His voice was so cold and void of emotion that even Abu Firas felt the chills going down his spine. He was an old man with wrinkles decorating his aging face and a mop of silver hair placed on his anxious head. His fading eye rises looked around the room before it settled on his boss, who stood before him and his eyes keenly watching Abu Firas's every move.

"He has fled," The naïve man spoke," I tried to stop him but he was stronger, far stronger than me, Mr. Knights." The elder man bowed his head down in shame.

"Where is Borris?" The devil questioned. His voice chilly, gripping the terrified man to his place.

"He is unconscious," Just as he completed his sentence, Sargent entered the room with Borris's limp body in his muscular arms. He placed the Afghan man on the ground and sprinkled cold water on his face, waking him up from the deep slumber. Borris groaned and squinted his eyes trying to adjust to the lightening of the room.

A little piece of paper caught Dominic's eye. It was placed underneath the knocked down chair and Dominic knew it was meant for him. Kneeling down, he took the paper and unfolded it, reading the words that had scarred him a long time ago.

Oh you, gloomy little brother mine.

The devil's steely eyes remained on the mockery that was displayed on a mere piece of paper but it held the weight of the world. He knew who wrote it and why it was written. It was a gesture to show him that he still hadn't learned how to play, a pure show of ridicule. The devil looked up at Abu Firas, the one who was behind all this massacre, the one who made the captor flee.

Abu Firas saw death in the Devil's eyes and he cried out, throwing himself at his master's feet, begging to not be punished for he was terrified.

"Mujhe maaf kardien, khuda k liye, mujhe maaf kardie!(Forgive me, for Allah's sake, forgive me!)" He kept repeating these words. His head bowed down before his boss as he kept chanting for Dominic's mercy. The Devil stood up, his eyes holding Abu Firas scared for his life for Abu Firas knew his master was not known for forgiveness.

"Maut ka khauf bhi bara dil nasheen hai, (The fear of death is so sympathetic,)" Dominic's harsh words fell on the old man's ears. His voice held a silence but his words were a raging storm, "Jeetay ji ko maar daalta hai. (It kills the one while living.)"

Tears rolled down Abu Firas's eyes as he sat on his knees ashamed. He knew now it was his end because what he had done, the devil would never forgive him. He sobbed at his own ironic fate because in both situations, he was ought to die because if he didn't help Batal, the sinister man would have killed him too. Abu Firas was a foolish man for he chose a death of a cowardness.

Dominic flicked his finger and Sargent came forward. Nodding at his master, he stood before the foolish man as the devil left the sinful place with Borris right beside him. Just as the two man reached their vehicle, a sound of gunshot pierced the air and the devil smiled, a bitter sadistic smile. He had made his move but the game of chess is a dangerous gamble and soon it would decide the fate of those who had fled, leaving behind ashes in their wake.


The neon atmosphere was a sight for the tired souls, who were taking a break from their everyday life. Loud music blasted from the speakers and the people danced in a perfect rhythm to the beat of the song. Beams of different shades of light gave the whole room an exotic look. Bars with various sinful intoxicated drinks poured people a gateway potion from their normal life and the people were excited to lose themselves in the fake illusion, created by an iniquitous beverage.

Women and men danced on the glass floor as if they were jinxed by the devil himself. Short cloths and hungry eyes were a scene that the devil loved to witness for the humanity was lost in a temporary pleasure unaware how their sins were going to be the reason of their own destruction. Among the loud noise and drunken people, two man sat in the silent office, each holding a drink in his hand. Black eyes clashed with light blue ones. Two dangerous man underneath one roof. This was a dangerous gamble.

"Even if I know where he is, why would I tell you?" Merac questioned, leaning back on his chair.

"You need funds to run down this place and I will be your financial support if you give me his location," Batal was an old player in the game of chess, he knew the weaknesses of his opponents and he played his game using them. After the death of Merac's father, it was hard running down this business and indeed times were tough for him but the deal that he was going to make, was it worthy enough?

"Just for an address, you are willing to pay a fortune?" He was not stupid and Batal knew that.

The man laughed and finished his drink. His black eyes glinting with danger. He was a man hungry for revenge and blood.

"I may need a hand in an abduction." The malice was clear in the voice of the deranged man and the other smiled, a smile that told the story of a storm which promised ruination but for whom? Only time would tell.


Assalam-u-alaikum. How are you all doing?

1) How was the chaper?

2) Are you guys liking the revised version or not?

3) Do leave your feedback, I would love to hear your thoughts.

Do follow my accounts on Instagram because I post about the new update over there and I would really like to mingle with all of you. (The link is in my bio)

Till next time,

Stay tuned and take care.


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