Did You Hear Me? [JunHao]

By microwave5sos

94.8K 3.7K 3.7K

Soulmate AU Junhui is crushing on the weird deaf boy at school. ?JunHao? With a side of Hoonsol;) More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
New story

Chapter Twelve

5.9K 277 304
By microwave5sos

Yoo! This is my final chapter to this book I'm really proud that I was able to finish it before I quit. Soo enjoy!!

The week away from school actually didn't last long. Minghao didn't expect it to. Nothing lasts very long if you're getting to be lazy or having fun. For some reason thats how the world worked, but that sucked.

He wasn't looking forward to going back to school. Or doing anything at all. Just his life had kinda went down every since that day in the gym and he didn't want to deal with any of it any longer.

Of course he still had to go to school as soon as his suspension ended. Minghao's parents encouraged him that he could finish the year. There was only a few weeks left and he only had to finish that off and it would be over, but he didn't want to.

It seemed like the world would make sure his last few weeks of highschool wasn't that good. Though there was Jun. Jun made his life better somehow. Even if he was a bit mad at the other. There was no real reason he was angry with the him other than the fact that he made him look like a pussy in front of the guys he was threatening.

He wanted to talk to Jun. But he was scared to. Truth was, Minghao had fallen so hard for the other. Which was to be expected, but not so soon. He wanted nothing more than to text him, tell him he's sorry for being a bitch and then they could just cuddle and enjoy eachothers company.

That wasn't how things worked with Minghao though, he had too much pride to apologise. If only it was so much easier. If only life was so much easier.

So the ride to school was painfully short. He could already feel eyes on him as he was drove up to the entrance. Or that was just his anxiety talking and no one was staring at all. Most likely the second option. Before he could break down and beg his mother to take him home, he gave her a kiss on the cheek and got out of the car with his things.

The good thing about being deaf, was the fact that he couldn't hear if someone was talking about him. Now however, that's changed. He could hear them, though it was faint and kinda foggy sounding, like he was under water.

It was just a group of girls saying how he was involved in that big fight on the second floor, a week prior. Still, he didn't like any attention. Weather it was good they were talking or bad.

He just glanced at them quickly, seeing that their eyes were on him before he looked away and shoved open the doors to the school and headed in. It was best that he avoided any contact with these people.

Once he arrived to his locker he got his things for first period, then checked his phone. He had several ignore text messages by Junhui and a few from Seungkwan. It was him probably chewing him out for ignoring them the whole time he was away from school.

He didn't completely ignore them. He just didn't really speak to them when they came over to check on him. It wasn't really that he didn't wanna talk to them, he was just to depressed to talk at all.

"Hao!" A voice shouted. Again it was foggy, but clear as day and he for sure knew who it was. Without looking he quickly gathered his things and tried to walk away as fast as possible, but that didn't work.

"Wait! Please wait," the blond pleaded and grabbed the others arm.

Minghao spun around and looked at him, wanting too get this over with. People were walking by, staring. They knew. Of course they knew. Jun didn't even care.

"Can you just hear me out?"

The taller sighed out and nodded for him to continue.

"I just- I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have stuck my nose in your business, but I couldn't let you get into a fight," the blond seemed to be really sorry, but that didn't help anything.

Minghao signed out, but in an angry way, even if he wasn't really that mad. He was just trying to distance himself from everyone right now.

"You got into the fight! Not me!"

Junhui's face flushed a red. "Well yeah, but I just didn't want to see you hurt."

Minghao glared at him. Now that just made him mad for real. "I'm not helpless! The sooner you and everyone else realizes that, the better. Now leave me alone!"

The taller turned on his heel, ignoring the protests of Jun behind him. He ignored everyone else and went to his class in silence. Already this day just needed to be over. Everything sucked. And he was just waiting for Seungkwan and Soonyoung to actually come chew him out.

Junhui knew that Minghao most likely wasn't going to listen to him, it made him very sad. He just wished he hadn't got in the middle of all that in the first place. Minghao was right. Just because he was deaf, doesn't mean he couldn't  take care of himself.

That part was on Jun. He felt the need to protect him when there was really no reason to begin with. He could remember that Minghao told him that he was trained in wushu, but he just compleatly forgot about that part.

Lunch time came, Junhui was so ready for that. He got to see his friends again and talk to them for the first time since he was grounded. That made him really happy. All of lunch, he didn't think about Minghao or anything else. He was just really happy that things were going back to normal with his friends.

Jihoon and Mingyu were taking him bowling this weekend, so he was pretty hyped up for that.

"Jihoon," Jun spoke, as he picked at his food. "Can I ask you something?"

The shorter swallowed his food and leaned over, opening his ears for his friend. "Sure."

He actually hesitated to ask, fearing maybe it was a bit dramatic to think of things like this. "I'm thinking about just ending things with Minghao."

Joshua and Jihoon looked at him like he was crazy.

"Wait why? You can't do that. You're soul mates!" Joshua said to him.

"I just mean for right now. He's really mad at me and I feel like it's not the most important thing. Like we're too young to be worrying about all of this relationship bull shit right now," he replied taking a drink of his water.

