More Than This // Louis Tomli...

By lostinparadise25

4.5M 54.2K 18.4K

Megan Payne is Liam Payne's younger sister. Yes, the Liam Payne of One Direction. Sounds pretty cool, right... More

More Than This
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 14

173K 1.9K 834
By lostinparadise25

THIS CHAPTER IS THEIR DATE! :D Just to give you guys a little break from all the drama with Walter and everything. BTW I loved your guys ideas of how to kill Walter you guys are evil....BUT I LIKE IT! hahaha! You all said something about him getting run over by a BIG RED BUS!

~Dedicated to @victoria_morsin because her comment made me smile. I WANT YOU TO KEEP BREATHING SO I SHALL WRITE FOR AS LONG AS I POSSIBLY CAN! ~


Chapter 14

Today, was the day of the premiere and today was a very big day. It was Louis and I's very first secret date and it'd be the first time I've been outside since we saw Walter at the mall. It's been a week since then. I guess I was just really paranoid. I spent a lot of time on Twitter and with Ellie and Mrs. Tomlinson. Sometimes Liam would bring Danielle over, so we had some girl time which was a great relief from all these boys. Zayn would probably bring Perrie tonight so I'd finally get to meet her. I had just woken up from the weirdest dream. It was so strange.

I put my hair up in a bun and walked downstairs in my PJ's. I'd been in this house long enough. We all were used to seeing each other really early in the morning, and lemme tell you, we don't exactly look gorgeous. I started to get some water to heat up for some tea. I looked through the packets, all Yorkshire since that was Louis' favorite. I was beginning to like it too.

"You're up early." I heard someone say behind me. I turned around and saw Lou in his pajamas. He rubbed his eyes, and I shrugged.

"Couldn't sleep." I said, and he wrapped his arms around my waist as I watched the water start to boil. I looked over at him as he rested his head on his shoulder.

"You ready for tonight?" I couldn't help but think that his morning voice was so sexy.

"Yes and no." I said, and kissed him on the cheek. "Scared about you know who, but I'm looking forward to spend some time with you."

"I'll protect you, love. I promise."

"I know." Something else was on my mind as I poured the hot water in the cup, careful not to spill it. Louis would probably tease me all morning if I did.

"What's on your mind, love?"

I hated that he knew me so well. Nothing got past him. It's like he could read my mind.

"Maybe I can read your mind, Meg."

"How the heck did you know I was thinking that?!"

"You were muttering again." He laughed, kissed my cheek, then looked in the fridge.

"I do not mutter!" I said, putting a bag of tea in and stirring it. "Tetrid titted tosser...bloody..."

"Muttering again!" I glared at him as I walked over to the couch and turned the TV on. I flipped through so many channels, my fingers were hurting. I wasn't in the mood for Spongebob and Cake Boss or Cupcake Wars wasn't on. Me and Niall would watch it all the time. Everything looked so good we talked about what we would eat first, then attempt to bake it. It never looked as good as it did on TV though. Louis hopped over the couch eating Coco Puffs. So that's why he's so hyper in the morning...He snatched the remote from me and flipped channels.

"Oooh! Let's see if they're talking about us!" He switched it to Access Hollywood, but all we got as some lame story about the Kardashians.

"Change it." I mumbled sipping my tea. So after a while, Lou and I eventually settled on 'What Not to Wear'.

"That is the ugliest outfit I have ever seen in my entire life." I said, putting my tea down. This wasn't actually a bad show.

"I should get a kitty sweater like that for Harry." He said.

I looked over at Lou. "If you were his best friend, you wouldn't get that for him. That'd be so mean. It's so ugly I mean look at it!" Through out the whole show, we commented on everything. How tight the jeans were, how high the shoes were, everything.

"How do you know so much about fashion, Lou?" I asked, resting my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me.

"I got 4 other sisters, Meg."

"FOUR?!" I almost spit out my tea. Shoot, that's a lot.

He laughed. "It was a lot of fun. Once I put a toad in Lottie's bed, and she screamed so loudly we woke the neighbors up. My dad asked me why I put a toad in her bed, and I told him it was because I couldn't find a spider." I laughed at his story and he told me a little bit more about his family. I just silently hoped I could be a part of it one day.

