You Should Know About Girls [...

By MophieStark

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Dear Beautiful Woman, Be a GIrl with a mind. A Bitch with an Attitude. And a lady with Class. You are capable... More

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Flirty Text Message Tips

687 10 1
By MophieStark

The Waiting Game

While in some situations it's polite to text your crush, other times it's best to fight the urge and wait for your crush to text you first. This will not only even out the playing field and make sure that one person isn't putting in all the effort, but it will also show you that your crush feels the same way about you.

Don't Act Clingy

Constant messages or phone calls asking your crush about his or her whereabouts or current activity will come across as clingy and overbearing, as will sending repeat messages deliberately because you have not received a reply. Sometimes it's best to accept that you are not in control of another person, only yourself!

Embrace the Face

Smiley faces and winks are great to use when texting your crush because it shows that you are a friendly and happy person. This will make your crush enjoy texting you, as well as receiving messages from you, because of your positive energy.

Avoid Silly Nicknames

It's best to avoid making up nicknames for your crush when you haven't known them all that long - it may come across as overbearing or even creepy! However, occasionally calling your crush the casual "hun" is more acceptable.

Keep the Ball Rolling

Or in this case, keep the text messages rolling! Always try to think of funny things to say when the conversation begins to get stale, and never emphasize any awkwardness by pointing it out, or ending your messages with "..."

Ditch the Acronyms & Abbreviations

Abbreviations and acronyms are appropriate sometimes, however bombarding your crush with constant "lol"s, "lmao"s or "hbu?" may tire them out. You want to impress them after all!

Ex Texting

No matter how lonely or angry you get, never initiate a text conversation with your ex - best to leave the past in the past! Plus, it's much better to focus your energies and attention on your new crush, allowing it to develop into more than just a friendship!

Post-Date Text

Instead of falling into the trap of playing the awkward post-date 'who's going to text who first' game, why not be polite and send a post-date thank you text instead. This is especially important if you had a fabulous date and hope to go out again soon. Your crush will appreciate your manners and kindness.

Return the Call

We know sometimes it's less awkward and more time-efficient to text your crush, however if your crush has called you and you missed it, you must absolutely call back! Returning their call shows your equal interest in them.

Don't TUI

TUI (texting under the influence) can result in havoc! So next time you've had a few drinks or just watched a very loved-up romantic comedy, put the phone down and re-think what you're going to say to your crush. Or better yet, wait until you're in a better frame of mind to avoid risking embarrassment!

24-Hour Rule

When your crush texts you, always reply back within 24 hours. Leaving a reply over a day will make it seem as though you aren't interested, or you have better things to do than acknowledge to someone who takes the effort to text you.

Don't Leave Them at Hello

While it may seem like a good idea to text your crush with a simple "hey" in order to start a conversation, this kind of flirting will soon become boring and ultimately lead nowhere. Try and engage your crush in more of a conversation, and always end with a question, such as "how are you?" "guess who I saw today?" etc. in order to make them want to always text back!

Text Me Maybe?

When you give your number to a guy, instead of writing "call me" alongside it, why not go for a more casual and less daunting "text me"? A text message can get the ball rolling without fear of those awkward phone call pauses!

Thinking of You

Send your crush a simple, yet effective, "I'm thinking about you :)" message and they will be extremely flattered, as well as begin to think about you in return - bonus! Adding a smiley face makes it seem more friendly and relaxed.

Library Date?

Texting your crush and asking him or her to have a study session with you can offer a whole range of positives! They will think you're dedicated to doing well in your study, as well as be flattered that you would prefer to study with them rather than be alone.


Dear readers,

Hello my sweets :) so I was thinking about this chapter a lot, whether to post it or not. Cause it seemed like some of these text messages are not what they always seem at time.. So yeah ^.^ #random lol

Please vote & comment :)


Alex xoxo

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