"But what about school? It's almost over and you may not go to the same collage. Alot of people loose touch after highschool. Especially exs"

Jihoon was right, but somehow that wasn't changing his mind.

"Well, if we're really ment to be together, then we will find a way back to eachother. I just don't think it's what we need right now, but of course, I needed you're opinions..."

Joshua frowns like he doesn't wanna be one to help him make this decision. He would end up crying.

Jihoon sighed and rubbed his eyes before he said, "I can't tell you what to do and neither can Joshua. If you feel like you need to do this, then do it."

Jun bit his lip and looked at his food a bit before turning behind him to see Minghao talking with his friends. It saddened him that he may end it, but it was only for a while right?

For a moment, Minghao caught the others galnce, and they had a moment of just looking at eachother, but soon after Minghao looked away and continued talking with the others.

Who knew that making a choice like this would be so hard. He continued to think about it for the rest of the day. Barley focusing on his school work, but he didn't give a crap about any of that anymore.

There were moments where he almost hit himself for ever thinking about ending it with Minghao, then moments where he wished he would have done it sooner.

He remembered he was so happy when Minghao finally talked to him and now he was about to give it all up. Possibly for good. There was no guarantee they would end up together after they break it off. Just because they are soulmates and they are ment to be together, doesn't mean it has to happen.

He tried asking his mom, see what she thought he should do, but just like his friends, she turned him down. She did give him some advise and stuff as to how to go about things each way, but that's it.

One thing he loved about his little brother, was that he could tell when Junhui was upset, and he tried to comfort him in anyway. He could be a little shit, but also a sweetheart and Jun loved him alot.

The next day, he eventually came to his decision. For the time being, he was going to end it. Minghao was mad at him and they were both dealing with shit. A relationship wasn't going to make any of it better.

So he planned his words and he readied himself. He felt scared. Way more scared than when he asked him out, and he really didn't wanna do it everything in his heart was telling him to stop, but he couldn't listen, as much as he would like to.

"You're really such a jerk for doing this to him you know," Seungkwan said as they walked down the hall to their class.

He's delayed the 'breakup' till some time after lunch, and they just got back.

"Shut up, you're going to make him feel like crap."

"He should. Minghao needs you Jun. How can you give up already?" The blond spoke again.

He really didn't need this. Just as he's convinced himself to do it.

"He doesn't seem to need me. He pretty much hates me now. He never talks to me and he's got you guys," he replied with a shrug, trying to not let it affect him, but it was. Alot.

"He doesn't hate you, Jun," Soonyoung said as he opened the door to their class room. "He's just upset, but he will get over it."

"Well I don't wanna sit around waiting for him to get over it. I've got things to do. Exams to take and I'm not going to let him invade my mind and ruin any chances I have at collage."

It sounded really harsh, but that was the reality of things, so he can't let them talk him out of this. Not after he spend all night and yesterday thinking about it.

Seungkwan sighed as he sat at his desk. "I suppose you're right, but he's gonna be so upset."

"Quit trying to talk him out of it Seungkwan. He's made his choice. Let him be."

To be honest, they were both making him feel like shit about it. As if he didn't feel like it already. Before he could change his mind or have any second thoughts, he texted Minghao, telling him to meet him at his locker after school.

This way, he had to force himself to go through with it. So when the time came, he waited at his locker, arguing to himself. Was He going to do it? Yes he had to. If Minghao even showed up.

Of course he never showed up.

No big deal. He just texted and rescheduled. About five more times. By the end of the week, Jun was pissed. He needed to do this, and Minghao wasn't showing up. Not even texting. Nothing at all. He ignored him at school and everything.

He was half way tempted to dumb him over text and tell him it was over. We're they even considered a couple yet? Surly they were. They kissed and everything. Still, he wasn't that kind of low life who breaks it off over text. He might be mad and ready to hit something, but he wasn't going to do that.

Jun needed to see him in person and tell him, but the other just wasn't having it. So, his friends kept asking, 'How did it go?'
'Did you do it?'
'Are you guys still together?'

The more times he got asked, the angrier it got him. He kinda lashed out on Joshua on Thursday because he asked about it. He felt extreamly bas afterwards and very quickly apologised.

He was just getting super irritable and angry at Minghao. The more he waited  the more he wanted it to be over.

Finally, on the fateful day of Saturday,  Minghao had finally come through and answered his texts.

They agreed to meet at the park, though it took a lot of convincing Minghao to actually come.

Jihoon of course had to drive him because his parents were out of town and surprise, Jun does not have a licence.

He was kinda scared to get out of the car. He could see Minghao on the bench under the tree. He was picking the small flowers off the stems and playing with them. It made Jun frown. He felt sad. Not mad.

"I don't wanna rush you, but I have to go get something for dinner, so...,"

"Right, right. Sorry. I'm just-" he stopped and sighed, placing his hands on the door.

"Having second thoughts?"

"Yes," he could feel he was going to cry if this continued. His eyes weld up with a few tears,  but he quickly wiped them off.

Jihoon sighed and looked over to his friend, then back to Minghao. "Do you love him?"