Louis' POV

I looked at my watch. 6:30 p.m. Ugh, we had to get ready soon.

"BOYS IT'S TIME TO GET UP!" I yelled, running up the stairs. "GET UP!" I burst into Niall's room first. He was easy. "Niall James Horan, we ordered pizza."

"Wha'?" He said, snapping his eyes open immediately. He started to push a few of the covers off him. I lightly tapped his cheek and he rolled his eyes.

"That's a good lad, now GET UP!" I screamed before skipping over to the next room. Liam's. I walked over right next to his bed. He was snoring lightly and looked so peaceful. Oh well. "Liam get up." He opened his eyes as soon as I spoke. "I'll do you know what if you don't." I challenged.

"You wouldn't."

"Oh, but I would Liam." Eventually he got up and I moved onto Zayn and Harry's room. I threatened the both of them with their most prized possessions and they were up in no time. I woke up Meg last very gently. The window was open, making the room cool and comfortable. She was sleeping with Ellie and the two looked so peaceful. I guessed dreams were their only escape from the crazy world they live in.

"Meg, we have that date tonight." I said, gently shaking her. Her beautiful brown eyes fluttered open and a small smile appeared on her face. I felt a smile creep up on my face too. Just seeing her smile, made me want too.

"Can't wait." She said, and started to get up, careful not to wake Ellie. We shared a quick kiss before I skipped off to my room. Everyone was grumbling, mad at me that I woke them up. I just said 'I LOVE YOU TOO!' and ran off, making them roll their eyes. The boys have rolled their eyes at me and my craziness so many times, I'm surprised they haven't gotten stuck that way.

It was 7:30 by the time we were all dressed up and ready to go.

"MEG! HURRY UP AND GET IN THE CAR!" Niall yelled from downstairs, eating a banana. Harry looked up and smiled.

"Two bananas for a pound," Harry started to say.

"Three bananas for a euro!" We finished together and we all laughed.

"Why must girls take so long?" Zayn groaned.

"Says the guy who spends half his morning on just his hair!" Liam said teasingly.

"You're just jealous." Zayn motioned to his hair, and then started picking at his mohawk quiff.

"Did anyone else notice that our hair kinda goes in one direction?" I said. "I mean even Harry's curls do and they usually look a mess!" I ruffled his hair and he pouted a bit.

I stopped playing with his curls and looked up at the staircase, seeing Meg walking down in her heels. All our jaws dropped. Man, she looked good.

"Megan..." I managed to breathe out.

"You look good!" Harry said receiving a whack on the head from Liam. "Ow!"

We all started to get up from the couch and Meg smiled at me. I smiled back and my mum rushed into the room.

"One picture before you go!" She said, pulling her phone out. We all groaned but got in position. Meg was in the middle of all us boys as we all smiled at the camera. Finally, Mum let us go out to the car and I saw Meg tense up a bit as she walked outside. Liam put his arm around her and kissed her forehead.

"You look really pretty, Meg." He told her. "But don't you think that dress is a little short?"

Meg playfully hit Liam. "Oh stop it, Liam!"

"Yeah, Liam stop it!" Niall said, perfectly imitating Meg. We all laughed as we walked down the driveway to the van.

"Let the girl breathe!" Zayn said, nudging Liam.

"All right, all right." He said, laughing.

"Thank you. And I must say, you all look quite...dapper." She smiled at the word. She turned around and saw her eyes linger on me and I winked her. She smiled a little wider then turned back, facing forward. I really couldn't wait till tonight. I'd finally have her all to myself.

Megan's POV

"You ready?" Niall had asked me once the limo had pulled up to the premiere. I think it was for the last Harry Potter movie. (A/N: I know this came out a while ago, just go with it. XP)

"Umm, yeah, I guess. Totally." I said after taking a deep breath. I'm sure there would be paparazzi here. This might be on tomorrow's magazines. I'm sure Walter would see it. Stop worrying Meg. You're out with the boys and your brother. Relax! Have some fun.

"We'll be right here." Zayn said and was the first to get out of the limo. Eventually all the boys went out until it was just me and Louis. He squeezed my hand then we walked out together. Flashes from the paparazzi's cameras immediately hit me. It was dizzying a bit so I took Louis' arm for support.

"LOUIS! MEGAN! ARE YOU TWO DATING?!" Someone yelled at us.