"Do you love him? Yes or no?"

"I do, but I just-"

"Eh I don't wanna hear it," Jihoon said. "If you love him, then you will make this work. One small stupid highschool fight can't bring you down seriously. It's highschool drama and none of it will matter next year. Think about that. "

Why was he always so smart? He didn't wanna be talked out of this.

"I'll think on it."

"Okay but not in my car, because I really need to go get dinner. So go now, or walk home."

Junhui sighed and nods. He opened the car door and stepped out shutting it. He looked back in the window once more seeing his friend shoo him off. What would he do without Jihoon?

A few more deep breaths and Jun started to walk over. He was quiet as he sat down next to Minghao.

"Hey," he said.

Minghao looked at him but didn't answer.

"Look," Junhui turned to the other. "I'm gonna make this quick because Jihoon is waiting for me."

Minghao looked over at him and nods for him to continue as if he knew where it was going. The fact that he knew what was comming made Junhui feel like shit.

"I just really don't think we can do this anymore," he couldn't even get the first sentance out without tearing up again and it didn't help that Minghao did as well.

"I know you're mad, but I can't deal with all of this drama. At school and just everything. I don't like that you just ignore me when I tried to make things right, so I'm ending this here," he finished and wiped a few of his tears off his face.

Minghao didn't even care to, he just let them come and he nods. That tugged at Jun's heart really hard.

"I'm really sorry Hao, but I have to go," Jun quickly jumps up wiping his face as the tears just kept comming. He sobbed, thinking about his words again as he started his walk back to the car, but before he could make it there, he was tugged back.

Jun looked back seeing Minghao latched onto his arm, crying as well. It was a terrible sight.

"I'm sorry!"

Jun's eyes widen as he swallowed thickly. Did he hear that right? Did Minghao just say he was sorry?

"I'm sorry, p-please don't," He sobbed and used his free hand to rub at his face trying to not looked like a mess, but it was clear that the both of them were.

He talked. Minghao talked. For real. Not sign language. He actually spoke.

"Hao-" Jun began to speak, flabbergasted and still trying to register that he just heard Minghao's voice for the first time.

"I-I love you, so please. Don't go."

Jun's lip quivered as the teared threatened to spill once more. He sniffles and nods. He couldn't leave. Not now. He loved Minghao and he wasn't going to give up. Not now. Not ever.

"I'm not Hao," he choked and pulled him close into a hug. It felt so nice. To finally hug him again. To know that things might just be alright. He had alot of hope. "I love you too, and I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

The taller boy buried his face into the blonds shoulder as he let out his cries. He felt a mixture of happiness and sadness, due to the fact that he caused so much trouble for Jun. Sure he was mad at him, but that was a dumb reason really. He just wanted Jun. Nothing else.

They let eachother cry as they hugged it out. Both feeling incredibly better just by getting to hold eachother.

"Hey are you guys comming anytime soon, my stomach is growling like crazy."

Jun looked up, willing his face to see that Jihoon rolled down his window to shout at them.

It then became known to them.that they were standing in the middle of the park, hugging and crying out out to eachother like babies.

Red was very clear on their cheeks now as they pulled from the hug and wiped down their faces.

"Sorry Jihoon. I'm comming," he shouted to him and sniffles his nice a little and looked over to Minghao.

"Are you okay?"

He says nothing, but nods. Jun wasn't sure if the talking could become a normal thing, but he didn't expect it to as much as he wanted it to.

"Want a ride? I can ask Jihoon to take us to my house and we can pop pop corn and watch a movie. Whatever you like."

Minghao wanted nothing more than to be able to cuddle with Junhui. He smiled and grabbed ahold of his boyfriend's hand and nods.

"Let's go. "


So it didn't turn out to bad at the end for us. Like I said. It was really hard. Not just in the beginning but at the end. Did you cry? Or at least get sad? If you didn't you're heartless. Nah, I'm kidding.

Love isn't easy. And I'm sure you have heard it a million times. It sucks. You make mistakes. You mess things up, but in the end if you truly love someone, you won't give it up. Not for anything. If I had known that before, I'm sure alot of the bull that happened would have been alot easier on Minghao and I, but we made it out alive. We pushed through and persevered.

So, before you go and fall in love, just remember I told you it's gonna be hard. There is nothing you can do to stop that. If your relationship is all rainbows and unicorns then it's probably fucked up and you're lying to yourself. But in the end, everything you worked so hard to keep, makes it so much more worth it. At least that's how it was for me.

Clearly I didn't know what I was doing. Minghao was hard headed and very stubborn and it was extreamly difficult to get past the highschool lovers stage, but I did.

I couldn't have asked for it any other way. So that, ladies and gents, is how I, Wen Junhui, fell in love with Xu Minghao.


Yo yo yo. I'm done. Im finally done. I know it took me a shit ton of time, more than I had planned, but I did it. It's kinda my first book, so hopefully it's not too shitty. I'm really proud of how this turned out and I loved it alot. I cried there at the end ngl. But anyway, thank you all so much for reading and supporting, it means alot to me and I really couldn't have finiahed it without the positive feedback I got.😭😭


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