"MEGAN! WHAT'S IT LIKE BEING LIAM PAYNE'S SISTER?!" Another yelled. Louis jerked his head in one direction towards an interviewer and I went with him.

"Meg, rumor has it that you two are dating?"

Louis immediately belted out some lyrics from Adele's song 'Rumor Has It', making everyone laugh.

"You know how Liam is. He is very protective of me." I said simply.

"Would you like to date a member of the band?"

"Umm," I looked around for Liam and saw him within ear shot. The paparazzi's noticed this and cracked some smiles. "I don't wanna get in trouble." I said, laughing and soon they joined in with me.

"You're a natural, love." Louis said, after we answered a few more questions.

"Thank you though I'm seriously scared out of my mind right now."

Louis laughed. "Few more minutes and we're out of here."

"Yay!" I said, clapping.

"Megan! Louis! Look over here!" I smiled up at Louis and together we struck a pose, one serious and one silly. I was glad we watched 'America's Next Top Model' earlier so I wasn't totally clueless what to do when people asked for pictures. Flashes went off and my cheeks hurt from smiling.

"You know what love. I think we're picture perfect." He whispered in my ear as we walked down the red carpet. The boys were busy with their own interviews or taking pictures, big smiles on their faces. I looked up at Lou.

"That was so cheesy, Louis."

"Oh come on, babe, it's true!"

"I was going to say, I thought it was cute."

"Not as cute as you, Meg. Not as cute as you."

* * * * *

We were halfway through the movie when Lou had nudged me. We were gonna start sneaking out now.

"Wait, I have to do one thing." We were a row right behind Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Perrie. Perrie and Zayn were being all cutesy together and I was very happy for them. Niall was next to us and he knew why we were leaving. We promised to buy him Nando's if he kept his mouth shut. That boy will do anything for food. I kneeled down beside Harry's ear and whispered in a low voice, "You're a wizard, Harry!"

He jumped so high I could've sworn he would've hit the roof. He turned around and glared at me and I just laughed. I took some of his popcorn and messed up his hair playfully.

"You scared me, Meg!" He hissed at me.

"That was kinda the point, Hazza." I said, simply. He rolled his eyes but gave me his signature smile. I smiled back and Lou took my hand and showed me out. We took the back door so no one would see us leaving. When we walked outside I still couldn't believe I was just watching a movie with a ton of A-listers.

"Where are we going?" I asked, Lou once we got into a different car. We didn't want the paparazzi following us.

"It's a secret."

"Please, please, please, tell me?" I gave him puppy dog eyes.

"Nope! Sorry, babe." He said, and I crossed my arms and leaned back in my seat. "You know, you're really cute when you're annoyed." He poked my nose and I swatted it away, making him laugh. "You look cute all the time, probably cause I annoy you a lot."

"Mmhmm. Like right now. Please tell me?"

"No." We went back and forth until finally we stopped somewhere. Louis came around quickly and opened my door. I smiled at him and looked up to see where we were.

"An ice cream parlor?" I said, smiling a little.

"I want ice cream so come on!" He took my hand and we skipped inside, me laughing at his child-like behavior. When we walked inside, I was in heaven. The sweet smells of the cold creamy paradise filled the air. Toppings and flavors of all kinds were lined up in front of me. I pressed my face to the glass. I realized I hadn't been to a ice cream place in a long time.

"I want, I want, I want," I began to sing. Cookies n' cream, cotton candy, cookie dough. Oh gosh. Everything looked good.

"But that's crazy!" Louis said, looking where I was looking.

"I want, I want, I want,"

"But that's not me,"

"I want, I want, I want," I was a bit startled when Louis took my hand and spun me around, dress floating around me. Gosh, I felt like a princess.

"To be loved by you." He said, and held me close. The workers there were grinning at us like the Cheshire Cat. I didn't really mind because all that mattered to me right now was just me and Lou. I felt my heart skip a few beats as he kissed me on the lips. Fireworks exploded behind us and sparks flew. I swear I saw them flying around us.

Well, not literally but right then and there, I realized that I was in love.

I was in love with Louis Tomlinson.


So you guys like it? Next chapter there will be lots of drama like, you might need tissues drama. tell me what you guys think! Love you all lots!

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